No Hindu should Fall in Love with Muslim

pri says: December 24, 2016 at 4:39 am

My name is pri n m a Hindu girl..working in an mnc. der s dis guy named afzal ..after few days of our training he proposed me in starting I said no den he started torturin me like say yes otherwise ill die ill jump from terrace of our offc building… dat was my first job n was in fear to lose it if my parents will get to know about that….so I said yes…

then it was goin smooth we used to tk daily …he promised me he will b always there wid me …he promised me that watsoever happens ill marry u n i seriously love you …n he also told me a good story that his mother passed away n he lives with his aunt..i trusted him …n out of sympathy I was also attracted to him….

after 4months of our relationship he got married to other Muslim girl n reason he gave that if I said no to marriage. my mother would have died …

I left him I hate him .there s a good suggestion like no Hindu should fall in love with Muslim coz we can accept muskims bt no Muslim can accept us without conversion…there should b a law that no Hindu should fall in love with a Muslim or vice versa …coz everyone know where it leads to..thats my story. -Pri

pri says: December 27, 2016 at 3:38 am
Coz of dis my career is spoiled…he used to blackmail me alot…allloooottt ..its hard for me to trust anyone now …admin can u pls tell me who I responsible for dis…its hard for me to forget him..what shud I dooo.pls help me –Pri

pri says: December 31, 2016 at 1:09 am

Thank u soo much …coz of all dis I left the job. -Pri

pri says: December 31, 2016 at 3:01 am

I am not blaming Muslims for that …but when they know every thing about their religion restrictions they shouldn’t b playing with others feelings hurts… It really hurts… I jst wanted some explanations and thank u admin really coz I cant share this experience win anyone… so thank u allot… thank u for supporting… -Pri

View videos: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, All you want to know about the Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia: Hindu-Muslim Marriages,
Also read: Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus?, Love-Jihad, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Sikh-Muslim marriages, Malaysia in love, Marriage laws.
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  • Jahangir
    January 21, 2017 11:14 pm

    Dear admin,

    I visited your site Bcoz I am myself in a situation tht required me to know about intercast/inter religion relationship. And I was greatly moved to see some of the statements u made. With tremendous grief I wish to tell u a few things. The story of PRI is really heartbreaking, and disappointing to hear. But it doesn’t allow u to say “out of a trap”

    …I mean..How cud u even use the word trap? Well he was one hell of a bloody psychopath BT plz don’t use the word trap. Coz what u r intending is he came as the representative of the Muslim community to trap a girl? Well…How is it trapping even when he had not asked for anything for his betterment like jewellery or money from the girl? Or u think he came for physical pleasure? I didn’t find anything as such mentioned in the post. So don’t call it a trap. He was just a crap!

    2. “This is the way we can teach to others”

    Well what exactly u want to teach? Ur tagline reads ‘forum for interfaith relationship with equality. And out of my minute knowledge n understanding I assumed the site will give ways to overpower the community barrier over true love n emotions, rather than creating barrier of community between to souls. U cud have said PRI to teach others from falling for someone fake, someone who doesn’t vaule u…Rather than saying her to teach others from considering religion be4 loving him. N u must also be aware tht numerous cases are such when a Hindu boy cheats a Hindu girl for marriage…Or even more cheap works…So better to distinguish them By their habits n f*cking nature n not by the religion.

    3.”..what it means to be in love with a Muslim.”

    What did u mean by this? If u want to love…Love the soul….Not the religion…And if u don’t want to love then wait for Ur parents to make a perfect arrangement. BT don’t choose like this – “he is a Muslim I must not fall in love wid him…Oh hey this one is Hindu hell yeah I can fall in love with him”

    • January 23, 2017 8:28 pm

      Can you shed more light on “I am myself in a situation”?

  • aman
    January 10, 2017 1:56 pm

    आसमानी” किताब में लिखा ही है की ”काफिरो को धोखा दो’ उनकी,सम्पत्ति हड़प लो,काफिरों की बहन बेटियों के साथ बलत्कार करो जन्नत मिलेगी आदि आदि कई बातें लिखी हुई है जिसका मोमिन पालन करते है । हिन्दू मुर्ख लड़की और मुर्ख लड़की के माता पिता को इतनी अक्ल नहीं होती की सही सही जानकारी जुटाएँ फिर लड़की की शादी करें । मित्रो कभी भी ”शादी,ब्याह बिना जान पहचान के माध्यम से नहीं करें”,ठोस जांच पड़ताल करने के बाद ही शादी विवाह का निर्णय करें ॥

    इस्लाम मे, एक शादीशुदा महिला को उसके पति की संपत्ति है। वह अपनी पत्नी को नियंत्रित करने के लिए हिंसा का उपयोग करने की अनुमति दी है। पत्नी की पिटाई दैवीय कुरान में अल्लाह और पैगंबर मुहम्मद की सुन्नत द्वारा मंजूर की है।

    कुरान 4:34

  • Seema Maheshwari
    January 7, 2017 7:55 pm

    Can we have someone edit the original stories for grammar and clarity, so we can understand them better.

