Hindu Girl: I am in with love a Muslim

meenakshi says: May 10, 2014 at 2:33 am

I read ur messages …in the net I inspired that very
mucch bcuz I m also love a muslim guy nd I love him. Tso muc th he also loving me as like that …bt we both are so tensed about our future
bcuz how can we survive in the word. Nd i need ur help sister he is soo afraid of his father ..so how can we he permission from His father -Meenakshi

Admin says:

Hi Meenakshi, If you truly love him, are you willing to convert to Islam and live a life of former Akansha? She took up a new name, Nusrat, gave up her job, has visited her birth mother in last 9 months but now accepted her mother-in-law as her new mother, stays in hijab, and what not. Are you ready for all these? -Admin

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  • mac
    May 30, 2014 2:01 am

    its a cock and bully that only men can give oral talak, women can also give oral talak and recently my classmates who was married to a muslim guy who was drug addicted(so pseudo muslim)gave talak and now she has agiain taken admission in our colez.

    This is how a women can give talak to her husband.

    These are as follows –

    1. Talaq e tafweez

    2. Khula

    3. Zihar

    4. Lian

    5. Fask

    6. Dissolution of muslim marriage act 1939.

    TALAK is the lowest form of halal so mohammad advised us to consider” wife as ur property just like u r ur wife`s property”

    and if ur not bad then why should you be afraid of talak, my dad didn`t give talak, neither any of my uncle gave talak nor any one of my brothers then why so much worried about talak, hindus also give talak by court law.

  • May 23, 2014 6:08 am


    You are supporting evil practices, because you are male and you have so many privileges to enjoy in the name of islam. You need not to wear burqa, you need not to practice halala, you need not to worry by oral tripple talaks and so on. You are not subject to discrimination.

  • May 20, 2014 6:34 am


    How can a rapist, murderer, kidnapper, violent, cruel, sodomizer, pedophile and morally bankrupt individual be messanger of Lord? Did Lord not find any person who could preach message of love, piece, respect to all communities, with moral perfection? Can Lord be so cruel against females, kafirs, preaching terrorist activies against mankind?It appears you are also an associate of terrorist group.

    • mac
      May 31, 2014 8:20 am

      zeenat if mohammad was that then okay but he is not god, but what about hinduism, why HINDU gods are rapist like BRAHMA raped his own daughter, krishna raped 16008 women, KRISHNA IS THE GRATEST POLYGAMIST IN THE HISTORY OF ENTIRE HUMAN CIVILISATIONS.

      Islam is not a new religion. In fact Islam has been present since man set foot on the earth. Muhammad (peace be upon him)was not the founder of Islam but he was the last Messenger of God, chosen by God to spread the message of peace, Islam to the world.

  • May 19, 2014 5:43 am

    Hello Lina

    Can you answer the following questions?

    1.Why women are treated sex object only?
    2.Why women are forced to wear burqa?
    3.Why women are divorced through oral tripple talak?
    4.Why women are treated as whors, if dressed nicely?
    5.Why males are allowed several priveliges in the name islam?
    6.Why males are allowed to keep 4 wives?
    7.Why women are needed 4 witness to prove rape against them?
    8.Why women are forced for mutta marriages?
    9.Why males are encouraged to have sex with dead wife?
    10.Why rapist, murderer Mohd.is treated messenger of Lord,
    is Lord against females?
    11.Why testimony of women is half against men?
    12.Why restrictions are imposed on females and not on males?
    13.Why women are not allowed to drive vehicles in some countries?
    14.Why women are forced for halala?
    15.Why terrorists are allowed to have 72 virgins for sex in the heaven?

