I Don’t Want my Hindu GF to Convert to Christianity

Ash says: June 14, 2017 at 12:38 pm

I am a Christian boy and my girlfriend is Hindu. She always told me that she do not want to get converted to Christian. I am open minded and I also do not want her to get c
converted to Christian nor my parents. It’s her decision. But now she is telling that she wants to get converted to Christian for our better future as God is one. But im upset i don’t want her to get converted into my religion because i dunno what will happen to her, will she adjust, will she be happy and if she will be sad o will feel bad. What should I do? Im confused. My 50% heart says its her choice let her do, but my another 50% heart says should i stop her. -Ash

More information: Interfaith marriage with equality, Hindu-Christian Marriage, Bible on Hindus? Christian-Hindu relationships, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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1 Comment

  • July 14, 2017 5:58 pm

    You are our hero. What you are showing is humanity. Most people are love-Jihadi, they get in love then ask the lover to convert. We honor you!

    Tell her to marry first and spend some years in new married life. After that, you still wants to be a Christian, so be it. She thinks she is adding a God (Jesus) but she does not know that she is removing all her Hindu Gods out of her life. She does not realize the exclusivity of Christianity. You cannot take advantage of her ignorance. Ask her to come to this site. Best wishes.

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