He expects me to convert to Islam

Kajol said: May 31, 2012 4:59 PM

Shahadah: A new look, new relatives, new culture and a ticket to heaven.
Dear Roma, 
 I am in a bit of confusion right now. I have been seeing a Muslim Egyptian man for the past 5 years. He has been good to me and now says he wants to marry me. I have met his family and friends and he has met mine. However, I am Hindu and he is Muslim. I need some advice on whether or not I should marry him as he expects me to convert to Islam and also any children we have in the future will be Muslims. 
Please help. Many thanks.
– Kajol

Admin replied:

Hi Kajol, Let’s hope Roma will come back to guide you.

Let us tell you what we have learned on this web site over last 3 years. There are all types of Muslims and is difficult to generalize. However, find out if your Muslim boy friend is (this) or [that] type.

The fact that he clearly told you that he wants you to be a Muslim (take Shahadah oath), that tells that he is [that] type. So are you looking forward to the life of Nirmla? Like Nirmla (not by her choice!), are you willing to leave your mom, dad, bhai, ben, cousins, kaka, mama, masi, foi, and all your Hindu friends and start your new Muslim life, with your new Muslim relatives and potentially move back to Egypt?

The Shahadah will be a turning point for your life. Thought he will tell you that I did not knew this coming, do it to please my dad, do it for the heck of it or what ever, but Shahadah will change everything for you from (this) to [that]. Apparently, converting you to Islam is more important for him than your love. If you say no to Shahadah, probably he will walk away from your life without any hesitation. Are you in a love-trap by this love-Jihadi?

The Shahadah is a one-way street. Check latest Egyptian laws of apostasy; remember it is applicable even after your husband having 4 wives or your divorce. Is that punishment stoned to death? Read what Alkaff has to say, “Do not revert into a kufr and you will be killed if you are found out! You should not mix with you kufr (Hindu) family anymore. If you cannot convert them then you should be prepared to kill (your parents) them for Islam if you have to.” Are you ready?

Further, check Egyptian laws for divorce initiated by a woman and a kufr Hindu’s chance of winning your Muslim children’s custody after divorce.

If he were a Christian, today he would be fighting to have you Baptism conversion. For Abrahamics (Muslims, Christians and Jews), the BBS religious labeling is very crucial. Obviously such different religious labels are not for the God, but to prove whose God wins! The BBS labeling is designed to please their Abrahamic community. The BBS labeling fulfills their superstitious beliefs installed by their religious institutions. Why do you want to sacrifice your life to please his community? Any one with an IQ of 80 will tell you that the BBS has no place in an interfaith marriage with equality. Simply, just say “NO BBS” and end the matter.

Tell him that you will never take the 10 minutes of Shahadah oath, but instead you will be a better Muslim than most other Muslims by following all Islamic traditions: eat only Halal food, perform namaz five times a day in the direction of Saudi Arabia, put on a vale for a Mosque visit on Fridays and fast during Ramadan. Find out if the Shahadah labeling or you practicing good Muslim (but without the label of Shahadah) life is important for him.

In the past, Hindus had a very bad practice of caste system where the label counted and not what that person does or how much that person contributed to this world. Mahatma Gandhi worked hard to eradicate it. Likewise, the BBS labeling practice is still very much live today amongst the Abrahamics. Muslims believe that if you take 10 minutes of the Shahadah oath, Allah will send you to the heaven. Alternatively, Christians believe if you take that dip in water and Baptized, Jesus will remove all your sins and you will be salvaged. Likewise, Jews will not rest till the interfaith child gets the Bris label. Is it not your karma, but the label, will decide your fate? We need another Gandhi to eradicate the BBS labeling practices for interfaith couples.

Tell your Muslim boyfriend to come to this web site and explain what religious conversion has to do with love? Why he did not open his dirty mouth for the religious conversion business during past 5 years of romantic relationship and now he is showing his true colors? Let carnation be a carnation, don’t converted it to a rose! Tell him that you are a Hindu and will die as a Hindu. Ask him to show his true love for you and marry to a “Hindu” Kajol.

