Her Iranian family wants me to be Muslim

Sandeep says: March 28, 2013 at 4:05 am

hii afreen,

i m in love an iranian girl n i wanna marry her. but she n her family wants me to b muslim coz in iran it is very difficult to marry her. her family likes me but the only problem is that i have to convert to islam to marry her. if i do it i will lose everything.

i just want to ask whether i can marry her in iran or not without doing any paper work. do i need to chage my name or anything in my passport??? just tell me the best way how can i marry her in iran as she is not able to come to india. where n how can we marry in iran without doing any paper work. her dad said that after marriage she cant come back to iran so it means i have to live in iran n have to show to everyone that i have become muslim. i want to hide it in india. but what to do. can u pls guide me. n can tell me the best way to marry her. i really cant live without her. pleas help me soon. -Sandeep

Admin says:

Never fake-convert, it will ruin your life. The Imam performing your Nikaah will want you to change your religion, name, your name will go into your Nikaah-nama and you will be circumcised. You said, “i want to hide it (the fake-conversion) in india”, this is not possible because every one knows exactly what will happen to you (like to the goat of bakra-id). Indians are not fool.

You said, “her family likes me”, note that this is a TRAP to spread Islam, nothing more. If you are smart, take her to India and get married, there is no other option for you. Get out of the hell place. Save your life, run away from her. -Admin

Sandeep says: April 1, 2013 at 4:08 am

Hi Suma and Chand,

Thanks for the nice comments.
Fortunately in a few months she has to visit India for two months on a project. I am planning to come to India during the same period and marry her in India and leave the Irania job. I have been selected for a US job also and I wish to move there with her. Idont know how the things will move move and swing. She wants to come out Iran, as a frog wishes to come out of well.

With your good wishes and blessings, hope we shall be united for ever. -Sandeep

Sandeep says: April 9, 2013 at 3:14 am

hii friend,

really i dont want to convert to islam. coz if i do so my family n all will face lots of problems here. n it is not good to hide anything from family. if suppose i convert n hide now then one day they will come to know about me. that time what will happen?? i cannot imagine it.

i say to her that for u come to india n we will marry in court through a speacial marriage act n then we dont need to change anything. i will b hindu n u will b muslim. but she says it is not possible. if i dont convert completly her parents will n give her to me. she cant come alone to india n i can change my religion. i can change it for marriage sake. but she wants me to b muslim for whole life. i love her so much but she is not understanding my problem. i m in very difficult situation.

i thought only her parents wants me to b muslim but she also wants me for whole life. we both love each other. but what is the solution?? how to convience her that let me live as a hindu n marry me with what i m now. she can come to india with her parents n here how is it possible for me to b muslim n live with her as a muslim. i dont have problem with her religion. i will follow her religion too. but when i ask her what can u do for me, she always says. i cannot do anything.

she wants me to change my religion but she cannot do anything for me. she loves me alot but she just wants me to b muslim. what to do. is there any solution?? is there anyone who can show me the right way??? i really cant live without her. plzz help me n tell me right way. i m very sad n depressed. -Sandeep

Your religion is like your mother. Just because your mother is less attractive than your friend’s mother you can’t abandon your mother and adopt a new one.” – Mahatma Gandhi.

More information: Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Muslim-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus? Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • kallyan
    August 29, 2013 3:44 am

    don’t change your religion leaving best one for a lady

  • kallyan
    August 29, 2013 3:06 am

    hi sandeep,
    don’t change your religion. if she loves u actually she will do all for you. why will u accept worst religion leaving finest for a lady?

  • April 1, 2013 4:08 am

    Hi Suma and Chand,

    Thanks for the nice comments.
    Fortunately in a few months she has to visit India for two months on a project. I am planning to come to India during the same period and marry her in India and leave the Irania job. I have been selected for a US job also and I wish to move there with her. Idont know how the things will move move and swing. She wants to come out Iran, as a frog wishes to come out of well.

    With your good wishes and blessings, hope we shall be united for ever.

    • suma
      April 2, 2013 8:48 pm

      Iam sorry I recommended a fake conversion eventhough Iam against that sort of connivance for sure. But in the case of Iran and other radical lands, there simply is no other way. They will stone her to death and behead you if you dont convert, but then once you convert there is absolutely no problem whatsoever. You can even marry 4 wives without blinking an eyelid, just like the Iranian mullahs do, and do a mutta marriage as well, well all thats for another day.
      A muslim woman who marries a hindu/ christian man will live her life very peacefully and without any oppression, because the marriage immediately offers her a passport to an abuse free life , that is provided by a non muslim husband. The chances of success of a marital union of a hindu man and a muslim woman are very high , mainly for that one main reason. In Iran they keep saying, ” Baa KKudaa”, ”Ba Abul Farz” ”baa ali”, before every lie they say, lies are very common daily pass time. They are not religious, in fact they are mad and fanatical. Of course there are excellent people living there, Iam exaggerating a bit here. Most of them want to run away, and given freedom they will emigrate to UsA , or even to India for that matter in no time. Alas a hindu woman’s marriage with a muslim man turns into a living hell, she unknowingly walked out of her freedom loving family into a literal hell.Faithfreedom.org is run by a learned man, Ali Sina, an Iranian Canadian, he is trying to educate all, read the blog when you have time. Good luck.

