Ibrahim Raffi says: July 13, 2014 at 11:00 am
Sum this love thing is temporary, after marriage he will tell u to bow down to his parents and elders but according to our religion, we can only bow down to our allah (SWT) right? Fake conversion is like making u his wife only for some days, he he cant convert u forever with full faith them isnt he just doing that for free sex? I don’t want to offend u sister but saying la-ilaha-illallah isnt just enough… Its like making a fake Id to buy alcohol under the age of 20.
Im from canada, originally from nepal and an ex-hindu. My girlfriend showed me all those fake hopes and converted me to islam, i died everyday because of this coz i couldnt take that anymore, i wanted to be a hindu forever . But my gf left me for no reason. I decided to go back to my old religion but something in me stopped me. But i planned to find bad things about islam to tell my friends how wicked islam is, but after all those researches, all i found was the good things so i was interested in islam and after a deep research i planned to become a true muslim.
And yes i am a muslim now a true one. I just dont want that guy to insult islam, im sure that whenever u guys will have any argument then he say “you converted me forcefully” or whatever but its your choice . But im sure u’ll destroy your own faith and his too and your relationship with him. May allah guide both of u to the right path.-Ibrahim Raffi
Also read: Muslim girl, Hindu boy, Shasha, Intolerants, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it? Zakir Naik, Can Allah be the Father God? Hindu-Christian Married Life in America, Christian-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Jew marriages, Jain-Muslim marriages, Sikh-Muslim marriages, Brahmin-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Inter-race-Inter-faith marriages, Jew-Muslim marriages, Christian-Muslim marriages, Who is God?, Bollywood and Interfaith Marriages.
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mr. raffi
u r never a hindu .u r a muslim .from ur statement i found that this is the new idea for spreeding ur religion. u r frm canada .at the age of 17 ur girlfrnd convert u .now u r 20 year old in this statement u telling that u r x hindu but latter u r telling that ur frm budhist family .and this 3 year short period u practice islam christiniaty budhism and hindu .u r a stupid man and same ur admin. so dont make fool the public 2day public know everything that which religion is good or which is bad.
Hello Mr. Kishor
Lol i was a hindu my real name is abiral, im from nepal and i said i was born in hindu family but my mom is buddhist does that makes sense? And i graduated from a catholic school.. So i know pretty much about these stuff whatever dawg!! I have no interest in these stuff mr. Kishor kumar
You have to understand that we are here talking about Interfaith Marriages With Equality. We are sure you will agree to our goal that it is important for an interfaith dating couple to critically evaluate each other’s religious beliefs. If not, after marriage and children, they will get into a deeper trouble.
Yes, we are trying to “creating an argueguement between two different faiths”, but it is up to the couple to make fully “informed” decision for their life. We are making them think, that’s all. Critically evaluating practicality of life before marriage is not destructive but is constructive. Does this make sense?
Brother Ibrahim Raffi, allah showed you the right path, one of my cousin bother also married a muslim girl and converted to islam and my mom was also brahmin hindu, my maternal grandfather and grandmother also converted to islam after my mom`s marraige
Haha yeah… Now im a happy man after i became a muslim. And this admin is a crazy ass nigga.. He was supporting a muslim girl not to marry a hindu guy. Then after i shared my story, he turned into Mr.india and started giving some advises , which i dont need
admin here showed his/her true color, shame shame shame, shame on you admin
Dear readers,
Islam is filled with exhortations calling for attacking, enslaving, murdering and even genocide of non-Muslims in an open-ended manner until all peoples of the world become Muslim. Nothing can be greater hate and incitement to violence than such ‘divine’ teachings. All these teachings are hate crimes. The Quran is nothing more than a terrorist manual filled with its exhortations to violence against kafirs (2:190-193, 4:89, 9:123, 47:4, etc., etc.) There are 22 Categories of Islamic Murder With 52 Reasons Muslim Men Can Kill Sanctioned By Allah. http://www.islamreform.net/new-page-96.htm For more hate crime verses calling for murder of kafirs go to http://www.islamreform.net/new-page-132.htm For 691 Quranic verses of hate against non-Muslims go to http://www.islamreform.net/new-page-23.htm
Sura 8:17—“It is not ye who Slew them; it is God; when thou threwest a handful of dust, it was not Thy act, but God’s…..” (Allah said, the killing of surrendered soldiers were done by the wish of Allah. Note that this also absolves Muslims of any culpability in such matters, be it moral or under Islamic law.)
