InterfaithShaadi is not here to throw dirt at different religions but here to help interfaith couples make an “informed” decision. If you are in a love relationship with a person from a different faith, it is important to know your intended-spouse’s tolerance for your scriptures and practices. We believe, all scriptures are written by man (inspired by God) and that is why they are imperfect (read Koran, Bible, Torah, Bar Mitzvah and Hinduism-below). Every one has a right to be proud of own faith, but one should refrain from criticizing other’s faith considering their own scripture has also problems. It is not the scriptures but what you learn from it should be important for an interfaith couple. Here, two Brahmin-Hindus have different views on Hinduism.
Sita Mishra says: August 15, 2013 at 7:53 am
So sad to say that I am belonging to such religion which had rapist God Brahma who raped his daughter saraswati. krishna bhagwan had 16000 wives many of them were married..we worship animals such as ganpati elephant, vishnu pig, hanuman monkey.. -Sita
tamanna says: August 15, 2013 at 1:42 pm
As per MATSY PURAN, There was a time when GOD BRAHMA was only alone when the cosmos did not exist. He felt and long for company. Accordingly he decided to split himself in to two parts, creating a feminine counterpart. As mythology mentioned her in the name of SANDHYA, BRAHMI or SARASWATI who emerged from BRAHMA’S mouth. Brahma was attracted and fell in love with her. His longing for her increased and he started looking at her constantly. To avoid his gaze, SARASWATI started moving from one side to another even flied on top but Brahma started looking towards her with out turning his head but creating heads all around, total of FIVE HEADS. Brahma finally requested her to help him to create the Universe. Saraswati as his wife helped Brahma to execute his plan accordingly and created the demigod Manu, who ultimately created the world. She is the mother of our language, SANSKRIT as well Mother of the Vedas, texts of Hinduism.
And regarding krishna having 16000 wives, these 16k girls were kidnapped by a demon called narakasura…krishna killed him and freed the girls..and since all of them were kidnapped by a monster man , no one would accept those girls as their wives. So he being the preserver of the universe married all of them…and obviously sita dosent knows that krishna is called akhanda brahmachari…he kept himself brahmachari because he loved radha…but had to marry rukmini first…. -Tamanna
For interfaith couple it is not the scripture but what one learned from it is important. Please focus discussion on this post that will help Hindu-Muslim or Hindu-Christian dating couples. Thanks.
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Please read these articles written by InterfaithShaadi: Koran on Hindus?, Bible on Hindus?,Hindus, Abrahamics and Intolerants, Can Allah be the Father God?, A Jealous and Angry God, One God, Allah?, Idol Worshippers: Who is and Who is Not, Circumcision: Science or Superstition? , Saif and Kareena: Religion and Marriage, Religious Conversion for Marriage, Ten Points of Interfaith Dating , FAQ on Interfaith Marriage, 45% of Muslims Marry outside their faith, 38% of Hindus marry Abrahamics,Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu girl/boy, Muslim girl/boy, Hindu-Christian Marriage, Hindu-Jew marriages, Follow Jesus not the church.
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Tamanna well said. So many people not understand what is faith. What is written in shastras , Kuran , bible and other holy books people only read not understand meaning. All book written because we learn huminity is first religion. All god, allah said who help humans they directly help god.
So, my suggestion is don’t this who you are Hindu or Muslim only remember you are human.
Humanity is not a religion, religion cannot be humanity. Just like football cannot be religion and religion cannot be humanity because two are two different things.
An Atheist person can be humanist , but he will not say he is religionist, then how can humanity be the greatest religion when such an Atheist claims he is Humanists, because he has no religion, because moment you invoke religion, the idea of God has to be there.
Our one good friend (not Hindu) is atheist and homosexual. He is bright, successful, humble, decent man and is out to help any one any time. Probably is is better than many other religious people we know. Tell us if Allah is going to send him to hell?
Islam is the perfect religion and the scriptures has never been changed since it was revealed to Prophet Muhammad SAW
, I am Muslim and I have knowledge only about Islam and I believed it is the only Religion with 100% accurate words and the words can’t be changed with the passage of time…We saw many changes were made in Holy Bible during the past time, we have seen that Brahma which is considered God in Hinduism had raped his daughter and which is written in Mahabharat (Hinduism Book) Islam is against all these evils deeds and No prophet had never done such things, I have read Quran, Hadiths of Prophet Muhammad SAW ( Sahih Muslim,Sahih Al Bukhari which are considered the most authentic hadiths books among others..