Readers, should Kajol trust his boy friend and convert to Islam?

Also read …Koran, MuslimHindu marriage, Salman, K, Islamic Women Today, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu girl, Muslim girl, Hindu boy, Muslim boy,

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  • Mhamed Hesham
    February 26, 2014 12:18 pm

    im a muslim & im Egyption
    Although im a muslim i Believe in all realigns & i Respect hindu god Because god is one
    islam hindu Christian we are peoble
    kajol if u love him & u sure he love’s u, u mustn’t leave him
    & mr Admin: we “the muslims” are peoble & We do not want any one to increase our number & really your website very nice

    • February 26, 2014 8:40 pm

      Can Kajol marry without religious conversion to a Muslim and stay in that married life as “Hindu”?

    • Samah
      October 14, 2014 2:14 pm

      Hi! I’m trying to respond to the post above where it says you would have to be prepared to kill your parents/family if they do not convert to Islam. ABSOLUTELY NOT! That is totally haram and against islam to kill innocent people. Even if you convert to Islam because you believe in it, then you are still suppose to love and show your parents the utmost respect. As that is what Islam teaches, even if they are not muslims. Just wanted to clarify that. But yeah some people might be psychotic and happen to be muslim and tell you that you have to do crazy things because of Islam and thats not Islam, its just crazy people. But I wish you the best! My advice is just please don’t get involved with muslim guys to begin with because it gets too complicated! Goodluck!

      • October 14, 2014 5:18 pm

        Samah, it is not only Hindu girls get in love with a Muslim boys, it is mutual. If a Muslim boy at age 20 wishes for a romantic time but has no interest immediately for marriage, he will purposefully start associating with non-Muslims. With a Muslim girl, that relationship convert immediately to marriage talk and it is not easy to walk away. While with non-Muslim, those risks are not present. If the non-Muslim convert, then well and good (love-Jihad). If not, simply walk away with free-fun. Well, come on this site to educate other youths. Thanks.

        • mac
          October 17, 2014 12:34 am

          admin, its very sad that educated people like you use term like “love-jihad”, both these words are respectful , pure words is ignorants use it for their purpose, are a ignorant one, if not please explain, and better come corect because my follow up reply will be a bashing ,truth, so be prepared

          • October 17, 2014 9:19 pm

            What other word you would use if some Muslim at his/her 20 age intentionally get in love with non-Muslim, initially start open minded and tolerant talks to lover’s Hindu faith, have romantic times for a few years (which is non-Islamic) and later ask for un-intended religious conversion for marriage?

  • akash
    May 22, 2013 2:41 pm

    Today’s indian girls are experiencing so much freedom that they think everywhere its the same.Go to egypt n see.The no of men who dont have more than one wife is a extremely rare sight.Today this indian girl is thinking she is modern n can do anything but after she marries a mullah she will see hell on earth.Mind it i am not sensationalizing anything.Its better to marry a guy of any other religion,where the situation wil not change so drastically as it does in a marriage with taliban mullah who may initialy disquise himself to look modern during courtship period coz they are on a crusade to get as many non muslim girls into this satanic religion to increase their numbers.So dont go by the sweet words and plastic looks etc coz behind this facade is a devil .

  • disturbed
    May 11, 2013 2:37 pm

    I am a Muslim girl from India, I love a Hindu boy and we both want to marry each other, he loves me a lot and cares about me too, but after marriage he wants me to convert to Hindu religion because of this Indian society, as medium class society of India will not accept this, they will pass taunts to you and see you in some other way and also for our child’s future like he should not face any problem in society because of our inter religion marriage. Inert religion marriages are accepted in high class society but the fact is it is not accepted in middle class families in India. But I have faith in Muslim culture I can’t leave it but will follow Hindu culture too. I want to ask that I being a Muslim from my heart and teaching my children about Hindu culture will it be right for me, because I don’t want to leave that guy I love him so much and I am not finding any other way.
    And for my Muslim brothers and sisters by making my child a Hindu am I doing a mistake. But I am not having any other option. Plz help me….

