Dawoodi Bohra Divorced me in Four Months

Lubna says: September 13, 2015 at 12:40 pm

i am from karachi and iam asna-e-ashri shia

i married to a dawoodi bohra guy he was already married he divorced me in 4 months i cant understand what to do please help me out with bohra rules and regulation about divorce. please -Lubna

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  • September 13, 2015 8:02 pm

    Dear Lubna, Sorry to hear of your life situation. Before answering your legal rights, you need to tell us Which country are you from?

    Ahmad and Mohammed, Can you help this sister, please?

    • lubna
      September 13, 2015 10:51 pm

      i am from karachi and iam asna-e-ashri shia

      • ahmad noor
        September 14, 2015 3:11 am

        if he insists on keeping silent ..or gives you silly justifications in that case he dose not deserve your love
        you demand your divorced wife rights
        may be you are lucky as this marriage is only 4 months age not 4 years

        • September 14, 2015 7:19 pm

          When someone gets divorce in 4 months and her life is totally ruined, this statement does not fit well “you are lucky”, however we know what you mean.

          Can you do google search for Pakistani laws and rights of divorcee Muslim woman, please? Thanks.

          • ahmad noor
            September 16, 2015 10:53 am

            it is common all around islamic world that divorced woman has to be given her (nafaqh) besides the delayed dowry
            nafaqa is a contious amount of money for life ..unless she marries again
            dowry is normally divided by to parts :
            the direct dowry given before marriage…and
            the delayed dowry ..given to her after divorce ..or husband inheritance after death ..this is as per sharia

          • ahmad noor
            September 19, 2015 3:17 am

            she can start another life with an other man (may be better than this one) but imagine if he divorced her at thirties or forties of her age with children

          • September 19, 2015 11:31 am

            Mac explain the talaak, talaak talaak is not a simple process and it takes several months. Further, women have specific rights too. If so, how come Lubna got divorce withing 4 months of her marriage? Explain us women’s rights in the talaak process. It this talaak right only given to men?

            Lubna, can you detail what do you mean you got divorce? Was it a mutual understanding or your (former) husband just told you talaak, talaak and talaak and matter is over? Explain us, thanks.

          • Mohammed
            September 19, 2015 12:20 pm


            first ask her how she got married either by nikaah or special marriage act.
            if you want to follow the rules of islam to get divorce like talaak,talaak,talaak , you should marry only with nikah not any special marriage act or other. .
            If they has got married with other except nikaah then your talaak, talaak and talaak is not possible because they have not married in an islamic way..

          • ahmad noor
            September 21, 2015 3:22 am

            divorce in islam could be valid just by say the word of tallak
            to documented officially ..this is an other thing
            this is court procedures
            but cz that divorce is called in hadees ( the worst halal hated by god)
            and cz of finance responsibilities on husband side
            he has to think alot before going to divorce
            there is a spacial case for wife if life gets impossible with partner
            she can go to (khulu) means ..she leaves her delayed dowry or nafaqa
            to get separation

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