Aakash Mallik says: March 2, 2015 at 8:48 pm and other times
Nusrat didi…i am in class 12th ri8 now an i am very fasinated to hear about your story…i want to knw more and I also wanted to consult you about these situations coz i dont want to loose someone i love just coz of sm religious diffrence…
I am a Hindu actually from Bangladesh and now settled in India but since childhood I have been very intrested in Islam..so I am looking forward to get reverted in near future…but that is from my heart and not because someone told me to do that….
This is really pitiful…I mean even I have a muslim girlfrnd and we are very serious about each other but I nvr asked her to get converted in the near future coz i knw her family will disavow hr instantly….so being a hindu…I will take a flexible step and get reverted to Islam..
I believe that if I have loved someone truely…I should not be scared…And I want to embrace Islam all at my will…and not because she would tell me to…Infact she would never tell me to get reverted…hence I would be doing it on my own…for the bettermmt of of the two of us….
Q: If she was a Christian, would you be baptize? If she was a Sikh, will you become a Sikh (with turban)?
A: If she was a sikh or a christian…I would have to do any of these….flexibility u knw… -Aakash
Aakash Mallik says: March 7, 2015 at 8:03 pm
Ok let me be frank….people of the Bangladesh locality had confiscated our land so we could not go back there…..Thats the only reason…. -Aakash.
Aakash Mallik says: May 13, 2015 at 3:02 am
Dear admin….
My dad (a physician) says he is an Indian under every circumstance… He says we must be loyal to our land on which we grow..live…prosper….
Nw for conditions comparision….well he agrees that hindus have no status in either Bangladesh or Pak…..he also mentioned that Indian attitude is terrible coz we let people rule us…be it Englush be it Mugals…
And also….India is one of the few countries where minorities can kick majority without any trouble…..he gave the example of UAE….If a hindu there speaks anything against Islam or the Nation…..or the majority there…..he would be dead by the next few days….. But in india…well that nevr happens….for instanse the Hydrabaad incidence we all knw…..
So all in all…….India is good for everyone…..Bt he criticises those people who live here in India bt support Pakistan……
Also read: VIDEO: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, Hindu-Muslim Marriage-video, Love-Jihad, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Jain-Muslim marriages, Brahmin-Muslim marriages, Bollywood and Interfaith Marriages.
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Akash, we are glad you are out of B-Desh.
Admin, what about India, your reply to above comment is here https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10165&cpage=3#comment-357862
Tell us what was percentage of Hindus in B. Desh in 1947 and is today?
Tell us what was percentage of Muslims in India in 1947 and is today?
What is the percentage got to do with what i am dealing with? Anyway since you have asked for it, so i will not disappoint you.
First of all, admin you have asked a politically incorrect question as in 1947 there is no place on the face of earth called `Bangladesh`, bangladesh came into existence in 1971 after separation from Pakistan.
But since today we have Bangladesh, 2011 census found 8.2% of Bangladeshis are Hindus, and according to recent release of 2011 census in India found 14.2% of Indians are Muslims. So what? You are comparing whole India with small part of once Indian state, that too, the state got divided from present day west Bengal.
Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10453
admin says:
August 8, 2015 at 7:45 pm
Akash, we are glad you are out of B-Desh.
Admin, we are glad you are out of India as i think you are also rationalist, or are you still in india or are you not rationalist that they will not kill you, i thought you were liberal, if you are liberal, then you must the threaten by these incidents taking place in india, but since these things are done by Hindus, so no world media attention, while a small country like Bangladesh becomes world headline as it is muslim majority and there is a chance to depict muslim in wrong way, while india is hindu majority and such acts are done by Hindus, so for world media these are not important issues, i see clear double standard in reporting crimes
admin says:
August 8, 2015 at 7:45 pm
Akash, we are glad you are out of B-Desh.
But Akash is in India, should me be worried about his safety, as it is clear from above three links that i posted that Akash`s life can be at danger like those educated ex-Hindu professors, since you gave one link and made a case that life for all Hindus are in danger, you made a generalization, now i made a generalization, if you think i did a stupid thing my making a generalization of india, then you are right, generalization is always stupid, now apply it to yourself as it is you who started.
