Suchi says: June 12, 2017 at 4:15 am
Hey I’m maharashtrian girl…I love a Muslim guy very much…I can’t leave him…and he loves me too…But the main problem is…My family naver accepted to other religions…Kuch time phle Meri life m ESI situation aagyi thi…Jisse mne Meri family ko bhut hurt kia h…But now the condition me family n mere pyar ko bhi khona nhi chahti.. What can I do… -Suchi
Rabia says: June 13, 2017 at 9:39 am
Suchi, is his family conservative? Will they accept you as a Hindu or would you have to convert to Islam?
I am a Muslim myself and my observation is that Indian Muslims tend to be quite religious and conservative (most of them). Love is great but dont let your love And feelings for this boy blind you.
Suchi says: June 14, 2017 at 1:05 am
I wan to b Hindu after marrige as well he is also agree to do so but he was saying that his family is not going to accept me as a Hindu after marrige n he was saying that I have to accept Islam after marrige I m very confused what to do now after all this thing will going to effect my future. Suchi
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hello suchi, well as far as i have seen and experienced most of muslim families asks to convert. yes there are ways by which you can marry such as special marriage act but majority muslims only accept nikah not the court marriage. i will advice you to see if can live life as a muslim and follow certain things or not. also see if your boy friend is on your side or not. do your own research and only then think about taking any step. if you want any help in understanding let me know. i have gone through somewhat same situation.
Purnima, explain ” if can live life as a muslim and follow certain things or not”, are you saying you can be 40% Muslim and 60% Hindu (or vice versa)? Are you saying you can pick and choose that is good in two faiths? This is not the Islam we understood. It is an absolutely an exclusivist religion. Only Koran and Allah followers will go to heaven and all other Hindus (including your parents) will get Hell-Fire on the Judgment Day. Only Koran (read) is God’s true message and not Bible and Gita. Purnima’s future children will also convert other Hindus to Islam (till no Hindus left to convert!).
You said, “most of muslim families asks to convert” and and “but majority muslims only accept nikah not the court marriage”, it is their problem not yours. Why Hindus have to convert? Tell them NO! Who will educate them, if not you? Now talaak is no more application in India (thank Allah!), the same way, teach to Muslim to give away their rudimentary thinking to convert Hindus.
Britisher left many years back, but Purnima, you still never learn to stand for your rights. Where is your pride? When will you learn not to be so submissive?
Why you said “i will advice you to see if can live life as a muslim.” Are you out preaching to Hindu girls to be submissive and ultimately help expand Islam? Pakistan has all Muslims, when all Indian Hindus convert to Islam, will India become peaceful and prosperous nation like Pakistan?
Now you are inside, why don’t you teach Muslims to give up this conversion business (like now gave up talaak) and learn to Share & Respect with Equality?
Admin, i mean certain things like eating beef, doing parda etc. it vary from family to family, i dont believe that non muslims go to hell.conversion is not business , from some instances you cant say its a business that muslims are doing. many hindu family also ask to convert to non hindus and it is similler in other religions too, its not limited to females only! many males do convert. it becomes easier to live if the family is following same believes. no one want india become pakistan. i am not a agent of any thing where i can have expansion, i am just helping the people who is looking to get converted as i have seen both the religion and can explain things so they can get an idea about a particular religion.
This conversion practice is wrong and must go. What would have he done if you said I will not convert? Would he walk away from your relationship? Is love for conversion more important than love for you? Are you again going to ask your children to convert their Hindu lovers? We wish there are more Kareena Kapoors. Unfortunately people like you are still sponsoring and encouraging conversion practice.
Muslim will date and get into romantic relationship, that is against Koran 24:30. But the same Muslim will want to follow 2:221 and convert the Hindu. This is nothing but a love-Jihadi attitude.
Instead of “helping the people who is looking to get converted”, why don’t you educate people to give up this conversion practice and teach them to Share & Respect with Equality? Don’t you think this is a right time? We just watched the “Toilet: Ek Prem Katha” movie. Instead of continue irrational practices, is it not a time to think out of box? Why are you submissive to irrational practices. If you are educated (not by books only), why not bring a change? Go watch the movie and think how similar (submissive) you are to most women (or not?).