La ilaha illAllah Muhammadur Rasulullah
T all proud hindus,
Plz read this
I guess there’s nothing wrong with a cult making money while providing spiritual salvation as long as the promoters aren’t molesting the devotees. The commodification of the Eastern spirit world began when The Beatles discovered Mahesh Yogi. Since then, the ashram experience in India has been a must-do on the list of every Westerner seeking an alternate route to peace and fulfilment. As Indians living here we should be wiser, considering we’ve grown up seeing many a stoned sadhu or guru make a quick buck off us. Dodgy stories of unscrupulous saints from remote corners of india still routinely make headlines. But the allure of, maybe, stumbling on something magical that’s going to happen in our lives, is too strong and takes many of us back to crystal-ball gazing.
So far, reformists like Dabholkar may be outnumbered by traditionalists but one can sense that the power of these godmen is also not what it used to be. The recent crimes against women question the “Enlightened India” tag we’ve been burdened with. We may have a million great ways to chant, meditate and pray, but very few to weed out opportunistic gurus.
This is an excerpt from here about the current state of rationalism in our country
As hindus we are happily pointing fingers at others but don’t have the guts to introspect the poor state of our religion and rationalism
Since I am not talking about religion here…reference to karma is the belief that supposed dharmics and admins might be believing here, a belief which does not deter them from making rude comments yet free distributing biased advice. THEIR own beliefs does not stop them from speaking badly but proudly point fingers at others
I can see how u r putting efforts to defend islam bit remember that even if people dont accept the truth their karma is going to catch up to them but they r not even scared about that then how do we expect them to obey God. ALLAH has said that every soul will get what it has earned even if the weight of their good or bad is as little as an atom. HE is the best judge. You tried ur best now hleave it to Him though ur intentions r good ur way is. Incorrect though its understandble, lets just avoid them with gracious avoidance like Allah has ordered us. If. He. wills one of them could even attain jannatul firdaus, we never know so lets just pray for their guidance. Allah knows that ur intentions r clear so lets also make our actions gracious n an example. I know its painful to see something so loved n sacred n close to the heart being misunderstood like this. All we can do is pray, dont forget we have a chance to find n return to Allah five times a day, to cry to Him as many times, a chance which most people get after climbing a mountain or a 1000 steps. Be happy with the light in your heart n dont worry abt others insha ALLAH they too will be guided to the best
Is this concept of Karma also present in Islam? I was under the impression that it is only believed in Dharmic religions.
Vey well said brother!!! Thankyou for the guidance. Every human is weak and makes mistakes, our only hope is repenting sincerly and making an effort to do the right thing. After reading your comment too I pray more that everyone is better guided because its said in the Quran that this life is but a delusion of enjoyment and our final destination is the hereafter. JazakAllah khair
Do you “return to Allah five times a day”?
Yes ofcourse
Good for you.
Make sure to marry a Muslim guy who performs namaz five times a day and follow all Islamic expectations. Can you share more on your love life?
I am here only to clear misconceptions about Islam and defend it from anyone who tries to degrade and mislead people about Islam.
If you will share your motto and the story behind starting this site may be I will too
An illegal wife of terrorists Bhatkal and Tunda, who have recently been caught.
She may be feeling uncomfortable now a days?
Dont worry, there are thousands of terrorists, to entertain you.
Please do not abuse Zara. Atleast she is not doing any TAQIYYA here and is honestly representing her thoughts. It is upto the readers to accept or reject her thoughts. Let us not degrade our debates or arguments to the level that we are complaining against.
