Golnar says: February 23, 2013 at 7:14 am
Hi Admin,
My bf is Mexican and Im persian. we have been together for 2 years and have a perfect relationship but my parents do not approve of his race?? I love him and want to be with him but i can not get my parents to accept him.
We both are working professional in the same company and have understood each other fully. We wish to riase our family together.
My parents shall be opposing this and I cannot live without him now. We are 31/29 years old deeply associated and committed to each other in all phases of life together. -Golnar
Admin says:
Hi Golnar,
To a girl at 19 and from the East, we highly recommend to at least consider within faith arranged-choice marriage. However, you are already 29 and has seen life enough to make your own decision, we will recommend to you other way around.
You already know about condition of Islam Women Today. You may love Allah but do not want your husband to follow the footsteps of Muhammad. Even you are a virgin today, you will not want your husband display that bloody bed sheet after the first night. The Muslim boys will want to enjoy all freedom in the West, but when time comes to marriage, they want to be a mommy’s boy. If a Muslim boy marries you, he will display Koran everyday on your face and expect you to follow it. However, if that same Muslim boy marries a Christian girl, he will behave differently; a double standard!
We hope you are not a love-proselytizer love-jihadi, out to convert non-Muslim to Islam. Accept him the way HE IS. What would you do converting him to a Muslim, who has rights to have multiple wives, has rights to bit you and could kick you out of the marriage any time by three talaak words? If you love Muslim that much, why would not you look around for a real Muslim guy?
Considering above points, you have two choices left: 1) never marry or 2) marry a non-Muslim boy to live rest of your life with dignity. Both these options will not be acceptable to your parents, so one or the other way, you cannot please your parents. At your age of 29, now you have to take your life in your own hands; parents will ultimately come to terms.
Are his parents divorced? Was his father alcoholic? Learn of his childhood and culture he has seen. What goes, comes around.
You already said that you both are working professional and working in the same company. This is a very positive point; compared to a guy you could find out of a bar!
Probably the Mexican may be a Catholic, may want a Church wedding, expect you to sign this pre-nuptial agreement and may want to baptize your children. Let us know what are his expectations. If he wishes to impose Christian dogma on you, tell him to take a hike!
You said, “We wish to riase our family together”. This is great, but under which religious banner? Christianity and Islam are both exclusivist religions and you cannot teach your children from Koran and Bible side by side. Both claim that their book is a true message directly from the God; but which God? Can Allah be the Father God?
Best option for any interfaith couple looking for equality of two faiths is to be a true pluralist (verses following exclusivist claims). Accept that there is only one God with different names, shapes and scriptures. Believe in Jesus, not the church. Believe in Allah but do not follow the married life of Muhammad. Further, start believing that the Koran, Bible, Geeta and rest are are written by scholars inspired by Allah. Plan to take your children to the church, mosque, a Buddhist temple and where not. Take the best out of all faiths and leave the rest for others. To be a pluralist is the key to your long lasting happy married life. Best wishes. -Admin
More information: Chritistian-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Koran, Bible, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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hi admin
i’m iranian boy and my girlfriend is mexican and we love each other and i want to go to mexico but i tried once but embassy didnt get visa to me and i ont know what can i do!
please help me if you have information about this matter.
thank you
Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10581
Hello sister,
Dont waste time and marry your BF.
Marrying in muslim community, you will lead a life of hell and problematic from day one.
Forget islamic marriage and prophet, who was a great rapist and murderer in the world.
first of all Iranian culture is not based on Islam only. second how about worshiping an adulterate who is not proved to even exist? I mean that scoundrel who is considered as son of God
stop this hatred