Hindu girl has lots of questions

Nilu says: April 22, 2013 at 1:13 pm

Hi, A Hindu girl is going to marry Muslim boy. She has lot of questions. Please help
1. If they marry under special marriage law, will stil the Muslim law apply to him? Will he be able marry more than one time?
2. What is the process for second Muslim marriage? Can first wife get divorce easily if he decides to get married again?
3.Does law require to have blood relatives present as witness for special marriage act?
4.What religion children get? or they have choice for either of religion? -Nilu

Admin says:

We are not lawyers but could give general guidance based on our experience to your questions:

Q1: If they marry under the Special Marriage Act, will still the Muslim law apply to him? Will he be able marry more than one time?

A1: Under this special marriage act, no Hindu nor Muslim Sharia laws apply. If they marry only by this Act, he will have to comply with applicable Indian laws, including he cannot have more than one wife.

Q2: What is the process for second Muslim marriage? Can first wife get divorce easily if he decides to get married again?

A2: No. If he/she marry by the Special Act, he must get a formal divorce by court proceeding based on Indian laws and not just by simple talaak, talaak, talaak as applicable after the Nikaah marriage.

Q3: Does law require to have blood relatives present as witness for special marriage act?

A3: We are not too sure but most probably other adults can be witnesses. However, we do recommend informing both sets of parents before marriage. Listen to what they have to say, but you could still do what you wish. It will be good in long run to be truthful.

Q4: What religion children get? or do they have choice for either of religion?

A4: Marriage laws don’t dictate what will be the religion of children, unless the couple signed any legal document or had Nikaah and conversion to Islm.

Bottomline, yes, go for the Special Marriage Act. Further, DO NOT consider the Islamic Nikaah as a secondary marriage because Nikaah involve a conversion. Even the 5 min of Shahadah oath (conversion) is valid to declare you formally as a Muslim and then all Muslim laws apply to the former Hindu.

Normally most Muslims boys will not rest till they convert the Hindu gf; if not before marriage, this Shahadah request will coming back again and again (read Ambily) till you convert. Further, there will be a tremendous pressure to convert children to Islam and have Arabic names only. It will be very difficult to marry in Muslim community and remain as a Hindu and raise children Hindus.

Getting married is not the end of problems, but just a beginning. For this reason, ask the Hindu girl to read all below recommended articles before going any further with the Muslim guy. Use your head not only heart. Ask her to come here for more questions and updates. We are waiting! Best wishes.

zahid says: April 25, 2013 at 2:38 pm

Muslims are very clean persons. It is you hindus who are ugly unclean smelly people. It is you hindus who drink the urine of cows and other animals. It is you hindus who are raping theis own daughters mothers and sisters as god brahma has given hindus freedom to rape their own daughter as brahma himself rape his own daughter saraswati read.

When muslims male are Circumcised the part of penis which is removed is gives to hindus as hindus worship sexiual organs of male and female shivlingam. -Zahid

Admin says:


Any marriage is not to a person, but also to a community. Tell the Hindu girl to read carefully what Zahid wrote above, sorry you may not like to read. Unfortunately, Zahid is not one in million but many (most?) of Muslims also think this way. This is a fact of life. Does the Hindu girl has strength to face her new Zahid-like relatives every day? If she is not convinced yet, ask her to go and live in a Muslim community for 6 month to get a first hand experience and then only make a decision to marry that Muslim.

To Muslim girls in relationship with Hindu boys, again it is our same advise. All Hindus are not saints. Please look beyond your lover. Can you put up with those relatives and communities? If you see any warning signs, take it seriously. We wish you to make fully “informed” decision for life. Best wises. -Admin.

More information: Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Muslim-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus? Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • bakhu
    April 29, 2013 11:24 pm

    Word of advice. PLEASE DON’T. You deserve much better. If it’s too late..oh well, you probably realized it by now.Fuck it!

  • hates islam
    April 26, 2013 12:49 am

    zahid y dont u just shut up.doesnt ur tongue pain to speak nonsense.admin i think this zahid is that same fellow Indian who isnt actually an Indian resident.and who spoke every evil against other religions sometime back.muslims try eating everything that comes their way.and rape is common to them.even brother sister can marry.which religion allows this nonsense?and saraswati is the wife of Brahma.you fool.if u dont knw anything dont speak like morons.filthy people on earth are only muslims.you cant digest the truth sick mentality rats.

    • zahid
      April 26, 2013 2:43 am

      Just do google search

      • Google dude
        April 26, 2013 5:58 am

        Lol dude, google is owned by a kafirs, so how can you use something that’s kaafir made, isn’t that what your qurans says.. Your Muslims just have intelligence of a small kid. Who know how to cry and shout with no sense….by the way did you read geeta, ramayan, ved puran stall before baarking…this shows how much Muslims are trying to spread mis information about other religions. First u Muslims fucked up now trying to convert others….only an idiot would think that way.

  • April 24, 2013 12:18 pm

    Hello readers,

    I am yasmeen aged 29 years old from a asian muslim country working in a Newzeland Shipping company, as Cargo assistant. I am deeply associated in love with an Indian Hindu boy from North India. Earlier I was married with a muslim guy but could not pull on with him due to maltreatment and rought behaviour and ultimately divorced. This boy is about 39 years old, his wife died about 6 years back in an accident.
    He is in the same company as Cargo Manager and we both want to marry and raise our family. I have read so many evils on this site about miserable condition of women in Islam and males enjoy all types of freedom. In Newzealand muslims are seen as suspected terrorists and therefore I have decided to leave the islam and adopt Hinduism after marriage .

    Any suggestion please. Those propagating islamic practices need not to give their comments.


    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=5226

  • April 24, 2013 10:01 am

    Zahid are you really a product of Mutta marriage?

    How many marriages did you mother do to satisfy her sexual desire, perhaps suffering from uncontrollable sexual desire?

  • zahid
    April 24, 2013 9:14 am

    If you want to convert to islam vist
    to know position of women in islam vist
    leave the religion of foolish people hindus in which lord of hindus i.e brahma raped his own daughter sarswati. Everyday a rape is reported in this country(india) brahma give hindus freedom to rape their daughters. 99% of rapes in india are commiting hindus

  • April 24, 2013 6:05 am

    Nilu, what Chand has described above, is perfectly true. You are going to make your life hell, ultimately one day you will be thrown in the prostitution, that is an imminent future for you.

    Muslim girls can lead a bliss ful in a hindu family, but a hindu girl cannot survive for a few years under tremendous restrictions, violence, sexual abuse, threatening of life. You are under trap, first of all,from the day one, you will not get humanily treatment and loose your clitoris and remain a sex doll in the inlaws house or in a prostitution.

  • April 24, 2013 5:59 am


    Are you mad? You want to jump in to the fire? Do you know how cruel are muslims and how badly you will be treated on the first day of wedding night, such as

    (a) you must bleed on the wedding night to prove your virginity and that bed sheet with blood stains will be displayed to the family members in the morning and in no bleeding you will be kicked out from the family,

    (b) your female genital will be mutiliated that is your clitorious will be removed,

    (c) you will be put in the burqa, no freedom of movement or job,

    (d) you will be forced to provide maximum sexual pleasure to your husband by oral and anal sex otherwise you will be beaten like an mad dog. you will be just a sex doll.

    (e) your husbande will be at liberty to keep another 3 wives and if you resist, your body parts shall be chhopped off.

    (f) you will be divorced and will be forced to do Halala practice, i.e. oblige sexually your ex husbands friends and relatives otherwise you will be stoned to death.

    Even if you want to jump in to the well, do it without loosing a day.

    Hope good sense will prevail on you.

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