  • lina
    May 18, 2014 7:29 am

    hi all i personally do not believe in all these stories they seems like fake names and fake at every thing….what i know that yes there are sake name Muslim girls marrying non Muslims and they don’t care about any because they are originally secular and vice versus there also guys marrying idol…and till here no issue but what i found here in this website that a group of non Muslims wanna satisfy their desires using everything in a fake way…thank god i am from Muslim family even my mom was christian and she never got persecuted like people try to draw badly picture of other’s religion…any way i wish that god whoever u believe in bless you for your deeds…another point i saw in admins reply each and every time the word kafir or infidel will be punished by hell…even Muslims my dear admin will be according to their deeds not according to their belief only ,means yes kafir will be into hell not only for their deeds but also for denying that god is one and Muhammad pbuh is a prophet this is the main reason non Muslims will get into hell however Muslims will be in hell according to their deeds and their way to spread their religion.any way who are u or who is me to decide for these people what to do in their lives…lol why all comments attacking Islam…if u want to preach my dears preach in a good way…finally be blessed all i just wanted to discover other side of non Muslims who r pretending to be Muslims and they know about our religion…concerning about Hinduism this is not my business but let we remember about narendra modi riots in 2002 and Christians toward Muslims every where in nutshell no body is angel on the earth just one advice let people live their life peacefully and mind you own,…sorry for my few rude words and be blessed 🙂
    best regards lina ahmad .

    • May 18, 2014 8:17 am

      Dear Lina,
      You said, “yes kafir will be into hell not only for their deeds but also for denying that god is one and Muhammad pbuh is a prophet this is the main reason non Muslims will get into hell”. Why Muhammad is given so much important, why Muhammad is idolized? Can we directly go to God and keep Muhammad out? Are you here selling message of God (then we are with you) or for Muhammad? Are you saying Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Teresa will get Hell Fire?

    • lina
      May 18, 2014 10:11 am

      i dunno what god will decide for almahatma ghandi or who ever he is… and i am not selling neither our prophet nothing else i just wondered about the lies u spread about people…for ur information get knowledge before you speak any thing dear..i don’t blame ignorant people..muhammad is not idolized ad u said and he is gonna be judged like all people will be that means we are all the same in GOD’s eyes but he is like all prophets has a sacred place in our hearts like u have for any dear to u…may be we dunno him but still we have hope like all but don’t drag people to lies that what i request…i don’t mean u by my words so don’t take it personally and as i said if u wanna preach use ur good ways for that not lies…in my religion we don’t have savior we gonna be all judged kafir and non kafir means we are all equals but like all we have rules in our religion to follow it like in all religions….peace out 🙂

      • May 18, 2014 3:52 pm

        Who is Kafir? Are Christian Barak Obama, Jew Einstein and Christian Mother Teresa kafirs?

        How do you know that there will be a Judgment Day? Could it be a lie someone told you? It has never came in last 2000 years. It is just you faith, not fact, so don’t be sure sure about it.

        Is Bible truth or the Koran? How do you know that on the J-Day it will be Allah and not the Father God with Jesus going to come? Don’t cry if Jesus shows up on J-day!

        • lina
          May 18, 2014 9:18 pm

          lol first of all the word kafir i used because u personally kept repeating,and the bible is mentioned in my holly book that we have to respect it as a book but not to follow because some changes by people came into it that’s why you never see a Muslim taking a bible and use it into toilet like kafir(s) did hhhhhh,second i never heard any Muslim insulting Jesus or blaspheme him because if he is son of god or god in human’s shape in your belief or any other’s belief he our beloved respectful prophet have the same rank as our prophet so it is a forbid to do such” bullshit” sorry for the gross word…concerning judgement day yes it is a fact not because it is mentioned in my holly book or yours but logically i don’t think that by death it is end of the world which means if there is death there is life as well unless all creatures have to be immortals—->no judgement day…what let me sure about Allah not Jesus nor anyone else is bible and taurate(the lost papers of Moises when he got angry from his tribune=Jew) so let me jump to Quran there you can find all stories and all facts which are not detailed in bible…however it is a way of life and no body forced you to follow it only its followers want to follow it freely…if u don’t force them to follow you they will never harm you but why you want them like you,you will solve their problems lolxx just have your faith whatever it is and let them follow theirs according to democracy even so dear Mr or Mrs admin before using a drum to scare people check what you have inside may be you will not find except yourself drumming in the wind…sorry for my weak English but just use your power to read and your brain to analyse instead of creating more and more hater in between nations…be blessed

          • May 18, 2014 9:37 pm

            You said, “i never heard any Muslim insulting Jesus or blaspheme him because if he is son of god or god in human’s shape“, to that, do you know your Koran says this …”Allah forbids that He Himself should beget a son! (19:34). Further, those who say: “the Lord of Mercy has begotten a son” preach a monstrous falsehood (19:88). Unbelievers are those that say: “God is the Messiah, the son of Mary” (5:70) and “God is one of three” (5:72). Unbelievers will get “Hell of Fire.” Further, Allah told….”Believers, take neither Jews nor the Christians for your friends.” (5:51).”