The Arabic word taqiyyah means “dissimulation.” In other words, concealing your true beliefs or opinions for the sake of avoiding persecution or death. Islamophobes truly love this term. Using it clearly makes them feel sophisticated and worldly. According to the common Islamophobic trope, Muslims practice taqiyyah all the time, and therefore the “moderate” or “peaceful” Muslims are only pretending. These “stealth jihad” Muslims are really working to conquer and kill and impose ancient laws on all non-Muslims, especially Americans. That’s the right-wing conspiracy theory fantasy anyway. The truth is that taqiyyah is much more mundane and reflects a very common theological dilemma in the religions of the world.
Taqiyyah originates out of a core theological question: If someone is persecuting, torturing, or threatening to kill you because of your religious beliefs, and you yield to the pressure and agony and say that you accept the beliefs of the persecutor or deny what you truly believe, are you suddenly an apostate who is going to hell? For example, when the disciple of Jesus Christ, Simon Peter (St. Peter), was recognized by non-believers after the arrest of Jesus, they accused him of being a disciple and he denied it. He denied it three times to save his own life. He practiced taqiyyah. He felt horrible about it, but is this to say that St. Peter was an apostate? Did the other disciples reject him? No, he was “the rock” on which Christ was to build his church, the Gospels say, and he went on to become the first Bishop of Rome—the first Pope, head of the largest Christian sect on earth today.
Similarly, the Qur’an states that Muslims who are compelled to deny their faith are forgiven by God, because true iman (faith) resides in the heart (qalb), not on the tongue (lisan). In addition, the Qur’an gives Muslims permission to eat pork or drink alcohol if their lives depend on it. For example, after the Catholic armies conquered all the Muslim lands of Spain, many Muslims outwardly became Christians and practiced Islam in secret. They’re called “Moriscos,” and they’re not regarded as hell-bound apostates. Many Jews did the same. That said, the Qur’an never actually uses the term taqiyyah. Its start comes later and is tied to the Shia sect of Islam, which for much of its history (the Fatimid, Buyid, and Safavid eras aside) existed under regimes from the rival Sunni sect. Shia theology (aside from Khomeini’s Velayat-e Faqih doctrine) recognizes only certain biological descendants of Muhammad’s daughter Fatima as legitimate leaders (Imams) of Islam. This position is rejected by the Sunni Muslims. Thus, Sunni rulers traditionally saw Shia Muslims as disloyal political dissidents. The Shia Muslims, for their own survival, resorted to concealing their true commitment to the Imams (leaders from Muhamad’s family), and this is called taqiyyah. Still today, taqiyyah is most closely associated with Shia Islam, particularly the dominant Twelver branch.
Admin, you talk about discrimination of non-muslim in muslim countries, what about discrimination of Muslims in India, they don`t get jobs, they don`t get even rooms for living, they don`t get flats. Their homes are being burnt in almost every month and different corners of India.
Here are few recent examples
Man loses job for sporting a beard, termed as a ‘terrorist’
Woman in Mumbai denied flat for being a Muslim
Don’t deny this truth (though have not read details here).
Discrimination, unjustice and sufferings will go on till there is human race on this earth. It is human nature to discriminate those who are slightly different than themselves. Now the question, in majority cases and all over the world, who are victims and who are perpetrators?
Lets talk about killing others in the name of religion in this world. Tell us how many people are killed by Muslims (including other Muslims) in last 10 years compared to killed by Hindus and Christians. Now justify if you do endorse such killing.
We cannot remove discrimination but could soften it by increasing tolerance to each other. America has a black president does not mean blacks are not discriminated. However, America deserves credit for trying for it.
We are here to talk about Hindu-Muslim lovers and marriage. Both should learn to tolerate the other in their married life. Do you agree?
Again you are trying to change track, you asked aakash that muslim get attacked in Bangladesh, i showed you proof, even recent proof that Muslims are getting attacked in India and facing discrimination, now you came up with fact that people are by nature prone towards discrimination and it will never stop, then why you don`t apply same logic to such Muslims, i tell you why, coz you want to spread hatred against muslim.
///Lets talk about killing others in the name of religion in this world. Tell us how many people are killed by Muslims (including other Muslims) in last 10 years compared to killed by Hindus and Christians. Now justify if you do endorse such killing////
why not last 20 years? why not last 30 years? why not last 50 years?
Is it logical to start with last 10 years? is it the best parameter?
Most logical will be to start from history of islam,Christianity,Hinduism, else one can pick and choose to justify his/her claim. Do you agree?
