Help me renounce Islam

Saina to Islamic Women: December 24, 2012 at 6:21 am

My story may appear to be the regular teenage drama at first glance. But if you delve deeper, you’ll find that I’m dealing with this big problem: a crush on this boy.

Wait! I know what it looks like at first. “Muslim girl gets a crush on another Muslim boy from the mosque and doesn’t know how to handle it.”

I promise you that it isn’t. It has very little to do with teenage angst. I’m typing this fast so some things might be rushed because I need to finish writing this before my mom wakes up from her nap. If you need any clarifications you can email me back till I’m satisfied with your advice.

I have suffered through depression and didn’t know exactly what was making me feel that way around late 2011. They thought it was a chemical imbalance. I thought I was stressed from my bad grades at school. But now I know that it was the fear of Hell that was burning away my spirit.

I will try to make this part of the story brief so I can get down to the main point. But I need to get this out: Islam has psychologically damaged me. This damage is being healed but some scars will never fade. I may have left Islam but a part of Islam will never leave me. The idea of having to accept sharing my husband with 72 virgins in the afterlife, the idea that the familiar, non-Muslim faces I see at school everyday were going to hell, ideas of angels beating me up in my grave and crushing me so severely that my ribs would overlap just because I failed to bow down to a narcissistic “god”, Allah humiliating me with every little petty thing I’ve done in life, the graphic descriptions of hell that were repeated to me for many years since I was very young…it has messed up my mind and distorted my sense of safety. It didn’t matter if everyone in the world loved me, because the wrath of Allah in the afterlife for making any mistake was sure to ruin a good mood.

To top that off, I learned so much too fast on a plethora of various subjects. I think too much for a 15 year old, hence being called a little philosopher. I don’t say this to brag but I want you to understand that being too smart led to mental isolation. Most teens don’t worry about worldly issues like I do. I wish I wasn’t this way sometimes because it seems like a curse to be so enlightened, for ignorance is a bliss I wish I could bask in. Instead I am aware of the horrible truth called Islam, and I’m aware of the long journey I’m going to have to do endure. I consider myself agnostic.

There is this boy who is in the same grade and school as me as well as mosque. I’ve noticed that he displays signs of being a potential apostate. We’d both ask the sheikh deep questions about Islam. Of course we got lame answers. I even talked to him about Islam briefly once at school. I asked him if the religion confused him sometimes. He said it would keep him up all night at times. He said things don’t make sense but all he can do is trust Allah.

He said he felt suicidal at times, like me. We talked a bit more and I saw he went through a lot of mental and emotional scarring like me such as bullying and isolation. He is literally the only person I have left. And I started to like him because of that. If he really is confused about Islam, then I guess he needs me too so we can support each other.

Two days ago I accidentally told my parents I didn’t believe in Islam. It was terrifying to discover that the love a Muslim parent has for their child could be so conditional. They threatened to kick me out of the house and didn’t care about what I would do with myself. So it took hours to pretend that I didn’t know what I was saying and that I believe in Islam again.

Now I have to pretend to be Muslim for a few more years till I can move out. Then I want to be free. But I want to and have to get married when I grow up, and it has to be a Muslim man. Of course, I can’t marry a Muslim because then I’d have to lie to him too and be stuck with Islam for the rest of my life. There is no way I could get away with marrying a non-Muslim either.

So my idea sounds really crazy, which is why I need your advice. Well, I was thinking…the boy I have been talking to, I like him and if I can somehow convince him Islam is not true, we can marry and move far away so our parents will be happy with us. Since we’re both “Muslims” they won’t suspect anything. But this will only work if he agrees with me. If he doesn’t, I am scared for my future. I am not doing this because of crazy teenage hormones, but I’m trying to be reasonable and I’m working on my future, and this is the only solution I have come up with. Even if we may turn out not to be compatible, we can just be friends, marry in front of our family, live in the same house (but different rooms) for show and have the relationships we want to have.

Lastly, I have one obstacle to get around with this: the imam of our mosque is brainwashing him and other youth. The imam is confusing him and I need to speak with him as soon as I can before it’s too late to reverse the damage. I’d like to explain but it’s a long story and I wanted to keep this letter short.

I really want to know what you think and how I should approach the situation and any tips you can give me. Thank you for reading, and please know that, and you’ve probably heard this so many times, you’ve helped me renounce Islam.

I don’t really leave comments on your articles but it doesn’t mean I don’t read them. I appreciate your work. You are helping to move the world to a better state. -Saina


Admin says:

Saina, you are only 15 years old and writing so good and with so much deep meanings. You are destined to be a World class writer. Please keep writing on this post over years and then publish your own book on “Saina and Islam”.

We will let other Muslim women guide you and accept you as their own younger sister. Please give feed-back to each of them. Some of them will help you step wise what to do to achieve your dreams.

Since you asked for tips, we highly recommend you to focus on your education (not boy friend now). Considering this world is very competitive, you must get top grades. Later, move out to the West for higher education.

Believe that heaven and hell are right in THIS life and around us. Only way for you to get out of current oppressed conditions and fearful life (HELL) is education (a key to HEAVEN). A great, free and superstar-like life is waiting for you.

We all are looking forward to seeing you fear-free and super successful. We fully trust you, you will make it. Best wishes. -Admin


Also read: Islamic Women Today, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu girl, Muslim girl, Hindu boy, Muslim boy,

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  • sushant
    October 2, 2013 2:40 am

    First off there is NO GOD… NO RELIGION… NO HELL FIRE… NO JANNAT … believe me …u die and it’s all over all that u could feel… in short there is nothing called life…. its all left for us to create… let me explain now (scientifically): if there were no humans alive , there would be no religion. No living being to think and thus no questions…. SO YOU SEE its all our creation the grim , the pain , the sadness, the evil, I CHOSE TO FIGHT THESE WHILE I CAN AND IGNORE IT FOR MY SAFETY…. for there are unreasonable people who JUST WOULDN’T UNDERSTAND anything but what their FOREFATHERS TOLD…. see we’ve evolved and are developed because we asked questions(Remember Einstein: his physic prof. Thought his ideas were downright absurd) … I MYSELF HAIL FROM A CONSERVATIVE HINDU FAMILY…. but not anymore … u see i told my parents i don’t believe in god when i was 12 mainly because i used to discuss the GOD FACTOR with my brother and well we realised it all appeared to fairy tale type n stuff …. now i’ve studied all major religions and well they’re ALL FAKE OFCOURSE (people might defend theirs here … but see i don’t care if you’re too stubborn u’ll never learn)…. SO IF YOU WANT TO LEARN … OPEN YOUR MIND ,EARS AND EYES….cause PIGS DON’T FLY

  • Zyrah
    March 27, 2013 8:41 am

    Hi darling Saina,
    You are little. What you feel inside of u is very lame. I m talking about the future plans that u mentioned. Also, let me add that exactly at your age, I got into a relationship and by God’s grace I m still with him happily after 8 years but when i was 15, I used to tell him that we both should elope. Imagine eloping at that age??? of course we didn’t cz he was slightly more matured than I was and obviously said that I was talkin like a fool. Such lame thoughts n ideas strike u in ur teenage always. N now at this age, I just sit back n think what if v had actually eloped..Goodness
    !!!Life would have been a mess. Anyway,my point is that as u grow older, your view on things will change drastically. You’ll understand sensitive issues like religion, relations and people better. So darling, please relax and sit back now. Stop worrying about your future. Study and prepare for a good future careerwise and everythin else will follow. Take care

  • March 3, 2013 7:12 am

    Sexual feelings are strong forces within human beings which are created by God, and like any other force or instinct, should be directed and supervised. Marriage is God’s legislation to direct this very strong force which might otherwise destroy the human being’s prosperity and salvation. Permanent marriage is the most recommended form of marriage, however, there are situations in which for different reasons permanent marriage, where the intention is to construct a family, is NOT possible. Then what should be done in these cases? Can we accept that God has left us on our own in this important issue, or should we expect some legislation in this case as well? If we do not accept temporary marriage, there are two options left:

    Sexual promiscuity and licentiousness, with all it’s results. This is what happens (and is promoted by media, Hollywood, etc.) openly in the West, and not very openly in other cultures.
    Suppressing all sexual feelings and instincts until a permanent marriage is possible. There are, however, a few problems with this choice:
    It is not possible to enforce it in any large scale form, as a general rule for society.
    Even if we assume that it can be enforced, it may cause psychological disorders, and many other complexities. Suppressing natural needs and instincts (sexual or otherwise) is not a healthy practice and Islam does not approve of it either.
    It is evident that permitting temporary marriage (until a permanent marriage becomes possible) is the best solution. Mut’a is just a sanctification of the boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. Two people may also live together all their lives without marrying. But a marriage ceremony sanctifies the relationship. The couple acknowledge their actions as fulfillment of God’s will and not merely their personal desires. They are under an obligation to God to fulfill their commitment. In a similar way, Mut’a sanctifies what would otherwise be just a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship.

    One person mentioned that the Imam Ali’s (AS) narration: “If it were not for Umar’s prohibition of temporary marriage no one would commit adultery except a wretched” is not acceptable because it draws a distorted picture of men’s sexuality! Well, I must say that it is not just men who commit adultery, and Imam Ali (AS) is referring to both men and women. Temporary marriage, as well as permanent marriage, has two sides, and BOTH sides are supposed to benefit from it. Consequently, depriving them for these benefits may cause both men and women to go wrong.

