He (Muslim boy) wants me to convert

priya says: February 14, 2013 at 6:19 am

i am a hindu girl in love with a muslim boy, i love him a lot and i cant think of my life without him. and my parents are orthodox and will never agree. i dont know what to do. my parents are looking for a husband for me. and me and my boyfriend are not yet settled to tell our parents. i have been a very obedient daughter upto now, i am scared what my parents will have to go through if i marry him. and he wants me to convert which is also difficult for me. but i cannot stay without him. please help me… Priya


suma usa says: February 15, 2013 at 2:53 pm

Visit the sites like, www.formermuslimsunited.com, www.faithfreedom.org, wafa sultan, ayaan hirsi ali, noni darwish etc etc., just google them and explore, get wiser. You see, these are all muslims who will tell you the filth in their religion.

A guy suddenly remembers his faith before marriage, means he has been cheating you from day one. he knows you are gullible and after having some fun with you he can manipulate and abuse you. read all the stories many muslim women tell you. after marriage he will tell you hindus are wrong and bad and you cant meet with them. your parents would feel and wish you were ever born. Your bollywood dream has disappeared get better and postpone marriage plans for now. Unless of course you want to be slave of his family. -Suma


Admin says:

Dear Priya,

You have reached to a right source. We will work with you over years. We will also guide you how to convince your parents.

We are very much concerned for the fact that he wants you to convert you to Islam. You have rightly said, “(conversion) is also difficult for me.” This is absolutely unbelievable why this guy is asking you to convert to something what you not.

Now even Muslim boys are open minded and do not make such unreasonable request. This days Hindu girls are also smart and fully informed and outright decline to convert; those days are over when Hindu girls were naive and uneducated. Kareena Kapoor married to Saif Ali Khan without conversion, why will you do anything different? Ask him if he is a con-artist telibali love-Jihadi?

Go tell all your common friend that your bf is asking you to convert to Islam, does it make sense? Humiliate him by posting this request on your facebook page and tell every one. Make him feel shameful of his dirty mind.

If you do decide to fake-convert, we will consider you one of most fool, a girl with low self-esteem, unintelligent and stupid. Once you have Nikaah after conversion, most probably Saria laws applies for your married life. This means he could have three additional wives, could beat you as per Koran, you cannot ask for talaak, but he could kick you out of his life anytime just by saying talaak, talaak, talaak. If you are kicked out like this in a middle of a cold night, where are you planning to go to, we hope not your parents? Basically, there is nothing for you to gain by this fake-conversion, it is only a trap for you.

If he truly loves you, he will accept you the way you are, AS IS. Tell him, NO BBS.

Read Hindu girls experiences.

We are sure he will realize his mistake and accept you AS IS. It will be a win-win for all for your long lasting happy married life. Please get back to us what he says. Best wishes. -Admin

More information: Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Muslim-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus? Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • nil akas
    February 23, 2013 4:05 pm

    dear priya , firstly you say to him convert his religion … follow that he will agree with you …so he will love you otherwise not love you only for religion assume …lot of case muslim boys not agree to convert because they are religions terrorist … ifhe not agree to convert his religion then you will not agree to marry with him ..because he is not love me… otherwise why you pain to your parents which is unbelievable suffer with you and take care . down your parents head to the society ..

  • Satyen
    February 17, 2013 4:56 pm

    Muslim girls/women,

    It’s irony that some times, blindfolded, we put our efforts that goes against us. Consider the example of Muslim girls who try to convert a non Muslim boy friend to Islam. The result is the innocent looking person becomes a follower of Muhammad, the so called prophet, and starts adopting the life style of Muhammad. Once the husband becomes a Muslim, numerous possibilities are born against the unaware Muslim girl(Burqa, proof of virginity on the wedding night, Talak, 4 wives and so forth). So, why invite the future problems by converting the non-Muslim husband to Islam? What will you ultimately get in return? The so called paradise, full of 72 hoors keeping your husband engaged with themselves? Don’t you think it’s a hell for you where you won’t have even the glimpse of your husband as he would be enamored with the unearthly beautiful hoors? So, your husband will be shared by your co wives here and be stolen hereafter! Don’t you think you are a complete looser? Think over it with a cool mind and take your own decision.

    So, to secure their future marital life, never ever Muslim girls should try to convert any non Muslim guy as it will ultimately boomerang the girl herself. The Muslim girls should always attempt to take her husband away from Muhammad and ensure that her life is not endangered. A Muslim husband considers Muhammad as his role model.Would you like your husband to be similar to Muhammad? Read the life history of Muhammad especially his marriages and decide yourself and let others be known. Take your time to convince your parents taking help of your nears and dears who can influence your parents.

  • February 17, 2013 10:14 am

    Hi Priya,

    Modern muslim women are trying to break the shackles of muslim evils and you wish to be trapped. If you still decide, then jump in the burning fire and finish your life for ever.

  • February 17, 2013 3:44 am

    Hello Priya,
    Are you ready for providing virginity on the wedding night with blood stains on the bed sheets?

    Are you ready to see your muslim husband keeping another 3 wives with you,

    Are you ready to wear Burqa?

  • February 17, 2013 3:36 am

    I have gone out with a couple of muslim girls now..
    the first was a palestinian girl and now im with an indonesian girl..
    i do it for my christian brothers around the globe.
    im sick of the intolerant attitutes whereby its ok if muslim men date our women but not ok if we date their women!!
    so i purposefully went about my way to use my good whiteboy looks and charm to swoon these forbidden fruits from the clutches of islam. i have to say, the palestinian girl was hot – i like arab girls.. the indonesian is too but there is somthing more satisfiying taking a muslim girl from the “holy land” haha!
    So i urge all my christian brothers around the globe to use their influence to bed as many muslims girls as possible.. perhaps if it gets serious she will ask u to convert – ridiculous right? all to please the family and community.. well what abt christian families and communities? if you are not lucky enough to get her to convert then do so yourself until after marriage – then convert back.. whatever you do, make sure the children will be christian..
    remember what Jesus said “love your enemy”…

    Reply to Harrish at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=4441

  • Satyen
    February 16, 2013 2:40 pm

    The best thing I can suggest you is to go through all the postings at this site specially by the Muslim girls who know the the Muslim men/society from within and divulging their experiences from the women perspective. Don’t be overwhelmed by your emotions. Be a strong girl. You can live without this boy and you should be prepared for it, in case things didn’t work out your way.
    Plan right now without any emotion so that you may not have to repent in future. It’s none but only you who can save yourself. So, be bold and be prepared for any eventuality to make yourself safe.

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