Thanx for defending…anyways this site is full of such name calling..I dont knw what u mean by coming down to the level we r complaining against but I agree today islam as a religion is hated bcos its badly represented bt the truth is not every muslim is bad n Islam in itself is a great religion giving highest spiritual existence and meaning to life to the one who follows it properly..ofcourse negative comments will follow bt every great thing has the highest haters afterall
Also degrading something shows r own low levels n not the thing we r degrading…low levels exists in us
This site is so blind..the kind of commentors like d user nagma exists since long time..even when a muslim conments with just a link comments like the above are made accusing gross cliched things against an unknown soul but so gleefully tenali has termed this degradation as if its something new and done only by muslims here infact when the reverse is true….suprising irony is the low level is displayed by the people accusing islam..amazing how they r the one who go to that level and accuse others of being at that level
Miss Zara
even I assume , you are fakie too …. I don’t mind you calling me ,lol
see how muslim blood boils , and I didn’t copy n pasted any verse at all ,neither I need it
I just repeated some words of Pope Benedict XVI , some realities of muslims around the world and a small things from Judaism which unfortunately Islamic copied as per their comforts
News from bbc more and more people in america are converting to islam
Ya ya free feku thinker u also joon the club of mindless hatred against islam becos d membership on dis site is totally free…post a copy paste of extracted verses n get a free lifetime membership plus a chance to win a seperate post all to yourself…post some abusive words against prophet n bcome a privileged member. REALLY WHEN R U GOING TO GROW UP OUT OF UR IMAGINARY WORLD N STOP MAKING A JOKE OF URSELVES BY POSTING MADE UP STORIES LOLZZZZ
You keep blabbering everyone is fake, I think someday you will feel the same for your violent Islam also. Point is why do you keep coming here then? Sounds like you are just pacifying yourself that your religion is right other religion is a joke. You are such a joke my dear, intact no one takes u seriously. Calm down now, have some water, oh I forgot you are half intelligent than Muslim male, so I guess this childish behavior is fine.
So finally you are out of your calm demeanor ha? Where were you when people are blabbering with hatred. You seem to be cool with that and all you see is me because I am defending Islam right?
I am going no where. Just like you people who are proved haters of Islam won’t desist from your high horses even after being trampled under your own horses why should I?
Or are you just frustrated with me cause I have a lot more to say than you.. Hmmm then you are just jealous I have double your brains LOL
How many time are you going to make the same half brained comment? Oh I know you have nothing else to talk about
Muslims have a bad habit in poking nose in other religions …They are in conflict with every one ,
hindus in India
buddhist in srilanka ,myanmar and thailand
christians in europe
atheist in russia and china
jews in israel
they wiped out parsis , so they would have been conflict with them also
rest other communities have smaller problems but no bomb blast , beheadings
they are unhappy creatures , wherever they go , they only create problems
Now we are witnessing riots in france , england
Islam is derivative of judaism like
kosher – halal
mitzvah – khatna
pork – banned in islam and judaism
adam and eve = aadam and havva
so what was new that islam bought ..
“Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached – Pope benedict XVI
this was new
So their Prophet Mohammed was a big feku , just for merely converting jews and christians , he included jesus , moses and others
if feku prophet was born in Indian subcontinent , he would have surely included buddha and mahavir
Later I will tell about the feku prophet more
Dear satyen the articles you have posted r not even relevant simpy bcos look at the dates n I hv seen you pastethe same links in previous oldpost too…how many time are Iuoing to cite this same article by lisa miller n ignore all other recent articles on islam.
Your choice
also @nirmal wat a childish way of expanding a word to its imaginary fullform…no offense but realy ridiculous
Do you support the islamic practices of Female genital mutiliation, Mutta /Halala marriages, Burqa/Hijab, restricted movement, oral tripple talak, males allowed to keep 4 wives and every time virgin wife only,
4 witnesses needed to prove a rape by the victim, 72 virgins for males who die during bomb blasts and terrorist activities, women are fields to be ploughed like any manner, no dirving permission in some arabian countries, sex with dead wife like Egypt, display of blood stained bed sheets during wedding night to prove virginity?
Is there any other religion in the world, where so much discrimination against women?
America is going the Hindu way? It’s not me but well known journalist Lisa Miller, an American has written in the prestigious weekly ‘Newsweek’. See the
There is an interesting article by Lisa Miller, published in the prestigious weekly ‘Newsweek’. Following is the link:
Do you support the islamic practices of Female genital mutiliation, Mutta /Halala marriages, Burqa/Hijab, restricted movement, oral tripple talak, males allowed to keep 4 wives and every time virgin wife only,
4 witnesses needed to prove a rape by the victim, 72 virgins for males who die during bomb blasts and terrorist activities, women are fields to be ploughed like any manner, no dirving permission in some arabian countries, sex with dead wife like Egypt, display of blood stained bed sheets during wedding night to prove virginity?
