I am Hindu and My Girl Friend was Muslim

Guru says: March 14, 2017 at 3:02 am

Hai everybody i am a hindu boy and my gf is muslim. i done one mistake that i was in truly love with her one first day of my MBA study its happens, after 2 month friendship, i just told her everything that i love her and how much i care about her, she said even i love you too we were good friends in two month keep on talking in phone, when i said i love you to her she said me 2 but my religion cant accept that i said y she said my mom dad will harm there self i said dont worry we will find a way for them whatever you say i will do like convert in muslim and all becoz i thought its really a small thing they are educated they will understand that child happiness is more important, then religion.

After 2 years now she want break up becoz she said i cant do merrige with a hindu i lobe you but i merry only a muslim . She having lot passions i dont .. now in 2 year i convence my mom dad family for her and now she telling that grow up and get breakup. What to do really not understand… Yes she love me and me. –Guru

View videos: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, All you want to know about the Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia: Hindu-Muslim Marriages,
Also read: Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus?, Love-Jihad, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Sikh-Muslim marriages, Malaysia in love, Marriage laws.
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  • Rana jiiii
    April 7, 2017 6:26 am

    Bhai ek bat sun agar chori rajii ni hori to jabardasti wali koi bat ni. Usko bta de mujhe tera dharam nhi chahiy tu chahiy. Tu yha pe bhi Muslim ki tarah rah sakti hai. But you don’t convert to Muslims. Agar Muslim apne aap ko sabse achcha mante hai to tum bhi koi bure nhi ho. Baki apne wali chori se chakkar jod

  • mac
    March 29, 2017 6:22 pm

    I am so happy to read this story, we want more Muslim girls like her who choose love and obedience of Allah over love and emotional of a boy who doesn’t even believe in Allah and has horrible irreligious concept about god.(By this I doesn’t mean that you have irreligious concept about god from Islamic perspective but also from Hindu,Buddhist,Sikh, Christian perspective because no religion says cow is god which if I am not wrong believe in blindly despite being educated)

    Also I am happy to see you getting out of trouble because fighting for a Muslim wife in a bigoted family is not easy and oneday you would have felt it would have been better if you have married a Hindu woman. So don’t loose hope, find a Hindu girl and marry her who believes in cow as holy.

  • Rabia
    March 16, 2017 3:49 am

    Dear Guru,

    I am very sorry to read this sad story of yours.
    I think it’s wrong that you have been left with this breakup option but just to play devil’s advocate, I want you to put yourself in this girl’s shoes and imagine what YOU would do if your parents said this to you: “she said ‘my mom dad will harm themselves” – most times, this is just emotional blackmail from parents who talk like this. But it must have affected your girl who is now scared of being her with you because of such words from her parents.

    If your parents said this they would disown you or harm themselves if you married a non-Hindu girl, would you still be able to fight for your girlfriend as easily?

    What she did was wrong if she knew from the start that religion would be an issue.

    You said “I thought her parents were educated so they would care more about the child’s happiness than religion”.

    This is not about educated vs uneducated families. It’s about religious versus nonreligous. An educated person can also be very religious, which may be the case wit your girlfrien’s family. You wouldn’t have this problem If they were secular and non religious (I know many Muslim families like this and they never insist on any religious conversion, they children have married Christians mostly)

    Islam requires a Nikkah and in most cases, you cannot get married without a nikkah to a Muslim unless you say the shahadah oath. Nowadays there is increasing marriages with “fake” conversion where the non-Muslim says the shahada and gets married with Nikkah but doesn’t really “become” Muslim – they donit as a formality to to please their inlaws or spouse. It’s not the ideal option – ideally every marriage should start based on compete honesty especially with your inlaws – but I know some people who have done this and gotten married.

    I am confused about one thing though: when you told her “whatever you say I will do, like convert in Muslim” – what was her reaction? Wouldn’t her family accept you then? If you were willing to do such a big thing for her, why isn’t she ready to fight for you?

    • March 16, 2017 8:02 pm

      We understand you are a pluralist and open minded. You wish to respect other faiths and for this reason you may have said, “whatever you say I will do… .” However, know that conversion to Islam is non-reversible act punishable by death (did you know that?). If ever, you later claim to be an atheist (or Hindu), you will be treated like this (do you know this?).

      You are an MBA students so you will understand what we are saying. Every faith has common God (it has to be), except the middle men (apostles/gurus/devas) are different. Hindus will talk about Rama, Buddhist Buddha, Jains Mohavir, Christians Jesus and Islam Muhammad. So, when you convert, basically you are picking between the middlemen. Are you a fan of Muhammad, then convert to Islam but know that later you cannot change your mind. But you can be a fan of Jesus one day and Rama the second day, there is no issue. So, you have to decide if you want liberty of choices or want to get locked into for your all future generations. Think!