    • aapka hamdard
      May 20, 2013 11:47 pm

      assalam ,
      dear do u ever realize wat allah has blessed u with.the wealth of imaan which is the only base of judgement on the final day .imaan will drag us to hell or heaven…..and u r going to loose wat allah has given you witjout effort.

      ……..once upon a time in the time of umar radiallahu a muslim man changed his religion he(umar r.a) send his people 1000miles away to meet that man and bring him back to islam the man put two condition that he wants to marry daughter of umar and wants half of kingdom of arab in which umar r.a rules the people came and told the story umar r.a replied i agreed his both condition ,if he would asked for whole i agree then also but unfortunately man dies when message reached him…umar r.a got afraid of allah wat he would say to allah how a man dies without islam during his reign ………

      i told u this story just to make u realize wat u r going to loose if u die without imaan and islam ………..bcoz quran says thr is an unending life after death and quraan also teaches each and evry aspects of life which no other religion teches us ……….i cant make u clarify evrything here but u hope u realized ur mistake ………anyone for any clarification plz cont al_sam999@yahoo.com

      allah hafiz

  • afzal
    February 25, 2013 9:22 am

    Boy should not marry the girl until she accepts.. Islam,
    “Do not marry unbelieving women until they believe. A slave woman who believes is better than an unbelieving woman, even though she allure you”
    In UK alone 1 lakh christians have already converted to Islam.. with their own choice and numbers increasing day by day.
    Superstar Liam Nesson, MTV top anchor Kristina backer and sister in Law of Tony blair and many more.. already accpeted Islam.. What’s the problem she has.. Anyways it is her own choice.. no one should convert to Islam with force that is against Islam.. but I suggest the boy not to marry her If she doesn’t.

  • sanjay
    February 14, 2013 7:36 am

    you must not marry with him.

  • Faran Imam
    November 11, 2012 4:05 pm

    This post is nothing but to prevent interfaith marriage. They are happy if a muslim girls marries with a non muslim but other way round is not acceptable to them. It is sheer mischieve

    • Jew
      November 11, 2012 11:14 pm

      Its like the thief is giving judgment on police. Mr. Faran- when you muslim kill muslim girls for marrying Christian or hindu, who do you think is at fault? Indeed you got you answer. As you sow , so shall you reap.

    • SUNNY
      February 20, 2013 4:28 am

      Agree brother …i’m exploring this sith from 2 days..and it’s easy to see if someone msulim convert or merry any other religion then it’s ok and if any other religion want’s to merry any muslim then it’s not acceptedddddd…..

      Mr. / Miss.Admin You shouldn’t be one sidedddddd………

      • Jew
        February 20, 2013 10:22 am

        How about you learn some sensible English and then talk? What ever you half cut Muslim evangelists write is 1st- incorrect portrait of what Muslims do. 2nd- your logic does not makes any sense to us ( non Muslims) 3. Why do you come to non Muslim land and live when you don’t like kafirs, why you try to propagate your religion to us, in name of equality why don’t you allow Christians and other religions to evangelize their religion to your Muslim counties?….i m sure you don’t have any sensible answer, any ways you will still be fucking kafirophobic, Jew hater, baby rapist, camel piss drinker, pig eater, by the way, why does your Mohammed and you Muslims hate Jews? Haha better luck explaining that one…retard !