            How can you say with conviction that “concerning judgement day yes it is a fact”? This is not FACT, but simply it is your faith. It is okay to have faith and believe that your book says, but that does not make it an universal scientifically proven fact.

          • lina
            May 18, 2014 11:57 pm

            yes it seems clearly why shouldn’t we take them as friends because they will never respect us or our belief and this is fact as well…indeed don’t take a part of a verse and u leave the rest so my dear when u take a translation translate it coherently and cohesively don’t lie for people nothing is absurd…yes Jesus is not son of god to us but still he is mentioned as a sacred prophet pbuh we never said he is liar or i dunno what u are able to say…it is forbidden to blaspheme any one read our Quran very well instead of relying on lies and false propaganda…another thing judgement day is mentioned in all sky holly books except may be ved geta and so on…as well as my dear admin i think you are living At USA so better for you to be up to date with changes around the world,the universe so again my dear very well informed admin compare it to Quran any way as you are admin you can discuss with me through my yahoo because i have my life to concern about it and i am not a scientist or a religious preacher…first and last be blessed by any whom you believe 🙂 take care

          • May 19, 2014 6:58 am

            Frogs in a deep well will coherently sing the same tune. Only when one of them (like you today) come out of that well, realize that the World is different. Sorry you now decided to go back to your own circle and wait for the J-Day, however critically think through all we discussed.

            If Allah loves Muslims that much, why He is not producing only His beloved Sunni Muslim only and not even Shia? Why overall all Christians and Jews are richer that Muslims in this World? Why Allah is ignoring this fact?

            Koran is sitting right on this desk, along with Torah, Bible and Geeta.

            When you say, “yes Jesus is not son of god” you are invalidating Christianity. Why you expect Christians to respect you and your Muhammad?

            You said, “another thing judgement day is mentioned in all sky holly books”, however Jews don’t believe in the J-Day!

            We hope you are enlightened. Critically think all what we discussed when you are back in your own well. If you get curious what is the real world, please come out again.

    • arif
      May 22, 2014 5:25 am

      well said lina…

      deeds is the main…for believers hell and heaven…not to athiests..
      I have seem many non-muslim girls who choose islam not on the basisi of marraige,love and etc.

      Those newly converted womens are much much better than the inherited followers of islam ony by arabic name.

      some where economic crisis reomves good deeds of muslim men/womens ethics and most of them are just pineup themselves only with the muslim tages.

      These days muslims/other relegions people dont have time to teach thier children what is wrong or right and what is the existance.
      so these kind of things has become normal across the world because every body needs comfirt no matter what the way it is coming.

      To be relgious is good but to be partly is very dangerous.Believe and ethics is in your heart not in dress.

      what is your views?


  • Satyen
    May 17, 2014 5:49 am

    Dear readers,

    Islam propogates in waves. First it just puts a label of Islam on a non-Muslim and the new convert leads the Islamic life mostly with his/her native culture. Slowly, the native culture gives way to the true Islamic culture. Initially it’s hard to see the effects of Islam as it takes years even centuries. See, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Iran and Iraq etc. 50 years ago, they also used to same things about Islam i.e. it is humane and respects other religions! Can they say it today? It’s for everybody to see and analyze the things.

    Similarly, it could have happened to India but for its dharmic strength. I think in the years to come, malpractices from India will be obliterated in course of time depending upon how soon people specially the Muslim women start questioning the Muhammad’s lifestyle and his views against the women and non-Islamists.

    Let’s start with banning Female Genital Mutialtion and polygamy that were allowed by Muhammad. Similarly, the next step could be banning burqa.

