FREE e-book on Interfaith Marriages

Now this offer expired (ended March 5, 2018).

SAN FRANCISCO, CA, February 28, 2018 (Press Release): For five days, from March 1 to March 5 (PST), you can download for free Dilip Amin’s ground-breaking book, “Interfaith Marriage: Share and Respect with Equality.”

This guidebook covers different perspectives on God, religious scriptures, nations’ marriage laws, pre-nuptial agreements, and dealing with parents & children about interfaith relationships. The best part of this book is its account of 81 real-life love experiences of Hindu, Christian, Muslim, Sikh, Jain and Parsi youths. It also covers interracial relationships and situations in within-faith marriages. The book will be of help to youths in such interfaith love relationship, their parents, community and religious leaders, intellectuals interested in comparative religions, and marriage counselors.

Our society needs intellectual discussion on both religious tolerance and intolerance. Our youth in interfaith love require balanced guidance for their personal situation to make a fully informed decision.

The author is offering FREE download from anywhere in the world of his recently published book “Interfaith Marriage: Share and Respect with Equality” for five days only.

For other details or for personal guidance on an interfaith relationship situation, visit

Note the down load is at any Amazon site. There, type in “Interfaith Marriage” and “book” and this book will come. (or click above the left button, BUY ON AMAZON). Go to their e-book (Kindle edition).

It will say something like this… “Kindle Edition $0.00 and $0 00 to buy. Get it TODAY, Mar 1”. Click on $0.00 to buy. You do not have to pay for anything and there is no string attached. You can view only on Kindle program on your computer (free download). Once you download it, you will have full copy for you to read on that computer for ever.

You can also go and share your views on the book as “Verified Purchase” commentator. Note this offer ends on March 5 (California time), so do not wait for tomorrow. Share your downloading experience here.

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  • March 5, 2018 6:50 am

    Hi and thank you for making this available.

    I am curious about marriages with an atheist partner. How do we navigate through that path?

    Reply at

  • Easan
    March 3, 2018 9:04 am

    Thank you, Dilip, for this informative and much-needed book in today’s pluralistic society. As one who has been happily inter-racially married for many years, I can especially appreciate it.

  • Sivananthan Muthuckumaru
    March 1, 2018 12:54 am

    I am interested to read and understand

    • admin
      March 1, 2018 7:16 am

      Please down load it today. It will be available only till PST March 5. We do not know if our publisher will allow us to make this available free again or not. So act ASAP (don’t wait till March 5 PST).

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