Is there any other religion in the world, where so much discrimination against women?
Just for comparison sake, I posted the blog. I have full sympathy with muslim community. I know they were most sufferers since many many years.
Their grand /grand fore fathers were Hindus and forcibly converted to Islamic relgion. Even Brahmins were also responsible to some extent that some hindu communities also switched over to islam as they were not respected well in the society. After realizing their mistake after few years they wanted to come back, but they were denied reentry in Hinduism.
Even some muslim communities in J&K wanted to join hinduism during late forties, but Kashmiri pandits denied any opportunity and their ultimate end result is in the form of refugee state of such pandits now.
You are just making it seem as if we dislike our religion why do you have to make the religion seem bad? What the hell is wrong with you? I won’t stop you from speaking about the attacks and violence happening today in the name of religion becos no matter what they are wrong. But please don’t speak in such a haste about my religion because if I do something wrong (which includes ranting here) than I am wrongly following my religion but my religion clearly forbids this behaviour and I am even sorry for being rude sometimes but thats my fault
About Minority, your contention is baseless and politically motivated.
The population of muslim in india is more than 10 muslim countries population. How can a population of 35 crores could be minority? What is the population of small countries like yemen, syria, leabanon, jordan, maldives. There total population willnot be equal to Indian muslim population.
The monority concept in India is a political issue created by vote bank theory of Congress, SP, BSP and communists?
If a muslim dies, entire world makes hue and cry?
Kashmeri pandits in million thrown out of Kashmir valley, living as refugee, no body speaks about them? why, because of muslim votes? every body is attempting to appease them,?
You are just like the many other so called non exitent intellectuals here, all they know is bring about the same converstaion beat the same tunes and paste the same posts.
Check this website and see who are the posters and abusers with the most dirty vulgar and atrocius comments and VOILA!! you will know its the islam haters. That tells a lot about the kind of people you are.
Hello readers,
Posting following texts of Vivekanand,s message:-
1. We are what out thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live; they travel far. THOUGHTS
2. When an idea exclusively occupies the mind, it is transformed in to an actual physical or mental state. CONCENTRATION
3. How has all the knowledge in the world been gained but by the concentration of the powers of the mind? The world is ready to give up its secret if we only know how to knock, how to give it the necessary blow. The strength and force of the blow come through concentration. There is no limit to the power of the human mind. The more concentrated it is, the more power is brought to bear on one point, That is the secret. CONCENTRATION
4. Even a fool can accomplish a task if it were after his or her heart. But the intelligent ones are those who can convert every work into one that suits their heart. COMMITMENT
5. Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life. Think of it, dream of it. Live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body Be full of that idea and just leave every other idea alone. This the way to“SUCCESS”. And this is the way great spiritual giants are produced. Others are mere talking machines. GOAL
6. EDUCATION Education is the manifestation of perfection already in man.
7. Every duty is holy, and devotion to duty is the highest form of the worship of God. When you are doing any work, do not think of anything beyond. Do it as worship, As the highest worship, and devote your whole life to it for the time being. WORK
8. Get up, and put your shoulders to the wheel – how long is this life for? As you have come to this world, leave some mark behind. Otherwise, where is the difference between you and the trees and stones? They too Come into existence, decay and die. ACT
9. We are responsible for what we are, and whatever we wish to be. We have the power to make ourselves. If what we are now has been the result of our own past actions, it certainly follows that whatever we wish to be in future can be produced by our present actions. So we have to know how to Act. ACTION
10. Neither money pays, nor name, nor fame, nor learning, it is CHARACTER that can cleave through adamantine walls of difficulties. CHARACTER
11. Be not afraid of anything. You will do marvelous work. The moment you fear, you are nobody. It is fear that is the great cause of misery in the world. It is fear that is the greatest of all superstitions. It is fear that is the cause of our woes, and it is fearlessness that brings heaven even in a moment. Therefore, ‘Arise, awake, and stop not till the goal is reached. FEAR & FEARLESSNESS
12. If you think that the infinite power, infinite knowledge,and indomitable energy lie within you, and if you can bring out that power, You also can be like Me.
