AnnaMary says: December 7, 2015 at 1:29 am
This is Mary. I am a catholic. My bf also catholic. We want to marry each other. However, my parents and his parents were agreed for my marriage. For relatives sake, they are asking me to follow some hindu traditions. After catholic marriage, they want to make hindu marriage also. My bf also don’t like to follow hindu traditions. Because of his parents he will do some things. But, I don’t like to follow hindu traditions and hindu marriage. Now what should I do? -AnnaMary
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I’m not asking about my God. I know my jesus is our saviour.I’m just asking about my problem to make hindu wedding and how to avoid this situation throgh prayer or anything??.
If you have allergy to your boy friend’s faith and practices, it is better to stop it now. After you are married, you will be stuck. Tell them upfront that you will NOT do it and if forced will break this relationship (if that is what you want). If you wish to marry him, you need to be little flexible and Jesus will understand. Yes, you could pray Jesus for it and ask for guidance.
Thank you for your response. I’m agree with your answer.
But, I have few doubts about it can you please clarify it?. My question is: My body and my soul & my thoughts and everything not agree to worship of other gods. For my in-law’s sake I’m accepting to follow some traditions for those gods (Ex: Some occasion’s I have to go for temple but I will not worship those gods.In those situations I will stood like a statue and I treat it’s a mud morsel(a lump)). So, My Jesus not understanding my situation?. Is Jesus will not help me to escape those situations?.My strong believe is my God will protect & save me. May God use me as a great instrument in that home to proclaim my god’s wonders & god may change their thoughts?.
You said he is your bf. If so, do not marry till you are clear what you are getting into. You cannot change his community thus if you have major concern with them, just find another bf.
Other than this religious issue, what other issues you have with them? Are they good human beings? Do they love and respect you as a person?
Jesus taught us to “Love thy neighbors”, so why He will ask you to hate those Hindus?
Show us when did Jesus (remember, not others) told us about “other” God and “idol-worship”?
There is only one God, but people call Him Father God, LORD God, Isvar, Allah, Buddha (Godly), ..etc. It is like water takes a shape of ice cube, steam, cloud, rain, flood, etc but after all it is water (H2O). Likewise, don’t get stuck on shapes or way of praying God, but focus on God.
As you know, Jesus is not God but Son of God. Thus He is a middle man. Likewise, Hindu’s believe in an ultimate reality (Brahman) but have different devas (Godly forms like Jesus) like Krishna, Rama, Ganesh (middle men). Thus when you are in middle of a Hindu practice, focus on the Ultimate God, and not on the middlemen.
Read all that we have recommended above.
Trust Jesus. Do not listen to your church but read what Jesus taught us. Do not get tangled in small things or ways of praying, but focus on the ultimate reality. Love one and love all. Live and let others live. Be a humanist rather than a religious fanatic.
You are a Christian and he is a Christian. What Hindu practice that your Christian relatives wishes you to follow? In life, sometimes, don’t make problems bigger that it is.
If it is a matter of some former practice and does not go against your faith or insult to Jesus, then you may have to be flexible. We highly recommend to think like Jesus is right in front of you and you are discussing your issue face to face with Him. What do you think Jesus would want you to do? Go for that?