English Christian with an Israeli Arab Muslim Girl

Charlie says: March 15, 2016 at 7:17 am

Dear Pandora,

I am an English Christian. My girlfriend is an Israeli Arab Muslim. It is not a problem for me to convert to Islam in order to marry her. But there is another problem which is driving both of us crazy. She is the youngest of five sisters. The three eldest ones are married but the fourth eldest is not. She has never had a boyfriend and has made it quite clear that she has no intention of ever getting married and having children. The parents have ruled that my girlfriend cannot get married until her older sister has tied the knot. Is this a Muslim thing or just a family tradition? If it is a Muslim thing is there any way around the problem? -Charlie

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  • Akash
    March 18, 2016 1:41 am

    No, it is an family issue not a muslim thing. I myself was hindu married a muslim girl after converting to islam.

  • March 17, 2016 8:04 am

    Hi Charlie,
    Are you willing to be a true Muslim? Is your intention to convert to Islam only the girl? If she don’t marry you for whatever reason, are you still going to convert to Islam? What you found in Islam that you did not in Christianity?

    Are you in Israel or UK? It is a cultural issue and parents probably wants marriages in order. It appears that her parents are very conservative. Are they okay with you (a Christian and foreigner) marrying their daughter? You said you will convert but her parents may not want a former Christian and foreigner for their daughter. It is possible they don’t trust your fake-conversion just for marriage.

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