Admin, what i have seen so far is in higher class there is a lot of difference in way of thinking. there are many examples of interfaith marriage in high class but when it comes to middle class there is difference , a lot of people are conservative about religion. religion is a way of living and if some one want to accept a new way of living its not bad. why the conversions are considered as bad? sometimes living with different faiths leads to problem and hence in many cases the conversion happens. its not only female but sometimes males also undergo conversion , its not about becoming submissive.
On “not only female but sometimes males also undergo conversion”, Rabia’s husband WAS a Hindu but converted as part of requirement of Nikaah.
“why the conversions are considered as bad?”, we are surprised you do not see any issue converting to please others. If he was Sikh or Jew, you would convert to what ever? Is there any female in your Muslim family who married Hindu and converted?
We have made this web site with major emphasis to increase awareness against this conversion business (practices), and now have written a book. We hope we will be able to change submissive mentality for people like you. Like the Toilet movie suggested, we wish to change mentality of people (go watch the movie and lets talk if all those submissive village women were right or wrong). View this . We hope some day we will be able to explain you to fight against religious exclusivity. Hand on here!
Dear Purnima, you are very correct that this purdah practice and many other things practiced by many Muslims
In India really depend on the family. I am not from India and born/raised in a secular yet believing Muslim family and never ever ever in my life have I seen anyone wear burkas or anything like that – not in my family or any other family I grew up around. We obviously have family friends and I have my own friends who practice hijab, which even I do when I attend a mosque or go on a pilgrimage etc.
Please beware – there are a lot of people on this forum who hate Muslims and will say mean things To you like Dilip did to us both. Ignore them – refer them to Allah, as we say
It looks like Rabia is an agent of Islam who wants to do innocent blackmail of Hindu Girls.. I could see her comments on all most controversial topics. Admin.. please remove this lady.
Suchi, dont marry a muslim boy, you have borne by GOD/Krishna for specific purpose and have some responsibility for nation and for your parents/friends. Love marriage is temprary in your life. Also Ask him to convert to Hinduism if he loves you, why are you loosing your identity..THERE IS NO FREEDOM, NO JUSTICE, IN ISLAM. ALSO ISLAM IS NOT A RELIGION OF PEACE, IT IS A CRUEL RELIGION IN THE WORLD THERE IS NO JUSTICE FOR WOMEN, Love and marriage is temorary just for 5/10 yrs, but after that yuor life will be miserable.More muslims Muslims can have 4 wives, Imagine your life will be hell.
Have you also seen my comment where I advised Nita to leave her abusive Kashmiri Muslim boyfriend? Can you not read properly, dude?
I wrote “Love is great but dont let your love And feelings for this boy blind you.” implying she should leave him if he cannot accept her as she is. If anything, I am supporting the separation of a Hindu girl from a Muslim guy.
And yes, I am an agent on this forum wasting my time on people like you, and for informing ignorant people like you about what my faith actually preaches. But your brainwashing by RSS & the media seems to be complete… so I guess no point in trying.
I dont need such cheap lady’s advice.
You named RSS. When muslims wants flood, education, financial or judiciary help, they raise their hand towards RSS and once they achieved, then these traitor muslims, yes muslims forget and started blaming RSS. Due to RSS, we Hindu are safe.
Oh really…I don’t think so
your RSS organisation has killed lakhs of Muslims in India… what you will say about that still you say they are innocent…They are killing innocent muslims still you says they are innocent…wow… great buddy !!
If you don’t believe then here is a surprise for you
Hi Mohamed,
What you got this fact from “RSS organisation has killed lakhs of Muslims.” Are you talking about post partition? Validate your claim, please.
Tell us what are issues your parents has and we can help how to convince?
You can have both if you work on both sides by expecting your interfaith marriage where you share two faiths, respect each other’s faith and there is equality 50-50% in all respects. Get back to us and we can talk more. Best wishes.