They Forcefully Covered Me into Islam

Sandhya says: October 14, 2015 at 10:41 am

I am hindu girl married muslim guy u net special marriage act and even through Nikha they forcefully covered me into muslin and changed my sana Fathima.

But from day one they started torturing me n harrasment me like a non living thing treating me as non living thing even they are not providing food clothes to me but am a government teacher paying my salary to them…. my husband and my in laws always abused me and telling that u should leave my husband and go back to my mother or should die.

I became helpless my mother is widow she is very soft person don’t know anything

am in dilemma what to do this kind useless life o tried killing my self many times but it went unsuccessful…. plzzzzz give me some guidance and legal advice plzzzzz
thanks -sandhya

View videos: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, All you want to know about the Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia: Hindu-Muslim Marriages,
Also read: Hindu: Finally I have to unwillingly revert to Islam (a case similar to Sandhya), Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus?, Love-Jihad, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Sikh-Muslim marriages, Malaysia in love, Marriage laws.
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  • luckyblogger
    February 17, 2018 10:41 am

    divorce him for sure as you dont have a kid, you can remarry and have a great life. please your widow mother deserves your happiness at least for her do it..

  • November 14, 2015 8:18 pm

    Abuser can never be your lover. Why do you wanna kill yourself for someone who never deserved you at first place ? Think about your mother and don't let yourself further tortured by them.
    Your life is a precious gift given by God don't end it. Go to the police and report the incident in Domestic violence category. Divorce your husband and I'm sure sister you'll find much deserved someone.
    Krishna is there and he will make sure that they will pay for their Karma.
    Please start a new life and Keep your faith and your mother.

    I've done the same I had to divorce my muslim wife and saved myself from 3 years long mental depression, suicidal thoughts. Now Im happy being a Krishna devotee by reading Bhagvad Geeta, keeping my Hindu tradion which I love and my parents and family whom. If I can't change my parents I can't change my religion. Beside Hinduism is a true way of life for me and never imposed on me.

    Reply at

  • October 27, 2015 7:16 am


    Several muslim girls have warned non muslim girls against trapping by the muslim youths, whose main focus is to trap innocent and foolish girls like you.
    Initially they are polite, submissive and adjustive but their real monstrous face comes out after marriage.

    The sole purpose to trap non muslim girls is to enjoy sexual pleasure, multiply muslim populations, trained them as terrorists.

    Now only one way left to divorce him and get rid of him. If you are in India,
    report matter under domestic violence,dowry immediately.

    • October 27, 2015 7:56 am

      Hi Sandhya,
      Above may be a harsh way of putting, but read below links and it will be very clear that the Hindu MUST convert before or after marriage to the Muslim, unless that guy/girl is not a Muslim. Unfortunately, at dating time, all these facts do not come out. It is possible that the Muslim guy/girl may be naive about what Islamic and his/her parental expectations are or the person may be love-Jihadi.

      If there any Hindu dating to a Muslim, there are only two options left:
      1) The Hindu ultimately converts to Islam or 2) the Muslim announce that he/she is no more a Muslim. Add to these two points that dating time promises has very limited meanings.

  • Aakash Malik
    October 23, 2015 4:29 am

    Shameful incident…. How come u didnt notice his true colors when he used to hang out with u b4 marriage??

    • October 23, 2015 7:05 am

      Don’t blame her (or at least not totally). Most youths in love in colleges have not clue what will happen after marriage (and forces of communities and religious institutions).

      • Aakash Malik
        October 23, 2015 11:45 pm

        But admin…its high time….girls must be alert in all respects to protect themselves….they cannot be careless all the time and then blame some religion or the system for their loss…..can they???

        • admin
          October 24, 2015 9:26 am

          This is the case same as Akansha/Nusrat, except that Akansha ultimately accepted Islam while this girl is proud of her birth faith.

          Yes, it is stupidity of girls (and boys) to believe their lover in college that “religion does not matter but their love”. We have created this web site to expose dirty religion expansion game (applicable to ALL faiths) using interfaith marriage. We wish Sandhy came to us before her marriage!

  • mac
    October 21, 2015 4:11 am

    Divorce him

  • Nusrat khan
    October 21, 2015 2:19 am


    Don’t sit silently on cruelity by your in laws ,do what Mohammed brother

    file complaint in woman commission , write to your state govt .In sha Allah your in laws will be punished and also they will not go unpunished by Allah

    • mishuk
      June 4, 2017 2:06 pm

      dont you have shame in using the phrase “insha’allah”?

    • Krish
      March 12, 2018 6:00 am


      somewhere I saw your recent comments is that you are staying at your parent’s house. What was the reason behind it. Also are you still a muslim or not. Since your story is too much interesting, can you please let us know your current life.

  • Mohammed
    October 20, 2015 7:59 pm

    Dear sister,

    Sorry to hear this . . I want to give suggestion that go to police and complain about their act. . .

    How they forcefully convert you and tortured. . Its strictly prohibited in islam sister. .

  • October 20, 2015 7:22 pm

    Dear sandhya,
    Sorry to hear of this. Please give us more details.
    How long are you married?
    We hope you don’t plan for a kid.
    Are you interested in a divorce?
    Are you still working and earning?
    How can we help you?

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