Rabia says: May 12, 2017 at 8:17 am
Mac, I just discovered that there are lots of fatwas against Dr Zakir Naik that you love and follow. Admin, kindly e-mail this to Mac privately in case he no longer visits the website. At least one misguided brother will see this.
Mac, see this too: http://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/zakir-naik-unfit-to-preach-muslims-shoud-avoid-listening-to-him-darul-uloom/story-uyLibblyU8av4Y79r2kIPI.html
(a) In August 2008, Darul Uloom Deoband, India issued a fatwa stating: “The statements made by Dr Zakir Naik indicate that he is a preacher of Ghair Muqallideen (People who reject Imams of Fiqh., like Salafis, Ahle Hadith, etc.). One should not rely upon his speeches.”
(b) Similar Fatwas are issued by many other scholars including Deobandi Mufti Zar Wali Khan, founder of Jamia Arabia Ahsan-ul-uloom, Karachi, Pakistan
(c) Yaha Al-Hajoori, the famous Ahl-e-Hadith scholar condemned Dr. Naik in many of his writings and declared him Kafir.
(d) More than 20 Fatawas of Kufr were issued by the Shariah Board of America against Naik. They say Naik has gone astray as he is not a scholar but is involved in Islamic teachings without authority or any knowledge to do so, which is dangerous to Islam. “Naik is known for discussions on comparative religions. He is not a qualified Aalim-e-Deen, therefore his comments on fiqh have no merit. If it is true that he condemned the fiqh of the Imams, then that in itself is a clear indication of his lack of understanding of Shariah.”
(e) A Fatwa was issued by Darul Ifta Jamia Binnoria, Pakistan, regarding Zakir Naik not being a certified Aalim of Deen.
(f) In November 2008, Lucknow, India based Government appointed Mufi Abul Irfan Mian Firangi Mahali issued a fatwa-e-Kufr against Naik, describing Naik as a “Kafir” (non-believer) and stating in the fatwa, that Naik should be ex-communicated from Islam. He argued that “Naik is not an Islamic scholar. His teachings are against Quran. In his speeches, he insults Prophet Mohammad sallallahu alaihe wasallam and his family members and glorifies Yazeed, the assasin of Imam Husain Radiallahu anh.
If after seeing all this information I copied from the internet does NOT change Mac (and other like-minded Muslims’) minds about Zakir Naik, I don’t know what will. I don’t know the man enough to pass a judgement on him, but I would be very very careful before listening to him knowing what I know now.
I feel so sorry for Muslims, Admin. I don’t know what it’s going to take for us to stop listening to hate preachers and dividers, and to actually seek advice from real scholars of Islam. Even education may not help. I want to stop being a pessimist but every time I see an ignorant Muslim comment on something, declaring the other side “Infidel”, it just upsets me. –Rabia
mac says: May 13, 2017 at 5:17 pm
Darool ulum and other tekedars of Islam has destroyed Islam, these are the people in the hands of which Islam was been defamed most, these are business and political organizations, nothing else. If Dr. Zakir Nayak was really unislamic, Saudi Arabia or Malaysia wouldn`t accepted him or awarded him. A person who converted so many people to Islam convert is kafir for these Indian moulanas, who doesn`t get a damn from Islamic countries thus jealous of Dr. Naik popularity and acceptance. While not a single Islamic Sharia following countries has rules of instant triple talaq, these Indian mouluvis Indian so called product of prestigious religious institutions of India were defending triple talaq for so long by saying it is law from Allah and can`t be changed, but they never answered by Saudi Arabia or Pakistan or Bangladesh despite being Muslim majority country and some even Islamic don’t have such laws, but now that BJP has pressed hard on them, these moulanas are saying govt don`t need to change abolish triple talaq, they will abolish it themselves.
Muslim Law Board: Will Abolish Triple Talaq in 18 Months
Sharia not meant to change, any alteration will not be tolerated: AIMPLB member MahaliM
Now question is why they are saying to abolish it when all the time they kept on repeating that it was from God? Actually they were fooling Indian Muslims who can`t read Quran and are uneducated at the same time to gain knowledge about Islam from other sources, since listening to Zakir Naiks talks, these people were getting awakened and starting avoiding these so called true ulemas who misguided people for so long realised that it is because of this guy that they are becoming valueless in the society.
