Don’t Go to Gurudwara, Jesus Becomes Angry with You

Unlucky says: December 21, 2015 at 7:58 pm

Hi, the same (I Converted without Knowledge of My Family) happened with me. I am from Sikh religion. I was teaching in a nursing school 8-9 years ago and I fell in love with a Christian guy. But in starting I told him that I can’t change my religion because I love my parents a lot and can’t hurt them. He said it’s ok, I will never compel you to convert into Christianity. I told that person i have so many responsibilities so please don’t compel me in this relation. But forcefully he made me agree for marriage. My parents didn’t know that he is a Christian. I compel my parents and they became agreed for marriage and my bad luck started from that day.

My so-called husband and his family converted me to Christian religion. I started to respect that religion. I lived with my parents after marriage because my husband didn’t had his own home. I started to pray according to them by hiding all this from my parents. I told to my parents, he is a Hindu. I got a first shock on the 2nd day of my marriage when I came to know he took charas from a hotel attendant where we stayed for honeymoon. But again I forgave that person and tried to improve her. @nd shock I got when I first time went to my in-laws and they were living in a small home allotted by mission because my mother in law was a teacher at catholic school. I accepted that shock. There I came to know my husband is addicted to tobacco and cigarette also. I made my self strong and thought if I will try he will withdraw all these drugs. But again after a month I went to my parents home at Punjab and my husband lived sometimes at Uttar Pradesh with his parents and sometimes Punjab where he worked in many hospitals not more than 3-4 months.

We applied for PR of Canada. #rd shock I got after 3 years my husband asked me to met his parents at UP. I went with him and there was his aunt who is Nun, she started to teach me don’t go to gurudwara, Jesus become angry with you. I scared they did some kind of sin acceptance in front of God. She gave me Bible and asked me to read it. I became pregnant in those days. I came back to Punjab to live with my parents. Time passed 3 months, then 6 months and then nine. Nobody came to know how is our daughter in law? Doctors advice me complete bed rest because of some complications of pregnancy but I didn’t stop working because I needed money for my diet, medicine even I paid 12 thousand to taxi per month. But not a single penny spent by husband or his family. My parents don’t like my husband. I asked my mother in law to come during my delivery, she said ok I will come but nobody came during my delivery and my husband came with no money for delivery. He told me some time later, his parents gave him 5 thousand but he spent on buying Johnson’s soap, oil for baby. After delivery his parents came but they stayed in their one relatives home and my husband compeled me to go there because they wanted to see my child. I hired a cab and went to see them and gave them some money because my mother in law went for some lab tests. My sister booked a cab for us when we returned from there relatives home. I felt very bad they don’t have any love for me and for my child. But i didn’t say anything.

After 1 year my husband compeled us to go to their parents home for his sister marriage. we went again same drama they did some to convert my child as a christian. I accepted that but internally i felt very bad. After sometime we got a PR in canada and we needed some money when i asked my husband he said i have nothing, his mother said we don’t have anything and never talk to us about money it raises our blood pressure. Anyways my sisters, parents and me finally arranged money we took money on interest, i took loan from bank, my sister sold their gold.

On the other side mother in law passed away. I went their but i didn’t involved in their customes because i was heartly crashed by these people. There was no emotions or feelings. I was feeling like that i am a stranger. 3 sisters of my husband divided every thing of their mother. After 6-7 days when i was coming back my husband’s sister called his father and told him that they are going back today and he said let them go if i want to meet them i will go to Punjab to meet them but it was just a formality i know. after 1 year from that day we got visa of Canada, when we came here he sent my husband in previous clothes not even a single penny he gave.

And when we reached in canada my husband started to talk with his father . Now he wants to talk with me and with my son but now my inner conscious died, i don’t have feelings for them . I am living with my husband because i can’t survive here alone . he drinks on saturday , sunday. takes tobacoo daily but i don’t want to stop him because i left every thing on God. Now I am follower of my sikh religion. Everyday he discuss about christian , try to dominate me that your religion don’t have these goodness and my religion have so many good things. forcefully tells me stories of jesus but my mind become stiff, there is no influence of his any story. I love God alot. But i have very bad experience of christian religion. –Unlucky

Admin says:

Dear Unlucky,

We are sorry to hear of your bad experiences. We will walk with you over years to put you back on track. Don’t say you are unlucky, turn our life totally lucky from now onwards!

This is silly what Christians are telling you that there is One God and that is Christian God only, not Muslims’, not Hindus’, not Jewish God, not Buddhist’s. Why Jesus should become angry with you because you go to Gurudwara? Is Jesus weak minded and fearful of Guru Nanak? Like Jesus is claimed to be Son of God, Guru Nanak and all Sikh Gurus are also Sons of God. Why Jesus told us “Love thy neighbor” and now getting angry because you are visiting Gurudwara? Was Jesus really telling us “Love thy CHRISTIAN neighbours and hate SIKH neighbours?” If Jesus is jealous, angry and teaching intolerance towards Sikhs, why should you give a damn to him? Is this the Jesus whole world celebrating his birthday this week?

Is it Jesus to be blamed or these intolerant Christians and their churches? We believe it is the later (read).

We highly recommend to you to formally convert (if you wish to) back to Sikhism at your local Gurudwara. Get this legally documented on notarized papers. You live in a free country and you should have rights to express your faith.

Now act smart on money front. Please take control of all money you earn. Put in your separate account and save for your future. Do not let your husband spend a single dime of your earnings for his bad habits or his family.

You have only live once and you rather live with dignity and pride. Give him a wake up call that if he does not stop his bad habits and does not stop imposing his intolerant Christian teachings, you will consider an end to this married life. We hope he will realize his mistakes and will change. If not, we do not recommend but if necessary, do not hesitate to consider a divorce.

Please vent your frustrations by writing on this web site; at least it will lighten your mind. Let us how what else we could do? We hope to hear from you soon. -Admin

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  • Unlucky
    December 23, 2015 6:13 pm

    Thanks i really feel lighten by expressing my feelings.

    • December 23, 2015 11:26 pm

      Dear Lucky,

      You said your marriage is a bad luck started for you, but Dec 21, 2015 is the beginning of new life for you. Keep in touch with us and we will walk with you.

      Sikhism is a superb excellent religion and be proud to be one. Show values in Sikhism to your baptized daughter and she herself with her decision will follow Sikhism.

      Being lighten is not sufficient, but you need to take specific steps in life to remove all misconception in your husband’s mind. First you read this BIBLE and ask your husband to explain why your Christian Jealous and angry god wrote all these intolerant teachings?

      You should go to Gurudwara and convert back to Sikhism, are you going to?

    • Radcliff
      October 27, 2016 9:42 am

      You are pointlessly wasting a otherwise beautiful life due to religious brain wash.As an ex-christian I can assure you that Jesus is not some divine figure as you are duped into believing.

      Jesus has not fulfilled a single prophecy to qualify that right. take for example a fake Prophecy mentioned in Matthew (2:23):

      “Mary, Joseph, and the child Jesus settled in Nazareth, in order … that what was spoken through the prophets might be fulfilled, ‘He shall be called a Nazarene.”

      There is no such stupid prophecy in entire Old testament. Just google it and see for your self.

      Nor there is any concept of hell in Old Testament

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