    It seems that some people have no problem with what is promoted in the West, with a culture of nudity and nakedness, with using women as adverting objects, with reducing the sexual values and ethics to the garbage and obscenity we see everyday on TV, media, etc. There is nothing humiliating and unethical about using a young, pretty, half-naked girl (the ideal woman!) as a sex object to sell bear. A woman selling her beauty to a magazine or show is considered to have a “respectable” career and is called a “model”! What a meaningful terminology! On the contrary, playing the role of a “mother” in a family is considered to be unimportant, if not humiliating. Being boyfriend-girlfriends is accepted as a sign of freedom, culture, and growth. However, if we talk about temporary marriage suddenly these people start to cry!

    Some also believe that the spread of pre-marital relationships in the West is not completely a result of moral breakdown, rather it is also due to changed socio-economic conditions. In older times, marriage was simpler and the average age of marriage was much lower. In today’s complex society, it is no longer possible to be economically self-sufficient enough to get married until one is nearly thirty years old. This means that the only option to avoid pre-marital relationships is to extend the period of pre-marital celibacy to as much as 15 years. Education is another obvious example. The man and woman usually can not find a job if they are unskilled or uneducated, and therefore financial independence is not feasible in the early stages of their life. Such prolonged celibacy is unnatural and cannot be sustained in any society for long. This is one reason why the traditional marriage customs broke down in the west during the last 30 years.

    Today, most Muslim countries are also rapidly modernizing. It is inevitable that they will also face many of the pressures that most Western countries are facing. They have a choice to make. They can either try to mount a futile struggle against inevitable change and face a chaotic breakdown of their traditional customs. Or they can courageously take the initiative and revive the Islamic values such as Mut’a to respond to changing needs of the society in the true spirit of Islam. Choosing the second option will be a satisfying answer to the problem of prolonged pre-marital celibacy. Allowing an open and honest relationship committed to in the name of God with best of intentions, will discourage secret or promiscuous sexual behavior which is much more harmful to the moral fabric of a society.

    Below I have summarized few reasons, out of many, for the necessity of Temporary Marriage, and the advantages associated with it:

    As I mentioned, temporary marriage is not necessarily a sexual relation, and it could be for many other reasons. One purpose could be: getting to know each other closely. In the Shia communities it is even widely applied for a virgin girl to enter into such temporary marriage WITH the condition that the marriage is NOT to be consummated. This is actually for done a boy and girl want to permanently marry, but they don’t know much about each other, and to familiarize themselves to each other, they will enter to such contract few months before the official permanent marriage. This period is what is known as “engagement”. The engagement for the Shia Muslims means that they have contracted Mut’a marriage. (There is no other way for engagement in Islam!) In this period the boy regularly visits the girl in the house of the girl’s parents and he is considered as a part of their family. They are “Mahram” to each other (i.e., boy can see the girl and her mother without head-cover, as a result of temporary marriage contract). They talk, study, have fun, go to picnic along with their parents, and so on. The boy and girl are husband and wife, but the only thing that they can’t do, is to sleep together.
    This gives an opportunity to the boy and the girl in order to know each other more closely and to see if they can live together for the rest of their life and if their personal feelings are sort of compatible. Usually if something is found to be wrong, they will break up before the time when they want to permanently marry. This helps to decrease the rate of divorce in permanent marriage (when the permanent marriage may have been consummated and they may even have children) which is the worst thing in the family life.

    Another justification about temporary marriage is that, in Islam, the right of divorce has been given to the husband and not the wife. Also according to the Islamic teaching, a girl and a boy can not be with each other before marriage. So if the only way in Islam was to permanently marry, then this would be unjust towards a woman who does not know his husband before marriage. What if the woman later finds out that she does not have a very happy life with her husband because they are not morally compatible? Is she is bound to live with the husband that she didn’t know and she does not like him to the extent that she desires? The answer for permanent marriage is Yes. She can not get divorced unless her husband wants to divorce her. (Under some circumstances, a Muslim scholar/Judge can divorce her if she can prove that she is being harassed and is deprived of her rights or her man is sexually impotent, etc. But this is not likely to happen if she just does not like her husband too much or if she finds that she does not have too much compatibility and interest with her husband. Moreover, such procedure is risky, since the verdict of judge may be different than the wish of woman).
    The option of temporary marriage removes this unjust look of authority. In Temporary marriage a girl and a boy have opportunity to live together for sometime to find if they will see a good future for their permanent marriage. As I said, the couple entered in temporary marriage contract may put the condition at the time of contract that the marriage is not to be sexually consummated. The guardian of the girl can also enforce such condition and the couple can just visit each other during the day to talk, study, and take part in any other non-sexual activities.

    Temporary marriage is a conditional marriage. The purpose of such contract can be even only for talking to each other. Although necessary talks between two sexes in order to get along with daily life, without evil intention and without possible evil consequences, is not forbidden in Islam, but a man and woman who are presently unmarried and who are in close contact with each other due to the job, study or whatever, are encouraged to enter to such contract. This removes any possibility of sin.
    In another case, a boy and a girl may NOT have reached to a point to manage a family life with all financial and legal responsibilities. Or they might be able to manage it financially but they are in a temporary situation where they can’t plan for permanent marriage, like bachelor students who come to other countries to study where they may not be able to find a good match for the permanent life in the foreign country as a result of cultural differences. If they feel they can’t stand emotionally, they may enter to such contract for the few years that they are away from home.
    In any situation, if one can not control himself/herself, it is necessary to either temporarily or permanently marry. Obviously, temporary marriage is more practical in such situations.

    In each community, there are some women who have lost their husbands either by death or divorce, and no body had offered them a permanent marriage proposal after their first husband. She will have to do one of the three things:
    First to imprison the calls of nature in her body and bury her feelings, and then become like a nun. Sometimes this happens when the society tries to keep her as a prisoner of injustice, cultural traditions, and priesthood which Islam has made illegal.

    Second, she also could fight back and run towards indecency and immorality which is what happened in the western societies. Third, she could also become poor, weak, and homeless if she could not find a job to support herself.

    Islam should have a solution for such problems and emotional needs, and that is temporary marriage which she could benefit to the time she finds a qualified permanent husband. Of course, she can refuse to marry either way, and agree to a life of piety and loneliness away from any marriage, then that’s no problem! The problem occurs when the matter becomes one of the two: whether she would fall into indecency as what happened in the western societies, or whether she would preserve her chastity from sin through temporary marriage, based on the rule of Almighty God and His Messenger (PBUH&HF).

    According to the Islamic teaching, although the permanent marriage of a Muslim man with a woman from the People of the Book is not forbidden, but it is discouraged (Makrooh). Because permanent marriage is a plan for the whole lifetime while there is no guarantee that such woman will change her belief in future. Islam is not a custom but is a complete way of life. Such marriage could not be a successful marriage if the opposition in beliefs and practices wants to continue for the whole lifetime.
    In contrary, temporary marriage is a plan which expires after its period, and by that time, it would be apparent if the non-Muslim woman is really interested in the teaching of Islam, and whether she is a suitable match for the whole lifetime.

    A nice aspect of temporary marriage is that the couple can extend the period of their contract or even can convert the temporary marriage into a permanent marriage if they find that they both wish to live with each other permanently. They can do this only after the expiration of the first contract, or else the man can wave the rest of time period to his wife, so as to finish the temporary marriage earlier, and he should give her the dower (if it has not been paid yet), and then start a new contract with her with another specified period with a new dower. When the woman remarries the same man, she has no waiting period.

    This latter method of renewing the contract is established by a tradition related from Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq (AS). He was asked about a man who married a woman for a period of one month, but then found that a love for her was developing in his heart. Before the period expires, could he renew the contract and increase the time period and dowry? The Imam answered that such a course of action was not permissible so long as the first contract remained in effect. Therefore: “He must return to her the remainder of the days [of the contract] and then set up a new contract.” (Wasa’il al-Shia, v14, p478). This way guarantees that woman has free choice without any pressure or temptation to decide if she would like to renew the marriage after she has fully received the dower of the previous marriage contract and after the previous marriage has ended.
    In any way, it is necessary that the contract be repeated all over again, with specifying dowry (Mahr; Sidaq), new permission of the father of virgin girl (if the case), and also the marriage sentences (‘Aqd) need to be spoken literally again. The acceptance in heart is not enough, and some specific words should be uttered. One of the requirements of any kind of marriage is verbal offer and equal acceptance by the other party or their authorized representatives.

    Temporary marriage is not like polygamy which should be rare. It can be widely applied in an ideal Islamic society. Temporary marriage will result in less divorce rate, less rate of the youth committing unlawful sex, less eye-contact sins and so on.
    There are many more advantages for this Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH&HF), but here we are limited by space. Tawfiq al-Fukaiki in his book “The Mut’a and its effect/benefit on society”, in Arabic, discusses some of the would-be benefits.