    However the lead will have to be taken by the Muslims especially the Muslim women as they are the most afflicted with the ideology of Muhammad.

  • arif
    May 13, 2014 9:23 am

    Hi All,

    I wold suggest live with the culture.
    No +ve results are coming after cross culture alliances.

    How many practice relegion,even me not 50%.But whatever 50% i have and which I got from my muslim upbringing(not talibani style :-)) is too good for me.

    I dont understand why people can not be clear and straight in communication or expressive.
    This is true adjustment is not possible where there class difference and it can be worst if cultural difference.

    sick mind people always bring up relegions in the love and marraiges- actually those kind of people is worst.
    In this world people are dying early without food and proper sanitation..so sensless people.

    Work for the humanity and do hard work whatever target you have.

    so I would suggest,please think on culture rather than relgious point.

    No body can suppres women for sure…so where is the point of womens are like that in relegions especially in islam.
    Please enage youself in creative work and enjoy that rather than to be a sick men/women.

    please do not defame any relegion in your personal affairs, you cant get any benifit except bad energy.

    Many of inerfaith elpment and marrieges end results are horrible because no financial support and emotional breakdown.You can enjoy life for short period but after that your decisions and stories will inherit to childres to childres in your generation.


  • May 13, 2014 8:08 am

    Hello readers,

    I am muslim girl age 25 years, married at the age of 17 with a muslim guy,he was very violent and aggressive and he divorced me after 3 years.
    Just educated up 11th std., got a low profile job in a restaurent and now my mother wants me to marry with my cousin. I dont want to marry now in this community, as I am in touch with a hindu boy 29 years,whose wife died recently,being senior to me, I have respected for him but in a great confusion how to marry him. I am from India.

    • arif
      May 13, 2014 8:47 am

      I would suggest dont hurt to your parents…think about your child and do something better.I doesnt matter how you are educated.Yes after separation(dont blame to any relegion,it is only personality) life is painful but after that you will become very strong and successful.
      I dont understand what is love except physical and hormononal upsurge but it hurts to mind after effect.And the men/women starts searching solution in relegion. 🙂 So in nutshell your self esteem is important to face the world..other wise these love,marraiges and (cant live without you) are trapping word.


    • May 13, 2014 10:22 pm

      Are you sure he is honest guy and willing to accept you as is? Is he expecting you to convert to Hinduism? Alternatively, are you expecting him to convert to Islam? If none, best option is the Special Marriage Act 1954 where there is no need for conversion.

      • Rukhsar
        May 14, 2014 6:30 am

        Hi Admn.

        Thanks for suggestion and advice. Yes he is ready to accept me as it as, we have disclosed every thing from each other. There is no compulsion from either of us to convert. We shall follow good practices of each relgion and respect sentiments of each other.

        • mac
          June 2, 2014 2:20 am

          RUKSHAR, u said you respect his religion, that means you are accepting that besides allah there are many gods like RAPIST brahma, PLYGAMIST,RAPIST krishna, cow , monkeys, rats, snakes. will you accept idol worships in your home, will allh forgive you fot that you have LOVED and MARRIED a man who considers there are many gods, and what will be done to your dead body, will it be burnt, what will be your children religion, will they say and pray to RAPIST brahma and say ram as a god who couldn`t save his wife from ravan.

  • Raesa Sing
    May 12, 2014 7:33 pm

    @Meenakshi: Learn English First Properly, Then fall in Love, Uneducated Like you are the Burden of Society. That’s why you Chose ISLAM. ISLAM is an Evil Ideology, If you want to Suffer and Obviously Convert to ISLAM.

    Thanks and Regards,
    Raesa Singh ( Formarly Known as Raesa Khan ).

    • May 13, 2014 7:13 am

      In life, learn to BE PROUD OF WHAT YOU ARE. You are not a Britisher so what you wrote in English here is sufficient, keep writing!

      Do not be impressed about other’s language. Likewise, do not be impressed about other’s religion unless 1) you find your faith is barbaric, 2) the other faith is tolerant to ALL other faiths and 3) the other faith is teaching a truly humanitarian and peaceful message to this World. We hope to hear from you soon.