///We are here to talk about Hindu-Muslim lovers and marriage. Both should learn to tolerate the other in their married life. Do you agree?///
Yes, but you go off track and then when face question on that track, you again go off track and come back to real track i.e. hindu muslim marriage and start tailing about tolerance.
How can one tolerate other in hindu muslim marriage?
By leaving islam or by leaving Hinduism or by leaving honestly both religion.
In reality on leaving both religion and turning to complete atheism will avoid crash, else only muslim girl or hindu girl have to compromise, since i am muslim,i give islamic advise as they claim they believe in Allah and are muslim.
A Hindu husband/wife cannot tolerate beef in his/her home.
A muslim husband/wife cannot tolerate wine/daru/beer in his/her home.
A muslim cannot be a muslim if his/her home consists of murti of other god, even murti of islamic god, because moment you make murti(idol) of god, you are out of islam.
So will they tolerate each other, you will say most of muslim women will not mind his hindu husband to be drinker, then will any hindu wife tolerate her muslim husband to be a beef eater?
Will any hindu husband tolerate her wife eating beef in his home?
Will any muslim wife tolerate his husband doing murti puja?
I can go on and on, you will find muslims are more tolerant in this, many many muslim girls are tolerating their husband doing murti puja but not a single hindu husband will tolerate his wife eating beef.
The list goes on and on.
Dear admin….
My dad says he is an Indian under every circumstance…
He says we must be loyal to our land on which we grow..live…prosper….
Nw for conditions comparision….well he agrees that hindus have no status in either Bangladesh or Pak…..he also mentioned that Indian attitude is terrible coz we let people rule us…be it Englush be it Mugals…
And also….India is one of the few countries where minorities can kick majority without any trouble…..he gave the example of UAE….
If a hindu there speaks anything against Islam or the Nation…..or the majority there…..he would be dead by the next few days…..
But in india…well that nevr happens….for instanse the Hydrabaad incidence we all knw…..
So all in all…….India is good for everyone…..
Bt he criticises those people who live here in India bt support Pakistan……
One old request, can you elaborate detailed account of what append to your family in Balngla Desh? Start with golden days with your grandpa. Detail your personal memories how it started and what was going through in your mind (and your dad’s) when you were running away without your life savings. We don’t read all these details in media and thus like to know. Thank your dad to educate you.
Now on your answer above. Your father is a doctor and an intellectual. He may not teach you all life lessons unless you ask for it. You should be honest to him and tell him all thoughts going through your mind about faith and God and discuss with him critically, over and over again. He is your Guru (or Hindus would say he is your God (because guru), tvamev mata cha pita tramev), you do not have to run around for guidance about God.
Now he said “one of the few countries where minorities can kick majority without any trouble”, where did Indians learn such attitude? Ask him what is the source of such a tolerant attitude (not that it is good).
When he said “India is good for everyone”, religion wise, who? Indian Muslims good to everyone?
Your dad said, “example of UAE….If a hindu there speaks anything against Islam … dead by the next few days”, where did they learned such intolerant attitude from? Where it all started (don’t blame Jesus!).
The most tolerant and secular Muslim country is Turkey but still in that country there are 99%+ Muslims. Why non-Muslims are ultimately driven out (or converted) in almost all Islamic countries? What happened to minorities in Balgla Desh, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Kashmir is not something special but is norm. One or the other way, the country has to be 100% pure.
mac is right that one day India will be an Islamic state (may have expressed different way). Aakash, where will you take your grandchildren to?
Make a photo copy of mac questions at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=9562&cpage=1#comment-351224 and ask your dad for answers, lets see what he has to say.
Well asked Admin…..
It is what we learn since childhood..what we inculcate over years from everyone around…
The reason we are tolerent is because we have been taught to be that way….U must have read “Three mistakes of my life”…u must have noticed that it was the muslim politician who was calm and it was the hindu guy who killed him out of intollerence…..it is true that some religion demand purity and for that they go to unacceptable hights….bt at the end of the day it is the individual mind that decides what he has to do….now people who are illitrate and have no work to do usually end up doing stupid things…well u knw “An ideal mind is a devil’s work shop”…no religion should be blamed bt the individuals who force people to do stuff in the name of religion must be blamed….
