Truth says: December 21, 2014 at 4:13 pm
It’s impossible for most to understand how God can appear and perform His pastimes for His and our own pleasure. Krishna appears to be among us, but He does not behave like God always, otherwise there is no fun for us or Him. He lives, eats, and plays with us so we can exchange our love and devotion with Him. When He appeared 5000 years, only a few humans knew He was God, for most he was just a great yogi with super powers. This is important otherwise we cannot live normally if we know He is God. It’s just like if someone wins 500 million dollar lottery, they will NEVER be the same again. They will become completely egoistic and lose all shyness with those who get into an argument. In a similar way, if people see God, they will become too bewildered and will not be able to live the same life again. This is not good for us and Krishna does not want to disturb the material creation, the purpose of which is to let everyone be their own boss to Lord it over, this is called free will.
When we play with young children, we pretent to be weaker than them and we pretend not to know much and so on.. This is the only way we can exchange our love with them. In a similar way, Lord Krishna comes to play, rest, eat and enjoy our association behaving like an ordinary human being. This is the called ‘Lila of Krishna’. -TruthAlso read: Who is God?, Koran on Hindus?, Bible on Hindus?,Hindus, Abrahamics and Intolerants, Can Allah be the Father God?, A Jealous and Angry God, One God, Allah?, Idol Worshippers: Who is and Who is Not, Circumcision: Science or Superstition? , Saif and Kareena: Religion and Marriage, Religious Conversion for Marriage, Ten Points of Interfaith Dating , FAQ on Interfaith Marriage, 45% of Muslims Marry outside their faith, 38% of Hindus marry Abrahamics,Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu girl/boy, Muslim girl/boy, Hindu-Christian Marriage, Hindu-Jew marriages, Follow Jesus not the church.
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Dear Narendraji,
You are right. As and when I have time, I submit my texts based on my knowledge about hinduism and discriminatory and evil practices of Islam.
Thanks for appreciation.
WOW so you write! But i proved that you copy pasted your last comment from wikiislam LMAo
You don`t have brains to write a paragraph on your own and taking appreciation, wah re wah kia jamana aya!!!!!
Hello readers,
Avatar means to appear, to descend, to take birth or manifest. In Hinduism, an avatar means the form of a deity and usually refers to an incarnation of God or His aspects such as Vishnu on planet earth either as a man or an animal or some mythical creature. An avatar is not mere materialization or appearance of God in physical form for the sake of his devotees. It is neither a disguise nor a trick played upon our senses. God has been appearing to people from time to time either to pass on some message or accomplishing some task through the beholder. His voice has been heard by countless people upon earth either internally through the subtle channels or externally through actual hearing. He appeared personally to several sages, seers and even demons like Ravana or Hiranya who did severe penances to obtain boons from Him. He conversed with them blessed them and helped them in the pursuit of their goals, be it enlightenment or invincible power or victory against enemies or even invincibility against Himself. On occasions he also assumed distinct forms to help both men and gods. For example, Lord Vishnu assumed the form of Mohini, a beautiful damsel to help the gods when they and the demons churned the oceans for amrit, the elixir of life and needed His help to distract the demons. Lord Siva appeared as a tribal warrior to Arjuna and challenged him for a fight to test his devotion and determination. He responds to us in His own mysterious ways even today, if we pray to Him sincerely, with faith and devotion. These are however not incarnations, but manifestations of God.
By definition an incarnation is different. It requires the birth of God in physical form, through the natural process and his existence upon earth in physical form undergoing the same experiences as living beings. It is not necessary that the physical form needs to be that of human always. It can be a human, animal or semi human or even mythical form. The incarnation may exist for a brief period of time or for a life time. The incarnation may have all the powers and awareness of God in His absolute aspect or only a necessary portion of it. It is also said that when God incarnates upon earth, He does not incarnate alone. A number of associate divinities and evolved souls also incarnate upon earth to play their part in His incarnation and assist Him. At the same time a number of demons also become active either physically or astrals to counter and thwart the purpose of the incarnation and provide the necessary opposition to the divine drama that is played out.
An incarnation is essentially an interference in the affairs and progression of the manifested worlds. It is an intervention that becomes necessary due to the activity of beings endowed with free will. The law of karma makes each individual being responsible for its action. But in some cases that alone may not deter some from causing a great imbalance in the working of the worlds or interfering with the lives of other people through their actions. When their number increases disproportionately, God decides to take matter into His own hands and comes down to earth in physical form to restore order and morality. Some times He may manifest Himself indirectly through His emanations or directly as an incarnation.
This is the justification and the purpose of incarnatin which the followers of Vaishnavism accept as undeniable truth. They believe that, as promised in the Bhagavadgita by the Supreme Being, from time to time whenever there is excessive presence of evil and suffering of virtuous people Lord Vishnu incarnates upon earth upon earth to restore order and destroy evil.
The concept of reincarnation seems to offer one of the most attractive explanations of humanity’s origin and destiny. It is accepted not only by adherents of Eastern religions or New Age spirituality, but also by many who don’t share such esoteric interests and convictions. To know that you lived many lives before this one and that there are many more to come is a very attractive perspective from which to judge the meaning of life. On the one hand, reincarnation is a source of great comfort, especially for those who seek liberation on the exclusive basis of their inner resources. It gives assurance for continuing one’s existence in further lives and thus having a renewed chance to attain liberation. On the other hand, reincarnation is a way of rejecting the monotheistic teaching of the final judgment by a holy God, with the possible result of being eternally condemned to suffer in hell. Another major reason for accepting reincarnation by so many people today is that it seems to explain the differences that exist among people. Some are healthy, others are tormented their whole life by physical handicaps. Some are rich, others at the brink of starvation. Some have success without being religious; others are constant losers, despite their religious dedication. Eastern religions explain these differences as a result of previous lives, good or bad, which bear their fruits in the present one through the action of karma. Therefore reincarnation seems to be a perfect way of punishing or rewarding one’s deeds, without the need of accepting a personal God as Ultimate Reality.