Sura 8:67—“It is not for any prophet to have captives until he hath made great slaughter in the land. Ye desire the lure of this world and Allah desireth (for you) the Hereafter, and Allah is Mighty, Wise.”
Here we have Allah insisting Mohammed kills all prisoners, and should not keep any surrendered prisoners alive until He (Mohammed) occupied the entirety of Arabia.
Can you believe in a ‘god’ who commands the murder of all prisoners? These are HATE CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. THESE ARE HATE CRIMES AGAINST GOD. This law was an order from Allah (the Anti-God) to murder all prisoners until Arabia was conquered for Islam.
First of oll congrats to Ibrahim brother that he has became a muslim. . .Masha Allah. , He had greatly told about what Islam is. , he had realized and He has accepted what QUR’AN and Prophet Muhammed[p.b.u.h] has told us. ,Maintain these things and research more thing about Islam. .
Many of the people of other religion thought that because of some of the muslim guys behaviour and act now a days Islam is not a true religion but its not true. . ,Now a days science also proved that ISLAM is a true religion. . ,
for Example. . .If u take drinking water. ,how would u drink. .by standing r by sitting. ,
Scientist has told that by standing and drink the water there will be a many loss in the human body like kidney failure or by forming stones in the human body. .but ISLAM has already told to us to Drink the water in the sitting position. . . .like this many of the things are there. .
Many Scientist has research the Holy Qur’an and they have accepted that each of every word in the Qur’an is true. ,if u agree r nt agree but its a real fact,
My gf was not too much into the religion thing. She just left coz she wanted to, i planned to do the same theing, fake conversion. Okay so thing here is muslims dont worship the kaaba. At the time of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) the sheiks used to give speech standing on the kabaa itself, this is the one of the proof that they dont worship kabaa, coz if they were worshiping something, they wouldn’t ever dare to stand on it. The black stone beside the kabaa, muslims kiss it not to worship but because prophet muhammad kissed it. Its not the part of religion, its just a sunnah. And allah said in quran that a single drop of blood from a believer is more important than the kabaa. Prophet muhammad kissed the black stone because among all those billions and billions of stone roaming around the universe, allah chose that stone to show where the centre of the earth is. The stone landed on mecca and from that day muslims believe tha mecca lies at the centre of the earth.NASA has proven that meca is the centre of the world. Earth is not completely a round object but its similar to the circle and every circle has only one centre and mecca is the centre. So muslims go round the kabaa to show the oneness of allah. We dont idolize muhammad, we just believe that muhammad is the final messenger and he is the cap for the prophethood, no other prophets will come after prophet muhammad(pbuh). Its the people who destroy their own faith. Its like shias and sunnis. They fight because of their own reason. I really dont know about shias, i just heard that they believe in prohet muhammad and some other companions left after prophet muhammad passed away. I mean they believe on those people after prophet muhammad, im not that sure. But its the people who try to change the religion. Its clearly said that prophet muhammad is the final messenger then why are some believeing on those that came after him? Actually i converted at the age of 17 now im 20. I tried to become a catholic when i was 18 but the way how church teaches and whats written in bible contradicts, thats why i decided not to become a catholic. I didnt try to go for buddhism coz i grew up in a buddhist society and it was quite similar to hinduism, if i wanted to become too extremist then i had to become a monk , and i didnt wanted that. Trust me im much more happy now, i dont drink nor argue with my parents and love everyone. Islam has changed me soo much and im much more happy than i was before. And thanks admin for taking interest in my story. Jazak Allah Khair
If you wish to be “too extremist then i had to become a monk ” in Buddhism, what is that extremist thing in Islam? Is Buddhist extremists hurting this world more compared to the Islamic extremists?