13. All the strength and succor you want is within yourselves. Therefore make your own future. ‘let the dead past bury its dead’. The infinite future is before you, and you must always remember that each word, thought, and deed, lays up a store for you and that, as the bad thoughts and bad works are ready to spring upon you like tigers, so also there is the inspiring hope that the good thoughts and good deeds are ready with the power of a hundred thousand angels to defend you always and for ever. FUTURE
14. Society does not go down because of the activities of criminals, But because of the inactivities of the good people.
15. The earth is enjoyed by ‘Heroes’. This is the unfailing Truth. Be a Hero. Always say I have no Fear.
16. It is good to be born a child; but bad to remain a child MATURITY
17.FEARLESSNESS If there is one word that you find coming out like a bomb from the Upanishads bursting like a bomb shell upon masses of ignorance, it is the word “Fearlessness”. and the only religion that ought to be taught is the religion of fearlessness. It is fear that brings misery, fear that brings death, fear that breeds evil. And what causes fear? Ignorance of our real nature.
18. A few whole hearted, sincere, energetic men and women can do more in a year than a mob in a century.
24:2 The woman and the man guilty of adultery or fornication,- flog each of them with a hundred stripes: Let not compassion move you in their case, in a matter prescribed by God, if ye believe in God and the Last Day: and let a party of the Believers witness their punishment.
This verse leaves no other option for Muslims who believe in the divine origin of the Quran. It specifically says they must not have mercy on people who have committed adultery or fornication, and that this brutal punishment of 100 lashes is “prescribed by God.” However, since other verses in the Quran specifically allow men to have sex slaves, the horrible crime of serial rape against a non-Muslim woman is not considered adultery or fornication and would not be punished if the woman is considered a concubine.
No God would ever teach 24.2. To beat someone 100 lashes is barbaric. Allah is a barbarian.
No God would ever state “flog each of them with a hundred stripes: Let not compassion move you in their case, in a matter prescribed by God, if ye believe in God and the Last Day: and let a party of the Believers witness their punishment.”
No God would ever state – ” Let not compassion move you in their case”. Stating these words as God’s words is evil and repugnant. God is pure mercy and compassion. God is all mercy and all compassion. He would never allow anyone to beat any other human being – not with a whip, not with a stick, not even with a toothbrush.
No God would ever state – ” in a matter prescribed by God, if ye believe in God and the Last Day” to force someone to put aside his natural human feelings of compassion – do it because I God have prescribed it – no matter what your own personal feelings of mercy may be – do it if you believe in Me and the Last day. This is truly evil – commit a brutal evil act to prove you believe in Me. God would never order anyone to commit evil – to go against what he knows in his heart to be morally wrong.
You tell me what kind of person could flog a woman 100 times and not be an immoral brute. For God to force someone to commit this evil is truly evil incarnate.
You tell me what kind of barbaric, barbarian God would be to order the whipping of a human being.
No normal, rational human being can believe that God would ever utter Koran 24:20
Koran 24.20 is not the word or the teaching of God. They are the word and teaching of ALLAH (the ANTI -GOD). Allah is the ANTI GOD of pure hate – a brutal barbarian without mercy, without compassion. But of course this teaching is not from any Allah – since Allah never existed. The brutal, barbaric, barbarian – the evil mind that produced this teaching is Muhammad.
For most of mankind – there is God – the Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Glorious Exalted Creator of the Universe, a God of All Peace, Love, Goodness and Mercy – an All Wise, All Loving God for all mankind. God as the creator of the universe – the creator of all living things – is PERFECT.As a PERFECT God – God is all pure peace and love and goodness.
GOD has never spoken a word of hate. As the essence of pure love, as a being whose very existence is pure love God is totally incapable of hate. If God had just one hateful thought then He would no longer exist.
GOD has never spoken one violent word. If GOD spoke just one word of violence – GOD would no longer be PERFECT and therefore no longer GOD. GOD is not a violent being. GOD is the very essence of non-violence. If God committed just one act of violence or ordered an act of violence then God would no longer be PERFECT and therefore no longer God. All words/teachings in any religious book that contain violence are not the word/teachings of GOD but the word/teachings of men.