These people even went on to say Triple Talaq is about life and death for indian muslims, how can triple talaq be life and death for muslims?
So it doesn` surprise me when these people issue fatwa against Zakir Nayak.
Rabia says: July 16, 2017 at 4:38 am
What you said below about what you envision Islam to become one day will happen one way or another – InshAllah if we are lucky we will see the begininga of this in our lifetime.
“And why I should only be a ‘he’, I’m a He-Man, man! If only God were to bless me with the powers, I would scrap the entire venomous ideology elucidated by Muhammad ibn Abd-al-Wahhab, Muhammad Abduh and reform it with a brand new Islam which would be more peaceful than Buddhism, more magnanimous than Hinduism and more humane than Christianity and all the sycophant-warriors of Muhammad ibn Abd-al-Wahhab, Muhammad Abduh will become angelic-carriers of messages of peace, magnanimity and love− only, if only”
Let the Wahhabis do their thing. There is a Hadith against them, I won’t even quote it here – let them read and figure it out on their own since they go around preaching Islam to you and me… -Rabia
View videos: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, All you want to know about the Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia: Hindu-Muslim Marriages,
Also read: Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus?, Love-Jihad, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Sikh-Muslim marriages, Malaysia in love, Marriage laws.
Return to Home, Blogs, How to Share? Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Book, Media.
How beautiful what you quoted at https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=12337#comment-410571 and we have posted above. I hope there will be room in your book to include this statement. You book will certainly a big hit! As a non-Muslim, we love to see a reformed Islam exactly like yo have described. It will be a win-win for all.
It seems that the ‘Heaven-Destined’ population had a gala time when Pak won the Champion’s trophy! News is pouring in from all quarters as how Indian Muslim brethren celebrated Pakistan’s victory with unexpected level of fanfare‒ India must be blessed to have such ‘saintly’ population who could rejoice with that nation which is directly responsible in unleashing hatred and terrorism on their motherland.
So, this is the perfect course to Heaven‒ cut the hand which has fed you and smash the heart which has poured affection since time immemorial!
Go ahead Muslim youth! No one could drive sense into that population which has lost the sense to discern between the virtue and the vice.
And the painful truth is: neither you honour your country nor do you uphold the nobility of your faith!!
At least don’t use a fake name. Your Stony heart gets outraged when you see some Indian Muslim express their joy over Pakistan’s victory over India, but your heart won’t bleed when akhlaq Muhammad,pehlu Khan,Junaid Khan are killed in their country mercilessly in front of large crowd that too when police force remain silent, you should thank indian muslims that some of them only support Pakistani cricket team, the level of Injustice unleased on them by Bharat mata (a mata who discriminates his child based on caste and religion) asks greater anguish against her for her injustice
This interview is by an RSS man, an ex BJP minister Jaswant Singh who talks about Indian Muslims. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=T50sHtbN9y0
I think Rabia can consider watching this as well since it also relates to what she always iterate about her in laws and in general how Muslims are seen in Hindu homes.
Here is another interview from same man https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MpDqUcl5K6Q
Don’t forget he was BJP cabinet minister for several times and also an ex RSS man
Dear Momeen,
Wow, wow!! We are so impressed by your writing skills and real zest to change this world a better place for all. A Hindu would say you are a roop (image) of Goddess Durga Ma! How can we help you for this “If only God were to bless me with the powers, I would scrap the entire venomous ideology elucidated by Muhammad ibn Abd-al-Wahhab, Muhammad Abduh and reform it with a brand new Islam which would be more peaceful than Buddhism, more magnanimous than Hinduism and more humane than Christianity and all the sycophant-warriors of Muhammad ibn Abd-al-Wahhab, Muhammad Abduh will become angelic-carriers of messages of peace, magnanimity and love− only, if only……“? Who is holding your hands? How long? Why there is no liberty and freedom to express oneself in 2017?