    • mac
      June 2, 2014 2:29 am

      raesha sing what is the proof that you were raesha khan, and if you are so educated then what you do , are you an IAS officer or working in a MNC, you are nothing but a paid male worker of RSS spreading lies about islam in the name of fake muslim girl name KHAN, you are a male and have no work so rss pay you to brainwash muslims.

  • May 12, 2014 7:23 am


    You are going to land in a deep trouble soon after you are trapped by marriage. You dont know that muslim husband can keep 4 wives and give oral tripple talak any time. Islam is full of evils against females, treating them just sex object, treat them badly, keep them in burqa, impose restrictions.

    Right now that muslim may be very polite, positive and submissive but after marriage his real monstrous face will come out, when he will be fed up with you for sex. You have to bleed on the wedding night,that blood stained sheet will be displayed before all members as a matter of pride. You will be forced to eat beef, never returned to hinduism and you will be always subject to domestic violence and halala practice.
    May be your clitoris is removed as part of circumcision, FMG.

    Dont jump into the fire, it is muslim strategy to trap non muslim girls to convert for sex and multiplication of their population.

    Think before spoiling your future.

  • suma usa
    May 12, 2014 5:20 am

    The Site ADMINISTRATION should write an exclusive article and reprint every 2 or 3 months THE SAME for the benefit of innocent women explaining the severe setbacks that islamic marriage gifts them, that wipes out their independence and reduces them to a subservient status.Court marriage or special marriages act must be advocated instead. The men insist on muslim wedding and the women will be trapped forever. Sadly the women realize the drawbacks much later to suffer forever. See below.

    NEW DELHI: Interpreting a 75-year-old law, Delhi high court has held that a non-Muslim woman who embraces Islam after marriage but reconverts to her original faith can dissolve the union due to apostasy.

    Granting divorce under the Dissolution of Muslim Marriages Act 1939 to Sultana (name changed), a division bench of Justice S Ravindra Bhat and ​Justice Najmi Waziri also clarified there is no requirement in such circumstances for a woman who leaves the pale of Islam to prove her act in a trial. The mere act of apostasy dissolves the marriage if she so desires.

    “Were a woman married under Muslim personal law to apostatize, the marriage stands dissolved. In such circumstances, the woman is entitled to seek a decree of declaration that the marriage stands dissolved from the date of her apostatizing,” Justice Waziri explained.

    The bench went into the circumstances under which the pre-Independence act was passed in 1939 to emphasize, if people come or are brought into Islam from a different religion, they should be permitted to go back for which there should be no bar.

  • meenakshi
    May 12, 2014 12:26 am

    Thanks sis thank u soo much for replying ….im so exited ……
    Ssss I am ready to covert islaam .. bcuz his happy is mine …
    And. …we both are in now college life. We. Have many commitments in both family side bcuz he is want to sattel. His family and simillarly I want to sattele my family too….
    ihave one younger sis nd he also have a one younger brother …..
    bt we both are very confidence to our marriage first we both not proposing our love ..we both want to live for long due to marriage bonding nd we both r cert confidence …..
    But we both soo afraid of our families …..we both need ur suggestions …bcuz ur practicall example nd inspire ….we need ur kindly words sister

    • nusrat khan
      May 12, 2014 4:30 am

      Hi meenakshi

      don’t take most important decision of life just based on excitment ..else something goes wrong , you will not have remain anything in life except repenting ..

      take your time , weigh all options… think ahead of 10-15 years . talk with your parents , your guys parents and than make any decision

      • May 12, 2014 6:35 pm

        Excellent advise from someone (a former Akansha) who was in your situation just a year ago. Nusrat also gave a superb advise, as hard it may be, but follow “talk with your parents , your guys parents”.

        You said, “I am ready to covert islaam”. What do you know about Islam? What do you know about conversion to Islam means to you, please read some 35 pointers for you, are you ready for all of these? Also read what Koran has to say for Hindu. Like Nusrat said, “don’t take most important decision of life just based on excitement”. Get back to us.

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