A Hindu boy in love with a Hebron Christian girl

Rahul says: January 11, 2014 at 11:22 pm

Hindu Christian loveHi all. I am very happy that I found this website to share my problem about my love.I am a hindu guy(24), working as a software engineer in one of MNC’s and loving a christian(Hebron) girl (23) for more than 4 years and she loves me so much.I cant live without her and I want to spend my rest of life with her.She believes more in christianity that only JESUS is the real God and all other Gods are fake.I give respect to all other beliefs but she wants me to take baptism and get converted to christianity for our marriage.Is it wrong to follow both religious beliefs.I will not force her to convert into hinduism and if she wants I can go to church along with her.I was worried about my parents.She wants to get married in a christian way and I agreed to that but getting converted will become a problem in our family coz my parents worked very hard to raise me up and i dont want to hurt them by converting and also I dont want to leave my love.

I need your suggestion/help/advice in order to get our marriage happen.

She wants to get married in Christian way. Waiting for your valuable reply. -Rahul.

Admin says:

Thank you for reaching out to us. This is a common story on this web site that “I am in love with a Muslim or Christian for 2-4 years and now he/she is asking for religious conversion”. We could have told you that this day will come 4 years before. She is nothing but a love-Jihadi or love-proselytizer out converting you.

As soon as you say I will not convert and that our children will never have baptism, she is going to walk way from you cold-heartedly. She has no love for Rahul, unless you become a Christian-Rahul. Why will you wish to associate with the one who does not respect what exactly you are today? Why to fake-convert to something you are not? Why to convert a rose to carnation?

If she were a Muslim, would you convert to Islam too? Don’t you have any self-pride?

These Christians are taught not to tolerate others. If this Hebron was in love with a Catholic Christian, they will be fighting to convert each other. These Christians are not for Jesus, but for their church (read follow Jesus and not church).

Jesus was a great man and tried to bring love and peace on this earth. He never promoted baptism and never baptized any one. Tell your girl friend that you will visit her church every Sunday, eat Jesus’ bread (body), read bible, celebrate Christmas, etc., but will NEVER EVER get baptized. She will walk away from your relationship because for her church baptizing you is more important than you follow Jesus. This is all business, nothing more (view Gurumaa).

She said, “all other Gods are fake“. Is she saying that all Muslims, Sikhs, Jews, Jains, Buddhist and Hindus are fool following wrong God? She is no different than Molly and McKenna. Also view Namastey London.

Have you read what Bible says for Hindus? Why will you ever wish you children to even get close to such teachings?

Anna HazareAnna Hazare is fighting against money-corruption, why will you not fight against this social injustice of conversion business (religious corruption) by churches? Jago Rahul, jago!

For Hebron Baptists, all money to convert you and other Hindus may come from Georgia, USA. Is there anything wrong with your culture? Jago India, jago!

If you find an educated and rich Hindu guy for your sister, but later he asks you for 1 lakh dowry, would you submit to such irrational demand? In your case, why will you ever consider giving your birth religion and pride in dowry for your gf?

You are right by saying, “my parents worked very hard to raise me up”, now are you ready to throw sand in their eyes for this religious fanatic?

If you truly love her then you have to educate her. You have to undo all damage her church did on her brain. Read all what we have written on this web site and educate her. The day she is ready to marry the Rahul (exactly what you are today), you will know that now she is enlightened. After that, go get married in a court. Best wishes. –Admin.

Also read: Hindu-Christian Marriage, Will Gandhi go to Hell since he was not Baptized?, Bible on Hindus?, Idol-Worshippers, I am a Christian mother, I converted without knowledge of my family, I am Christian getting married to a Hindu, Do all Christians go to Heaven?, Ignorent Molly trying to convert a Krishna believer to Christianity ..a video, Namastey London movie…intolerant Christians ..a video, All religions are not same, A Hindu America?, Why I am a Hindu?, A fundamentalist Christian, Why I came back to Hinduism?, Dharma is not the same as religion, Text book on How to convert Hindu Students to Christianity.
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1 Comment

  • January 14, 2014 5:18 am


    Your GF is not in true love. She wants to get you converted in to christanity by way of love.True love does not force conversion.

    Be careful.

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