    However, we emphasize that the allowance of temporary marriage should not cause the importance of the institution of permanent marriage and family to be overlooked. All efforts should be made to promote permanent marriage, to eliminate the barriers and problems in its way. Therefore, temporary marriage, in general, should be looked upon as a secondary measure to protect both society and the individuals from the effects which otherwise would rise. It is not very difficult to see these problems both in the West and in the “Islami

  • altaf
    March 1, 2013 6:21 am

    ALLAH se daro.islam me jitni protection hai caring hai wo kisi mazhab me nahi chhoti si zindagi hai kab khatm hojaye pata nahi jo aakhirat ki zindagi hai wo kabhi khatm nahi hogi pehle islam me kya hai use jaano .tum hamesha young nahi rahogi chhoti si jawani hai tumhari boht jald khatm ho jaayegi agar ALLAH ki maan k chalogi to duniya me b khush rahogi aur marne k baad bhi .ek baat sunlo islam me 4 shadiyan zarur hain.term condition theek se padho pata chal jaayega.dusroun ki tarha ghar me wife hoti hai ye roz nayi ladki k saat rehta hai .sab log samhaljao warna modern culture ki ladkiyoun ko wo log tissue paper ki tarha use karte hain jab tumhari jawani khatm to tum b tissue paper ban jaogi.abhi waqt hai ALLAH KI MANLO WARNA JAHANUM KI AAG BADI KHOUFNAAK HAI.IS MUKHTASAR SI ZINDAGI K BAARE ME SOCH K KYA KAROGI .HAM YAHAN EXAM DENE AAYE HAIN APNI KHWAHISHAT KO PURA KARNE NAHI AAYE

  • January 17, 2013 9:20 am


    Muslim countries in the Middle East and north-central Africa lead the world in human trafficking, according to a new U.S. State Department report. Of the 17 countries that were given the “Tier 3″ listing reserved for the worst offenders, nine were Muslim countries or countries with a large Muslim population from these two regions. Tier 3 countries are defined as those “whose governments do not fully comply with the minimum standards” of the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 and “are not making significant efforts to do so.”

    The Middle Eastern countries with Tier 3 status are Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Syria. The north-central African countries are Mauritania, Chad, Sudan, Niger and Eritrea, all of which have very large Muslim populations.

    Algeria, Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Iraq, Yemen, Bahrain, Qatar, the UAE and Lebanon are on the Tier 2 Watchlist – one step above Tier 3.

    Shyima Hall, 19, was photographed for the State Department report in the windowless garage where she was kept for two years. Shyima was 10 when a wealthy Egyptian couple brought her from a poor village in northern Egypt to work in their home in California. She used to wake before dawn and often worked past midnight ironing clothes, mopping the marble floors and dusting the family’s crystal. She sometimes worked up to 20 hours a day and earned $45 a month. (Photo: Traffic in Persons Report 2009).

    The data in the report indicates that Muslim countries in the Middle East and Africa are continuing their centuries-old practice of human trafficking. Historians estimate that between 9 and 14 million black Africans were brought to the Americas in the Atlantic slave trade and between 11 and 18 million black African slaves crossed the Red Sea, Indian Ocean, and Sahara Desert between the Muslim conquests in the 7th century and 1900.

    Iran: The report says that “Iran is a source, transit, and destination for men, women, and children trafficked for the purposes of sexual exploitation and involuntary servitude. Iranian women are trafficked internally for the purpose of forced prostitution and forced marriage. Iranian and Afghan children living in Iran are trafficked internally for the purpose of forced marriage, commercial sexual exploitation, and involuntary servitude as beggars or laborers to pay debts, provide income, or support drug addiction of their families. Iranian women and girls are also trafficked to Pakistan, Turkey, Qatar, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Iraq, France, Germany, and the United Kingdom for commercial sexual exploitation.”

    The State Department report noted that “the Government of Iran does not fully comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking, and is not making significant efforts to do so. Lack of access to Iran by U.S. Government officials impedes the collection of information on the country’s human trafficking problem and the government’s efforts to curb it.”

    North Africa and Middle East: Tier 3 countries are shaded maroon. (Traffic in Persons Report 2009).

    Saudi Arabia, the report says, “is a destination country for men and women trafficked for the purposes of involuntary servitude and, to a lesser extent, commercial sexual exploitation. Men and women from Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, Indonesia, Sudan, Ethiopia, and many other countries voluntarily travel to Saudi Arabia as domestic servants or other low-skilled laborers, but some subsequently face conditions indicative of involuntary servitude, including restrictions on movement, withholding of passports, threats, physical or sexual abuse, and non-payment of wages.

    “Some Saudi men have also used legally contracted ‘temporary marriages’ in countries such as Mauritania, Yemen, and Indonesia as a means by which to sexually exploit migrant workers. Females as young as seven years old are led to believe they are being wed in earnest, but upon arrival in Saudi Arabia subsequently become their husbands’ sexual slaves, are forced into domestic labor and, in some cases, prostitution. The Government of Saudi Arabia does not fully comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking and is not making discernible efforts to do so.”

    Syria is “principally a destination country for women and children trafficked for the purposes of domestic servitude and commercial sexual exploitation. Women from Iraq, Eastern Europe, former Soviet states, Somalia, and Morocco are recruited as cabaret dancers and subsequently forced into prostitution after their employers confiscate their passports and confine them to their work premises. A significant number of women and children in the large Iraqi refugee community in Syria are forced into sexual exploitation by criminal gangs or, in some cases, their families. Some desperate Iraqi families reportedly abandon their girls at the border with the expectation that traffickers on the Syrian side would arrange forged documents for the children and ‘work’ in a nightclub or brothel. Iraqi families arrange for young girls to work in clubs and to be “married,” often multiple times, to men for the sole purpose of prostitution.”

    In Kuwait, the majority of trafficking victims are from among the over 500,000 foreign women recruited for domestic service work. “Men and women migrate from Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Indonesia, Pakistan, and Bangladesh in search of work in the domestic and sanitation industries. Although they migrate willingly to Kuwait, upon arrival some are subjected to conditions of forced labor from their ‘sponsors’ and labor agents, such as withholding of passports, confinement, physical sexual abuse and threats of such abuse or other serious harm, and non-payment of wages with the intent of compelling their continued service.”

    “Adult female migrant workers are particularly vulnerable, and consequently are often victims of sexual exploitation and forced prostitution. There have been instances of domestic workers who have fled from their employers, lured by the promise of well-paying service industry jobs, and being coerced into prostitution. In other cases, the terms of employment in Kuwait are wholly different from those agreed to in their home countries. The Government of Kuwait does not fully comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking and is not making sufficient efforts to do so

  • January 17, 2013 7:44 am

    Crimes Against Women and Children in the Name of Islam

    Mohammed, the prophet of the Islamic world, married his last bride Aisha when she was just six years old, and the consummated the marriage with her when she was just nine years old. In Islamic states, partly because of this precedent, this practice still happens in fundamentalist countries like Afghanistan. Muslims will say that a child of six or seven is almost certain to be a virgin. Mohammed was at least 50 when he married Aisha.

    The practice of forced marriages (as opposed to arranged marriages) in some Muslim states such as Afghanistan is very common. Some reports claim that somewhere between 60-80 percent of marriages in Afghanistan are forced upon the girls involved or without the consent of the girls. These marriages are seen as a way to resolve conflicts between families, or as a way to absolve someone of a wrongdoing. The girls are treated as they would treat cattle, and are given to these men as offerings.

    Some reports also estimate that 57 percent of Afghani girls are married before the age of 16, and it is unusual to find an unmarried girl older than 18 years of age. The practice is justified twofold; that the girls are helping to keep the peace between families, and that the Islamic prophet Mohammed had set this precedent.

    In Afghanistan the legal age to be married is 16, but many people ignore this law or claim they were unaware of it. The children in this situation are robbed of childhood, and as you will see, many are robbed of their life. This practice is abhorrent, and any civilised culture will see it as such.

    In Nigeria, a 49-year-old Muslim Senator has reportedly married a 13-year-old girl, and has allegedly previously married a 15-year-old in 2006, citing that he paid a dowry of $100,000 to the parents for her. Although looked down upon by other ministers in Nigeria it is still happening.

    Women in Islam have no rights, especially if they are non-Muslim, and these men get away with their evils because people are too afraid to stand up against the barbarity of the culture which the religion they follow has instilled in them. Threats of death are imposed upon those who would stand up against this. In Lahore, a man and his entourage of Muslim lawyers has threatened to “burn alive” anyone who will come to the defence of a 12-year-old servant of his, whom he raped and murdered.

    Many girls will find themselves in a marriage with a man much older than they are, and will be given the sole duties of looking after the household and giving offspring to the man. Some men have multiple wives, and the women become a harem for that man. The men are often abusive to these girls, sometimes to the point where the girl should be hospitalised, but often is not. The beating of wives is seen as the “honourable thing to do”, for the wife must be kept in line with the wishings of the man and of Allah.

    Often these girls will find themselves in these abusive relationships, and will seek a way out. But the way out is a problem in itself; if the girl were to leave she would bring shame upon her own family and her husband’s, and would be hunted down and possibly stoned to death or just beaten withing an inch of her life; if she stays, she may be beaten thus anyhow. Sometimes out of pure desperation, a girl seeking to be free from the bonds of this abusive relationship will choose self-harm rather than bringing shame upon her people.

    In Afghanistan, it is believe that more than 10 women and girls choose self-immolation (warning very graphic content) as the escape from their bondage. Around the web there are numerous stories of women who, feeling there was no better way, have chosen to set themselves on fire rather than continue living in such conditions. Some girls die from their injuries. Some do not but are so badly scarred so as to lose their legs, or are severely disfigured by these burns. Those that live may wind up on the streets, homeless.

