Hindu-Catholic Dialogue in Canada

Hindu-Catholic dialogue in Canada – a photo essay

Together, Hindus and Christians form approximately 45% of the world’s population. The Hindu-Christian conversation has been happening for decades. Recently, the Catholic-Hindu Dialogue of Canada published a photo essay which provides an overview of its dialogue meetings, its members, as well as its goals and aims. This dialogue is co-sponsored by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops and Hindu delegates from the Hindu Federation of Canada, the International Society of Krishna Consciousness and other members of the Hindu community.
You can view or download this photo-essay in English and French:

English: http://www.cccb.ca/site/images/stories/pdf/Hindu-Catholic_Dialogue_-_Final_English.pdf

French: http://www.cccb.ca/site/images/stories/pdf/Hindu-Catholic_Dialogue_-_Final_French.pdf

Please consider forwarding this announcement to colleagues and friends and posting it on websites and social media.

Paul McKenna
Scarboro Missions Interfaith Dept.
2685 Kingston Road
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M1M 1M4
Tel. 416-261-7135 ext. 296

“Although the religions of the world are apples and oranges and are more different than they are alike, still there is a quality of ‘fruitfulness’ that characterizes them all and out of which a ‘common ground’ for shared conversation can be established.” Paul Knitter, American dialogue theologian Interfaith group

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  • PSinha
    November 14, 2016 7:07 am

    Im also very interested to know the answers especially from Hindu perspective!
    Hare krishna!

  • November 8, 2016 9:13 pm

    Hi Paul,

    We are an international organization. So far, about 1200 youths in love have reached out to us for their interfaith relationship issues.

    On your point, “out of which a ‘common ground’ for shared conversation can be established” tell us what is your vision for Hindu and Christian youth in love and wish to marry in a Catholic church and a Hindu mandir.
    Can a “Hindu” marry in a Catholic church?
    Can a Hindu-Catholic couple raise children in TWO faiths?
    This is a critical question we get all the times. What should we tell them? Can you join here to help them?

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