We live here and have many muslims around….and trust me…they are really nice and caring…
My best frnd’s mom treats me like hr own son….we have Rehman uncle who invites us on every festive occation and attends our occations equally…..so i dnt believe Islam teaches anything wrong…
Nw my personal experience…..well I was born in India bt my mom and dad were born in Bangladesh…mom loved the place but dad doesnt talk much about that….but yeah….he sometimes shows his desire to visit his old place….nt much to say u knw….i have nvr been to bangladesh u knw….so dnt knw much….
And nw for country stuff….if India turns 100% Islam….well and good coz i will be a muslim by then…so no prolem for me….and if it does not happen..still good…coz muslims really dnt face problem here….see the more u r educated…the lesser devil u will be…..thats wht my dad says…..
And yeah…i have told my dad many times that i love Islam and that i want to be a part of it….he stays neutral totally….so i am free to learn whatever i wnt…be whatevr i wanna be…..
On “well and good coz i will be a muslim by then…so no prolem for me”, this is a very selfish answer. How about choices of other you siblings who wishes to remain non-Muslims? You will just watch them being kicked out of India (like other Muslims kicked your parents out of B. Desh)? We don’t think you have though hard on why your parents were kicked out. It is too sad that your parents did not gave you all gory details what happened to them during those days. We ask you to write details, can you?
On “i love Islam” but what does that mean? Silence of your dad does not mean any thing. Go again and tell your mother and father that you are in love with a Muslim girl and clearly tell them that one day will take Shahadah oath to convert to Islam (and will not be a Hindu any more). Be honest, don’t do taqiyya. Let us know how it goes.
You are from Bangla Desh and your father is now a doctor in India. Why you migrated to India, can you share details?
My grand pa came to India during war of independence…
In those days we grand pa was a land loard so we had a lot of land…bt soke part of tge land was in India as at that tike it had not got split….unfortunatly it did and nw we r here…
Now you are an adult and have to think critically for situations around you. Let us make you think.
Why you ran away from Bangladesh, that was your country? What was the situation? Ask your parents if it was their choice or the situation was bad for Hindus to survive there? Ask your parents how Hindus are being treated in BDesh today? Today, are they happy that they are in India or they feel they wish they were still there?
In BanglaDesh, Hindus we 31% in 1047, 19% in 1961 but only 9% in 2007. By now it may be only 6-7%? Why Hindu population is decreasing there while Muslims are prospering in India (~9% in 1947 while 14.2% in 2011). You are intelligent, talk to your parents, and let us know why so?
Ok let me be frank….people of the Bangladesh locality had confiscated our land so we coukd not go back there…..Thats the only reason….
Aakash, can you follow up on our request “Ask your father and hear what he has to tell.”?
Actually i had asked him long back….and yeah…truth is truth…..we were driven away coz we are hindus……so the fact remains…..Islam is good but some muslims make it appear bad……i m still a supporter of Islam…
Admin, don`t try to paint false color, what happened with the Hindus of Pakistan(both east ans west, now Bangladesh) also happened with Muslims of India.
1) The largest migration in human history involved more than misery; it involved a holocaust. By 1950, almost 4.7 million Hindus and Sikhs, and 6.5 million Muslims had exchanged places.
2) What had happened to the Hindus of Pakistan, also happened to the Muslims of Indian Punjab. The Muslim population came down from 32.3 per cent to 0.8 per cent. The Muslims of Punjab had vanished.
3) In 1941, there were 6,57,695 Muslims in Amritsar.
– By 1951, their number had dwindnm led to 4,585 – from 45.4 per cent of the population to a mere 0.3 per cent.
4) According to the 1941 Census, there were 4,40,323 Muslims in Gurdaspur, or 25 per cent of the population of the district.
– By 1951, Muslim numbers had come down to 10,425.
– In 1971, the number of Muslims in Gurdaspur was 6,868, or 0.56 per cent of the population.
Anyway, Islam donot support such acts, Islam is against such horrible things.
Let us find the prophet of Islam had to say about such evil actions of minority of Muslims
“Whoever hurts a Non-Muslim citizen of a Muslim state hurts me, and he who hurts me annoys God.” (Bukhari).
