They Demand an Early Conversion and Nikah

niya says: June 12, 2015 at 2:46 am

hello, interested reading..! I wish Gul all the best..! I feel like Gul but some differences. I am a 17yr old hindu girl loving a muslim guy. I am a student and he is doing business with gud financial back ground.

My parents not approve this relation but hav no strong objections and as you wish attitude.But they want me to wait and don’t understand my love. His parents approve us, want marriage as early as possible. He is 27yrs old. I respect islam and his family.

His parents met me and they are happy with me. But they demand an early conversion and nikah. They don’t want to wait anymore. They are not interested in my studies. They love to see me as a homegirl/housewife. Confusion remains, but looking forward to become a good muslim wife, daughter in law, mother -Niya

niya says: June 13, 2015 at 12:21 am
expectations..expectations..! What to do? I feel sad..! I am sorry.. No hindu wedding..! To me God is same and the faiths and followers and their ways..that’s the difference. God is One ! If they demand so, will think about… I respect all faiths. -Niya

Niya says: December 27, 2016 at 11:41 pm

Assalamu alaikkum! Ruksana here, formerly Niya. Got converted, living happily with my in-laws. No regrets. Sure, I meet my parents also. They understand and agree me. Allah gifted me with a male baby-Adnan Mohammed Yasin. Things are normal and happy, no tension at all. I am trying to be a good muslim woman! Thanks all! May Allah bless you all! -Niya

Also read: VIDEO: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, Hindu-Muslim Marriage-video, Love-Jihad, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Jain-Muslim marriages, Brahmin-Muslim marriages, Bollywood and Interfaith Marriages.>Chritistian-Muslim Marriage, Love with Malay, Sharia, Koran, Bible, Marriage & Divorce laws in Malaysia.


  • DIlip
    August 24, 2017 10:17 am

    This is a purely fake story.. Niya just given by a muslim mullah..

  • January 3, 2017 8:20 pm

    Regimented life verses liberty and freedom

    Dear Niya,

    We love to talk to you. We consider you as an intelligent and (if not by degree but) educated lady. However you are young and still have to learn a lot for how life goes. What we will tell you now that it may not make sense to you now but when you are 50 years old and you will see value to it.

    In any marriage (true for any faith), the man wishes to dominate the wife. They wish for a submissive wife. For that reason they marry a young lady(ies) and wish to control them. At your later age, you may find it suffocating and will have courage to say—enough is enough. It seems your husband is preparing you to be a submissive wife and teaching you religion to his advantage. Are you going to be equally happy at age 50 to be his puppet? WE shall see.

    Now you feel it is critical to follow Koran literally. That also mean he could have 3 more wives next to you, could beat you if you don’t behave and if not, talaak, talaak, talaak and you are on the road. Where will you go? We hope you will not return to your Hindu parents at that time.

    You said, “’religeous discipline’! By this discipline Islam grows fast,eventhough suffers frm riots,war,nd many many struggles! “ We agree 100% that Islam is a fastest growing religion. But why Muslim in most corners of the world are poorer compared to their counter parts? For Muslims, why their life is full of, like you said, “riots,war,nd many many struggles“? Why Middle East is burning? Explain us why Sunnis are killing Shias and wise versa, even both follow Koran? Who is discipling whom?

    You said, “(being a Muslim means) many many struggles,“ Why? Are you saying struggle in THIS life but heaven in AFTER life? Why will you not want to enjoy THIS life, with the hope of something we don’t know (AFTER life)?

    You said, “part of discipline practised frm the begining of Islam.“ So, you like strict regulations and not freedom. There are many old people who still believe life was better under British Raj; there was no freedom but there was discipline. Would you be happy with Briton ruling India today? Why you don’t see value of freedom?

    In another example, lets say you must move out of India for some reason. Which will be your first choice: 1) America (USA) where women can wear what they please, Americans have rights to burn American Flag to protest and so much fighting between Democrat and Republican parties, 2) China where no one could dare to speak against communist government and 3) Saudi Arabia where women must be escorted all times and so many other unthinkable laws. Are you going to pick China or Saudi Arabia over America (or France, Germany, Switzerland)? Why you don’t see value of freedom?