  • Suma, USA
    April 1, 2013 12:49 am

    Iranians are now metamorphosed into crazy jombies thanks the mullahs constitution there. You CAN NOT marry her in Iran unless you become a shia officially. They wont let her leave the land. So this is the way. you can make an exception here and do a fake conversion, get married and get her out of Iran and reconvert back to hinduism and then remarry her as a hindu , like a court marriage for example. She will be very very grateful to you for getting her out of that prison caled Iran, of course you must have a good job to provide for her and have a reasonable standard of living. Love alone wont do it, it is not a bollywood movie. I know a couple of Indians who married Iranians and they are raising a fine family in Hyderabad. Go for it.

    • April 1, 2013 1:05 am

      We have concern with this “do a fake conversion, get married”, because he will have to change his name and ??circumcision. What if after Nikaah, she changes her mind and do not wish to leave Iran? Sandeep will be stuck married and divorce could be difficult. He cannot remarry someone else without first divorce. This is just too risky.

      What do you mean by “They wont let her leave the land”? Why she cannot travel to other countries? Might as well take her to India as a tourist and get married there. If not, forget her.

  • March 30, 2013 3:42 am

    Dear Sandeep

    If she really loves you, make her ready to come to India and get married. Converting to Islam for marriage sake, you will be putting yourself in a hot fry pan. Don’t convert in Iran, you will be circumcised and you will be no where.

    As a well wisher, Admn. has rightly guide you.

    • Sandeep
      April 9, 2013 3:14 am

      hii friend,

      really i dont want to convert to islam. coz if i do so my family n all will face lots of problems here. n it is not good to hide anything from family. if suppose i convert n hide now then one day they will come to know about me. that time what will happen?? i cannot imagine it.

      i say to her that for u come to india n we will marry in court through a speacial marriage act n then we dont need to change anything. i will b hindu n u will b muslim. but she says it is not possible. if i dont convert completly her parents will n give her to me. she cant come alone to india n i can change my religion. i can change it for marriage sake. but she wants me to b muslim for whole life. i love her so much but she is not understanding my problem. i m in very difficult situation.

      i thought only her parents wants me to b muslim but she also wants me for whole life. we both love each other. but what is the solution?? how to convience her that let me live as a hindu n marry me with what i m now. she can come to india with her parents n here how is it possible for me to b muslim n live with her as a muslim. i dont have problem with her religion. i will follow her religion too. but when i ask her what can u do for me, she always says. i cannot do anything.

      she wants me to change my religion but she cannot do anything for me. she loves me alot but she just wants me to b muslim. what to do. is there any solution?? is there anyone who can show me the right way??? i really cant live without her. plzz help me n tell me right way. i m very sad n depressed

      • April 9, 2013 10:14 am


        You are trapped by this love-Jihadi and love-proselytizer. You have to realize that she does not love you. She hates “Hindu Sandeep”, she wants you to convert to “Muslim Salman”. She wants to convert a rose into carnation!

        NEVER EVER CONVERT to Islam just for marriage. This FAKE-conversion will kill you. You will be even more depressed for your lifetime for your mistake of fake-conversion.

        If you convert to Islam, your whole extended family and town will laugh at your parents. Every one will call you #1 stupid fool. Your parents will have to spend their rest of life in hell. Your parents will curse that they gave birth to this stupid Sandeep. Don’t be selfish, think of your parents.

        SAVE your life and move back to India. Forget her. Believe us, after two years, you will forget her and have a wonderful loving joyous new life. Good days are waiting for you. Get out of the hell place.

        Normally we would have recommended to educate her about Islam from this web site but she is brainless love-Jihadi. It is hopeless situation.

        Sundeep, don’t waste your life there. Get out!

        • sandeep
          April 13, 2013 3:05 am

          hii friend,
          she wants to come to india but cannot come alone. n coming is also not possible. if suppose she comes with her parents then still she cant marry me coz her family will never accept me as hindu.

          she says that she can accept me as a hindu but she doesnt want to change her religion. i m agreed with her. i know it is not easy to change religion for anyone. i can accept her what she is now.

          the only problem her parents. if they come to india they will want me to change my religion n then they can get her married with me. she is very sad thinking about this. we can never meet like this. we love eachother since last four years. she cant come alone. what should she do or what should i do?? should we forget each other???

          these four years we have been in pain thinking that how can we meet. but from now it is impossible for her. if i leave her, she will b alone. coz she is sick more then one year. what to do. any solution or advice can u give me. plz advice me

          • April 13, 2013 9:54 pm


            You have to learn the art of negotiation. Initially she wanted you to convert, but now she agreed “she says that she can accept me as a hindu”. Tell them that no one will convert, forget about this conversion business. This will NEVER happen. Talk every thing else but the conversion.

            You cannot please her parents, no way, never. She also has to realize and make up her mind if she wants you or her parents.

            Remind her that after you leave her, she will have to stay single for her life or marry another Muslim. Also remind her that what it means to marry a Muslim: The husband could have 3 additional wives, could beat her, could give her talaak any time but she cannot give talaak to her husband, and she may have to live a life of hell. It’s her choice, she has to pick between her parents and you.

            If she is too stubborn, sorry you can’t help her any more. Yes, it will be very painful for your for a year or two, but ultimately you will get over it.

            Ask her to come to this web site and read what all these Muslim girls have to say. Sometimes, she has to grow up and decide what is right for her.

      • deepa
        June 5, 2013 5:21 am

        hi please dont change ur religion.if the girl love u she try to understand u and do”t forced u to convert.she permit u to speacial marriage.please do not do that.u feel proud that u r a hindu boy.

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