  • An Indian
    October 27, 2012 2:46 am

    U r blaming ISLAM in non sense manner, cannot U see that
    why did most of the women of western countries r converting to ISLAM, most of them r Famous celebrities like Former British Prime Ministers Sister in Law Laurel Booth and a British Generalist Yvonne Ridley Etc who converted to ISLAM because they saw the Real Spiritual Peace in Islam, U can see these link my Brother.
    And the matter of Western Culture, Brother U tell is it permissible in any religion to Rape a women ? No its not.
    then why in every religion some people do that, it is bcoz in every religion all the people will not follow their religion wholly.
    So brother why r u Blaming only muslims not any other religion.
    Brother know very well that HINDU SAINT Swamy Nityananda was doing Sex with Actress Ranjitha, to this Swamy many people used to believe blindly, then why every one said that he is a bad person,
    U can see this link for this.
    and many more hindu Saints have been caught-ed while doing sex with a strange women, every 1 knows that many saints (not every saint) do enjoy with women,
    then y dont u blame Hindu Culture on this ground ?
    n why dont u blame to Hindu Saints Who Just want to enjoy with Women even they r married ????
    Brother This Story is a FAKE one and is posted by a guy who just want create miscreant,
    If U r saying Musims terrorists then What do U say about Western Politics, George Bush etc n Isreal who killed n killing People in innocent people in Iraq n Afganistan n Palestine,
    if u r saying Talibans terrorist then U shud also say George Bush A Terrorist, who ruined many countries,
    But U do not dare to say it seems bcoz every1 scares to say.
    If Talibans really killed in america nearly 2000 people on 09/11 n if they r really terrorist then George Bush n Isreal Govt also shud be TERRORISTS,
    but u people dont want to say it bcoz u fear to them n support to them bcoz u people r enemies of Muslims.

    • Jew
      November 12, 2012 12:06 am

      Lol, you did not show, that muslims kill the person when he chooses another religion over Islam

  • An Indian
    October 27, 2012 2:45 am


  • An Indian
    October 27, 2012 2:42 am


    • believer in God
      October 27, 2012 9:22 am

      @Indian:why dont u mind ur own business?sick donkey.those who pass through all this know it.sick morons like u just know how to ditch the others.go n preach in some madarasa.there people will listen to u.because they have no minds.preach the maulvis.they will remove some new ‘fatwa’ for women.i realy pray u get the worst of hell now.then u will realise what it is to feel the pain.u will be burned there.roasted and fried like a chicken.the devils will relish it.u need the company of them only now.

      • An Indian
        October 27, 2012 1:43 pm

        Brother why do u frustrate ?
        just I am expressing my views about this site, I really Browsed all the stories and came to know that these stories r fake. but U just using profanity to talk with me and representing ur religion (I dont know which Religion U belong to, But my religion don’t even say to reciprocate those people who say profane words to us (like u said).
        But No religion in this world teaches to their people to behave like Vulgar.
        So plz ponder abt it n be humble.

        • Islam-Ammi-Chod
          May 15, 2013 12:18 pm

          @ Indian – ok just truly answer these if you can or your mulla can..
          1. Why Mohamad (means big mad?) used to rape women from other faiths and preach to do the same to all Muslems and you willingly followed?
          2. Where was your so called peacefullness when Pt. 1 was executed?
          3. Why you stll follow this mad man’s saying?
          4. Why do yo want to keep your females restricted and in burqa?
          5. Who gave you birth right to hate others and cry loudly when the favour is returned?
          6. Why these moslem petro-dollar funded human rights (or wrongs?) organisation cry foul when Isrel replies attacks by palestine but keep mum when moslems all over world are increasing being confirmed as terrorists?
          7. Why you oppose moslem females dating / marrying normal humans(non-moslems) but rather force them to get fucked or be slave to low level animals & butchers aka moslems? Just because you’re one of them?
          8. Despite India being a Hindu majority country and despite treating you animals better than what you would be in a moslem country, why you animals still create problems in India and still have not gelled well in Hindu way of lifestyle? Forget mingling, even you don’t behave as humans or let others live as humans, why?
          9. When most pundits in Indian Kashmir and napak occupied kashmir were forced to die or convert to islamb, why none of your peaceful cult followers stopped it or issued fatawa or did jehad to preven the conversion?
          10. When Modi rightfully did what should had been done generations ago, and was a tit-for-tat, why suddenly you missed lambs are at pain?