    If you are punished to be in prison for your life (we hope not!), there, you will have full peace of mind because there will be so many police with guns and sticks controlling you. Will you be happy in prison because you will have guaranteed food 3 times a day? Why you don’t see value of freedom?

    So, do you like to be under someone’s control or liberty and freedom to do that is logical?

    Again, we don’t expect you to understand all these now but daily think of value of liberty and freedom for next 30 years. Enjoy your submissive life (we love freedom!).

    • Niya
      January 3, 2017 10:02 pm

      Dear Admin…Thanks lot..!Certainly you raised good points to dive deep..! I hav great respect for you! Who loves submissive life?Only slaves,I think.Changes should come..Hav a nice year ahead!

    • Niya
      January 3, 2017 10:25 pm

      Dear Madam,’A fish has to enjoy water but also be prepared from predators’ I loved this quote.Nice message nd warning especially for girls.Thanks for your efforts to empower girls.Gender equality is still a dream of modern women.Even in developed countries,it’s not a reality.I hope for positive changes ahead..!

      • January 4, 2017 8:38 am

        Good quote, “equality is still a dream of modern women.Even in developed countries,it’s not a reality.I hope for positive changes ahead..!” But don’t be pessimist. You are intelligent and progressive thinker. Don’t be a slave in this life. Go, make this world a better place to live for all, especially for women!

        • Niya
          January 4, 2017 10:36 pm

          Dear Admin..Nice,feel better.Seeing my Adhi’s smile,I forget everything.Joy of motherhood fills me.Trying to b a better woman.Thanks!

    • Niya
      January 3, 2017 10:52 pm

      Dear Madam,You wished me to live a submissive life for next 30 yrs! May Allah bless you! I am a Muslim nd proud to be a muslim.Why hate Islam nd muslims?To me,no religion is perfect.God is above all religions.Religions r just pathways to God.They r meant for the wellness of humanity.Anybody can construct a new pathway.I hope one day,world will recognize ‘humanity’ abov all! My humble openion,not any Mollahs.May Allah bless u!

  • Niya
    December 27, 2016 11:41 pm

    Assalamu alaikkum! Ruksana here, formerly Niya. Got converted, living happily with my in-laws. No regrets. Sure, I meet my parents also.They understand and agree me. Allah gifted me with a male baby-Adnan Mohammed Yasin.Things are normal and happy,no tension at all. I am trying to be a good muslim woman! Thanks all! May Allah bless you all!

    • December 31, 2016 11:00 am

      Dear Niya,
      Glad to hear of your update. Now you know it all how it goes. Tell us if this is right or not what we just said to Pri, “We have seen on this web site that almost all muslim’s first interest is to convert a Hindu, second pleasing their parents and third being the love for a girl. Yes, there are some exceptions. Now you go out to the world and shout loud and clear and educate other innocent Pri s for what it means to be in love with a Muslim.” Is it any wrong we said? Later we will discuss why.

      Nina, if he was a Christian or Sikh, would you have converted accordingly? You did not convert to Islam because you liked Islam over all other faiths but because you got in love with a Muslim, is that correct?

      • Niya
        January 2, 2017 12:54 am

        Dear admin..,Got in LOVE with a man,a Muslim that led to conversion,marriage nd became a mother.It was not a jihad or any trap.Love that’s only.Be good,do good..that’s my belief.Everything is not decent these days,traps may b there.To me there is no need of conversion to live together and raise a family.Religion is secondary nd personal.But our system is not grown to that level.Now as a muslim sincerely follow muslim customs,try to learn with ardent desire. If said something wrong,forgive me.

      • Niya
        January 2, 2017 1:37 am

        Dear Admin..Your questions.. I am only an 18yr old,not educated or learned girl.But I share my feelings..! Before taking decisions girls need smart thinking about own background,family,religion etc.Need to avoid traps.’Infaith love traps’ are also there.If boy nd his family demands conversion,You are to decide,accept or reject! If yes b sincere.As a husband,father male gender is a dominating factor!Think well,before act! It’s not late..! Thats my message for girls.

