Hindu Brahmin with Pakistani in Istanbul

Indra says: December 31, 2017 at 12:06 pm

I’m a Hindu Brahmin man of age 35. Currently living in Istanbul, Turkey. I am in a similar boat as the OP. In fact, this is a Dharam Sankat.

I met this Pakistani girl from Punjab province 1 year ago. We felt instantly attracted to each other and have been inseparable ever since. I do have a strong affection for her but I always wanted her to find another man who shares her Islamic religious beliefs. She said though she doesn’t want anyone else except me. I spoke to her mother and she is feeling very excited for her daughter to marry a Brahmin someday. According to her, Brahmins treat women very nicely so has already given her blessings. Her Pakistani father used to be an abusive person but has always spoken nicely to me on phone. I’m not going to travel to Pakistan to find out more about her family though. Far too risky. Her family has no expectation for me to convert to Islam. I have deep respect for Islam, and Muslim cultures. But, I’m also very strongly attached to my own religion. So, if they put any proposal for conversion, I will refuse instantly. Bottomline, my religious beliefs are really of no concern to them.

Thing is I haven’t mentioned her to my family at all because they’re deeply orthodox Hindu Brahmins. I am a Janeudhari and still chant the Gayatri Mantra daily. So, the girl’s family knows everything about me. But, my family knows nothing about the girl.

We’ve come too far. On one hand, I don’t want to break the heart of this girl, and her mother who has high hopes of me. But I’m myself not sure even now. How are we supposed to raise our kids? If she were an Indian Muslim, somehow I could have reconciled my family with her. But, she happens to be Pakistani. If my family hears about this relationship, they’re going to completely freak out.

I know I should have thought of all this before entering into this relationship. I’m still wanting this girl to lose interest in me but she won’t.

On the plus side, she is very nice to me, and will definitely make a good wife. I know we’re all human beings and religions are man-made. The same God created all of us. Should I just convert her to Hinduism in Arya Samaj (at least, nominally) so that my family and society can accept her better?

How does Indian government view Indian men bringing Pakistani brides home? Do they issue visas without any hassles? Will this girl be able to live in India with me peacefully without harassment?

More information:Brahmin-Muslim Relationships, Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus? Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Marriage & Divorce laws
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  • luckyblogger
    February 28, 2018 11:26 am

    marry her u lucky SOB

  • Anonymous
    February 2, 2018 9:12 pm

    Jhand Kardi Life Tunne

  • Sandy
    January 5, 2018 2:15 pm

    I respect the courage this pakistani family have. On the other hand I curse your cowardly behavior. If this lady is ready to convert and their parent have no problem, instead deep respect for a bramhin then what bothers you is your family’s orthodox behavior? Man in which world are you living? Why did you even looked towards this nice lady when you had no courage to take her along.? Be a man and marry this girl. Go to a temple and raise your kids as hindus. Your in-laws and wife will love that. And if you are fearful of your parents accepting this lady, when she is ready to do everything for you, then run towards black sea and jump off.

    • Aniruddha
      January 16, 2018 4:35 am

      My friend, you should appreciate her and her family’s courage. You are lucky to get such a liberal Muslim girl and her family. If the girl is ready to convert and her parents are supporting the marriage then what’s the problem? Don’t be coward. Talk to your parents and convince them. As such Pakistanis are not different than Indians. What is their culture? It is Indian culture only. Wish you all the best.

  • January 1, 2018 7:08 am

    Hi Indra,

    We have changed your name for your privacy; we hope that is okay with you.

    Thank you for reaching out to us. Tell us how are you going to get married (assuming parents agree to it)?

    This “deep respect for Islam” is good but to live Islamic life if totally different for a Brahmin. Let us know how are you going to raise your children–Hindu or Muslim? Will children have Hindu Dharmic names or Arabic names? Lets talk more.

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