Do not become victim of Mut’a marriage

Hazra says: March 15, 2013 at 8:48 am

I was fourteen years old and my relationship with my parents was on the edge just like any other teenager. I started to become interested in boys. I felt as if no one understood me, not even my friends. I especially didn t feel pretty with my braces

It all changed when I met him . It was fascinating to know that a college student would care so much about me. He was the most wonderful person. He treated me like a queen, and soon we became the best of friends. I felt I could tell him anything. As our friendship progressed, we talked about different topics including religion. He had different beliefs than me; we both were Sunni. We always argued about restrictions on women in Muslim community. He had a way with making things sound bettter than what they were. Soon I became very confused.

One day he mentioned the idea of Mut’a. He told me that it was a type of temporary marriage, which was halal even in Koran/Hadith. At first I didn t believe him, but he used sources such as Bukhari and Muslim. I took his word for it, and before I realized, I was into a lot of trouble. I was in Mut’a for one year and if I did not find pleasure with him, I can go for another Muta. As time went by, I learnt that I had lost my honor and dignity to someone who had done this to several other girls.

Allah helped me open my eyes and realize what I had gotten myself into. By now, I was on the verge of switching beliefs to other religions. At this point, I decided to really search for the truth. Since I cannot present the whole research, I have tried to give a very brief idea about Mut’a. After one year, he arranged my muta with other friend of his own for two years. Being helpless, I accepted and after two years he left me and I was no where. Later on after 2 years, I met with an African black guy, who married me. I find him far better than muslim guys.

I hope to inform and educate the people about the disease of Mut’a, which is spreading rapidly in the sunni community. It is the goal of certain Shia individuals to do Mut’a with innocent girls, who lack knowledge of religion and experience of life. They convince them with their beliefs, and create confusion in their minds.

I beg every sister, brother, father, mother, and friend to take a closer look at their dear ones, and make sure they do not become victims to the concept of Mut’a.

Mut’a is a form of temporary marriage where a man can marry a woman for an agreed amount of time and money(mahr). In Mut’a, the husband is not financially responsible for the wife. There are no set limits in this kind of marriage. According to beliefs, no witnesses nor a permission of the guardian is needed, and there is no limit on the number of Mut’a one can do. This is happening in collaboration with Imams, Maulvies, who lure poor parents of the girl and some times, even they do not consult the parents and trap the girls just for sexual and prostitution business and they earn a lot. Normally older age people with financial resources opt for this type marriage for sexual satisfaction many a times in their life.

Also, the time period can be as little as one hour to as long as sixty years. In addition, a man who is permanently married can do as many Mut’a as he feels like, even with married women. This is very similar to prostitution indeed. -Hazra


Also read: Islamic Women Today, Inter-race marriages, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu girl, Muslim girl, Hindu boy, Muslim boy, Christian-Muslim marriages, Hymen Repair Surgery,

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  • ------
    November 20, 2013 12:49 pm

    muta marriage does not existed in islam only shias do that Muslims are not allowed that so before u type and tell ur story nothing to do with islam no were does muta marriage exist unless he is protending to be a muslim or shias do that they are not muslim sorry

  • ali
    September 18, 2013 12:32 pm

    hazra if u can marry a sikh then u can surely do muta with me

  • March 29, 2013 9:23 am

    Mutta marriage can be stopped only by educating muslim sisters, making aware of them about evils of such marriages, making them bold and united including forming social organizations and also help from intellectual males from different communities.

  • March 20, 2013 7:28 pm

    Explain us the end of Muta for the woman. We understood that if the Muslim man wants to end the Muta, he just have to say talaak, talaak, talaak and the marriage is dissolved. Do the Muslim wife has the same right? How can a Muslim wife in the Muta relationship get out of it, if the husband do not cooperate? How it goes in Islamic countries? and in small village in India? What are the laws of land for Muslim women in different countries? and as per Sharia laws?

  • March 20, 2013 8:35 am

    Hello Admn.

