Am a Hindu and He is Anglo Indian Christian

Veena says: June 19, 2017 at 5:36 am

I read your story in interfaith shaadi. Am really sad and presently facing the same situation as u have now only one change is that we both have job still his mom is not allowing. Actually I thought of presenting this relationship first at his home after that in my family. But thngs had gone really worse that his mom is not allowing it. Am a Hindu and he is Anglo Indian am realy dull thinking about my future too. Can u please giv me any advice for this. Really finding it lost -Veena

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  • veena
    July 4, 2017 12:25 am


    i didn talk to him perfectly for 3months bcz of sayin nonsense
    words wen he got angry on me even after giving me promises .but he is
    not at all remebering number of months i didn talk to him instead he
    shouted at me wen i call him saying that his mom didn talk to him for 15days bcz of you how heart hurting was that ???he used to call me badwords.
    he always give promises inside the church touchin the god statue,in my hand ,head,but everytime he used to break all his promises still i had only forgiven him and given him chances.atlast he broke the promise of marryin me.he actually promised me that he wud say this relatn at his home wen he comes from uae by 2015 but that time wen i said abt it he had shouted at me and said mom is not well(sick had facture on leg) so i cant say it for now.then wen he came by 2016 same talks he showed same actions and shoutings.but one person who

    knows his mom had seen us in MAX shop and informed her actually this was knwed by her on 2days b4 wen he is goin bac to uae and mom had asked abt it and she came to see me als on the same day.on that day of our meeting she told to him in front of me that “when he marrys me i would dance on ur head wnt obey u etc”but he didn say anythng.the most important thing that made her to say that is bcz of my education actually am btech and he is diploma actually i got realy shocked when i heard it.i had never thought of it.when she said so i told him that we can solve it by u takin one highest degree than me and i wud help u etc .at that time he had said yes and went very happy als.but his mom is so cruel that she chnged him alot.sir why these sinners lives happily in this world why god doesnt punish them god..i had always thought that all people are same but his mom changed my views by big shocks.

  • veena
    July 3, 2017 10:38 pm


    Is it a sin to born as hindu? …am shocked by hearing all of his hurting words through phone sir i didn expect this from him bcz he had alredy gone thru a brek up and i had recovered him from that..but now am saying that he had actually used me to recover from that pain. he had loved a girl b4 me and got brek up after 5years i realy dont know what is the cause of it but one thing what i know is that his mom gone to her house and shouted to her family and tried to make them apart but still they continued after that she had brek up by herself nad he had gone to her house and shouted at the gate this what he had told me,do you know one thing sir she was a christain but still his mom opposed it.actually what she want sir.what she is getting by destroying my life sir.our relation is been from feb 2012 to june 2017 so its 6 years and 4months sir i had accepted him as my patner sir but its better to say that he made me to thnk so since this was a forced relationship bcz at first time i was not interested in this relatn bcz his ex girl friend was the one who is familiar for me but he gave me strength that he loves me deeply etc etc sayin so many sweet words he had made me completly to fall on him actually during that times his love was genuine sir that am sure but,i dont how is mom brain washed him and how could he behave to me like this.when i say about mom that he sayes pls dont curse her she is really innocent she is cryin and sick alot thinkn abt this relation etc.wen i send voice message through watzup bcz of heart breaking pain he cursed me because am crying sir he blocked me.he had never called me to say atleast a convincing word eventhough am madly crying instead he curse me for mom not talking to him for 15 days actually he didn talk to me for 4 months sir for that he has no pain he always says and hurt me bcz of mom talkn to him.his mom said that she will talk to him only when he says that he left me,how can she say so ??how can she be so stubborn by hurting or killin a girl like this?he is saying that please go away from me,u are killing my family, my relatives are dull bcz of u,they are not allowing,.etc etc..then i told that i will wait for u at that time he is saying “” no need if u wait again then if i didn marry u then for that also u wud curse me”…so i told him that u are cheating me but that also he is not agreeing.

    • July 4, 2017 8:57 pm

      Very interesting question, “Is it a sin to born as hindu?” To answer that, we have written this book. I hope you will read it and you will understand all what going on.

      We understand you were in love but why would you ever want to marry such unreliable guy and such mother-in-law? Let the bad dream be over, start a brand new life. Good days are ahead for you. Best wishes.

      • veen
        July 4, 2017 10:13 pm


        i had explained so many pblms of mine for that such a small reply ????am very dull sir cant even recover from it

        • July 5, 2017 7:18 am


          There is no problem with you. You just got trapped by someone and that was your mistake. Every one makes mistakes in life. Important is not to regret for it but get out of it, strong and powerful. This experience has taught you a lot in life and it should make you better prepared now. Ten years down in your life, you will just smile at this experience and will think this is the best happened to you.

          You have job so focus on it. Don’t be weak for this non-essential things. Go meet all your big family and long lost friends, they all still love you. Go for a movie, go to a park, go serve poor and needy.

          God has made 7 billion people, just like you, on this earth. You are one of the blessed one with good education, good family and good job. Why would you ask God for more? Learn to live with all strengths that God has given to you, so rise now.

          If you can afford, buy our book (e-book will be cheaper) and learn that you are divine, not sinner like Christian would say.

          Why would you be “am very dull”? Why? This is just beginning of your life and you will have 1000 of such cases. Mahatma Gandhiji had even severe issues in his life including many imprisonments, he did not sit and cry! Ignore this and focus on your life goals. Jump up and down now with joy. Happy days are now and it will get even better tomorrow. Enjoy life!

  • June 23, 2017 9:23 pm

    Hi Veena,
    Why you are finding it lost? Is your boy friend ready to defend and protect you or he is simply a mommy’s boy? Lets discuss and we can steer you out of this mess.

    • Veena
      June 25, 2017 9:59 pm

      He loves his he is tellin that he Would marry me only when his mom shows the green signal. I had pleaded him alots. Am wondering how could he say so to me. I loves him alot and I wanna live with him only. His mom is saying tat if a Hindu girl enters his house causes disaster in his life and family. When I cries through phone he cut the call. If there where any intermediater to make him understand the situation it would be good. Now am totally blank and mad

      • Admin
        June 26, 2017 10:44 pm

        Hi Veena,

        Probably in your life, your parents and friends made you so proud and treated with respect and dignity. Now in these guys eyes, you are some untouchable sinner and low of low. You deserve someone who respect you who you are and the way you are. We do not see any future with this guy. Thank God that he showed his true color before getting married. There is no damage done yet, go back to your life of pride and dignity.

        If this is true “marry me only when his mom shows the green signal,” why he dated you to start with? What is his mom saying “if a Hindu girl enters his house causes disaster in his life and family” is true. As per Christian belief, you (and Mahatma Gandhi) are a sinner; carrying the original sin. It can be washed only by baptism, … what an absurd teaching!

        No need to be “blank and mad” but smile and walk away with pride telling him to go to hell.

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