Why you have to be an extremist, why not be a normal human being.
Like Catholics have many idols, Islam has Kaaba and Muhammad. All your explanations are those that a taught-parrot speaks. People have install their own irrational logic into your mind and it worked. If you think completely with open mind and rationally, that is not the logic. This world was not made in 2 days and furbish in next 4 days. If you wish to read Islamic science, go to Google or http://www.FaithFreedom.org.
We believe in taking the best from all, and not get brain-washed by one (like you got into). We found Buddha’s teachings (not to those monks, like your imams or Osama Bin Laden) absolutely logical. Reconsider and study it. About HInduism, you don’t have to follow those pandits. Read https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/index.php/literature/123-why-i-am-a-hindu and https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=5270.
Read all bolded statements in https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=370, tell us with your own mind (not that you are taught) that it is logical. Read https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=1038. If your 5th grade teacher is preaching such hatred for others, what will happen to your brain?
We hope you be a FREE man again and not get stuck in a “book”. Open up your mind, don’t get “BOXED”. Lets talk more.
stop this non-sense. . . ,
How u r telling that these world has not made in six days. . ,do u have any prove. . .
tell me. . . .
dont share any fake website that are intolerates the Islam. . .all those things are on that site are fake. . .if they have guts then tell them that put a comment box on that site. . .we will show the facts. ,
soonly ur shared site will going to banned. . In Sha Allah
Note that by sharing any sites is not considered as a proof. . .
What is an imam? And who is osaba bin laden? I only know ALLAH and our beloved prophet muhammad (pbuh) other than that, i dont care who does what.. I follow the truth i dont worship an animal or drink its piss which i was forced to do once by my family… I mean lool?? Seriously they forced me to drink cow’s piss?? And u get purified coz of that ? Yuckkkkk!!! Worshiping a pp so called “shiva linga”. Once when i went to a shiva mandir i had to put my hands infront of the aghori baba and he slapped my hand with his dick.. Wtf admin u want me to go back to that religion again? Not a chance…… Im very happy from what i was.. U cant disprove coz i know the changes in me and im happy!!!!!….. Im happy that i dont drink, i dont have sexual intercourse before marriage, no pork, pray 5 times a day and love my parents. Is that bad lol?
Ibrahim Raffi, have you seen how foolish this admins are, they linked osama bin laden, who was nt a religious leadr, he was an engineerr, worked for CIA, actually a are lucky that you have left a religion of RAPIST GOD BRAHMA,KRISHNA
Lol yeah mac i can see that
… This admin talks about different attacks by muslims or other religions but he is doing the same see how people are agrueing here ? This admin is creating an argueguement between two different faiths and it can be the first stage of destruction. For doing that i name u ” osama bin admin”
It is too sad that you had bad experiences in your childhood, this is certainly sad. However, bad acts in Catholic churches by some priest, monks going religious fanatic (thought rarely) or maulvis follow wrong path does not prove the religion is wrong. One could follow/find Father-God/Allah/Isvar in any faith. If Islam works for you, enjoy!
When your wife calls someone else her husband then how would u feel, wont u tear her in pieces? Same here when allah sees that his own creation is doing thos to him then wont’t he punish u? He doesnt need u, u need him. He is the judge he judges everyone equally. I dont undersrand this hinduism thing.. I mean god is not a grocery store… Like u find all the different gods for different purpose. Lol why should u even worship those gods then?
Thank you for sharing your story. So, what was problem with that girl friend since now you are converted? Was she out just to convert and leave you alone? Currently are you dating? ….married? Are you now going to date exclusively to a Muslim only?
We agree to “la-ilaha-illallah” but why Muslims are idolizing Muhammad close to God? Why there is important to glorify the black cube, is that not idol worshipping? Why not only focus on Allah without Muhammad and Kabaa? Why there are so many intolerant words for others in the Koran? Why others cannot have freedom of expression and seeing Allah the way they wishes (why only Muhammad’s way?)?
In your research in search of God and religion, did you explored Buddhism and others? We would love to know more about your views, get back.