Rabia said //I feel that Allah guides me and protects me from wrong influences//
Actually this is the sophisticated language of smart people, when you say Allah protects you from wrong influences, are`nt you labelling other parties as WRONG, then how come you are different from Zakir nayak, you both are actually same, just happen to be in the opposite camp. Zakir Nayak atleast gives reason why he feels or why I feels sufism is not Islam(in my last commment here https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=12337#comment-409144 ) while you didn`t give your reasoning and totally washed off other side as WRONG.
Lets keep aside Zakir nayak since i am not him, lets talk about myself, what exact thing I told you to do which goes against Quran or Hadith that you are asking Allah to protect you from wrong influences? Please mention, that will also help me since i don`t want to go against teachings of Islam as well, so unknowingly if i am believing or doing something which is against islam, which you have spotted, then please do feel free to mention. I don`t know when i will be back in this forum again, may be after one week, in the mean time you keep pleasing Momeen who openly speaks against Islam and abused Prophet Muhammad and then feel yourself pious because you believe in Sufism.
Kia jamana agaya
dear Mac,
I am going to answer these question in a day or two but honestly I am hesitating whether I should give an answer or not because it will reveal too much about me. I would rather wait and have you read/learn it from the book.
I don’t know Momeen so I don’t have any intention of pleasing her or pleasing Admin. One of the main reasons I still haven’t left this site is to try and educate people a little about what Islam actually is – and while I am no scholar, I feel I know enough to at least dispel ridiculous rumours like “Muhammad married his own daughter”, like one idiot claimed.
This really upsets me how much ignorance is out there.
You said “Lets keep aside Zakir Nayak since i am not him, lets talk about myself, what exact thing I told you to do which goes against Quran or Hadith that you are asking Allah to protect you from wrong influences?”
When I said “wrong influences”, I was talking about self-proclaimed preachers/dawah people who follow and try to bring us all under the influence of Salafism, especially young fanatics here in Europe. To me, I feel the same way about Salafis as you do about Sufis. And I have some Hadith to back me up on this, brother.
So I was referring to young preachers who make Youtube videos to make dawah…etc. They are good people at heart, and their intentions are good, I am sure.
Mac said “Please mention, that will also help me since i don`t want to go against teachings of Islam as well, so unknowingly if i am believing or doing something which is against islam, which you have spotted, then please do feel free to mention”
Mac, just avoid anyone who has Salafi-leanings. I don’t know you well personally so cannot comment on what you are doing wrong according to Islam. More importantly, you wouldn’t trust me even if I did because I am not some scholar… But on a personal level, my advice would be to try being less judgmental toward the Shia and other minorities.
I am also not Shia, but I have family members who are – they are lovely God-fearing people – and I’d like to believe that Allah is “ar-Rahman ar-Rahim” – He will forgive not just us Muslims but all humanity (My religion teachers used to say that in Islam, all are eventually saved, whereas if you haven’t been baptized, you won’t go to heaven according to some conservative Christians)
Mac also said “…then feel yourself pious because you believe in Sufism.” – Mac, I don’t feel pious bro. Knowledge does not equal piety. I feel sinful, just like any other Muslim… I am not a part of any Sufi group, so I don’t know what all you were talking about when you wrote all this stuff… I do NOT feel myself pious, I feel I am a sinner. If you are referring to when I made that comment about hijabi sister versus not hijabi sister, you completely misunderstood my point. I meant to say that we need to stop judging a woman’s iman by her hijab – it is between her and Allah how/why she practices this. If I am pious, great…this word “pious” is so relative – compared to you, I may not be pious… compared to Momeen, I may be considered so pious that I am “an Islamist” as someone said.
I consider myself an open-minded and liberal Muslim with a broad approach to faith – but I am still Muslim. You remember how much dislike I got for saying “I do believe Islam is the best of the religions out there.” I am not going to start bashing Islam to please anybody. Some people make careers out of this, there’s great money in it – and I would never do that. Will not be a sell-out… BUT this does not mean I am going to defend Muslims if and when we do stupid things in the name of religion. (((Mac, I am sure we both can agree on this – I know you also do not believe that those terrorists are real Muslims.)))
But if my husband would one day (God forbid) become a Wahhabi, then I’d rather have an agnostic/questioning “fake”-Muslim husband than be married to a Salafi/Wahhabi (if these two were the only 2 options left on the planet).
