Hindu: I did Not Convert Marrying a Muslim

Shreya D K says: August 6, 2019 at 12:17 pm

Hii Sudhanshu i read your full story..

U know what i m also married to a muslim man named D Khan, but m Brahmin..
And we have 4 kids.. sameer,amir,aryan..
We both firstly met in our clg campus..
At that time i was 18 year old nd he was 32 years old
But anyhow we fell in London ve with each other. We dated 2 years then i became pregnant of his child. So we got married..but my parents didn’t allowed to me to marry a muslim guy.but i has fight with them so its happened. but after marreige i didn’t converted in to islam.. and his family accepted me what i was.
And they treat me like that m their own daughter..

We celebrated our 8 years of anniversary..
And i dont wear any hihab or burkha. I wear saree as a hindu women wears.
But one small thing changed, thats my name to Shreya Danish khan..
And yes of course after marrieg i also started to eating nonveg daily with all members..
Yes his family has large no. Of members in that
And they are loves to increase family, so thats why we have our own 4 childs. Now i m 28 yrs old nd he is 42 hyrs old and he want more childs from me but i said him to no more childs l. But he forces me then i said
Only 2 extra childs only. I really enjoying life with him nd so much happy..

And even his elder brother’s wife is also hindu. And they have already 6 childrens.

So i dont think whatever u said is important… -Shreya

More information: Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Muslim-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus? Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • Abhishek
    October 1, 2019 9:41 am

    There is no Shreya Danish khan anywhere in facebook/instagram or twitter. Another Fake Story posted by Hindu Hating Extremist. First indian girls in London dont bear four children,

    “even his elder brother’s wife is also hindu. And they have already 6 childrens” >>> The lie is exposed

  • September 28, 2019 10:21 am

    I am Brahmin wants to marry a Muslim guy..I am being a South Indian there are many traditional barriers that brings the obstacle. My BF bring a Muslim wants me to convert as per his father’s wish becos he wants to fulfil at least this wish of his dad.i am pretty sure that my bf respects and loves for me who I am wit my character I cannot take my 6long years relationship to a end of this it as we understand each other a lot. Its not about converting to another it’s about following that strikes me a lot even though I dnt want to lose him..any views or opinions from others on this

    Reply at https://interfaithshaadi.org/brahmin-marry-muslim-guy/

  • Krish
    September 12, 2019 6:20 am

    Admin.. it looks like a fake story…

    • Victor Ray
      December 21, 2019 1:48 pm

      Most of the stories are fake here. I’ve read this type of sex story on quora as well.

  • August 11, 2019 9:40 am

    Hi Shreya,

    Why having too many children good? India has already many more people that Mother Earth cannot bear, why having more is good? Why not have a few but well cared?

    Which country are you from now? Back to India or still in London?

    Why you did not had to convert for your nikaah? Which type (denomination) of Muslim is he?

    Did you considered converting to Islam now?

    What are you teaching your children about faith/God?

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