    I am 26 yrs.old muslim girl with two other sisters in a asian country.My mother had been victim of mutta marriage being my grand parents poor and trapped by muslim clerics. My mother had undergone thrice for mutta marriages and every time she got decieved.Some how with the help of others, she got low profile job and we could get some education. Observing the maltreatment and discriminatory behaviour of muslims against females, I decided not to marry any muslim guy. I used to work in a Sikh family, who treated me like their daughter and my other sisters also got support from them. The family was business house and they had other workers.

    I learnt from them some accounts job and married with a worker of sikh religion. Very happy with that family and my other sisters too married with two workers who were Hindu by religion and my mother who had never seen hapiness in her married life, now very happy with us.

    What I have found, that in muslim society, to be a girl of poor family is really curse and every body has evil eyes on the girls and attempt to trap parents.Even if some thing wrong happens to the girls, they are blamed only. Frankly speaking ISLAM IS AN EVIL FOR MUSLIM GIRLS IN THIS WORLD, WHO HAS NO SAY JUST LIKE A SEX OBJECT.

    Reply at

  • March 17, 2013 2:53 am

    Hi readers

    A great irony of the age is that the seemingly most diehard proponents of freedom—the useful idiots of our time—are the most dangerous unwitting accomplices of liberty’s enemy—Islam. Keep in mind that the very name “Islam” is a derivation of “taslim,” the Arabic word for “surrender,” surrender to the will and dictates of Allah as revealed by Muhammad and recorded in the Quran.

    This non-negotiable surrender to Islam requires the individual as well as the society to disenfranchise themselves of many of the fundamental and deeply cherished human rights. Below is a brief presentation of what this surrender to Islam entails and why it is imperative that all freedom-loving people arise and defeat the menace of Islamofascism.

    Amendment I of the Bill of Rights enshrines some of the most cherished ideals of freedom-loving people:

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

    Islam considers itself the three branches of government. It enacts laws as it sees fit, adjudicates laws, and executes as it deems. Islam is anathema to the provisions of the First Amendment and much more.

    * Islam proclaims itself as the only legitimate religion for the entire world, grudgingly granting minor recognition to Judaism and Christianity from whom it has liberally plagiarized many of its dogma. Jews and Christians are allowed to live under the rule of Islam as dhimmis and must pay a special religious tax of jazyyeh. Buddhists, Hindus, Zoroastrians, Baha’is, members of other religions, agnostics, or atheists are not even allowed to live practicing their belief or disbelief.

    * Islam actively suppresses and even prohibits the practice of other religions, including those of the “people of the book,” Jews and Christians. There is not a single church or synagogue in the cradle of Islam, Saudi Arabia, while thousands of mosques dot the tolerating and welcoming non-Moslem lands. Islamic countries that allow for Jewish and Christian places of worship subject these “people of the book” to numberless subtle and not-so-subtle forms of persecution. Moslems in non-Moslem lands proselytize relentlessly and convert others while any Moslem who leaves Islam is judged as apostate and automatically condemned to death.

    * Freedom of speech is just about non-existent in Islam. The word is Allah’s, his chosen divines such as Ayatollahs and Imams are the only ones who are to make pronouncements squarely-based on Allah’s word, the Quran. Any expression in the least at deviance from the Quran, the Hadith and the edicts of Islamic high divines is heresy and severely punishable. Hence, stifling of free expression is the major mechanism by which the Islamic clergy retain power and prevent constructive change in Islamic societies.

    * Freedom of the press is completely alien to Islam, since a free press tends to express matters as it sees it, rather than as it is stated in the Quran. To Islam, the Quran is the press and the only press. There is no need for critical reporting, no need to present ideas that may conflict with the Quran, and no place for criticism of anything Islamic. The stranglehold of Islam on the individual and society is complete.

