My girlfriend is a Malaysian Muslim and I am catholic

sam says: January 4, 2015 at 2:59 am

Jesus on crossI’m in such a similar position. My girlfriend is a Malaysian Muslim and I am catholic, not very devout if i’m honest but I do have my own beliefs. The problem is that we are in love, however there is a law in Islam that she isn’t allowed to marry me as I am not muslim.

She never really informed me of how serious it was until recently and its all come at once, how on earth was I supposed to know!? And now apparently there is a whole lot of pressure for me to convert and I didn’t even know until recently how devout she was. I mean, we used to drink alcohol together at parties, we have sex and we sleep with each other. I never knew this would be a problem to her and then she says how she’d be living in sin if we were to marry and me not convert. I don’t understand,

I’m religious, but what god would dam people to hell just for falling in love and wanting to be with each other just because we aren’t the same religion, it infuriates me and it has caused many arguments. I don’t want to have to sell out my beliefs just cause Islam is so black and white its not fair? If anyone is in the same position as me, please let me know how you’re coping!! -Sam

Admin says:

you are not alone. All over the world this is a common problem. Many Muslim youths will pose as secular and pluralist while early dating. Only the truth will come out just a few months before marriage. We do not have just a few cases, but hundreds of cases like you (read suggested readings below). Bottom line, if you intended spouse is a Muslim, the non-Muslim must be ready to (fake-)convert to Islam. If not, walk away now. Sorry. If you are frustrated by such unjust practices, join us on this site to fight against this unjust conversion practice for marriage.

The Muslim will preach to you that just do Shahadah for my love, it takes only 5 min! But do not underestimate the problems after the FAKE-CONVERSION (read). This site strongly recommends NOT to fake-convert just for the marriage.

Yes, Sharia laws, in your words, “are black and white and while its not fait (to non-Muslims)”? Dumps her! -Admin

Sharia law-convert all Hindus

Also read: Malaysians in love with Muslims, 45% of Muslims marry outside their faith in America, VIDEO: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Jain-Muslim marriages, Brahmin-Muslim marriages, Bollywood and Interfaith Marriages.
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  • January 9, 2016 12:24 am

    I was born and raised in a christian country even though my family are muslim. I met a christian man and my father is sending me on a huge guilt trip and wants me to break up with him. We are together 6 years now and were so close to getting married. My parents brought me to this christian country but want me to live as a muslim and are shocked that i ended up with a christian!!! My religion has only ever caused me problems stress and grief in my life. Everything in my life has been a struggle from when i was at uni with friends and now with my love life. For the first time i say out loud that i want to leave this religion. How can u bring me to a christian country and expect me to follow muslim ways and give me grief for being with a man from this country that provided my family safety and security!if i converted to christianity i could finally live the life i want but at the expense of losing my family. I wish i could have a family who accepted whatever decision i made in life like most non muslim parents but it seems that blackmail is somthin muslim parents are pro at . this isnt 1950 where u can threaten to disown the daughter. They wouldnt be disowning me. I would be disowning them because they rely on me for money. I had enougj. I have been fighting with my heart and my head for a good 3 years that i was almost ready to kill myself because i couldnt imagine how i could ever be happy again . i wish i had my families support but if i am being put in a position to choose between my family and future husband then i will leave them behind. I hadve tried my hardest to please everyone and told my family i want them in my life. I would never put my kids in this position and make them feel they had to choose. This is just cruel.

    Reply to

  • raul
    May 18, 2015 12:50 pm

    Hi. I am in the same position. The only choice is to take different ways. Ive been thinking for days and i cant find a light after the tunnel.

    Thanks to islam and their fake love culture of killing people who want to believe in the love.

    My best wishes for you, carry on my friend.

    • May 19, 2015 7:52 pm

      We could help, can you detail your situation?
      We understand your frustration about Sharia laws in Malaysia.

  • Mujin
    January 4, 2015 9:51 am

    If they are rigid, then people of the book can marry with lot of rules.

    But there is more restriction for women than men. Men can marry people of the book, but not women.

    People of the book = Christian, Islam, (and one more religion I think)

    Christ is called as a prophet in Qu’ran, so you actually have a lot less trouble than an estern religion (Hindu,Sikh,Jain,Buddhist).

    • Mujin
      January 4, 2015 11:20 am



      You figure is wrong. There is no concept of apostasy in Hinduism. Please dont spread the wrong message.

      It is not punishable by death: Refer here:

      (I don’t like Wiki links, but couldn’t help it for now).

      Ofcourse, this does not mean hindus as such will accept you right away. Most people are averse to letting you back cos they dont know how to deal with it. You may be outcasted or ignored socially/religiously, but no death penaltly.

      This issue is there cos there are no official rules regarding conversion, and hence as a corollary there are no offcial rules regarding reconversion (back and into).

      Please correct that!!

      Here, you must also remember, if one tires to converet back to previous religion from Islam, Islam calls them a “murtad milli”. This includes many punishments including death as far as religion goes. Laws of countries matter more but people are torn between those laws and religious laws.

      • admin
        January 4, 2015 7:29 pm

        We said, “conversion back to HInduism (from Islam) is apostasy punishable by death” . We are talking about leaving Islam after 5 min of Shahadah. There is no apostasy in Hinduism, agree 100%.

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