Hindu wants to Convert to Marthomite Christian

Anu says: August 19, 2017 at 10:57 pm

Hi..I am a Hindu and I am in love with a Christian Marthomite guy..My parents are also agreeing for my marriage with him..I want to convert to marthomite..we both are from kerala..please let me know the procedure to convert..Its urgent -Anu

More information: Marthoma, Interfaith marriage with equality, Hindu-Christian Marriage, Bible on Hindus? Christian-Hindu relationships, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • September 2, 2017 9:39 am

    Hello Admin,
    Just need your help and guidance.
    I am a Christian boy and i love a Hindu girl. We are planning to get married. She says that she don’t want to get converted to Christianity and nor let our children. I also don’t want her to get converted. But i am afraid that the church will not allow me to enter as neither my wife nor the children are Christian. What should I do. I am totally confused and im in depression. Whenever i tried to talk to her she always respond that i will not allow my children to get converted to Christianity nor I. I know im doing wrong, but admin my brothers wife is also a Hindu and she had faced many problems that’s why she got converted to Christianity as the church was not at all allowing my brother to enter the church. Admin please help and guide as i am always thinking what will happen and im getting into depression thinking this.

    Reply at https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=12776

  • August 20, 2017 7:39 am

    Hi Anu,

    Simple answer is… the church!

    How much you know about Marthoma?

    You should know that your marriage will be registered under the Christian Marriage Act and children will be Christians. In case of divorce, you will have difficulty getting child custody because of fear you will expose your children to Hindu faith.

    Do your parents understood that you will be 0% Hindu and 100% Marthoma? Do you know that now you cannot celebrate Diwali and Holi? Do you know that you cannot go to Hindu temple to pray? Do you know that even your children cannot marry a Catholic or Pentecostal Christian? Marthoma is a very strict and orthodox faith, are you comfortable with such living?

    Have you attended Marthoma church on Sundays? We highly recommend not to rush for the marriage but explore the faith. Also read the Bible here. Best wishes.

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