    The culture in Afghanistan is such that women are treated as slaves, and in some cases, worse than dogs. Not only do they wear the burqa in public at all times, they are not allowed to leave the home alone, not allowed to speak to anyone they don’t know, and not allowed to make their identity known nor engage with any of their husband’s friends they may meet in the street. They are not treated as second-class citizens, rather as livestock that can produce more sons for the family.

    People blame Islam for these practices. And yet, there are many more Islamic people who don’t practice this than do. Islam itself is not to blame wholly for these atrocities, rather the culture that bases itself upon Islam, then justifies these stone-aged practices based on the words of the Koran or the Hadeeth, saying it is God’s will that this be done. When a culture is poor and has little or no access to education, these kinds of barbaric practices continue to happen.

    The culture in Afghanistan is sick. The barbarism and sheer disrespect for human rights that occurs there is all so often backed up by the perverse and outmoded words of their holy books. This illness in the Afghan culture continues, even after the ousting of the Taliban, who were ultra conservative and would set upon women with batons for showing ANY skin, but it is not much better now.

    While this culture is deeply ingrained in their societies, these practices in the name of Islam shows it toi be, in its extreme, nothing more than an ultra-conservative ultra-violent “boy’s club” where it members all look after each other. And as sickening as all this is, nothing seems to be getting better.

    These girls stories are the same story I have heard again and again of extreme desperation, of girls who see their only escape from forced marriage as being self harm. It is gut-wrenchingly sad to see such lives destroyed by the greed and stupidity of men. Here is an example of one girl’s account of the horrors she has faced at the brutal hands of an extreme Islamic patriarchy

  • zahid
    January 15, 2013 5:07 am

    If a person of lower caste adoptsthe occupation of a higher caste, the king ought to deprive him of all his property and expel him from his kingdom. (Manusmriti, X: 96)
    If a Shudra (lowest caste member) dares to give moral lessons to a Brahmin, the king is to get him punished by pouring hot oil in his ear and mouth. (Manusmriti, VII: 272)
    Similarly, if a Shudra occupies thesame seat as a Brahmin, he is to be punished by branding his waist (with hot rod) or getting his buttocks cut! (Manusmriti, VIII: 281)
    Even if the husband is morally degraded, engaged in an affair with another woman and is devoid of knowledge and other qualities, the wife must treat himlike a god . (Manusmriti, V: 154)
    Women should never be allowed by their guardians to act independently. (Manusmriti, IX: 2)
    If a person of lower varna (caste) has sexual intercourse with a woman of higher varna, with or without her consent, he is to be killed. (Manusmriti, VIII: 366)
    If a Brahmin (highest caste) abuses a Shudra (lowest caste), he is to be fined mildly, but if a Shudra abuses a Brahmin, he is tobe killed. (Manusmriti, VIII: 267/268)
    If a Brahmin (highest caste) kills a Shudra (lowest caste), he is to perform penance by killing a cat, frog, owl or crow, etc. (Manusmriti, XI: 131)
    Non-believers, including freethinkers, rationalists and Buddhists, are not to be entertained respectfully as guests; though, mercifully, they may be given food . (Manusmriti, MS IV: 30)
    The families of non-believers are destroyed sooner than later. (Manusmriti, MS III: 65)
    If a woman should not grant her man his desire, he should bribe her. If she still does not grant him his desire, he should hit her with a stick or with his hand, andovercome her, saying: ‘With power, with glory I take away your glory!’ Thus she becomes inglorious. (Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 6.4.7)
    It is the highest duty of the woman to burn herself after her husband. (Brahma Purana 80.75)
    When a woman, proud of her relations [or abilities] deceives her husband (with another man),then the king should [ensure that] she be torn apart by dogs in place much frequented by people. And the evil man should be burnt in a bed of red-hot iron. (Manusmriti, MS VIII: 371/372)
    Offering presents (to a woman), romping (with her), touching herornaments and dress, sitting with her on a bed, all these acts are considered adulterous acts. (Manusmriti, MS VIII: 357)

  • January 15, 2013 5:03 am

    Prophet Muhammad S.A.W Wives


    May God be pleased with her, was the first among the Prophet’s wives. At the time of her marriage, she was forty years old and Muhammad, upon him be peace, was twenty-five. She was the mother of all his children except a son, Ibrahim, who did not live long. As well as being a wife, Khadija was also a friend to her husband, the sharer of his inclinations and ideals to a remarkable degree. Their marriage was wonderfully blessed; they lived together in profound harmony for twenty-three years. Through every contumely and outrage heaped upon him by the idolaters, through every persecution, Khadija was his dearest companion and helper. He loved her very deeply and did not marry any other woman during her lifetime. This marriage is the ideal of intimacy, friendship, mutual respect, support and consolation, for all marriages. Though faithful and loyal to all his wives, he never forgot Khadija after her death and mentioned her virtues and merits extensively on many occasions. The Prophet did not marry for another four to five years after Khadija’s death. Providing their daily food and provisions, bearing their troubles and hardships, Muhammad, upon him be peace, looked after his children and performed the duties of mother as well as father. To allege of such a man that he was a sensualist or suffered from lust for women, is as disgraceful and as stupid a lie as can be imagined. For if there were even the least grain of truth in it, he could not have lived as we know that he did.



    May God be pleased with her, was his second wife, though not in the order of marriages. She was the daughter of his closest friend and devoted follower, Abu Bakr. Abu Bakr, one of the earliest converts to Islam had long hoped to cement the deep attachment that existed between himself and the Prophet, by giving to him his daughter in marriage. By marrying ‘A’isha the Prophet accorded the highest honour and courtesy to a man who had shared all the good and bad times with him throughout his mission.

    ‘A’isha, who proved to be a remarkably intelligent and wise woman, had both the nature and temperament to carry forward the work of Prophetic mission. Her marriage was the schooling through which she was prepared as a spiritual guide and teacher to the whole of the female world. She became one of the major students and disciples of the Prophet and through him, like so many of the Muslims of that blessed time, her skills and talents were matured and perfected, so that she joined him in the abode of bliss both as wife and as student. Her life and her services to Islam after her marriage prove that such an exceptional person was worthy to be the wife of the Prophet. For, when the time came, she proved herself one of the greatest authorities on Hadith, an excellent commentator on the Qur’an and a most distinguished and knowledgeable expert (faqih) in Islamic law. She truly represented the inward and outward qualities and experiences (zahir and batin) of the Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace, through her unique understanding.


    Umm Salama

    May God be pleased with her, was from the clan of Makhzum. She was first married to her cousin. The couple had embraced Islam at the very beginning and emigrated to Abyssinia, to avoid the persecutions of the Quraysh. After returning from Abyssinia, the couple and their four children migrated to Madina. Her husband participated in many battles and received severe wounds at the battle of Uhud from which he later died. Abu Bakr and ‘Umar proposed marriage to Umm Salama, aware of her needs and suffering as a widow with children to support and no means of doing so. She refused because, according to her judgement, no one could be better than her late husband.

    Some time after that, the Prophet himself offered to marry her. This was quite right and natural. For this great woman, who had never shied from sacrifice and suffering for her faith in Islam, was now alone after having lived many years in the noblest clan of Arabia. She could not be neglected and left to beg her way in life. Considering her piety, sincerity and all that she had suffered, she certainly deserved to be helped. By taking her into his household, the Prophet was doing what he had been doing since his youth, namely befriending those who were lacking in friends, supporting those who were unsupported, protecting those who were unprotected.

    Umm Salama was intelligent and quick in comprehension just as ‘A’isha was. She had all the capacities and gifts to become a spiritual guide and teacher. When the gracious and compassionate Prophet took her under his protection, a new student to whom all the female world would be grateful, was accepted into the school of knowledge and guidance. Let us recall that, at this time, the Prophet was approaching the age of sixty. For him to have married a widow with many children, to have accepted the expenses and responsibilities that entailed, cannot be understood otherwise than in humble admiration for the infinite reserves of his humanity and compassion.


    Umm Habiba

    May God be pleased with her, was the daughter of Abu Sufyan who, for a long time had been the most determined enemy of the Prophet’s mission, and the most determined supporter of kufr (unbelief). Yet his daughter was one of the earliest converts to Islam. She emigrated to Abyssinia because of persecution by the unbelievers. Whilst there, her husband died and she was all alone, and desperate, in exile.

    The Companions of the Prophet were then few in number and had little in the way of material wealth to support themselves, let alone to support others. What then were the practical options open to Umm Habiba? She might convert to Christianity in Abyssinia and so obtain support from the Christians, but that was unthinkable. She might return to her father’s home, now a headquarters of the war against Islam, but that too was unthinkable. She might wander from household to household as a beggar, but again it was an unthinkable option for one who belonged to one of the richest and noblest Arab families to bring shame upon her family name by doing so.

    God recompensed Umm Habiba for all that she lost or sacrificed in the way of Islam. She had suffered a lonely exile in an insecure environment among people of a race and religion different from her own; she was made wretched too by her husband’s death. The Prophet, on learning of her plight, responded by sending an offer of marriage through the king Negus. This was an action both noble and generous, and a practical proof of the verse: We have not sent you save as a mercy for all creatures (al-Anbiya’, 21.107).

    Through this marriage, the powerful family of Abu Sufyan came to be linked with the person and household of the Prophet, something that led them to adopt a different attitude to Islam. It is also correct to trace the influence of this marriage, beyond the family of Abu Sufyan, on all the Umayyads, who ruled the Muslims for almost a hundred years. The clan whose members had been the most fanatical in their hatred of Islam produced some of Islam’s most renowned warriors, administrators and governors in the early period. Without doubt it was the marriage to Umm Habiba that began this change: the Prophet’s depth of generosity and magnanimity of soul surely overwhelmed them.


