3.1 – FAQ: Christian-Dharmic Marriage

Section 3.1 – FAQ: Christian-Dharmic Marriage

 Does the Christian intended spouse believe that “salvation” is possible only through Jesus?

 Are your Hindu parents not going to be “saved” on the Judgment Day?

 Does he or she believe that Lord Ganesh and Goddess Kali are not incarnations of the same “Lord your God” described in the Bible?

 Does the Christian intended spouse have any reservations about coming to a Hindu temple, bowing to Hindu Gods and taking offering (prasad) from the Gods? Is the Christian going to be afraid of the “jealous” God if he or she has to take part in a prayer (puja) to God in the form of Goddess Durga? Will the Hindu intended spouse have the same spiritual meaning for Jesus as it was taught in your church?

 Do you have to get married in a church? Do you have to have a Hindu vivaha where multiple Gods will be invoked?

 Do you have to change your religion by baptism before marriage?

 Do your children have to have baptism/christening to announce the child as a Christian? Do your children have to have namasanskara and other Hindu rituals? What are the consequences if you decline it?

 The American Academy of Pediatrics stated benefits are not compelling enough to recommend universal newborn circumcision. Do your sons have to be circumcised in accordance with your spouse’s religious belief?

 Name is everything, as it reflects the tradition and culture the parents are proud of and would like the child to continue. Are the children going to have Dharmic or Christian first names and your current last name?

 A membership in a church may cost from 3-12% of your gross family income. Are you planning to be a member of a church, especially after children? Are you planning to spend the same amount of money supporting Hindu religious institutions?

 In case of your or your child’s death, will there be a Christian burial or the Hindu cremation and final rites?

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