          Still there’s time. Be humans or eventually like mad man or your nulla, you will be spotted and killed.

          Ab ki bari, sab jagah Gujrat hoga. Es pavitra Desh me kohi missed lamb nahi bachega. Ghus ghus ke marenge sahitano tumhe. Jai Hind!

  • believer in God
    September 27, 2012 5:13 am

    @kajol: u should not convert yourself.be what u are. if dat guy truly has d guts then he wil accept u as u r. be adamant on not converting. n surely if u live in Egypt ur life will be hell. so think alot before taking ur decision. u cannot cum back once u leave ur family. the freedom that u r enjoying being born in Hindu family will never be achieved there…..not even a part of it. good luck. be wise. think by brains. i can understand ur situation very well. bcz its like my issue.

    • September 27, 2012 9:55 am

      Can you elaborate more on “bcz its like my issue.” This is the way others will learn.

      • believer in God
        September 27, 2012 2:53 pm

        i m facing d same conversion issue. bt i m adamant to not convertn. n i hope my bf will realise it soon dat in luv religion doesn’t matter. if he really luvs me he wl stand wid me. i pray things get settled soon. as i know he can’t live widout me.

        • November 9, 2012 8:00 am

          It tells about pitiable state of Hinduism, isn’t it? And the harm leftists did to this civilization.

          Even a girl who is responding to Muslims with ferocity says this, and she can not see what Islam is all about….

          Well, it is interesting to see how these girls are justifying their version of Islam blaming poor Mullahs and Maulvis. Save them please because they are only following what is in Koran.

          At the end of the day, what we have here is another Hindu who knows more about Islam than Muslims.

          My e-mail id : k.i.d000b@gmail.com

  • anita
    August 9, 2012 7:04 am

    hello all
    this is anita a hindu punjabi girl got married to a paki muslim man 16 years ago and all i can say is this journey has been nothing but regrets, regrets, regrets!!
    all girls who are dating muslim men, dont do it as there will be not path to return back to. life will be regretful unless u get that 1% lucky!
    religion will become everything as u start moving in his or her muslim community and that will be the first thing they will ask u before they even decide to talk to u. u can forget holi, diwali, hindu gatherings, life will be a tug of war and ur family will be unwelcomed and disgraced as ‘those Hindus’ and it will be said like a gali. u will be reminded that the muslim spouse did u a favor by marrying u and saving u from the kafir religion and redeemed u. trust me i can go on and on, there is so much bitterness in my heart. still living with him for my children, cut off from the world as his family hates me for being a hindu, dont know where we belong??
    every religion is good for the person who is born into it.but i feel marriage is long and u have to work on it forever so why bother bringing more mess in it. take care

    DO NOT COMMENT HERE, instead go to https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=2205

    • August 20, 2012 2:59 pm


    • August 20, 2012 3:28 pm

      Hi every buddy,

      1 thing i would like to say is this the person who can not respect his religion, can not respect any other religion. people are changing their relegion from hindu to muslim, just because of the hindu girl loves muslim man,but the question is does she only love that person in her life because of whoem she have to leave all her relatives friends, her loving mother, father, brother, sister, uncle, etc.. who is asking her to convert the religion and then only he will accept her, if he really loves her, then he should not bother to convert her religion….
      listen you are changing that hindu religion where in you celebrate the festival of raksha bandhan, and you are going to convert into that religion where you can marry with your brother, is it possible for you? please keeep in your mind, it does not matter, that what you think, the matter is you will have to face it being a muslim. for muslim it is their religion by birth, but for you its not the same.

      i would sorry to say to thoese girl who are fool, who change their religion because of getting marry with a muslim people, if you really loves each other why dont he change his religion, or if he can not change, why he let you change then, if their is a love then both should love each other, and their religion, because when the muslim loves you, that time you were hindu not muslim, now he can not accept you being hindu until you convert your religion.

