A Free Thinker Muslim in a Trap

qqbean says: March 23, 2019 at 7:53 am

Hi, I’m a muslim (Father is Malay, Mom is chinese and converts when married), dating a Chinese guy. I do not wish for him to convert and i am a free thinker, had been living the chinese lifestyle ever since. At first i thought that i would go to singapore to get a pr and get my marriage over there as well. It would be best to settle in malaysia cz of our families. But I’m not so sure how. As i am a free thinker i would hope that i could convert as well…. however knowing that malaysia doesn’t allow one to do so.. -qqbean

Admin says:

Dear QQBean,

As a Muslim, you do not have rights to be a free thinker, especially in Malaysia. Your mother was (probably) forced to convert to Islam and now you MUST convert that Chinese (probably Buddhist or atheist) for marriage. This saga will continue for your next 1000 generations. Even none of you wish to be a Muslim, you are stuck with “Islam” on your MyKad. This is called ethnic cleansing. This is Islam’s way of expressing total intolerance for any non-Muslim. This is a trick to expand Islam at the expense of non-Muslims.

Unfortunately the Western media are totally silent on such open holocaust (probably a too harsh word). Muslims appreciate when Westerners sympathise for the massacre in New Zealand but the same Muslims will not want to give an inch to non-Muslims when comes to interfaith marriages. Unfortunately Islam has not learned interfaith marriage with equality, and today’s Muslims don’t want to learn for their selfish interest to expand Islam at the expense of their sympathisers.

Dear QQBean, please run away from Malaysia (and Islam) and marry your love or leave this innocent Chinese as a free thinker. Do not trap him and convert to Islam for your selfish motive.

We know you are a free-thinker but unfortunately you have a label of “Islam” on you. We know you (and probably your mother) are trapped into Islam. We hope you will speak out against atrocities by Muslims to non-Muslim in Malaysia and other places. We hope to hear your views.

More information: Malaysia Marriage laws, Malay-Hindu Relationships, Sharia, Singapore marriage laws, Koran on Hindus?
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