    Zaynab bint Jahsh

    May God be pleased with her, was also a lady of noble birth, descended and a close relative of the Prophet. She was, moreover, a woman of great piety, who fasted much, kept long vigils, and gave generously to the poor. When the Prophet asked for the hand of Zaynab for Zayd, Zaynab’s family and Zaynab herself were at first unwilling. The family had hoped to marry their daughter to the Prophet. Naturally, when they realized that it was the Prophet’s wish that Zaynab should marry Zayd, they all consented out of deference to their love for the Prophet and his authority. In this way, the marriage took place.

    Zayd had been taken captive as a child in the course of tribal wars and sold as a slave. The noble Khadija whose slave he was, presented him to Muhammad, upon him be peace, on the occasion of her marriage to the future Prophet. The Prophet immediately gave Zayd his freedom and shortly afterwards adopted him as his son. The reason for his insistence on Zayd’s marriage to Zaynab was to establish and fortify equality between the Muslims, to make this ideal a reality. His desire was to break down the ancient Arab prejudice against a slave or even freedman marrying a ‘free-born’ woman. The Prophet was therefore starting this hard task with his own relatives.

    The marriage did not bring happiness to either Zaynab or Zayd. Zaynab, the lady of noble birth, was a good Muslim of a most pious and exceptional quality. Zayd, the freedman, was among the first to embrace Islam, and he too was a good Muslim. Both loved and obeyed the Prophet, but their marriage was unsustainable because of their mutual incompatibility. Zayd found it no longer tolerable and on several occasions expressed the wish to divorce. The Prophet, however, insisted that he should persevere with patience and that he should not separate from Zaynab. Then, on an occasion while the Prophet was in conversation, the Angel Gabriel came and a Divine Revelation was given to him (Bukhari, Tawhid, 22). The Prophet’s marriage to Zaynab was announced in the revealed verses as a bond already contracted: We have married her to you (al-Ahzab, 33.37). This command was one of the severest trials the Prophet had yet had to face. For he was commanded to do a thing contrary to the traditions of his people, indeed it was a taboo. Yet it had to be done for the sake of God, just as God commanded. ‘A’isha later said: Had the Messenger of God been inclined to suppress anything of what was revealed to him, he would surely have suppressed this verse (Bukhari and Muslim).

    Zaynab proved herself most worthy to be the Prophet’s wife; she was always aware of the responsibilities as well as the courtesies proper to her role, and fulfilled those responsibilities to universal admiration.

    In the jahiliyyah, an adopted son was regarded as a natural son, and an adopted son’s wife was therefore regarded as a natural son’s wife would be. According to the Qur’anic verse, those who have been ‘wives of your sons proceeding from your loins’ fall within the prohibited degrees of marriage. But this prohibition does not relate to adopted sons with whom there is no real consanguinity. What now seems obvious was not so then. The pagan taboo against marrying the former wives of adopted sons was deeply rooted. It was to uproot this custom that the Prophet’s marriage to Zaynab was commanded by the Revelation.


    Juwayriya bint Harith

    May God be pleased with her, was one of a large number of captives taken by Muslims in a military expedition. She was the daughter of Harith, chief of the defeated Banu Mustaliq clan. She was held captive, like other members of her proud family, alongside the ‘common’ people of her clan. When Juwayriya was taken to the Prophet, upon him be peace, she was in considerable distress, not least because her kinsmen had lost everything and her emotions were a profound hate and enmity toward the Muslims. The Prophet understood the wounded pride and dignity and the suffering of this woman; more than that he understood also, in his sublime wisdom, how to resolve the problem and heal that wounded pride. He agreed to pay her ransom, set her free and offered to take her as his wife. How gladly Juwayriya accepted this offer can easily be imagined.

    About a hundred families, who had not yet been ransomed, were all set free when the Ansar (the Helpers) and the Muhajirun (the Emigrants) came to realize that the Bani Mustaliq were now among the Prophet’s kin by marriage. A tribe so honoured could not be allowed to remain in slavery (Ibn Hanbal, Musnad, 6,277). In this way the hearts of Juwayriyah and all her people were won.



    May God be pleased with her, was the daughter of Huyayy, one of the chieftains of the Jewish tribe of Khaybar, who had persuaded the Bani Qurayza to break their treaty with the Prophet. From her earliest years she saw her family and relatives determined in opposition to the Prophet, upon him be peace and blessings. She had lost her father, brother and husband at the hands of Muslims, and herself became one of their captives. The attitudes and actions of her family and relatives might have nurtured in her a deep indignation against the Muslims and a desire for revenge. But three days before the Prophet, upon him be peace, arrived at Khaybar, and Safiyya fell captive in the battle, she had seen in a dream a brilliant moon coming out from Madina, moving towards Khaybar, and falling into her lap. She later said: ‘When I was captured I began to hope that my dream would come true.’ When she was brought before him as a captive, the Prophet generously set her free and offered her the choice between remaining a Jew and returning to her people or entering Islam and becoming his wife. ‘I chose God and his Messenger’, she said. Shortly after that, they were married.

    Elevated to the Prophet’s household she had the title of ‘mother of the believers’. The Companions of the Prophet honoured and respected her as ‘mother’; she witnessed at first hand the refinement and true courtesy of the men and women whose hearts and minds were submitted to God. Her attitude to her past experiences changed altogether, and she came to appreciate the great honour of being the Prophet’s wife. As a result of this marriage, the attitude of many Jews changed as they came to see and know the Prophet closely.


    Sawda bint Zam‘a

    May God be pleased with her, was the widow of one Sakran. Sakran and Sawdah were among the first to embrace Islam and had been forced to emigrate to Abyssinia to escape the persecution of the idolaters. Sakran died in exile and left his wife utterly destitute. As the only means of assisting the poor woman, the Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace, though himself distressed for the means of daily subsistence, married Sawda. This marriage took place some time after the death of the noble Khadija.



    May God be pleased with her, was the daughter of ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab, the future second Caliph of Islam. This good lady had lost her husband who emigrated to both Abyssinia and Madina and who died of wounds received in battle in the path of God. She remained without a husband for a while. ‘Umar also desired, like Abu Bakr, the honour and blessing of being close to the Prophet in this world and in the Hereafter, so that the Prophet, upon him be peace, took Hafsa as his wife so as to protect and help the daughter of his faithful disciple.

    Such were the circumstances and noble motives of the several marriages of the Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace. We see that these marriages were intended to provide helpless or widowed women with dignified subsistence in the absence of all other means; to console and honour enraged or estranged tribes people, to bring those who had been enemies into some degree of relationship and harmony; to gain for the cause of Islam certain uniquely gifted individuals, in particular some exceptionally talented women; to establish new norms of relationship between different people within the unifying brotherhood of faith in God; and to honour with family bonds the men who were to be the first leaders of the Muslim ummah after him. These marriages had nothing at all to do with self-indulgence or personal desire or lust or any other of the absurd and vile charges laid against the Prophet by Islam’s embittered enemies. With the exception of ‘A’isha, all of the Prophet’s wives were widows, and all his marriages (after that with the noble Khadijah) were contracted when he was already an old man. Far from being acts of self-indulgence then, these marriages were acts of self-discipline.


  • zahid
    January 13, 2013 2:03 am

    Islam has given an esteemed rankto women. Allah Almighty announces in a verse, Should one of them, or both, attain old age in your lifetime, do not say”Ugh!” to them (as an indication of complaint or impatience), nor push them away, and always address them in gracious words. (Al-Isra Surah, 17:23)
    The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) announces, Heaven is under the feet of mothers. Let us touch briefly on the objection that some put forward saying there is o equality between men and women in Islam.
    Allah Almighty has instances of wisdom in infinite numbers. He creates in whatever way He pleases. He may give some peopledifferent capabilities and talents from others. No creatures can ever interfere with this will.
    Allah Almighty has not created men and women equally in all ways. To try to make these two genders equal in every way is only possible to change the nature of genders, which is impossible. The male and female natures differ from each other inmany ways. Considering the fact that judgments are made on behalf of majority, we can say that: men are superior in terms of strength, courage, and boldness whereas women are superior in compassion, tenderness, and fidelity. Both men and women may excel each other at some ways. Within family, the excelling sides of both are combined and thus the needs and happiness of the family are met.
    Since men are superior in strength, Allah Almighty, in the first place, has held men responsible for the family and protecting them from any kind of danger both physically and spiritually. This truth has been clearly written in the Holy Book: Men (those who are able to carryout their responsibilities) are the protectors and maintainers of women inasmuch as God has endowed some of people (in some respects) with greater capacity than others and inasmuch as they (the men) spend of their wealth (for the familys maintenance). Good, righteous women are the devoted ones (to God) and observant (of their husbands rights), who guard the secrets (family honor and property, theirchastity, and their husbands rights, especially where there is none to see them and in the absence of men) as God guards and keeps undisclosed (what should be guarded and private). (An-Nisa Surah, 4:34)
    Islam, on the one hand, wishes men to answer the needs of women, on the other hand, wishes women to be obedient totheir husbands. The verse above teaches us both the superiority of men and the virtue of women.
    However, being the head of the family is one thing, being superior in the religion is quite another thing. According to the Holy Quran, the criterion of the superiority is not gender but taqwa. Taqwa in short means fearing Allah, avoiding from sins, abstaining from the behaviors, manners, and words that He disapproves.
    For a family to continue its welfare and harmony it is of great importance that man be the head of the family and woman obey him. Absolute equality ruins the harmony in thefamily through when women do not obey their husbands, spoils the welfare and happiness, and mostly causes divorces.
    Just as it is necessary for a woman to obey her husband, it is also necessary for a man to maintain his wifes rights. It is a fallacy that in Islam women are slaves to men. On the contrary, inIslam women have more pleasures than men do. Because in Islam men are obliged to provide alimony for women in a case of divorce, whereas womenare exempted from that. Islam has given the duty of raising a child to women, which is the most essential and pleasurable thing for a woman to do. That is why Allah Almighty has given the feeling of compassion more to women than men have.
    Today what some call freedom of women has only brought about womens falling into debauchery and misery. However, Islam has protected their honor by ordering to remain chaste.
    Some circles present the Islamic order of veiling as the restrictionof freedom of women.
    First one need to know that veiling is not only an Islamic rule, but it is a rule of all divine religions. Nuns veiling themselvesis a clear proof to that.
    Veiling is not peculiar to women; it is a natural necessity for the whole humankind. It is impossible to see naked people around in any country. The point of debate is on its limits. In Islam women are obliged to cover all their parts which could evoke men sexual feelings. In this way, they protect their honor and chastity in the world, and win eternal bliss in the hereafter. On the other hand, when women wear immodestly, they lead men into sins, and according to the Islamic rule the one who causes is like the one who does, the same sins that men commit also go to women. The Islamic order of veiling protects women from such dangers.

