How to Get Fake Shahadah Conversion Certificate?

gooseneck says: June 13, 2015 at 1:21 am


How do you get the fake conversion certificate (in Malaysia)? My partner might need one since my father (Muslim) insisted my partner to convert although we have tried to explain that forcing someone to convert is not the way to go. But to him, that is the only way to do it. Thanks. -Gooseneck

Also read: VIDEO: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, Hindu-Muslim Marriage-video, Love-Jihad, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Jain-Muslim marriages, Brahmin-Muslim marriages, Bollywood and Interfaith Marriages.>Chritistian-Muslim Marriage, Love with Malay, Sharia, Koran, Bible, Marriage & Divorce laws in Malaysia.


  • JT
    December 11, 2015 4:22 pm

    Any posting with answers to the question would be really appreciated

    I strongly support this. The father is just an asshole trying to force stop their happiness. Put religion to grave. Love is always the answer.

    Wish you all good luck. Unfortunately I don’t know how to get this fake cert.
    Simple solution, GO GET MARRIED IN SINGAPORE under CIVIL law. No one needs to convert, you can both respect each other and be yourselves. ITS RECOGNIZED GLOBALLY (EXCEPT STUPID COUNTRIES LIKE MALAYSIA AND FEW OTHERS – you know.. those countries that think they are outside earth)

  • ahmad noor
    July 16, 2015 4:19 am

    Goosneck so you are ready to built your future family on a fake shahadah if your partner knows and agree we donot feel soorow on such so called muslim as what we see from muslim film stars is more than that but you do all this trick to avoid islam convert forcing ….what force you to do all that …love story??? what a reason !!!

  • June 15, 2015 8:50 am


    Martyrs rewarded with 72 Virgins
    The most prominent reward that Palestinian Martyrs are repeatedly promised are the 72 Dark-Eyed Virgins in Paradise. A Palestinian religious leader explained that this is authentic Islam, whose purpose is to “fill Muslims with desire for Paradise”:
    “He [Muhammad] said (in a Hadith, Islamic tradition):
    ‘[There is] a palace of pearls in Paradise and in it seventy courts of ruby… And in each court [there are] seventy houses of green emerald stone. In every house, seventy beds. On every bed, seventy mattresses of every color and on every mattress a woman.’ (Hadith)
    The writing of the Prophet [Muhammad in this Hadith]… is intended to fill Muslims with desire for Paradise… to be worthy of it, because only three dwell there: Prophets, Righteous and Shahids (Martyrs for Allah).”
    [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Jan. 2, 2004]

    The message comes from all parts of society, including religious leaders, TV news reports, schoolbooks, and even music videos. Newspapers routinely describe the death and funerals of terrorists as their “wedding.” The indoctrination has impacted so significantly on Palestinian society that mothers celebrate their sons’ death as “weddings” and some even state that their sons’ motivation to fight Israel and be killed was to reach Paradise and marry the Dark-Eyed Virgins.

  • mac
    June 15, 2015 4:11 am

    On February 2002 a tea vendor in Lucknow, Aiku Lal Sandil finds a boy abandoned at a park near his tea stall. The boy only remembers his name as Akbar. Aiku reports to police but the police were unable to trace the boy’s parents as there was no missing complain registered on missing of a three year old boy in any of the police station all over the state.

    After losing hope police advice Aiku to shift the boy to an orphanage, Aiku refuses and brings up the boy on his own, Aiku has meager income but ensures the boy gets proper education and also retains Akbar’s religion by taking him to a Muslim cleric and making the child learn Quran and read Namaz daily. Soon a lovely relationship blossoms between a Hindu man and a Muslim boy and they both form a family of their own.They live very happily together.The boy considers the man as his mother and father both.

    After 5 years in 2007, one journalist, who comes across this unique relationship, highlights this in a TV show where he interviews Aiku and Akbar both.They also show the childhood photo of Akbar when he was found in the park.

    They did not know that this would turn their world upside down.

    When the show was aired on TV the biological parents of the boy see it and recognize that it is their kid with the help of photo shown in the TV show.

    The boy’s biological parents turn up and seek the custody of boy, but the boy refuses saying Aiku is his father-mother and wants to stay with Aiku, but boy’s biological parents go to court to claim Akbar’s custody. But court gives judgement in favour of Aiku and acknowledges Aiku’s upbringing of the boy by retaining his religion and providing education.

    During court proceedings we get insights about the life of Aiku.

    Aiku lal says during court proceedings:
    “I am a Hindu, brought up by a Muslim man. When I found Akbar, it was like God telling me that it is time to return the love and care I got from His people. I was never forced to change my religion and, having got that education from my guardian, it was my duty to take care of the child and bring him up as per his own religion,”

    A midst all religious differences raised by ourselves and self centred politicians, ‘Humanity’ is still prevalent in one form or the other.

    – Shared on Quora by Gaurav Langwan.

  • June 13, 2015 4:32 pm

    Why do you wish to make lies and deception a foundation of your married life? Why to cheat Allah, Imams and Islamic community?

    Fake or real, a non-Muslims should understand legal implications of one’s conversion (even fake). Read Malaysian laws here and here.

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