God is One, BUT…

Hanna Khan (former Momeen): says: February 25, 2017 at 7:05 am

The post reminds me the pain I underwent through while hunting for the true meaning of faith. When I rummaged various scripts I found out that all the faiths carried the same message: God is One, Do Good Reap Good, Be humane and on the negative aspects all the faiths shared caste/ religious apartheid, misogyny, supremacism.

Judaism and Christianity call for death of Apostates, Hinduism differentiates on caste basis, and all three have explicit misogynistic viewpoints. Revolutionaries fought tooth and nail and today, these major faiths have almost purged their scriptures and are adopting only those practices which are in line with modern moral standards.

Now, come to Islam: polygamy, triple talaq, no alimony to divorced wife, halala, peadophilia, four male witnesses to prove rape, a woman’s testimony is only half-valued than that of a male, sex slavery, muta marriage, jizya , one-sided proselytizing and blasphemy rules, death for apostasy and gays, stoning, chopping, flogging ….. all these monstrous practices are fanatically observed by followers, holding the Book. If a reformer questions and calls for reinterpretation of Quran, Muslims have been indoctrinated to axe the revolutionary and the result is the ISLAMIC INFERNO. Neither do we live in peace nor do we allow modern, liberal and just societies to live in peace.

My suggestion is for a period, be a stoic observer and note the difference between various communities; read their original Scriptures and astonishingly you’ll find many things which cannot be applied to today’s life and you’ll be even more surprised to find how followers for all other belief-systems have beautifully amended their practices to suit current moral and humanitarian standards, leaving Islam as a Stone Age era cult.

After a thorough research, whichever Scripture you find offers solace to body, mind and soul, go with that faith, for all paths lead to the same God– only our prayer methodologies are different! –Momeen

View videos: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, All you want to know about the Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia: Hindu-Muslim Marriages,
Also read: Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus?, Love-Jihad, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Sikh-Muslim marriages, Malaysia in love, Marriage laws.
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  • February 25, 2017 2:43 pm


    You said, “Neither do we live in peace nor do we allow modern, liberal and just societies to live in peace.” That raises a question, are you a Muslim? If you are a “Muslim,” why are you criticizing your own faith? Why are you still claim to be a Muslim?

    • Hanna Khan (former Momeen):
      February 28, 2017 7:17 am

      Why am I criticizing my own faith?
      Muslims- the cursed population which considers all humanity-butchering Islamofascists as ‘messiahs’ while barbarically beheads every reformer. You would have heard reformers being slaughtered in Arab world, Pakistan, Bangladesh…. well, Indian Muslims will prove that Muslim population in any part of the world is a ticking time-bomb: Tarek Fatah, a renowned reformist is taking the Ulema head-on urging Muslims to shun fundamentalism and integrate with the world; his show ‘Fatah ka fatwa’ in Zee tv is a great hit as he knocks hard on the crippling atrocities of Muslims on both Muslims and non-Muslims.

      Now, here is the twist: This is India, a pluralistic, benign, peaceful, Hindu-majority democracy; can any Muslim dare to declare beheading or butchering in India?
      Have a look:

      Biggest irony is Indian government doesn’t think the outrageous fatwa is serious enough for initiating a case against the mullah, who issued the threat- fear of Muslims’ capability to bring down the entire state machinery with their violence!

      Do I identify myself as a Muslim?
      Yes, because I’m born to Muslim parents, given Islamic upbringing and completely surrounded by Muslims; no because, Muslims do not provide the platform to think freely; cripple reforms; justify monstrosity- this latter part of thinking dominates my mind.

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