Hope this explains to you what I consider “wrong influences”.
//But if my husband would one day (God forbid) become a Wahhabi, then I’d rather have an agnostic/questioning “fake”-Muslim husband than be married to a Salafi/Wahhabi (if these two were the only 2 options left on the planet). ///
So basically you are saying Salafis/Wahabis are not muslims???
Once you told you that you are Shia, and now you say you are not.
Shia,Sunni is just a tag, most shias I believe donot believe in sectarian ideology for which the skism started in the first place 1400 years ago. My best Islamic friend whom I consider as my elder brother is a Shia and we have been friend for so long and still going strong, but that doesn`t mean I didn`t tell him that Shias have wrong practices like Mutah marriages and hurting kids until blood comes out and cursing other companions of Prophet as part of their religious practice.
Where did I say I was Shia, stop putting words in my mouth! Go back and read what I wrote properly please, I said I come from a Shia background. But Sunni beliefs make more sense to me after I studied and learnt about them.
My family didn’t care about the Sunni-Shia thing, I learnt the difference when I started college and learnt about Islam
In the classroom. My family being Shia does not make me Shia and my Shia grandmother, God bless her soul, would InshAllah go to heaven before many of those Salafis who oppress people and secretly support the terrorists because she was an amazing person who devoted her life to helping other people.
I never said ando would never say Salafis are not Muslim, just like they don’t have the right to say this about you or me. I simply expressed a personal opinion and preference.
You are associating Salafis with oppressors, nice tactics sister. An oppressor can never be a Salafi, Salafis are those who go back to original source and try to imitiate prophet, just claiming I am Salafi won’t make anyone Salafi, on top of that blood thirsty Western world have labelled people like them who hail from middle East who are equally blood thristy like them as Salafis. And there is no need to call yourself Salafi or whatever if you think you are more close to Islam than others, Allah has given us one common name which is Muslim. It is the only religion which has its name for its followers. Still Muslims are labelling different names in them like Shia-Sunni(initially) and then Salafi/wahabi/barelvi/this and that….bohot bewakuff hotey Hein ye log
Mac, I know from some of my friends that the Shia curse ” other companions of Prophet as part of their religious practice” as you said – I think cursing anyone is wrong. I also don’t believe in this divide – I told admin that to me it is more a political divide which sadly became a religious one. Let us remember we are all Muslim, and we are also all human.
I am surprised to hear you have Shia friends. I never though you would get close to a Shia after reading your words “we don’t consider them to be true Muslim”. God will decide everyone’s fate so I don’t think it’s right for certain groups to try to play God and say stuff like “these sects will go to hell”.
Who made them the judge?
Even I have said this inform of him, and he didn’t mind, because he knows why I said so. Truth is he doesn’t consider himself Shia , he always considers him Muslim first. He loves Iran and hate Saudis and wahabis, and he knows though I am critical of Saudi regime but not against Abdul Wahab, but still our friendship continued, and is still continuing, because we are Muslims, we can have differences regarding various saying of various sholars, but we all agree with Quran, he also is vehemently against interfaithmarriage, btw just now a thought crossed my mind, why am I taking all the criticism from people who have gone against Quran(verse 2:221) , I wonder, instead of correcting their big sin they’re out there to curse great scholars like Zakir Nayak or Ibn Muhammad Abdul Wahab. Kia jamana agaya
Today there is major crisis inside Iraq and everyone from West are asking what`s happening there? What Islam is doing there and bla bla.
But the question no one is asking why West was involved in killing so many scientist of then stabled Iraq?
Why would west go onto kill scientist of Muslim countries if they really care of injecting science and technology in Muslim countries?
Imagine how would have world reacted if so many scientist from western world were killed by Muslims? Even today we would have been made to apologies for that.
Why Pakistan didn`t invest in Scientific advancement which makes life easier of people instead of investing in Nuclear Bombs?
That`s the question only leaders of Pakistan can give, only they know why the looted money Pakistan and brought property in London or Los Angeles or NY.
Good point
Q: SUNNI OR SHIA? (Beautiful Explanation) – Dr Zakir Naik – YouTube
Rabia, which part here you find objectionable from Zakir Nayak?