      • Rabia
        March 17, 2017 6:46 am

        Admin, that video you shared is where a bunch of fanatics are attacking Taslima Nasrin NOT because she left Islam, but because she made statements against the Muslim Prophet Muhammad, and they clearly felt insulted by that.

        It doesn’t justify the attack AT ALL, and I don’t see why they have nothing better to do than attack someone for expressing an opinion. Their approach is clearly wrong, but I feel that you keep bringing this one video up over and over again to prove a point, and it’s misleading that you imply she was attacked for “changing her religion” or declaring herself an atheist – if you have been following her statements, you’ll know that she was attacked NOT for declaring herself an atheist or being “Hindu” (by that logic, Muslims would be attacking their Hindu neighbors on a regular basis just for being Hindu!!!) – she was attacked because some members of the Muslim community could not handle her strong words and insults against Islam/Prophet M.

        And about conversion being punishable by death – let’s discuss that in the context of Guru’s life & the country he lives in.

        Is India a country run by Shariah law?


        Are there apostasy laws in place in India that criminalize changing your religion, specifically conversion out of Islam?


        So whatever Guru, or anyone else, decides to do, he is free to do in India – unless Guru goes out in public and starts insulting Islam or the Prophet on TV & public forums, nobody is going to attack them for it. The same way Shiv Sena / RSS thugs would (and HAVE) attack those secular Hindus who have criticized / slandered / offended the Hindu religion and Hindu gods, the Muslim goons you’ve shown are attacking this lady for precisely the same reason: INTOLERANCE.

        There are many Hindus, Christians, Muslims in India who have changed their religion, their names…etc. and live wherever they want in the country free from this sort of terror – India is (luckily) still a free country with secular laws – and yes, Muslims do have their own family laws but the only thing that may happen to a Muslim in India if they change their religion is communal/family reaction and abandonment – anyone who tries to KILL someone in India for changing their Islamic faith will go to prison, as they should.

  • March 15, 2017 12:53 pm

    My friend, run from this. I am a good man, but in the eyes of Islam, I am trash despite the fact I would protect, serve and love my muslim GF to my literal death. They don’t care – you are not good enough until you convert to this religion. It defines arrogance. Most of them are cultural non-practicing Muslims to begin with, but they surrendered there free well many generations ago, and now it’s just an assembly line of brainwashed fools who are born into this. No God I know would ever, ever tell me who I can love based on my religion. They can all go to hell.

    Reply at https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=12175

    • March 16, 2017 4:07 am

      Jon, you are definitely not “trash” and whoever has said / done something to make you feel this way because of Islam either doesn’t know Islam properly or is an intolerant human being at heart ignorant of the universal message of love his religion preaches. Wahhabism is not Islam, please don’t confuse the two.

      Nowadays, a lot of what you see masquerading as “Islam” is actually cultural norms and misogyny which precedes Islam, and those who don’t study it properly have become the self-declared guardians of the faith. Unfortunately, Jose are the most vocal and visible ones, so you rarely get to see voices of reason and knowledge…

      There is an ongoing debate within the Muslim community where some scholars actually dispute whether we can still apply verse 2:221 (where it advises Muslim men and women to marry other Muslims) and I’m not just making this up: I have interviewed a scholar of Islam for my upcoming book and this is what I learnt from her. Also, a friend of mine spoke to an imam a few years ago at a major big city mosque, asking what happens if a Muslim wants to marry a Hindu; he said that while it isn’t outright banned in the religion, (it is ADVISED to avoid this), he said this person “would be preparing their children for hellfire” (I would highly dispute this too)

      Please don’t let anyone fool you into thinking that Islam thinks you are trash or that this is what Muslims think of you – God created everyone on this earth and loves us all equally. If you do good deeds and are a good soul, how can you be a bad person? Now We can argue about religions, what’s the best way/ways to follow him but nobody is trash in the eyes of the Creater, God.

      (you are right that in the eyes of ignorant human beings, yes surely they will have their own biases and opinions and may consider anyone who doesn’t agree wit them “trash”…)

      Reply at https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=12175

  • March 14, 2017 6:43 pm

    Dear Guru,

    What ever happens, happens for good. who knows, probably this is the best thing happened to you. Now focus on your education and go back to your regular life.

    You have seen only the fun part of dating a Muslim, but have not seen pain of getting married, settle in life of Muslim, raising children and … this continues till time to go in grave as a Muslim.

    Let us give you one assignment. View our video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiWLGEKusIg, let us know what you did not know about a marriage to a Muslim. Best wishes.

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