        • January 2, 2017 9:07 am

          Don’t say you are not educated, you have learned a lot in life and sharing here.

          We do not like this world where converting to others is most important. We like to see the world, in your own words, “there is no need of conversion to live together and raise a family.Religion is secondary nd personal.” how beautiful! Unfortunately you will teach your children to go marry other Hindu girls and boys and convert them to Islam, till no more Hindus left to covert. So sad!

          • Niya
            January 2, 2017 11:23 pm

            Dear Admin..In India,under ‘spl marriage act’ a muslim nd a hindu can marry nd live together.No question of conversion.But Islam allows marriage only between muslims.Anybody can criticize this.But that’s a part of discipline practised frm the begining of Islam.

          • Niya
            January 2, 2017 11:30 pm

            dear madam,I am not against LOVE.But I don’t wish my kids to marry Hindus-to convert them into Islamic faith.How sad your remark.

          • Niya
            January 2, 2017 11:49 pm

            Dear a muslim I love to share some feelings-I will send my kids to madrasa to learn koran nd arabic,they will learn Islam.I feel Islam as a tight package.It strictly follows certain rules nd regulations-food,dress,worship,lifestyle etc etc.That’s the strength of Islam.I say ‘religeous discipline’! By this discipline Islam grows fast,eventhough suffers frm riots,war,nd many many struggles!

          • Niya
            January 3, 2017 12:04 am

            dear madam..don’t know which religion you believe but as a former hindu I know -in Hinduism,there is only freedom-to believe or not.No set of rules.Majority of hindus don’t know sanskrit,Gita,Mahabaratha,Bhagavatha or Ramayana.Some fellows may know Ramayana-tv serial.No question of Upanishads or vedas.What to say no discipline or uniformity! I don’t want to blame anybody!Thank u!

          • January 3, 2017 8:16 pm


            Sorry if you did not like our comment “my kids to marry Hindus-to convert them into Islamic faith,” but this is the reality of life. How can you say that your kids will not date a Hindu in colleges? If ever, the Hindu get into love, conversion is a MUST; there is no love for the Hindu important but for Islam only. Is this not true?

            Are you saying you will teach your children a “true” love and not teach them to convert their spouse to Islam?

  • ahmad noor
    July 16, 2015 4:26 am


  • June 20, 2015 3:04 am


    You have been brain washed and determined to spoil your life. Though some writers have presented horrible picture, BUT THEY ARE NOT WRONG. THEY DONT WANT YOU TO LEAD A HUMILIATED LIFE AND YOU WILL HAVE NO OPTION TO BECOME A PROSTITUTE AT THE HANDS OF ISLAMIC COMMUNITY.

    • mac
      June 20, 2015 9:42 am

      Sister niya has brain and she will decide what is right and what is wrong for her.

  • niya
    June 14, 2015 11:46 pm

    hello, It is a cool day here,after heavy rain..! It’s MONSOON ! I am still optimistic ! Thank You!

  • June 13, 2015 8:27 am

    Dear Niya,

    It is the reality of muslim guys. They are guided by evil teachings of koran to trap non muslim females for multiplication of islam. For expansion of islam every thing is fair including cheating, deceitful tactics,lying and so on.
    Do you know, that female genital mutiliation, burqa, 4 eye witnesses to prove rape against female, halala,oral talak.

    And now a days ISIS lead youths are attempting to trap non muslim girls for sexual acts and producing terrorists.

    You are 17 years, influenced by his flattering and deceitful tactics, be aware, you may be victim of terrorists and their agents who decieve innocent girls in the name of marriage and after a month, pass on girls to terrorists.
    You can imagine, if unfortunately, you are one of unlucky girl what will be your fate. ISIS terrorists after sex for weeks, sell girls to another group and that goes no till girl dies.