“He who hurts a Non-Muslim citizen of a Muslim state, I am his adversary, and I shall be his adversary on the Day of a Judgement.” (Bukhari)
“Beware on the Day of Judgement; I shall mysefl be complainant against him who wrongs a Non-Muslim citizen of a Muslim state or lays on him a responsibility greater than he can bear or deprives him of anything that belongs to him.” (Al-Mawardi)
Thanks for presenting facts. Ask your dad what is the condition (dignity, holding top positions, liberty, freedom of faith, number of new faith houses opening up, their population growth, safety, equal rights, etc) of Hindus in Pakistan and Balgla Desh today verses the way Muslims in India today. Do not look at an individual situation or incidence but consider overall condition. Do not rush to answer but debate with your intelligent dad. We will be waiting to hear what he has to say.
I will not deny the truth……we wr driven away….
We are happy here…….but there is much more to it dear admin…..
Those muslims are diffrent…..the muslim here are diffrent……the muliks of turky are diffrnt….so blaming a comunity as a whole is absolute prejudice….which all ur non muslim readers do….although they are frustrated fake people…
We don’t know about “muliks of turky are diffrnt”? Are they also in Pakistan, Kashmir, Afganistan, Syria, Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia and most Islamic countries where rest of other religious communities (many cases almost all) are driven out?
See i really dnt knw hw i am a hindu bearing the title of mallik…….
So really dnt knw…if the other malliks are muslims…then no problem….
My wife is muslim and few month back she married me and she is now
Paramjeet (earlier she was Hamida Bano) I would like to add herethat:-
God of Universe must be of Moral Perfection, so would be His representatives on earth. And Allah duly claims the same about Prophet Muhammad in the Quran (read Article 1). Therefore, ALL the Hadiths that outline the character and personality of Muhammad would be of moral perfection. Just as one word of immoral imperfection to negates the entire Quran as the word of God, if any actions or sayings of Muhammad in any of the Hadiths show any immorality, injustice or evil on his part, or just one criminal act is committed by Muhammad – just one act of violence, just one act of leading or ordering or planning just one act of war, let alone ordering murder, massacres, rape, enslavement, booty, child molestation, sex slavery, stoning, maimimg, terror, torture then it follows that Mohammed was not a prophet of God but a fraud. Just one instance of immoral imperfection of Muhammad – just one immoral Hadith destroys the Moral Perfection of Muhammad and is enough to negate the claim of his prophethood and it follows that Muhammad and all Islam are fraudulent.
My name is Genesis but my muslim name is Maryam Fatima. I recently converted to Islam last year. I was of no religion these past years because of problems such as surgeries and many other things going on in my life. I would tell myself “if there is a god then where is he and why is he not helping me?” My doctor is muslim and I used to work with him. I told myself I would NEVER be a Muslim because of what the media portrayed about us. One day all of a sudden I got very curious of his religion because he had told me he was in Ramadan. I started to research and research and found myself looking up information about Islam everyday. I visited a mosque and converted and it has been the BEST decision of my life. I’m so happy and proud to be muslim. Inshallah people will see how we muslims really are and that they can feel this peace that we have.” – Genesis Galilee
Source : Muslims of America
“From Windmills to Minarets” by Nourdeen Wildeman
I usually don’t do this. That is, I usually don’t take this much time to tell anyone how I converted to Islam, or should I say, how I came back to Islam.
See, when people find out you’ve become a Muslim, you always get the same questions over and over again. How did your parents react to it? Were you in love with a Muslim woman? Are you accepted within the Islamic community as a convert?
But most of all, people ask me: Why did you convert to Islam?
“Well, this is the one true religion, remember?” is my usual reply.
Some people are surprised, but I wasn’t even looking for God. I wasn’t looking for a reason in life. I wasn’t looking for a purpose.
Actually, I was just looking for a book. I walked into a bookstore not knowing what I would buy. This must have been somewhere in the year 2003 or 2004. I like to read, with a special interest in the books sold in the store somewhere between “recent history”, “philosophy” and “sociology”.
That’s where a green book caught my eye. It was called “Islam; Values, Principles and Reality”. I held it in my hand, looked at it, and realized I knew quite a few Muslims but had no idea at all what they believed in.
Meanwhile, Islam is all over the news and seems to influence both internal and foreign affairs. I decided to buy the book and see what this religion is all about. I walked to the counter and bought the book, totally unaware of the four and a half year journey I had just embarked on, which would lead straight up to my Shahadah.
Before I started to read about Islam, I already had some negative associations related to this religion in mind. For example, I was wondering how a practicing Muslim could ever think he is a good pious person while at the same time he’s oppressing his own wife.