Mac, I agree with most of it except:
– he spoke about a Hadith which says that only one sect will go to Heaven while all others will go to Hell. I have heard this from other Sunnis throughout my life.
Personally, I feel that I would go to Hell before my distant relatives who are Shia. They practice Islam much better than I do. At least from what I have seen them do from the outside.
Do I get to go to Heaven for believing in the Sunni way? Is belief more crucial in the eyes of Allah than practicing?
I am just raising some discussion points – I dont actually have the answers to these questions, Mac. If you do, please share them with me.
And what happened, why Rabia is targeting me, if it is for any specific comment that i made on this forum, then let me tell you i have been active here since 2014 and now it`s 2017, so people`s opinion and views evolve, so if you find any comment of mine objectionable, before taking home your point, please ask me what i meant by it and whether today i stand on what i said earlier.
mac, we are not following Zakir Naik. Let us know his whereabout today.
Brother Mac, I am sorry if you felt personally attacked, that was not my intention. The reason I mentioned you by name here is because you are the only brother on this forum that I consider a friend, even when we may disagree on theology sometimes, and you had written “India has produced international orators like Zakir naik.”
Other brothers like Ahmad Noor have not been very kind to me, and you have mostly been kind. And I was scared that you would idolize him (Naik) and just wanted to show you an alternative perspective. I myself have said on other posts that I have watched Dr Naik’s videos and learnt a lot from then. My main problem with him is that he is a medical doctor (correct him if I am wrong), I don’t think he is qualified as an Alim.
You and I are no scholars Mac, we are students of Islam and we are constantly learning more every day. But it’s important to pick your teacher well so admin seems to have created this new post (I wrote it as a reply to a comment you made, he made a new topic out of it)
Darool ulum and other tekedars of Islam has destroyed Islam, these are the people in the hands of which Islam was been defamed most, these are business and political organizations, nothing else. If Dr. Zakir Nayak was really unislamic, Saudi Arabia or Malaysia wouldn`t accepted him or awarded him. A person who converted so many people to Islam convert is kafir for these Indian moulanas, who doesn`t get a damn from Islamic countries thus jealous of Dr. Naik popularity and acceptance. While not a single Islamic Sharia following countries has rules of instant triple talaq, these Indian mouluvis Indian so called product of prestigious religious institutions of India were defending triple talaq for so long by saying it is law from Allah and can`t be changed, but they never answered by Saudi Arabia or Pakistan or Bangladesh despite being Muslim majority country and some even Islamic don’t have such laws, but now that BJP has pressed hard on them, these moulanas are saying govt don`t need to change abolish triple talaq, they will abolish it themselves.
Muslim Law Board: Will Abolish Triple Talaq in 18 Months
Sharia not meant to change, any alteration will not be tolerated: AIMPLB member MahaliM
Now question is why they are saying to abolish it when all the time they kept on repeating that it was from God? Actually they were fooling Indian Muslims who can`t read Quran and are uneducated at the same time to gain knowledge about Islam from other sources, since listening to Zakir Naiks talks, these people were getting awakened and starting avoiding these so called true ulemas who misguided people for so long realised that it is because of this guy that they are becoming valueless in the society.
These people even went on to say Triple Talaq is about life and death for indian muslims, how can triple talaq be life and death for muslims?
So it doesn` surprise me when these people issue fatwa against Zakir Nayak.
Mac, I slightly disagree with your comment: “if Dr. Zakir Nayak was really unislamic, Saudi Arabia or Malaysia wouldn`t accepted him or awarded him.”
Saudi Arabia does not get to decide who is Islamic and who isn’t. They are Guardians of the Holy Cities and nothing more than that, at least to me… Wahhabism, coming from a place that even the Propeht wouldn’t bless, is destroying our religion every day, impacting young impressionable minds. Trust me, I see the reality here in the West.
Momeen (a Muslim who doesn’t really believe anymore it seems) once accused me of being ignorant of the reality on the ground in Asia and how dangerous “Islam” has become. He is right, I may not be one to comment on India. But as someone who actively observes the young muslims born here in the west, I see why people like ISIS are easily recruiting and poisoning minds of our young Muslims. This is the danger coming from radicalization, and I know you keep saying “they are not Muslim”, but they may very well turn around and say this about you, because you haven’t joined them.
