Say NO for conversion for marriage

Saif Ali KhanIf you are in love relationship with a Muslim or Christian, he or she will most probably ask for your religious conversion. InterfaithShaadi is against the practice of fake-conversion for sake of the marriage. Fake-conversion will only bring disasters in your married life. Here, we have used Saif Ali Khan’s life as an example.

Saif was raised as a Muslim (details). While dating to Amrita, Saif said “She had to fall in line and go through only a nikaah.” Amrita converted to Islam for their Nikaah and raised their two children as Muslim but still in the end she got talaak. This shows that religious conversion to please the Muslim spouse does not buy happiness in married life.

Now apparently Kareena Kapoor changed Saif. These are statements that he made recently at Rediff and the Indian Express:

The fact is there have been many conversions in my family. Quite a few men in my family have married Hindu women and they have converted. But at this moment, I feel differently and don’t think it’s (conversion) required.” “Why do we bring religion in between? Everyone should be allowed to keep their own religion. Kareena (Kapoor) has not converted. If Soha (Ali Khan, Saif’s sister) gets married to Kunal (Khemu), I don’t think either of them will convert.”

Saif with modiI know good people are scared of marrying their daughters to Muslims. They fear conversion, quick divorces, multiple marriages,” Khan wrote. “A lot of Islam needs to modernise and renew itself in order to be relevant. We also need a loud moderate voice to separate the good from the evil. Islam today is more unpopular than it has ever been. This is a great shame to me.” “We (Kareena and Saif) follow whatever religion or spiritual practice we believe in. We talk about them and respect each other’s views. I hope our children will do the same.

The voice of moderate Islam needs to be modified and modernise, but does anyone understand the meaning of it? Does moderate Islam mean I can have a couple of pegs of whiskey? It might be wrong for a Muslim to drink but it’s okay with me because I don’t think of myself as a Muslim. I think of myself as a human being.

My point is that it’s not a great sign when a country reverts to Sharia law and it’s not a good sign for a country to be ruled by religion. Do I want to live under Sharia law? No. I wish there was one law for everyone in India.

A take home message to interfaith lovers: If your lover starts talking about religious conversion, ask if he or she is a love-Jihadi? Adamantly decline religious conversion just for the sake of marriage or to please a church. Remain firm in your opinion of not converting and ultimately your lover will realize his/her mistake. If your lover is a religious fanatic, why will you want to marry that person any ways? Let your love be a priority, not the love of religious conversion! Follow foot-steps of Kareena Kapoor and Gauri Khan and don’t convert. -Admin

Also read: Saif and Kareena: Religion and Marriage, Bollywood interfaith marriages, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences.
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  • December 26, 2014 8:13 am

    Mohammad and Mac
    The way you have been posting and advocating criminal and evil practices of islam, no doubt you are staunch supporter of Mohammad who was a terrorist, murder, rapist, kidnapper,cruel and pedophile, womanizer claiming to be messenger of almighty. Can a almighty be so cruel and mad that he could nominate such a bastard to nominate his messenger.

    The following exploits are proudly reported in “The Life of Muhammad” (Sirat Rasual Allah) by Ibn Ishaq and in “The History” by al-Tabari:

    · Married a 6 year old girl and consummated the marriage when she was 9 and he was 54. (al-Tabari, Vol. IX, page 131)

    · Had a total of fifteen wives and at least two concubines. (al-Tabari, Vol. IX, pages

    126 and 141)

    • Married Zaynab, his adopted son’s wife. (al-Tabari, Vol. VIII, pgs 2-3)

    Ordered the assassination of forty-three people, including Asma bint Marwan, Abu Afak, al Nadr ibn al-Harith, Uqba bin Abu Muayt, Abu Rafi ibn Abi al-Huqaiq, and Muayiyah bin Al Mugheerah. Page references in Ibn Ishaq are: 676, 675, 360, 308, 482, 757.

    · Participated in twenty-six raiding expeditions for booty. (al-Tabari, Vol. IX, page 116)

    · Oversaw the beheading of 600-900 men of the Jewish banu Qurayza tribe and the enslavement of all the women and children. (Ibn Ishaq, page 461)

    · Ordered the kindling of a fire on the chest of Kinana b. al-Rabi to extract information about hidden treasure, and when he was almost dead had him beheaded. (Ibn Ishaq, page 515)

    · Ordered Zayd to attack Banu Fazra, where Zayd had an old woman tied between two camels and torn into two. (Ibn Ishaq, page 665)

    5. The “Five Pillars of Islam” are described as acts of worship, but some of the pillars are not that religious or admirable.