Or, for instance, I would wonder why Muslims would worship a cubic stone in Makkah while statues or buildings have no power and cannot help anyone.
I could not understand why Muslims were so intolerant against other religions instead of simply saying that everybody believes in the same God. With this in mind, I started reading.
After the first book came a second one. After the second came a third, and so on. After a few years, I had read quite some books on Islam and was very surprised. I found out that almost everything that I thought was a part of Islam and which I opposed to, was actually opposed by Islam.
It turned out that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) had said that one can see how good a believer is by the way he treats his wife. I found out that Muslims don’t worship the Kabah, they rather oppose worshipping statues or the like.
I found that the Islamic civilization in all of its history – except maybe the most recent ages – was the best example of religious tolerance on the face of the planet.
I did not have to be convinced of most of the things Islam tells us to do or how to behave, since I found a lot of basic rules I already agreed upon before learning about Islam. I read my own opinion on a lot of subjects, but the books kept on saying “this is Islam”.
Not much dawah was done in my surroundings back then. Well, not proactive anyway. The help I got was what I asked for when talking to people around me. This doesn’t say everything about how dawah is organized in the Netherlands, I just didn’t have the people around me who were very much into this.
So when Ramadan came and I decided to give it a try – no book can tell you how it truly feels – I went to my Muslim co-workers and told them I would fast with them. I bought a Quran and found the 30-day schedule on the Internet.
When I told the others about reading the full Quran and fasting in Shawwal [the lunar month after Ramadan], some of them had never heard of this or done it themselves. I brought milk and dates to work and explained to them how this was a sunnah to follow.
I told them that if they didn’t read their daily 1/30th part of the Quran, I didn’t have anyone to ask my questions from. So we went along as a group. Their mothers or wives cooked meals we ate at work, so I experienced some new food as well.
I learned a lot that Ramadan, and so did the others. And we had a lot of fun. My first Eid turned out to be a funeral, but for the rest it was a great month.
After the month of Ramadan, I went to the masjid to pay my zakah. I figured that giving money to a good cause is a correct thing to do, so not being a Muslim was no reason for me not to pay.
This is where I first met the treasurer of the masjid in my hometown. He asked me if I was a Muslim. “No sir, I am not a Muslim,” was my reply, “but I did fast the month of Ramadan.”
He told me to take it easy, take my time, and never rush into things.
As months passed, I kept reading books about Islam. Most of the books I read where from non-Muslims, like Karen Armstrong. I also took some time to read what people said that was negative towards Islam. I read about religiously motivated terrorism, about clashes between civilizations, and so on.
However, I found that for every question I could raise, Islam had a convincing answer. This did not always mean that the Muslims I spoke with had a convincing answer, but most of the information I gathered on Islam came from these books.
At the end of the next Ramadan, I went back to the masjid to pay my zakah. I met the treasurer again and he recognized me. He asked me, again, if I was a Muslim.
“No sir, I am not a Muslim,” was my reply, “but you told me to take it easy, right?”
He calmly shook his head and said, “Yes, take it easy, but don’t take it too easy.”
I now started my last year as a non-Muslim. I had already stopped drinking alcohol. I stopped smoking cigarettes. I tried to stimulate myself and others to do good, try to prevent myself and others to do wrong.
I went to Turkey on holiday and had a look inside some of the greater masjids. With every step I took, with every day that went by, I could feel the presence of God in my life grow.
I went into nature and for the first time, I could see that what was in front of me where signs of the Creator. I tried to pray sometimes – something I had never done by myself – which obviously didn’t look much like the way I pray today. I kept reading and reading, but now also started to get information on Islam from the Internet.
On Hyves, a popular Dutch social networking website, I was approached by a Dutch Muslim revert. She asked if I was a Muslim and I told her I wasn’t a Muslim yet. She asked me to come over to her house and meet her husband. He was a Muslim by birth, practicing, and born in Egypt.
He and I had dinner together and then talked the rest of the evening about Islam. The second time I was there, he showed me the correct way to pray (upon my request). I tried to do it as good as I could and he was watching me try. When we took a short break, he asked me the question.
“So, do you think you’re ready to do this?”
“Yes, I think I’m ready.”
I realized that I had already become a Muslim. I didn’t take my Shahadah yet, so it wasn’t official, but somewhere in the previous years I had become a Muslim. I had come to believe that there is no God to be worshiped besides the one true God, the Creator.