      i would say dont be fool, respect your religion and be strict on it. if muslim people convert their religion i would say they are also fool cause they also dont respect their religion then.

      rest is up to you gyes, I wish a good luck to all of you

    • Friend V
      December 25, 2012 11:49 am

      Hi All,

      If anyone of you are planning to marry a muslim boy think thousand and thousands of time. It might be an end to you future. After conversion your whole life will revolve around this religion. This religion is not at all a religion of peace.
      If the person really loves you then why dont you ask him to convert to your religion ? I bet he will NEVER do that. Because his only motive is to convert you to islam. This is love jihad due to which massive conversion is underway in european countries and also in states like kerala in india. Be aware of it.

      One of my very good friend’s sister married a muslim boy in Mumbai, india against the wish of her parent. Now she is being tortured by her husband to pray 5 times a day. On the other side her parent’s family is in deep trauma as she was their only girl child in the whole family. The girl now wants to come back home but now she has a girl child and she is not sure what to do.

      I would once again request every girl to think nicely before you taken any decision. God has given us brain higher than our heart for some reason.

      Reply to this Friend V at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=3901

      • December 25, 2012 12:55 pm

        How did they got married, we hope not by Nikaah. Tell the girl’s family to read all information on this web site.

        There is only one life, it is not worth living in hell, under torture and pain. In worst case, divorce is not too bad an option, her parents could support her financially.

  • calind
    July 29, 2012 1:47 am

    Anything else he “expects” you to do? Perhaps I am a bit naive, but I generally think people who are “good to you” are “good to YOU”. That is, they value you as the whole person you are and your spiritual identity is part of that. If the gentleman is only good to a fraction of you (the part that meets with his approval), what makes you think that things won’t change for the worse after marriage? I don’t really see much philosophical difference between this guy and the guy who etches a notch in his bedpost after each conquest. To me, it seems that both treat their partner (and hypothetical children) as an extension of their own ego, rather than as people in their own right. Why is it wrong for the children to be exposed to both (or possibly even more or no) religious traditions and make their own decision? If one must be picked, why can’t it be yours? Big red flags here. I am honestly worried about what else he will “expect” after marriage–is there another set of new conditions with which you must comply? Does he have to give anything on his end or is it all take?

    I’d suggest you reflect about whether any person who insists that you be a certain way as a condition of enjoying their continued favor is truly “good for you”. This doesn’t seem to be about someone who has your best interests at heart, because he probably would have mentioned this issue at the beginning of the relationship. Remember, love is a verb and actions (and demands) speak louder than words of adoration.

    • July 29, 2012 7:01 pm

      Calind, excellent message. Superb job conveying it.

      Barak Obama‘s dad never put a religious label on him as a child. At his 21+ age, he decided his own faith, how beautiful! If his Muslim dad put a Muslim label on Obama as a child, probably he would not be the President of America today.

  • chris
    June 30, 2012 4:37 am

    To Indian and all muslims,
    Can you quote ONE, I mean ONLY ONE phrase in your holy quran and Kitab that praise others then your ownself?
    Since you said you are convertee to Islam,my questions are:
    1.What were you before?A hindu,A christian,A jews,etc….
    2.When you were inyour old religion, did you ever pray properly?
    3.Did you pay respect to your religion@old religion by not talking bad of it?
    4.Can you say bad thinks about your new religion and MUhammad to your new Muslim Brotherhoood?As you used to do in your old religion with your ex friends?
    5. How your friends in your old religion treated you and treating you now after your conversion?
    6. Do yoiu think you can renounce ISLam and expect the same treatments?
    Indian, you said, you are willing to debate about Islam,I am up to it so is Ali sina(www.faithfreedom.com. if you are up to it,get my email address from the admin.
    Hope to hear from you.