BUT Mac, I agree with you on this “A person who converted so many people to Islam convert is kafir for these Indian moulanas.”
I think I should include the example of Dr Zakir Naik in my book… if even he has been declared an “infidel”, then who is Rabia to be left out…?
I wish I could interview him but he is a famous guy, wouldn’t know how to reach him.
Saudis are custodians of Mecca but it`s not about Saaudis, it is about their scholars who didn`t find Dr. Naik objectionable while our Indian moulanas are finding lots of objection and some are even declaring him infidel. He hasn`t declared anyone infidel in reply. The love that he gets from Muslims all over the world whether Shias or Sunnis are reply to those moulaans who speak against him for their self interest. It`s true Saudi Arabia doesn`t get to decide, but we cannot ignore that countries like Saudi Arabia has absolutely no problem with what Zakir nayak preaches or even Malaysia or Indonesia. Then who are these moulanas to declare someone infidel who has converted so many non-muslims to Islam?
Zakir Nayak has always said he is student of Islam, he never claimed he is Aalim.
These Indian moulanas have kept indian muslims in dark for so long, they can`t digest someone else has taken help of technology and reaching out to millions of muslims and non-muslims with message of Islam, and they have become valueless, that is where the problem is.
Mac, you are spot on with this observation:
“These Indian moulanas have kept indian muslims in dark for so long, they can`t digest someone else has taken help of technology and reaching out to millions of muslims and non-muslims with message of Islam, and they have become valueless, that is where the problem is.”
But many people, more innocent and gullible than you, will listen to those moulanas. So what are you, as an Indian Muslim, doing to prevent Indian Muslims from being left in the dark?
Personally, if it were me, I would at least try to influence my inner circle. I have seen some Indian Muslims are very very ignorant about our religion and they don’t know the simplest things – they just listen to whatever their local Imam says and take that to be what Islam is. They wouldn’t question – not because they don’t want to, but because they trust the people in charge…
You might be right about the jealousy part, Mac. I don’t know what is right and what is wrong – in the sense that I have heard people saying Dr Zakir Naik has praised Yazid at some point – but maybe these are just rumours and not facts.
Mac said: “A person who converted so many people to Islam convert is kafir for these Indian moulanas, who doesn`t get a damn from Islamic countries thus jealous of Dr. Naik popularity and acceptance.” – if these fatwas are being declared because of jealousy, and not out of genuine concern that he is not an alim of the deen, then shame on them.
But at the same time, I think it’s importantly to go to the real scholars and their writings if we want proper answer.
Dr Naik is a captivating speaker, but there is one question that he was asked which he didn’t answer properly, which made me wonder why he didn’t answer it.
Is the answer too uncomfortable for him to give?
A girl once asked him why us Muslims are so left behind in science etc nowadays and he gave the example of how Avicenna was actually Ibni Sina etc. He also spoke about how the media is owned mostly by non-Muslims and so there is an obvious bias / propaganda whe it comes to hiding the Muslims’ contributions to the advancement of science.
Yes, what he said, it’s partially true for sure.. but Avicenna etc that was in the past.
Why can’t we as Muslims be more advanced and proud of making inventions etc in this day & age? A lot of Muslims go abroad to Western countries to get their professional education and become doctors, scientists, engineers, researchers etc there.
Why, for example, can this not be done in Pakistan instead? Why does Pakistani government spend less time protecting the killers of people who were rumoured to commit “blasphemy”, or spend less money on their ever-increasing defense budget, and instead use that money & energy on scientific advancement?
just some food for thought…
This world need people like you, proud of your own faith but out to increase tolerance for others. You cannot, “I want to stop being a pessimist but every time I see an ignorant Muslim comment on something, declaring the other side “Infidel”, it just upsets me.” Your book is the best medium to express yourself.
We are in the same boat. We are not out making one faith looking better over others but wish to see true respect for others. Our book will be where we will have opportunity to express that view in totality. Stay tuned!