    • atul
      June 19, 2015 7:16 am

      well said bro

  • June 13, 2015 3:00 am


    You are mad and do not know what step you are choosing to repent whole life, leading a very disgraceful life.

    Right your muslim guy may be very polite, kind hearted, submissive but when you get married his real monstrous face will appear. Rght from your wedding night, you have to bleed and your bed sheet shall be displayed, as honor of virginity, but what about the guy, he need not to be virgin.

    You will be forced to (i) wear burqa (ii)eat beef (iii) have no relations with your hindu relatives (iv) remain at home, not go out without permission(v) never say no to your husband for sexual encounter.

    you will face threatening of oral talak, then face halala and one day you will be stonned to death or handed over to terrorist for their sexual hunger.
    Dont you know how cruel and criminal is Islam against females.


    • niya
      June 13, 2015 5:03 am

      hello, You present a horrible picture,unbelievable..!

      • Mohammed
        June 13, 2015 7:04 am


        he is anti islamic guy and he doesnt have any knowledge on islam

        • June 13, 2015 8:43 am

          Agree! This will not help you, Niya. Ignore, simple!

    • June 13, 2015 8:42 am

      Human, Harjeet, Go easy! Please change, please!

  • niya
    June 13, 2015 12:21 am

    expectations..expectations..!What to do? I feel sad..! I am sorry.. No hindu wedding..! To me God is same and the faiths and followers and their ways..that’s the difference.God is One ! If they demand so,will think about… I respect all faiths.

    • Mohammed
      June 13, 2015 12:55 am

      Good niya sister,

      i think you truth want true religion…. some how you would have questions regarding islam in your mind. . .if u want to ask you can ask here…In Sha Allah. . we try to help you

      • niya
        June 13, 2015 1:12 am

        Thank you.! Regarding islam they will guide me.I want to be a good muslim girl. Sir,your ideas and advices are welcome.

        • cookiee
          June 14, 2015 11:59 pm

          Mashaallah if you convert to islam that’s great but I don’t recommend you to jump into it just coz of him or his family..if you want to believe in Islam then believe for the love of that faith,not to the real you,fake things don’t last long..its better to be hated for what you are rather than being loved for what you’re not..I’ll recommend you to read Quran Shareef NOT listen to random people in the Internet,and judge for yourself..i am also an islam convert and was hindu earlier and alhumdulillah best decision of my life..but NO ONE forced/manipulated me to do so,I made that decision after reading the Quran ONLY!!and his family is also doing wrong by coercing you to convert,it should ideally come from your heart..otherwise you can’t respect that faith..but you need to make this clear to his family.!!and don’t get married but maybe you could get engaged if you’re sure about him??that way it would be a win win for both you and his family..also don’t listen to the haters,manipulates on this site..even I’m with a Muslim man and he keeps me like a princess and yes no 2,3 4 wives I’m the only one hahaha :D..ultimately don’t jump into ANYTHING..your on the right track but you’re too young need to give this more time..all the very best inshaallah you get what’s best for you

          • niya
            June 15, 2015 2:39 am

            Thanks for your good words..!

    • June 13, 2015 8:47 am

      Ok to let go one thing in love, where will it end? Now tell us how many more things are you willing to let go?

      Read this list below and tell us what you will NOT let go, read

      List here 5 items that you will never do (or allow to do) from about list?

      • niya
        June 14, 2015 11:56 pm

        hello, many things are tough indeed! Requires a mental transformation! A good muslim obeys and manages…hopeful!

  • June 12, 2015 9:21 pm

    Hi Niya,

    What are three main concerns that your parents have? Try to address it.

    Are you also going to have a Hindu wedding?

    If he was a Christian, would you get baptized if they demand for it?

    • Mohammed
      June 13, 2015 12:51 am

      i didnt see any illogical person like admin is…
      why u are not asking like this questions in the favor of islam to the muslim people when they want to convert..

      • Mohammed
        June 13, 2015 12:52 am

        They too have parents and relions belive admin…but u r scaring not to convert from hindu to muslim

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