  • June 29, 2012 2:07 am

    More than staying in Hinduism – I am scared to even make myself and the future generation of mine slaves to the concept of god and follow a rule book. These 2 religions have destroyed peace in world and still keep growing – Hindus need to make the gods of these 2 religions part of their list of gods and just take the good from it. someday they will all merge.

    Do you guys know the concept of Aham Bramhasmi, I was an atheist until recent about 4 months ago…but as I got into this, I still am no more into rituals but started giving a lot more respect to mother nature and its every creation. Each being on the planet has a role to perform. I am just reading the stories here but have none to say. I am a vegetarian now, its very difficult to resist but you can.

  • June 21, 2012 8:15 pm

    No you should not (change your religion). The religion we are born n brought up is our own identity and just to please your bf you should not. That will be not good to Islam nor Hinduism. He should accept you the way you are nd in the religion you are being born.
    Taken from https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=1728&cpage=1#comment-28784

  • June 12, 2012 3:12 am

    I’m a Muslim man married to a non-muslim woman and I have personally never asked her to convert. My story is on this forum already if you want to read it. But what I have to say is, converting to any religion is personal and should be done for the right reasons. Marriage is not something which should obligate you to change a part of who you are. I’m sorry to hear that instead of trying to accept you how you are, he wants to change you. Marriage does come with compromises yes, but it should never change who you are as a person. If you are already doubting him so much and your relationship then take a step back and ask yourself, will you be truly happy with this marriage? With another religion down the line? Do not convert if you are doing it just to be with this guy, because chances are his demands will not ease with time but only get worse. Women, especially Indian women, fight everyday for approval and acceptance and any bit of free thinking in a marriage. I personally cannot change who I am and never expected that of my wife. She is what she is (a Sikh) and I love her how she is and my family was also told by me that she would never change her religion. If he truly does love you, then why cannot he change for you? Why always the woman? Sometimes love can blind us but do not compromise so much in your relationship that you lose sight of what’s important to you 🙂

    All the best.

    • Tausif
      June 12, 2012 8:29 am

      Muslims are forbidden to marry anyone outside Islam (except people of book). You are a disgrace to islam by marriage to non islam, your marriage is haram we Muslims dont consider your marriage, your children would be called Haram, in islam. Each time you touch her you are doing a sin, divorce her immediately if you dont want to betray Allah. Ask for forgiveness.

      You are not true muslim and are mis leading others too. Why couldn’t you find a muslim girl ? Kafirs cannot be kept at home.

      May allh guide you.

      • June 12, 2012 10:03 am

        Thank you for sharing your views. What would you say to Kajol’s Muslim boyfriend of 5 years, who probably touched (or what ever they did) her many many times. What would you say to Rajanpreet‘s Muslim boy friend of 10 years? Is it not Haram? Are those Muslims not betraying Allah? Should not they ask for forgiveness?

      • rayhaan
        August 29, 2012 2:18 am

        it is right Tausif,,in my country muslim cannot married with non muslim and we did not have a problem about interfaith marriage.Alhamdulillah…

      • believer in God
        September 27, 2012 5:03 am

        tausif shame on you. if u can’t be a true lover atleast stop blaming others. u r a coward. India is a secular country and evry1 has the right to do whatevr dey wish. put ur dirty thots in abottle n lock it up.

    • b
      December 7, 2015 12:53 pm

      please salman i would be interested in getting in contact with you because i have many questions to ask involving your situation, i’d really appreciate it.. please let me know if it is possible

      • December 7, 2015 1:24 pm

        Dear B,
        We hope Salman will get back to you but chances are low.
        Can we help? Are you in love with someone from not your faith? Give us details and we could guide you based on some 900 youths we have guided. Remember, we do not know you more than “B” thus there is no risk in telling your personal situation. Please get back to us.