In order for the Koran to be the word/teachings of God – every word – every teaching must be Perfect – the Perfect words and teachings of a Perfect God. If only one word is not Perfection – if only one teaching is not PERFECTION – MORAL PERFECTION then the entire Koran is not the word/teachings of God.
Koran 24.20 is not Perfect. It is not PERFECTION. It is a hateful, violent, brutal, heartless, immoral, evil teaching of an immoral, brutal, hateful, violent, heartless, evil ANTI GOD – ALLAH.
Therefore the entire Koran is not the word/teachings of God but the words/teachings of ALLAH (The ANTI GOD)- the WORD/TEACHINGS OF MUHAMMAD – who is the ANTI – GOD of ISLAM – THE ANTI RELIGION.
Nirmal Bhai, you have quoted beautiful quotes of Swami Vivekanand just to show that Hinduism is great. At the same time, you have denigrated Islam. Brother, whatever great people utter is for the sake of refinement of soul and strengthening of character. Just show me a single line of any great man which exhorts people to denigrate any religion. As you are proud of Hinduism so are other persons of Islam and other great religions. You will find many enlightened persons among Muslims as well and if you ponder over their thoughts, you will receive an immense peace of mind. The problem is that we see cleanness in our own home and assume every other home as dirty without ever visiting them. My friend, if a survey is conducted on a large scale in the world, I am convinced that a majority of people irrespective of religions will vote for peace and not violence. You will agree that religion or faith is directly linked to soul and to find faults in religion and it’s followers is like hurting them spiritually. All religions are meant for finding the essence of life and to search the quotes in a selective manner and put them to test like some materials in a lab is not desirable in any sense. Nirmal Bhai, never mistake that only you are capable of pinpointing irrelevant matter to hurt the feelings of faithfuls, there are others also who are equally good at this dirty game. We must refrain from such acts if we want to be truly religious and pious.
And now the conversation has moved to INDIA Vs Pakistan. LOLZZZ thats all you people can do divide divide and divide humanity
I was so right about the crime posts. HAHAHAH Looks as if people have no other work other than sitting all day sifting and searching for such crimes so they can paste here. Or do all of you have the same bank of templates because all these stories look so same. It was posted even 2 years ago on this same site. Move on p[eople you are stuck in some time warp. HAHAHAH
Pakistani and bangladeshi muslims also prefer India to live.Why,
Pakistan was made for homeland of muslims only? Why Indian muslims are treated Mujahir? Why India is the second largest muslim country in the world?
Had Hindus been violent, aggressive and tyranny, muslim populatin would not have been increasing here?
Females feel safe here in India? what is their condition in Pakistan?
Mullas and maulvies keeping growing girls of medium classes, and arranging mutta marriages with Arabian sheikhs for a week, for a fortnight and getting handsome amount from them, as reward and paying little to the parents of such unlucky families. Several cases of mutta marriages surfaced in India from Hyderabad, where maulvies are running such business?
You people eat, drink, breath and enjoy all facilities from India, but mindset is with Pakistan, a TERRORIST NATION?
Pakistani actresses come to india and act in Hindi films, Zeba, Anita, Veena Malik, Nargis, Humaima, Meesha safi, Mira, why?
Better you go to Pakistan and stay for 10 years there, then you will realize?
Zara India a largest democratic country, with transparecy of freedom of speech and expression. The isolated incidents does not depic the character of whole population.
What is happening in muslim countries? Thought isolated incdents are not allowed to surface. There is a every day bomb blasts in Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afganistan, Egypt, Yemen, Tunishia, ?
What a miserable condition is there of women? even in early ages of 12-15 years they are married to elderly persons and they are left after few years and thrown in the brothels.
Males always need virgin wife, what a equality? males marrying number of women not required to be virgin? what a equality?
If bride does not bleed on wedding she is murdered?
Only due to this practices, do you know how many Hymen repair surgery or artificial hymen kits business is spreading in the muslim countries?Openly they deny such practicies. Why GOB (Gyen. and Obs) centeres are flourishing on this business?