I had come to believe that Muhammad (peace be upon him) was His (Subhanahu wa ta’ala)’s messenger, the final messenger, who had part in completing the religion. I wanted to fast, I wanted to pay zakah, I wanted to make my salah [Prayers], I still dream of the hajj every day.
My path was through books, I came through the theory. It was a rational choice, not an emotional choice. I looked at the information which was out there, compared and contemplated. Islam was the answer to every question. I knew that if I would not start calling myself a Muslim, I’d be a hypocrite.
One or two weeks later, he and I went to the masjid in his home town. He had already talked to the imam so they all knew I was coming. My dad came along and brought a camera.
The imam said the Shahadah, bit by bit. I repeated, bit by bit.
As the imam recited a duaa [supplication], my Egyptian brother translated it to Dutch for me. I felt like I had been running for miles and miles and now reached the finish line. I mean literally, I was out of breath as if I had been running. I slowly got back my breath, I felt calm and happy.
Suddenly I realized, finally, I had become Nourdeen.
I went to the masjid in my hometown. As I entered the building, I met the treasurer. He asked me, again, if I was a Muslim.
“Yes sir, I am, and my name is Nourdeen!” I said with a smile.
“Alhamdulillah,” he replied, quickly to add: “…at last!”
Source :Convert To Islam
Perhaps MAC is a pro islamic mind set, patronizing muslim stories of
Does he not see, how dreadful are muslim guys posting threats to the world wide peace and harmony by indulging in terrorist activities.
These muslim guys are sympathizers of ISIS, Hizbulla, Bokoharam organisations, who are beheading christians.
But till now…all the muslims I have come accross in India are.of very passive and decent mind set….I dont think that all the muslims are terrorist like…thats plain prejudice…
Harjeet is
Obviously being a servant of Allah I’ll be very happy if you choose to become muslim but even if you choose to remain Hindu there is no harm at all and your girlfriend should accept you as you are. .god bless you and keep in touch

One more thing didi….It would be less of a problem for u coz if ur BF wants…he coukd easly go up againt his family …the fact being that Islam isba male dominated religion….bt sooner or later to live a happy life..either of the two would have to get reverted or converted….
Now for cases like mine…..its Me or her Daddy…if i dont get reverted….and i knw she would go up against her her family if they forcefully try to convert me….and I respect her parents equally….hence forth….my will to get reverted is totally from my heart and the reason would be to live in peace….
Hmm..that’s good if you wishing to get converted out of your own choice. .but ill still advise you to let at least a few years pass brother..so that you don’t make a decision wives you regret later..All the best
its your wish , if u want accept islam …. accept and follow it truly .its your life your decision and you know what is good or what is bad way for you
every one has different way of worshipping god , none’s path is false
god is for every one no religion or authority has any patent on god , one lover every human without any distinction or conditioning
None’s god is false , the fallacy lies in mode of thinking , all the best for your future
Thanku didi…I have read ur story and have read all ur comments….I really look forward to seek help from u…..
Very well said, we agree 100% for “none’s path is false. None’s god is false, the fallacy lies in mode of thinking.” We hope you could explain it to Muhammed and mac.
Admin….u told me if I could adjust my name on the page…i mean to ask what should I be afraid of? Plz explain…
Do you know who is mac, Muhammed, Nusrat? Which city and country they live in? They are not lying but being smart. You are a 12th grader, they have matured.
Not only this, but on ANY public forum, what you write may come haunting you some day 20 years down in your life. Ten years down in your life, you may marry to a Sikh girl and then your wife will be very upset with your this love affair. In year 2035, you may have a government job and based on your insensitive statement here about some faith, you may be fired from your job. What you write will stay here as is for ever and whole world could read it. What if your father reads all these? Give this link to him https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=9562, see how it goes.
Well said admin…appreciate ur concern…btw my dad is very neutral about all this…he dosnt get bother unless I dont score good…bt as i m a bright student…I have an upper hand..
And isn’t Nusrat didi real….Mac and Md. Well i dnt knw…bt i expected Nusrat didi to be real….
Nusrat didi, Mac and Md are all real, other than their used name may be different than their real names, that is okay. It is not the name but their views that matter here. We all are here to guide youths in interfaith love, like you. Keep in touch!
Yes…I will stay connected….Thanku for all ur support…