        • December 8, 2015 5:43 am

          i am in love with a muslim. there is talk on the subject on marriage, i myself am very cautious about my future. so i understand there is always risk with interfaith marriage. he says with a nikkah you are expected to convert on paper but he himself wouldn’t expect me to follow the religion but would expect our children to follow islam and have some idea on my religion. this i have my doubts.

          regardless, i believe him now that he wouldn’t expect me to follow islam but whether that could strain the relationship or change in the next 20 years is something i question….i have a 100% trust in him now, but any one person changes regarding his religious beliefs etc etc.

          im putting all cards on the table and thinking ahead – i want to know is it possible to have some sort of prenuptial agreement or legal binding through lawyers stating my expectations during the marriage regarding my beliefs, the upbringing of our children etc with us mutually agreeing and signing?

          Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10786

      • Mohammed
        December 7, 2015 5:50 pm

        Dear b, what is your problem? what question do you have?
        say in detail then only we can help you

  • Indian
    June 8, 2012 5:39 pm

    @Suma….you are really negative and judge people so easily. I really wonder if your hatred is greater or ignorance.

    @Kajol……be brave and educate yourself……read both the Quran and Vedas…..tell him to do the same…..and then follow which your heart says is correct. The reason for doing so is that you both hopefully will be spending your life together and learning and educating yourself about different religion will be a small effort.
    Pray to the one and only God and ask for Guidance……he should indeed hear your prayers.

    As for me I am a convert to Islam and know the truth….but dont go by my word investigate yourself.

    • June 8, 2012 8:46 pm

      Indian gave you an excellent advice. We admire Indian because he is honest. It is easy to deal with an honest person than with a cheater. Indian will never recommend any one to convert to Islam “just for the heck of it!” We hope your boy friend is the honest type and told you this conversion expectation five years before when you started dating. If he told you this conversion expectations just now, after years of romantic relationship, he is surely a cheater and a Love-Jihadi.

      Further, we agree to Indian to “Pray to the one and only God and ask for Guidance……he should indeed hear your prayers.” If you believe that one and only God is Krishna, so be it.

      Before taking Shahadah, spend 6 months in a madrasa. Make a fully “informed” decision.

    • suma usa
      June 9, 2012 12:43 pm

      afte 5 yrs of dating he asks her to convert, he didnt have any minimum mutual respect for her, oh the irony, he treats her like his slave thats obvious.
      If he loves her he must have thought about it (his faith) at the beginning itself. Conditions erase love and brings in an element of serious inequality. Being a muslim, you must have heard many times muslims saying how inferior hindus are, no? This brainwashing is unique to your faith, accept it. Address it. Otherwise apostacy ending up killing wouldnt happrn in Saudi, Pak, Iran… add 10 or 15 more names here. But quite happily the same nations allow conversion of hindus, christians into islam. Where is the equality? It is force that runs your faith, not love and kindness, simple fact.

  • Gms Niloy
    June 8, 2012 10:36 am

    Hare krishna. may ishwar bless you,give you the strength to take the best decision.women are treated badly in muslim community. don’t forget about your religion. it is the best one in the world. why do you left it for fake love? It is not love, it’s cheating. so please, i request you not leave hinduism and say no to your muslim friend. you may lead a happy life with your hindu husband. if you love him deeply, ask him to convert to hinduism. if he refuse, left him. may god bless you.

  • suma usa
    June 2, 2012 2:51 pm

    this is what I call a conditional marriage as opposed to love marriage. Looks like you already served his purpose in all these 5 years. Why not he become a hindu? He doesnt love you, it is simple!! It is a oneway love your bollywood dream will disappear after the marriage.. You are going to be financially dependent on him, if I am not mistaken. The freedom hinduism gave is the one you will loose first and foremost. The process will continue and after a couple of kids you will be reduced to a state of a servant. You didnt tell where will you both live in Egypt or in India? It matters a lot, believe me. Also is he on a visa etc. counts. Foreigners may have a different agenda, Iam not saying he has one. If yo have no problem give more details.

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