  • muslim
    January 13, 2013 2:01 am

    Islam has given an esteemed rankto women. Allah Almighty announces in a verse, Should one of them, or both, attain old age in your lifetime, do not say”Ugh!” to them (as an indication of complaint or impatience), nor push them away, and always address them in gracious words. (Al-Isra Surah, 17:23)
    The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) announces, Heaven is under the feet of mothers. Let us touch briefly on the objection that some put forward saying there is o equality between men and women in Islam.
    Allah Almighty has instances of wisdom in infinite numbers. He creates in whatever way He pleases. He may give some peopledifferent capabilities and talents from others. No creatures can ever interfere with this will.
    Allah Almighty has not created men and women equally in all ways. To try to make these two genders equal in every way is only possible to change the nature of genders, which is impossible. The male and female natures differ from each other inmany ways. Considering the fact that judgments are made on behalf of majority, we can say that: men are superior in terms of strength, courage, and boldness whereas women are superior in compassion, tenderness, and fidelity. Both men and women may excel each other at some ways. Within family, the excelling sides of both are combined and thus the needs and happiness of the family are met.
    Since men are superior in strength, Allah Almighty, in the first place, has held men responsible for the family and protecting them from any kind of danger both physically and spiritually. This truth has been clearly written in the Holy Book: Men (those who are able to carryout their responsibilities) are the protectors and maintainers of women inasmuch as God has endowed some of people (in some respects) with greater capacity than others and inasmuch as they (the men) spend of their wealth (for the familys maintenance). Good, righteous women are the devoted ones (to God) and observant (of their husbands rights), who guard the secrets (family honor and property, theirchastity, and their husbands rights, especially where there is none to see them and in the absence of men) as God guards and keeps undisclosed (what should be guarded and private). (An-Nisa Surah, 4:34)
    Islam, on the one hand, wishes men to answer the needs of women, on the other hand, wishes women to be obedient totheir husbands. The verse above teaches us both the superiority of men and the virtue of women.
    However, being the head of the family is one thing, being superior in the religion is quite another thing. According to the Holy Quran, the criterion of the superiority is not gender but taqwa. Taqwa in short means fearing Allah, avoiding from sins, abstaining from the behaviors, manners, and words that He disapproves.
    For a family to continue its welfare and harmony it is of great importance that man be the head of the family and woman obey him. Absolute equality ruins the harmony in thefamily through when women do not obey their husbands, spoils the welfare and happiness, and mostly causes divorces.
    Just as it is necessary for a woman to obey her husband, it is also necessary for a man to maintain his wifes rights. It is a fallacy that in Islam women are slaves to men. On the contrary, inIslam women have more pleasures than men do. Because in Islam men are obliged to provide alimony for women in a case of divorce, whereas womenare exempted from that. Islam has given the duty of raising a child to women, which is the most essential and pleasurable thing for a woman to do. That is why Allah Almighty has given the feeling of compassion more to women than men have.
    Today what some call freedom of women has only brought about womens falling into debauchery and misery. However, Islam has protected their honor by ordering to remain chaste.
    Some circles present the Islamic order of veiling as the restrictionof freedom of women.
    First one need to know that veiling is not only an Islamic rule, but it is a rule of all divine religions. Nuns veiling themselvesis a clear proof to that.
    Veiling is not peculiar to women; it is a natural necessity for the whole humankind. It is impossible to see naked people around in any country. The point of debate is on its limits. In Islam women are obliged to cover all their parts which could evoke men sexual feelings. In this way, they protect their honor and chastity in the world, and win eternal bliss in the hereafter. On the other hand, when women wear immodestly, they lead men into sins, and according to the Islamic rule the one who causes is like the one who does, the same sins that men commit also go to women. The Islamic order of veiling protects women from such dangers.

  • suhail
    January 11, 2013 3:08 pm

    If you leave islam you go to hell not belive these posts as they are antiislamic . To learn about islam vist

  • January 5, 2013 6:16 am

    Hi Saina,

    First of all, you need to consider your situation. Apostasy is considered by Muslims to be a profound insult to God (Allah), which deserves harsh punishment. The nature of the punishment, however, provokes passionate debate among scholars, with many believing that it should attract the death penalty for men and life imprisonment for women.

    Apostasy is punishable by death in a number of countries, including Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iran, Sudan and Afghanistan. In these countries, you would certainly keep your new beliefs as private as possible, and not publicly renounce Islam.

    In Western countries, you are free to renounce Islam, just as you would be free to renounce Christianity or Judaism. In other parts of the world people who renounce Islam may be shunned by family and friends, and it is once again common to do so privately.

    In Egypt and, to a lesser extent, Malaysia, Christians who have converted to Islam are generally permitted to reconvert back to Christianity.

    In some countries you can contact support groups for former Muslims.

  • January 5, 2013 2:25 am

    Hello every body,

    Previsouly from Iran but presently born and brought up in Canada and also studied in coeducation pattern here. I am 27 years old and working girl in Toronto. During my study , I got in touch with several boy friends and enjoyed premarital sex frequently, loosing my virginity at 18years old, since I was greatly impressed by canadian life style and deadly against muslim restrictions on females, as I obvserved in case of my mother since childhood. My parents wanted me to marry my own cousin haling from Iran also but settled here.

    I happened to talk to him on various issues and came to know that he wanted a virgin wife, whereas he was married earlier and divorced his wife. I told him frankly when you are not virgin, how can think of a virgin wife? His mother came to know about this argument and one day came to me and asked me whether I was virgin or not? I told her that I shall marry only a virgin husband not your son. Ultimately relationship for future broke. Now I am marrying a Hindu boy, who knows every thing about me and working my company also.

    My purpose to write all these things is just to make aware our sisters not to marry such muslim guys who are not virgin themselves but need a virgin wife. We should oppose such discriminatory mind set of islamic religion.


    Respond to Sahila at

  • Prithvi
    January 4, 2013 7:48 pm

    saima u ursel have declared apostate of islam plz visit world,s largest ex-muslim group founded by Ali Sina from Iran , u contact through his e-mail

  • January 3, 2013 5:16 am

    Hello Admn.

    I am attempting to reply your points raised for discussion in the beginning?

    1. Premarital sex is a crime or not, it all depends on the situation. If an innocent girl is raped or forced to sexual favour due to her some miserable situation, how it could be a crime. In the muslim community raping a slave girl or non muslim is not a crime. In todays free environment hardly 2% girls will not be virgin before wedding night atleast in western countries or talibani dominated areas, where rape is a matter of routine events.

    2.Mailes are not required to prove their virginity because of male dominated society almost every where, and the sexual organ having different shapes and sizes. In muslim community atleast male does not need to prove it because of privileges given in Koran, to marry 4 wives or give them talak, if not satisfied. Males have complete freedom in islam treating them just like a sex dolls.

    But such discrimination cannot be permitted in the eyes of Lord, who have created both male and female. Inspite of so much cruelty, discrimination, violence sexual assault no body dares to speak against Islam.

    3. Hymen bleeding is not a 100% proof of virginity now a days due to option of hymen repair surgery available in all countries. Even if bleeding occurs, even then wives are given divorce in search of another women for sex. In muslim community restrictions are so much, that sense of insecurity among wives are prevailing. Regarding sports to the girls, it cannot be stopped. Girls are recruited in army and police too, doing drill and physical exercises even in muslim countries, leading to breaking of hymen at times. Girls are participating in international tournaments of all types, so principle of equality does not permit to deny their rightful privileges.

    4.The blood stains are considered to be proof of virginity in a girl, who has not indulged in a sex prior to marriage and she is pure.
    Only due to this factor, the girls who can afford to go for surgery, they choose to do so and please their husband about her purity. But the poor girls who cannot afford it, they adopt other methods, like secretly sprinkling red ink or other red liquid on the bed sheet on the wedding night, as one of our sisters had pointed putting animal blood stains on the bed sheet. In muslim countries the business of hymen repair surgery is flourishing manifold, as the girls are not able to be keep their hymen intact prior to marriage due to one or other reasons.