Wah Sabana Ji
What a Beautiful & Logical definition of Reincarnation. Thank You very much. By the way you are same Sabana who married with a Hindu Guy? Almighty GOD bless You & your whole Family Happy & Prosperous Life
Mohammed you may have noticed that admin only object when we write about our religion, then he asks for scientific proof,evidence etc but incase of hindus he supports them by keeping silent.
Please learn to give credits to the source [] or else don`t claim it as your own word like you did to take appreciation from narendra here
You are badly exposed again.
Agree, if any one cut and paste, should give credit to the source.
Incarnation is a term used by theologians to indicate that Jesus, the Son of God, took on human flesh. This is similar to the hypostatic union. The difference is that the hypostatic union explains how Jesus’ two natures are joined, and the Incarnation more specifically affirms His humanity.
The word incarnation means “the act of being made flesh.” It comes from the Latin version of John 1:14, which in English reads, “The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us.” Because of the near-exclusive use of the Latin Vulgate in the church through the Middle Ages, the Latin term became standard.
Biblical support for Jesus’ humanity is extensive. The Gospels report Jesus’ human needs including sleep (Luke 8:23), food (Matthew 4:2; 21:18), and physical protection (Matthew 2:13-15; John 10:39). Other indications of His humanity are that He perspired (Luke 22:43-44) and bled (John 19:34). Jesus also expressed emotions including joy (John 15:11), sorrow (Matthew 26:37), and anger (Mark 3:5). During His life, Jesus referred to Himself as a man (John 8:40), and after His resurrection His humanity was still recognized (Acts 2:22).
But the purpose of the Incarnation was not to taste food or to feel sorrow. The Son of God came in the flesh in order to be the Savior of mankind. First, it was necessary to be born “under the law” (Galatians 4:4). All of us have failed to fulfill God’s Law. Christ came in the flesh, under the Law, to fulfill the Law on our behalf (Matthew 5:17; Galatians 4:5).
Second, it was necessary for the Savior to shed His blood for the forgiveness of sins (Hebrews 9:22). A blood sacrifice, of course, requires a body of flesh and blood. And this was God’s plan for the Incarnation: “When Christ came into the world, he said: ‘Sacrifice and offering [under the Old Covenant] you did not desire, but a body you prepared for me’” (Hebrews 10:5). Without the Incarnation, Christ could not really die, and the cross is meaningless.
God did an incredible work in sending His only begotten Son into the world and providing us with a salvation we do not deserve. Praise the Lord for that moment in which “the Word became flesh.” We are now redeemed “with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect” (1 Peter 1:19).
Jesus was both human and divine.
Mohammad came to earth for what?
For murdering innocents and non believers, spreading islam through blood shed, arson, looting, kidnapping, killing, raping, terrorism, treating females sex dolls, giving them talaq any time and bringing another wives, ?
Who are killing, selling, raping girls in various islamic countries, discriminating females for all sorts of natural justice etc.?
He was first ISIS terrorists.
Why Mohammad came to earth? Did god not find any honest, kind hearted,morally perfect person to serve the mankind and nominated rapist, murderer, killer, terrorist, anti female his messenger?You sodomized person never accept the cruelty and criminal nature of islam against mankind.
Muhammad Peace be upon him came to earth to save humanity,women, and to bring the last message of god to humanity, if Islam didn`t came to India, Indian would still be practicing caste system and other Hindu evil fundamental practices, but because of fear of Muslims that people will get convert to Islam, you people left those practices but still silently practiced all over India.
And he was one of the most honest person in human history, when Arab pagans prosecuted Mohammad and his few followers , Jews accepted him as judge because they knew Muhammad was honest.
He was not rapist, in fact your supreme lord Brahma was a rapist who raped his own daughter saraswati(shame!)
He was not anti-female, in fact he brought so many rights for women, like rights of inheritance,rights of divorce from husband, rights of education, rights of choosing partners and so so
Yes, he lead many wars, they were all defensive wars, they fought those wars for survivation, but those wars were only limited to combat
* Who did put an end to the cruel rite of burying the daughters alive?
* Who did abrogate the uncivilized practice of marrying of even ten men with one woman?
*Who did abolish the unjust law of limitless divorces and #release the woman from tyranny and oppression of men?
* Who did break the happy news of deliverance from Hell just by bringing up a daughter?
* Who did lay the foundation of adorning woman with the ornament of education ?
* Who did set the standard of natural #equality of women with men?
* Who did release women from #economic worries with respect and grace?
* Who did honour the women by introducing the institute of NIKAH (lawful marriage) with divorced and widow women?
* Who did guaratee Paradise to women for leading chaste and modest life?
* Who did introduce the law of stoning the culprits if rape to death?
* Who did declare the mother to be deserving good behaviour from children three times more than the father?
* Who did provide women with #graceful safety during superannuation?
Many questions.. ONE answer..
Our Holy Prophet Mohammad Sallallahu_Alaihi_ Wasallam !! , the last prophet of god almighty
then why he came to earth, he is god, he can know all things frm where he lives, by the way, where he is now