Please accept realities? Dont try to make it an ego defence?
isolated hahah? Its anything but isolated. India is predominantly hindu with all other religions being minorities. Please remove the blind from your eyes that you so enjoy
Please keep your imaginary hymen repair surgery and other imaginary figures to yourself. You are fooling only yourself by blinding yourself to other things.
You speak as if all non muslim men are so happy to accept wives who are not virgins. Indian men are the most dual faced and sexist people irrespective of religion. Do you hear????? IRRESPECTIVE OF RELIGION.
Now continue your degrading which proves who is the blind
Go and find a man who will accept you readily after you tell him you arent a virgin
Go on do it if you have so much guts. Stop spewing hatred
Now people will post stories about news on terrorists, thats the best antics right.
But are you all blind to the plight of naxal affected areas? Or the dacoits of south india like veerappan or the Tamil LTTE. Or did you forget the atrocities against muslims in myammar by the so called peaceful buddhists(Any person just say they deserve it and that will show the kind of humanity you rogues posses) Obviously you are not blind but selectively ignoring this matter
But had these people been following even a tint of islam you people had been faster than light to bring forth your 15 mile long posts
Admin will younplease explain the points I have raised in this post and some of the recent previous ones??
I would also like to say that celebrities no matter how big or small have reputation to maintain. And the language used under these names is so gross that if they see it they will be grossed out themselves.
@Nirmal You talk about veena malik like she is some sati savitri lady or is she your idol that you follow her? Best of luck with that because I have seen her antics and publicity stunts and not forgetting the big boss season where she was exposed to the world for 3 months
Now anybody taking opinion of a person who doesnt stand much weightage themselves needs an award.
Zara dont try to be over smart.
You see on this site itself, Veena Malik and Nargis Fakhry,Salma Agha statements.
There is a video on this web site, where Veena Malik is alleging rape and sodomy practices in Pakistan by Imams and Maulvies in Madarasas.
Oh please. Are you trying to tell me these people are really writing for such an unknown website?? Then keep your “sensible observations” to yourselves and let me be oversmart. What difference is that making to you??
Hello readers,
First of all I would like to appreciate that atleast the heading has been changed. Otherwise from Admn. it does not look nice to follow the persons who have no sense.
Hindu/vedic religion is the oldest religion of the world. Non violence, Ahinsa parmodharam, styamevjayate, live and let live, vasudhavekutumbakam, are the cardinal points of Hinduis. The vulgar instances quoted by fake Sita Mishra, shows filthy mindset of the writer, which has been suitably replied Satyen, a very learned gentleman perhpas. Hinduism never preach violence against any one, treat females like Goddess and what about Koran, kill kafirs, non belivers,women are fields, their integrity is just half of males, jihad, fatwa and so on openly preached in this book.
Puran, upnishads, Mahabharat, Ramayan, Gita, Shrimadbagwat are great epics guiding mankind throghout the years to lead ethical and moral values in a civil society.Women saints in Hinduism have also earned great reputation like Gargi, Savitri,Sita, and so on. But in islam not a single woman saint has ever appeared. Women are denied basic rights of movement, breathing fresh air, right to education, driving vehicles, voting rights AND THEY SAY DIRTY HINDUISM and Admn. is obliging them with the same heading ?
Gautam Budhdha, Mahavir Jain, Swami Dayanand Sarswti, Vivekanand, Guru Nanak all from Hindu religion, modified and improvised beliefs and practices for the sake of mankind and in ISLAM CIRCUMCISION, ANTI HUMAN PRACTICES, TRIPPLE TALAK, SEX WITH DEAD WIFE, MUTTA AND HALALA MARRIAGES HAVE BEEN ADDED TO FURTHER WORSEN THE LIFE OF FEMALES?
Hinduism was never preached and spread with the use of force, coercion, threatening, killing, rape, kidnapping,massacre. The 99% muslim population in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh are those whose grand fathers were Hindus and they were converted to islam by torture, killing and masscare and rape of females. The arabians were idolaters before Murderer Muhamad converted them to islam.
There are more than 200 islamic militant groups operating all over the world and madarasas/mosques are used as training centers for creating mujahdeen, fidayeen, by luring them to have pleasure of 72 virgins.