    * Peaceful assembly of the people is not allowed. The backward oppressive Islamic societies inflict great hardship on the citizenry and any assembly of the victims presents a threat to the suffocating rule. Islamic governments routinely prevent peaceful assemblies from taking place. Failing to do so, they unleash their hired thugs, the police and even the military against any assemblage no matter how peaceful and how legitimate is its grievance. The Islamic Republic of Iran which is vying with Saudi Arabia as the leader of true Islamic rule, routinely attacks any and all gatherings of its people, arrests them, imprisons them without due process, tortures them, and even executes them in secret dungeons. Journalists, academics, unionists, students, teachers, women rights groups who dare to petition the government for redress are labeled subversive and are severely punished.

    Maltreatment of religious minorities and the non-religious is criminal indeed. In the Islamic Republic of Iran, for instance, the government has launched a

    systematic program of genocide against its largest religious minority—the Baha’is. The government is gathering a comprehensive list of Baha’is, their occupations, locations, properties and the like—action reminiscent of the Nazis. The government is banning Baha’i students from post high-school education unless they recant their religion, deprives them of engaging in numerous forms of occupations and trades, denies them from holding worship gatherings, razes their holy places and much more. The Islamic Republic of Iran is not satisfied with its cruel treatment of the living Baha’is and has launched a war on their dead by bulldozing Baha’i cemeteries in several cities. Thus is the rule of fundamental Islamism that is awaiting the complacent and snoozing world.

    * Oppression of women in general is tragic indeed. Men are allowed to have as many as four wives simultaneously and as many concubines as they wish or can afford. Men can easily divorce their wives and automatically have the custody of the children, if they so decide. Women have subservient status to men in all areas of the law. Equality under the law has no meaning in Islam. Just one example of the dreadful way of treating women in Islam is a case of a Saudi woman who was gang-raped. The Islamic court convicted the woman to prison term and lashes for having committed the “sin” of riding in a car with a male who was not her relative. This is a standard form of Islamic Shariah justice—a savage heritage of barbarism that ruled the Arabian Peninsula some centuries ago.

    * Islam has a solution for every “problem.” It deals with homosexuals, for instance, by hanging them en mass and gloating about it, even though homosexuality is just as prevalent in Islamic lands as anywhere else. Recently an Ayatollah made a ruling on homosexuals. He said that they should be hanged and tortured before they are hanged. In Islam the rulings of high-ranking clergy constitute the law and are binding.

    * Not only Islam does not allow freedom of assembly and the press, it is intrusively restrictive in every aspects of a person’s life. The way women should dress, the haircut of men, the music people are allowed, movies to watch, television programs to view, and even parties in the privacy of their home are subject to the ridiculous monitoring of moral police. Islam is hell-bent on outward morality and puritanical conduct while it is rotten to the core just below the pretentious surface.

    * Islam segregates by gender many public places and events such as beaches, sporting venues, public transportations, and even building elevators. Families are often prevented from attending a sporting event together or swimming together at a beach.

    * Egypt, the crown of the Arab-Islam world, demands that citizens declare Islam or only one of the two other religions, Jewish and Christianity, as their religion in order to receive the government-issued identity cards. ID cards are required for jobs, healthcare, education, a marriage license and a host of other things. If you are an agnostic, an atheist, a Buddhist, a Hindu, a Baha’i, you are forced to perjure yourself to receive the indispensable ID card. In a real sense, Islam the pretender of high moral ground compels people to lie in order to receive what is their birthright as citizens.

    I have been sounding the alarm about Islam’s imminent deadly threat for a number of years. The Islamic treasury flush with oil extortion money together with the help of useful idiots is having the upper hand in this battle of survival for freedom. The slaveholder Islam has been transformed into a more virulent form of Islamofascism; it is an inveterate unrelenting enemy of freedom. We need to act now and stem the tide of this deadly threat. Tomorrow may be too late. Freedom is too precious to abandon through complacency, acts of political correctness, or outright cowardice.

  • March 16, 2013 9:51 am

    Zunaid what is your comment?

    Are you also involved in Muta marriages with innocent girls and sexually exploiting them?

  • March 16, 2013 9:50 am

    Hi Hazra,

    Felt very bad about your story, in which you were made victim of unethical practices of islam.

    God is great that atlast you got some one to take care of you and be with you through out life. Keep your husband happy and cheerful.

    God bless you.

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