How faith and legal status matters?

TheSerpentCrusher says: January 25, 2015 at 8:00 am

Hi, I’m from Malaysia and am a Christian and me and girlfriend is already in a relationship about a year and planning to get married. Her faith is a Christian however the IC status as ISLAM given by her parents.

so is there anyway me and her could getting married in Christian way? plus, I don’t want our future children status as ISLAM. -The SC

Admin says:

Sorry, you are stuck in Malaysia. Once you have a Muslim legal name, practicing Christianity is apostasy and punishment could be severe. Sharia laws are very partial favoring Muslims only. Read this….

revathi_massosaiConversion back to Hinduism is impossible:: Miss Massosai was born to Muslim converts and given a Muslim name, but she was raised as a Hindu by her grandmother and has always practised Hindu faith. However, under Malaysia’s Islamic law, having Muslim parents makes one a Muslim and, as such, one is not allowed to change one’s faith or marry a non-Muslim. But Miss Massosai married a Hindu man in 2004 and the couple have a young daughter. When in January 2007 she asked a court to officially designate her a Hindu she was detained and taken to an Islamic rehabilitation centre. Her detention was twice extended to six months, during which time she says religious officials tried to make her pray as a Muslim and wear a headscarf. She is adamant that she will remain a Hindu. In the meantime, Miss Revathi and her daughter have been placed in the custody of her Muslim parents. Also read.

Also read: Love with a Malaysian, VIDEO: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Jain-Muslim marriages, Brahmin-Muslim marriages, Bollywood and Interfaith Marriages.
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1 Comment

  • January 25, 2015 7:49 pm

    Sorry, you are stuck in Malaysia. Once you have a Muslim legal name, practicing Christianity is apostasy and punishment could be severe. Sharia laws are very partial favoring Muslims only.

    Read ….
    Conversion back to Hinduism is impossible: Read this news: Miss Massosai was born to Muslim converts and given a Muslim name, but she was raised as a Hindu by her grandmother and has always practised Hindu faith. However, under Malaysia’s Islamic law, having Muslim parents makes one a Muslim and, as such, one is not allowed to change one’s faith or marry a non-Muslim. But Miss Massosai married a Hindu man in 2004 and the couple have a young daughter. When in January 2007 she asked a court to officially designate her a Hindu she was detained and taken to an Islamic rehabilitation centre. Her detention was twice extended to six months, during which time she says religious officials tried to make her pray as a Muslim and wear a headscarf. She is adamant that she will remain a Hindu. In the meantime, Miss Revathi and her daughter have been placed in the custody of her Muslim parents. Also read.

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