    5. This practice is more prevalent in muslim community being the mind set of males and Koran. Even Jihadies are offered to get 72 virgins in the heaven. Muslim males want their wives to be virgin and self indulging sexual games with hundreds of other women. It is all evils of islamic religion, where women have no say, they are just fields, to be ploughed like any thing. Mullas and Maulvies/Imams are the most curel and corrupt elements of the muslim society preaching male domination and indulging sexual favours with any female, whom they like.

    6.For all evils in Islam, Koran, Prophet Mohammad and Sharia laws are responsible, who proclaim the orders of Allah? Can a God be so cruel against females? Imam/Mullas/Maulvies always interpret laws which suits to the males. Females in the islamic community has to lead a very miserable life under restrictions, torture, domestic violence and separation at any time. Islam is a relgion of blood shed, violence, murder, rape, looting, killing, kidnapping in the name of religion for thousand of years. Now Talibani, Al Quaida and other terrorists factions insisting for islamic rules in the world, so that they can enjoy sexual pleasure freely and commit attrocities on the females.

    7. Solution for these evils lies on the muslim women by:-

    (i) raising their voice against cruelties,
    (ii) take support from non muslim women,
    (iii) mass education programme for muslim girls,
    (iv) openly resist implementation of inhuman practices like circumcision among females, talak procedue to be made more rational and not at the will of the male.
    (v) Hymen repair surgery equally good for women, if the males can cheat the females, why not females to react in the same pattern?
    (vi) representation of women in all forums to voice their concern?

    May kindly give your views also.

    Also ask Aamir and other like minded persons, who are keeping silent for some time, to give their comments on this issue.


  • January 2, 2013 8:21 am

    Hymenoplasty in Saudi Arabia section, includes general infrmation about Hymenoplasty Procedure, Hymenoplasty Saudi Arabia Local News, Hymenoplasty Saudi Arabia Surgeon Locator and other Hymenoplasty related material.

    Hymenoplasty Procedure

    (Hymen reconstruction, bringing to pre-sexual state)

    Hymenoplasty is one of the three major areas of cosmetic vaginal surgeries.
    The procedure aims to correct dysfunctions and improve the woman`s hidden aesthetics.

    The way a woman feels about the look and sensation in her vagina and pubic areas has a major impact on her self-esteem, her sexual desire, and her intimate relationship.

    There are three major areas of Cosmetic Vaginal Surgeries, aimed to rejuvenate a woman’s sexual feeling:
    • Hymenoplasty (hymen reconstruction, “bringing back to virginity”)
    • Vaginal reconstruction and rejuvenation (vaginoplasty, mainly vaginal tightening)
    • Labia surgery (labiaplasty, labia reduction and look improvement, correcting the size and shape of the inner and outer lips)

    Hymenoplasty is a surgical procedure designed to repair or reconstruct the ring-like skin membrane partially covering the opening of the vagina (the “hymen”). Bleeding occurs when the hymen tears, which is typically the result of a woman’s first experience with intercourse. The Hymenoplasty surgery will pull the tissue back together to restore a “virgin-like” quality.

    Quite rarely, a female can unknowingly tear her hymen by inserting a tampon. It may also happen during sports (e.g. – bicycles or horseback riding).

    The biological function of the hymen is still uncertain, however, its social function is popularly regarded as a mythical symbol in many cultures. Therefore, qualified plastic surgeons perform Hymenoplasty at the request of women who need the surgery for ethnic, cultural, or religious reasons.

    There is a growing number of patients who desire higher sexual satisfaction by undergoing the Hymenoplasty procedure, not for religious or similar reasons, but because the vaginal walls are tightened.

    Hymenoplasty generally takes about one to two hours, with patients able to return to work the next day. Restoration of the hymen is done on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia or sedation. Prior to surgery, patients are required to have a pre-surgical consultation and thorough gynecological examination. During this time, she should communicate her needs and expectations to the doctor, and in turn, will learn of the possible risks and benefits to hymenoplasty.

    Vaginal physiological state significantly affects a woman’s physiological state. Structure reconstruction of the vagina may well bring back the younger feel, and contribute the sexual life and self esteem improvement a woman is looking for.

    Some surgeons perform procedures involving laser surgery, where others use methods such as radiosurgical techniques or scalpel techniques.

    Depending on the choice of doctor and geographic location Hymenoplasty prices may range between $2,000 and $5,000.

    Your doctor / surgeon will explain how long the surgery will take, the amount of time and care necessary for a full recovery, and exactly when after surgery it would be safe to resume sexual intercourse with good senstion and orgasm pleasure to the highest satisfaction level of partners.

  • January 2, 2013 7:41 am

    ore About:surgery for womenhuman interest
    Hymen reconstruction, a surgery that repairs a hymen that is no longer intact, is controversial but that doesn’t stop more and more women from having it done.

    The hymen is a tissue in vagina that tears and bleeds when one has sex for the first time. The hymen can also be “broken” by strenuous exercise, the use of tampons and other activity can cause the membrane to tear.

    So what does it matter? Who cares if the hymen is intact or not? Well, in some cultures, men do. In cultures where virginity is highly prized, it matters a great deal if the hymen is intact and if there is bleeding on the wedding night. It may be an old fashioned way of thinking, but some men expect their bride to be a virgin and there can be extreme consequences in some countries.

    Rather than stay a virgin, women are opting to experience sex before marriage, then have the hymen reconstructed. The surgery isn’t terribly expensive, around $800 in China, where it is becoming more common. Muslim countries also have a large number of women seeking the procedure.

    More about hymen reconstruction surgery, and one man’s explaination of why women are “like cell phones” and why his future wife should be a virgin?

  • January 2, 2013 7:22 am

    Hello Muslim sisters,

    Dont worry about loss of virginity before wedding night.

    Hymenoplasty in Thailand is a viable option for women who wish to appear chaste before marriage or want to recapture the first intercourse experience. Those who want to save considerably and remain discreet about their hymen repair should consider virginity surgery in Thailand.

    Hymen repair surgery in Thailand is available at a lower price than in First World countries, such as the US, the UK, and Australia, because of the lower cost of living. However, the affordable prices of cosmetic surgeries such as sex change and laser vaginal rejuvenation in Thailand does in no way imply compromising the quality of the surgery you will be receiving—the reputable Bangkok plastic surgeons have undergone rigorous medical training and are compassionate to the needs of medical tourists.

    Besides the low prices and quality surgery, the popularity of Thailand’s tourist activities also attracts numerous foreign patients from all over the world. According to the article “The effects of medical tourism: Thailand’s experience,” by Anchana NaRanong and Viroj NaRanong published in the Bulletin of the World Health Organization on September 22nd, 2009, Thailand provided medical services to as many as 1.4 million foreign patients in 2007.

    Hymen Repair – How It’s Done?

    During the procedure, your surgeon will numb the area with a local anesthetic. The edges of the previously torn hymen will be brought together to re-form the small ring as it was originally.
    The surgery is not recommended for women who have had vaginal deliveries or who have been pregnant.
    After the surgery, the “revirginized” hymen will bleed and tear during sexual intercourse as it would prior to any sexual relations.
    Hymenoplasty takes about one hour to perform.
    The recovery period typically takes about two months. Patients should not exercise or do any strenuous activities (including sexual intercourse) for the first couple of weeks after the surgery. Patients can usually go back to work after one week.

    Advantages of Hymenoplasty in Thailand

    One does not have to worry about going over his/her budget, as the hymen repair cost in Thailand is much lower than in the United States, the Middle East, the United Kingdom and other European countries and Australia.
    With medical tourism in Thailand on the rise, the country’s doctors and hospital staff know how to make foreign patients feel welcome. The leading plastic surgery hospitals in Bangkok are replete with all the modern facilities and equipment. Additionally, English-speaking hospital staff and multilingual translators make communication between the patient and the doctor a breeze.
    Getting hymen reconstruction surgery in Thailand allows you to be discreet about your hymen repair. You can simply tell friends and family members that you are flying out for a vacation so they will not know you will be undergoing hymen repair in Thailand.
    You will be in good hands during your virginity restoration surgery in Thailand, as there are numerous JCI-accredited hospitals in the Southeast Asian country.
    If you have been considering other aesthetic procedures besides hymen repair surgery in Bangkok, now is the time to do it. Obtaining procedures such as a nose job or fat transfer in Thailand along with your hymenoplasty will help you save considerably.

    Things to Consider Before Undergoing Revirgination in Thailand

    While an affordable hymenoplasty cost in Thailand is important, patients should take care not to let price be the only factor in their decision. Making sure that the hospital is reputable and the surgeon is board-certified is crucial to getting the desired results.
    When considering hymenorrhaphy in Thailand, it is important to plan out your mode of transportation.
    Whether obtaining hymenoplasty or buttock implants in Thailand, it is important that you research your doctor and hospital of choice thoroughly before traveling to Thailand. You may want to look at before and after pictures, patient feedback, and online forums.
    The best time to visit Thailand is November through February.

    Undergoing a hymenoplasty in Thailand is a great way to save on costs while obtaining high quality surgery. And during your stay to avail hymenoplasty in Bangkok, you would love being able to indulge in the city’s various sightseeing activities as you recover.