  • Ahmad noor
    January 1, 2017 1:37 am

    pri if all indian sectors ….all …respect respect each other privacy
    there would no need for interfaith shaddi at all

  • Ahmad noor
    January 1, 2017 1:34 am

    islamic taqqiya is for saving life from non- muslim extremists but not for tricking them in normal circuestances i said that handreds times
    only shia use it for tricking better you go and study taqqiya in islam

  • pri
    December 31, 2016 3:01 am

    M not blaming Muslims for that …bt wen they know every thing abt der religion restrictions they shouldn’t b playing wid others feeling hurts . It really hurts ..I jst wanted some explanations and thank u admin really coz I cant share this experience wid anyone thank u aloot.thank u for supporting..

    • December 31, 2016 11:18 am

      We live in a sad state of this world. Muslims think their faith is only superior or true faith and others must be covered to it. We have read Koran (and several times) and loved messages in it but found it to be too cruel to non-believers. Read it yourself here, let us know how you interpret. Further, they say Islam is all about Allah, but truth is it all about Muhammad. This who challenge out statement, we say, “We are glad to convert to Islam today but we will not utter the word ‘Muhammad,’ let us know how to convert to Islam?”

      Please come here every day and share your pain–loud and clear to the world. Express yourself. You are Godly made creature, why some Allah believer has to crush your feelings? Make a motto of you life to say other Pri s. This will be Godly work.

  • pri
    December 27, 2016 3:38 am

    Coz of dis my career is spoiled…he used to blackmail me alot…allloooottt ..its hard for me to trust anyone now …admin can u pls tell me who I responsible for dis…its hard for me to forget him..what shud I dooo.pls help me

    • December 27, 2016 11:31 am

      You are not responsible for this, other than you loved a Muslim without understanding what is on the way.

      You said, “its hard for me to trust anyone now,” this is the way it should be. This is a great lesson for your life. There are all bad elements in life out taking advantage of you. If you are in business, there will be many crooks out stealing your money. Here he was out having free romantic relationship with you. Are we saying this world is full of bad people? Not at all. This world is full of great people, but there are small number of bad elements there. It is your job, Pri, to make sure no one fool you any more.

      You said, “hard for me to forget him,” why? He was number 1 crook. He lied and cheated you. He fooled you and took advantage of your decency. Open up your mind, and how horrible man he was.

      On “what shud I doo,” assume that the bad dream is over. Now you woke up. Start a fresh new life from now. Now you got good experience for your life. There is no damage done to you. Go out and enjoy beautiful nature out. Go and enjoy with your family and good friends. Start focusing on your work again and get a good promotion. Once you are little stable, start thinking of a good life make (do come to us for guidance then). Best wishes, we will be always here for you.

      • pri
        December 31, 2016 1:09 am

        Thank u soo much …coz of all dis I left the job

        • Niya
          December 31, 2016 1:47 am

          dear Pri, I am sorry for you! Your lover was a cheat,but don’t blame muslims.Think you are lucky as you escaped from big trouble.Admin. said it beautifully. All the best!

        • December 31, 2016 9:21 am

          Your parents have taught you to be nice and decent person, however apparently they failed you to be prepared for real life. A fish has to enjoy water but also be prepared from predators. We are not blaming your parents but we are saying you have to start a brand new life from now onwards.

          We have seen on this web site that almost all muslim’s first interest is to convert a Hindu, second pleasing their parents and third being the love for a girl. Yes, there are some exceptions. Now you go out to the world and shout loud and clear and educate other innocent Pri s for what it means to be in love with a Muslim.

          Why you have to leave the job, let him if he wants to leave. Go ask the employer if they are willing to hire you back again. If not, don’t loose your hopes. Be brave. We will guide you right here. Proudly start looking for a new job. Focus your energy on a positive side (your future) and not your dark past with that Muslim. Keep in touch!

  • December 24, 2016 8:10 am

    Dear Pri,

    Sorry to hear of your sad story and bad experience. So, he was out just to fulfill his lust with his lies! This is call Islamic taqqiya, “n reason he gave that if I said no to marriage.” It means to do any thing to subdue enemy.

    Actually we should congratulate you that now you are out of a trap, otherwise deeper trouble may come later in your life. We are glad you come out in public to share your real life experience. This is the way we can teach to others. We hope you will to this web site every week to guide others, please.

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