Is there any other religion operating against mankind by bomb blasts, killings.
Tunda a 76 year old terrorist caught in India has himself revealed about planting bombs, manufaturing bombs, and marrying girls of 16 years old just for sex, is there any other religion in the world as on today, engaged in such henious crimes against humanity.
We have put this post for several reasons.
Sita (used name) has rights to express herself. We have heard this before many times. By pushing this type of information under the rug is not going to do any good to any one.
We have put on a question mark on the title, meaning it is up for debate.
Instead of Hindus feeling hurt, they have to express themselves, like Tamanna did.
There are many negative comments on Islam, but Zara and other proud Muslims have stand on to explain it. We value their contributions. The sam way, Hindus should simply explain it.
If a Muslim is in love with a Hindu, he/she has to know others sides of Hinduism (if true). It is possible that he/she may decide to walk away from that Hindu lover. The decision is theirs but why to shy away from providing information?
Hello Admn.
I dont understand why you put heading Dirty Hinduism. This heading hurts every body. Please modify it.
I have been in touch with various blogs but some times certain articles become very abusive.
Sita Mishra is a problematic person, with a fake identity.
your are also with fake identity
You call others fake identity but are you such a huge fool to believe that actors like veena malik or nargis fakri will really use a idiotic website like this to express their views that too in such abusive bad laguage being such biased. NO CHANCE!!!
That confirms you are a fake idintity yourself just like the hundreds of fakesters over here
Dear readers,
I thought it useful to give links that answers to the questions raised by the ill mouthed persons. The first link gives the pointed answer in a very interesting video regarding the myth of the beef consumption by the Hindus. The second link gives the actual/authentic meaning of the Vedic mantras. Now you can check the references given by somebody with his/her fake identity. The third link gives you a site with information about the various aspects of comprehensive Hinduism:
Dear Sita Mishra,
So sad to say that I am belonging to such religion which had rapist God Brahma who raped his daughter saraswati. krishna bhagwan had 16000 wives many of them were married..we worship animals such as ganpati elephant, vishnu pig, hanuman monkey.. -Sita
Why are you sad? Sadness is the mark of ignorance. I am wondering where did you find this piece of information? can you tell me who was the mother of Saraswati and wife of Brahma? Don’t play in the hands of those who are spreading unfounded information. By the way, do you know the concept of Ardhanarishwar? Same person as a male and a female? Do your own research?
Regarding your question of Shri Krishna having 16,000 wives, I would ask you the same question. What’s the source of your information? Is it 10th Skandh of Shrimad Bhagwat Puran? In the same book, the explanation is given. Even, Devarshi Narad has this curiosity that how can Lord Krishna pass his days with so many wives? He went to all the residences of the Krishna’s wives and saw him with each of them. Some where he was dining, other places he was playing chauper while at other palces playing flute and so forth. That means he had attained 16,008 physical bodies and each of his wives had one full time husband for herself!! So, he was a monogamist, not a polygamist like others who have given you this question to hurl at the Hindus.
If you were well informed, you must have been very proud of your Hinduism. Go to the following website who is run by an enlightened lady like you. She is a Hindu American who immigrated to USA in 1997 to complete her master’s degree and stayed there for ever.
I request others who are really interested to know Hinduism in its comprehensive way, should visit the above mentioned site.
do islam thought all this things to comment on other religion yes or no?
DO we need comment on other religion?
where were you when other religions are making comments on islam???? Which FYI FYI FYI is happening since so long on this site. Does your religion teach that??? To be biased and hateful?? Then I guess the problem is not religion but people like you
All your dirty and your biased interpretation of quran is false. you take verses out of context. you should check the history of slavery and then see what reforms and humane treatment of slave islam brought here is muslim interpretation of quran and not your hypocrital interpretation of quran
Greater Hindustan which include Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afganistan is the real Hindustan. All people living in these country have single ancestor i.e only Hindu and so all are birthed by Hindu with same blood. All muslims in these country are not imported from middle east(Arab) but forcefully converted into Islam by follower of false prophet who were barber, inhuman, uncivilized and rapist only. But it is very unfortunate that the next generation of converted hindu in Islam in these four country has also became cruel and barber though their ancestor hindues were kind, human and civilized.