  • Golbahar
    January 2, 2013 6:07 am

    Hello readers,

    In my opinion, when both male and female are creation of almighty, if the male can enjoy premarital sex with out proving their virginity for marriage, if the females enjoy premarital sex and get their hymen repaired for wedding night, what is the harm? Females have right to equally satisfy their physical requirement at a time, when they need from the male whom they prefer.

    It is really a boon for females to get their hymen repaired for marriage to teach lessons to the males. Due to present libral environment and socail net working sites including sexual chattings, the courage for early sex has arisen among teenagers and they enjoy many times before being married. The cases of hymen repair surgeries through out the world particularly among muslim females have increased many times and such center and clinics are earning a lot.

  • January 2, 2013 5:48 am

    Hello Tiger,

    But in fact a jackal.

    Who is responsible for the present condition of females in Islam?

    According to Islamic culture Muslim girls must be virgin when they enter a marriage. For girls who had not succeeded in doing so, the wedding night hangs like the sword of Damocles above their head. A hymen repairs operation offers a way out. “I’ll do everything, if only I’ll bleed.”

    “I was greatly relieved when I was after it.” Yasmina (22) from Rotterdam sits on a bench in Zuiderpark. She wears jeans with a leather jacket and big silver earrings hang from her ears. After thinking and weighing it for a long time, Yamina had finally promised to talk about one of the great taboos in the Islamic community: the hymen repair operation.

    Yasmina: “I was 19 and head over heels in love with with a boy at school. He was also Muslim and when he heard from my girlfriends that I though he was nice, we started talking. My girlfriends warned me that I should still look out because he was known as a player, but I was too in love to listen. More than that he told me I was the one. Exactly three months after I went out with him it happened. He swore to stay by me, but when I called him up the following day he broke it off.”

    At that moment Yasmina realized that she would never be a virgin when she married. “I felt terrible. Not being a virgin before marriage is one of the greatest sins in Islam. My mother always told me in the past that girls who gave away their virginity will never marry. I really wanted to get married and out of fear kept silent.” Three years later, when Yasmina was ready to get married, the panic began anew. “My fiance made no secret of the fact that he thought it very important that I was still a virgin. I was then also terrified of what he would do if I didn’t bleed. Probably he would immediately separate from me. By chance I happened on the internet on a clinic that offered hymen repair operations. At that moment it seemed to me the perfect solution. A couple of days ago I had the operation and next week I’ll be married. I know that I can’t erase the past, but the hymen repair operation made me in any case a virgin again.”

    Yasmina is one of the hundreds of girls in the Netherlands who go through a hymen repair operation annually. The operation is especially popular by Muslim girls of Turkish, Moroccan and Hindu origins. In this group there’s often enormous obscurity about the hymen. The girls are raised with the idea that the hymen is a type of glass membrane that closes the vagina and which only lets the menstrual blood flow through. During the wedding night this membrane is perforated and the girl bleeds. In many North-African countries it is even usual on the following day to show the bloodied sheets to the family. When a girl is no longer a virgin, she is repudiated according to tradition. In the Netherlands, despite the present time, this tradition is persistently held on to. Girls who lose their virginity without marriage go into complete panic.

    Wies Obdeijn- Van Welij, doctor and sexologist, gets 50 girls a year who beg for a new hymen. “Most girls who come here still think that they must bleed when they lose their virginity.”

    “In the past maybe it was so that in the Islamic culture certainly 90% of the girls bled during the wedding night. But this happened mainly because they married very young and through marrying off still barely knew their partner. Because of the nerves there wasn’t a state of arousal and that resulted in bleeding. Today certainly 40% of the girls don’t bleed during the first time. Also the hymen is not a film that must be pierced but barely a bordering tissue.”

    However many girls decide to go through the repair operation. Obdeijn- Van Welij: “The idea of bleeding is often held so deeply that they barely believe anything else. They just want most of all to bleed during the wedding night. As the tradition prescribes. An operation can take care of that. During the operation we pull the edges of the hymen more tightly so that the girl almost certainly will bleed. When they’re done with it, they often go home happily. Virginity is strongly connected by these girls to the hymen.” If it’s intact, it means they’re virgins.

    Saida (25), from Amsterdam, had a hymen repair operation two years ago. She sits in a station restaurant in The Hague because she is afraid to be recognized in her own neighborhood. “Though every Muslim knows it happens, nobody talks about it,” she says. “This is the first time that I tell about it. When I was seventeen I lost my virginity. It was a boy from class with whom I had a courtship at that time. Naturally I felt very guilty afterwards, but my fear began just when I was about to be married. At any cost bleed during the wedding night. I didn’t want my husband to be disappointed and also though even as a virgin you don’t have to bleed, my husband would never understand that. Above all, I had no interest in difficult talks during my marriage. It had to be perfect. Therefore I had a hymen repair operation. The wedding night was perfect. I bled and my husband was completely happy.”

    However the operation is disputed. Many gynecologists refuse to perform the operation because it upholds the myth regarding the hymen. Ineke of Seumere is a gynecologist at the UMC in Utrecht and performs the operation only rarely and on exceptional indications. When we support the idea that a virgin must bleed during the wedding night nothing will ever change. Not only do we agree that a virgin must bleed, we also help to keep the tradition. A tradition that according to Seumeren is full of contradictions. Isn’t it strange that a man may have sexual intercourse before marriage but demand a virgin? Therefore I get girls repeatedly that have used anti-conceptions for years, and now they want a quick restoration before their marriage.

    Obdeijn-Van Welij agrees with the gynecologist’s story. “There are even girls who come to me that are yet plainly virgin and want to make sure that they bleed. But I think that it’s not up to use to change the tradition. You shouldn’t forget that these girls are a second generation of guest workers. They are girls that have enormous double feelings. On the one hand they grow up in the free Netherlands. On the other hand they don’t want to disappoint their parents. I think that the situation will change by itself. Till that time, I will attend girls as well as I can. That’s what I’m a doctor for.”

    Yasmina is not worrying anymore about her wedding night. “Through the operation my problem has been solved. My husband will tear my hymen, and I will bleed for him. May be feeling proud of him.

  • Tiger
    January 1, 2013 2:25 pm

    Ye Admin

    Bhain ka lauda, is ki Amma ku jab

    100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 kutte (Dogs) and

    100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Ghade (Donkeys)

    100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Suwar (Pigs)

    and every of this animals

    100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 times Fxxxed her Mother,

    jab jaaker ye Kutta, Ghadha, Suwar Paida hua hy,

    Isiliye aise website banaya hy.

    Jab jaaker

    • January 1, 2013 2:35 pm


      Can you guide what Saina should do now? She is confused about Islam and need your guidance. Can you ask other Islamic experts to come and guide Saina?

      Why you are blaming this web site? If not this web site, Saina would have said this at other web site. Important point is to guide Saina to a right path and all are welcomed to share their own views.

      We recommended her to focus on good education now, is that a good advise? What would you say?

  • Shejadi
    January 1, 2013 4:52 am

    Nice advice given by Saimah.

    Saina you should act as per advice given by Saimah and need not to worry about Imam. Imam will never tell truth, as they are interested in enjoying their life with sex and cruelty on the females.

  • suma
    December 31, 2012 9:33 am

    There is no permanent hell or paradise in Hindu theology. One accrues karma out of one’s actions in a life time. After death one comes back in a different body and transmigrated atman (or soul) and then continues the journey with accrued karma. By the way this applies to ALL HUmans regardless of the faith one belongs to. Sadly muslims and Christians threaten the people with dire consequences like hell to those who are not christians or muslims.So you are better off believing in hindu doctrines and forget about the eternal hellfire. AS you said, all christians and muslims are abused psychologically with the hell inevitability to apostates and others. Live without fear and do only good things. So dharma-karma-moksha is the doctrinal sequential philosophy we believe in. God is not cruel to create hell for ANYBODY.Relax.

    • suma
      December 31, 2012 9:39 am

      learn about savage Islam by reading ‘faithfreedom.oreg’ run by Ali Sina, and further explore Nonie Darwish, Wafa sultan and Ayan Hirsi Ali. These are all educated muslims and tell you about the savage religion and savage prophet Mohammads. By the way they are all muslim men and women.Google those names.Learn the facts and take a decision.

  • December 31, 2012 2:23 am

    Hello Saina,

    You are educated and modern girl and so you need not to bother about the advice of Imam/maulvi who are most cruel and corrupt/criminal to discriminate and torture female community. They are the follower of so called Prophet, who did not spare his own grand daughter like 6 years old girl to rape at the age of 59. Be tactful, get age of maturity, look for a nice non-muslim guy, who is kind,intelligent, cooperative. Can you disclose your country right now? In Islam women are subject to so many innumerable cruelties, in security of women.

  • December 30, 2012 11:54 pm


    You are only 15 years and fully dependent on your parents now. For your personal safety, please do not talk against Islam to your boy friend (even you may think he is trust worthy), parents or to your imam. Punishment to renounce Islam is stoned to death, no kidding, they mean it.

    Further, do not mention to ANYONE about this post. Do not brag to anyone in your school. If your community finds out your opinion and views expressed on this site, you could get into deep deep trouble. This is not the right time to go public with your real identity.

    Ignore Islamic issues now, it is not a right time for you, instead fully focus your mind and time on your education.

    When ever you are frustrated, just come here and express your feeling to the world. No one will find out who you are and thus there is no harm to you. Act smart. Be careful.

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