    The Statement of Faith (Shahada) – “There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is Allah’s Messenger.” Right now the U.S. is engaged in warfare against the terrorist organization called ISIS. ISIS has this statement of faith is emblazoned in Arabic on its flag.

    b. Prayer – Most people know that Muslims are supposed to pray five times a day. What few people realize is that they actually recite the same formula prayer (called araka) seventeen times a day. That prayer is Surah 1 of the Quran, called the Exordium or Al Fatihah. That prayer vilifies Jews, who are accused of angering Allah, and Christians, who are accused of having lost their way. This interpretation is confirmed by numerous commentaries on the Quran as well as a reliable quotation of Muhammad (called a hadith):

    Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah’s Apostle said, “Say Amen’ when the Imam says, ‘not the path of those who earn Your Anger (such as Jews) nor of those who go astray (such as Christians)’; all the past sins of the person whose saying (of Amin) coincides with that of the angels, will be forgiven.” (Buhkari, Vol. 1, Book 12, Number 749)

    c) Charity (Zakat) – Contributing is obligatory for all Muslims who can afford to do so. The money collected is divided up into several categories for distribution, including bribing potential new Muslims and community leaders and supporting people engaged jihad – whose objective is making “war upon Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians until they become Muslim or else pay the non-Muslim poll tax.” The largest Islamic terror funding operation in the U.S. was the Holy Land Foundation, which funneled $12 million into Islamic terrorism. The founders were all convicted in 2008 and given sentences from 15 to 65 years in prison. The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) was named as an unindicted co-conspirator with the Foundation. It should be added that it is prohibited for any non-Muslim to receive Zakat monies.

    d. Fasting (Sawm) – Muslims are required to fast from sun up to sun down during the month of Ramadan. While this is supposedly their “holy, peaceful” month, data shows that year after year, the number of Islamic terror attacks peaks during Ramadan. Also, in Muslim-majority countries, Muslims have been killed for merely having a drink of water during the day.

    e. Pilgrimage (Hajj) – Every able-bodied Muslim is supposed to make the trek to Mecca at least once in his/her lifetime if they can afford to do so. This pillar of faith brings over 2 million pilgrims and $30 billion a year to the city. Most of the rituals performed by the pilgrims date back to pre-Islamic, pagan times. The three main rituals – circling Kaaba, kissing the Black Stone, and throwing pebbles at pillars representing the Devil — are clearly acts of pagan idolatry. Also, it doesn’t take a math whiz to figure out that the annual capacity of Mecca – about 2 million pilgrims – would permit only about 10 percent of Muslims to fulfill this religious obligation, even if they could afford the $10,000 cost.

    Conclusion: The text of Inside Islam presents Middle School students with Islamic dogma, questionable Islamic propaganda, and outright false information stated as fact. No educational institution would allow such information to be propagated about any other religion, and so it is absolutely necessary to withdraw these materials from the teaching curriculum.

  • December 25, 2014 7:22 am

    Terrorism is exclusive to the Islamic ideology and it should be noted that a proportionate number of terrorists are Muslims who are motivated by the teachings of Islam like Quran and Hadith. Peter Neumann, a Professor of Security Studies at King’s College in London, has noted that Western converts were “overrepresented among jihadists”,[1] and a 2011 study found that 55% of US born Muslims arrested for Islamic terrorist activities were converts to Islam.[2]

    Those who were born into Islam may be ignorant of their religion and its actual teachings, therefore they are Muslims who are most likely to interpret Islam in a peaceful way. However, many converts to Islam are more zealous; learning as much about their new found faith as they can. When they do that, the only conclusion that they can draw is that Islam’s deity endorses terrorism and rewards terrorists.

    If someone is involved in crime and terrorism and they had converted to a certain faith system, it is almost always Islam that the person converted to. The hate for non-Muslims found in Islam is quickly picked up by them. As a result, these converts often turn to the practice or support of terrorism and violence; often showing hatred for their own family, country, and former way of life.

  • December 25, 2014 6:32 am

    Hello readers,

    I would like to emphasize all non muslim girls who wish to marry a muslim man due to emotional feeling of love.THEY MUST REMEMBER THAT ISLAM IS RELIGION OF ANTI FEMALE GENDER AND DISCRIMINATION WITH MULTI FOLD RESTRICTIONS IN DAY TO DAY WALKS OF LIFE.


    1. A husband has sex with his wife, as a plow goes into a field.

    The Qur’an in Surah 2:223 says:
    Women are your planting place (for children); come then to your planting place as you please and forward (good deeds) for your souls, and fear Allah. And know that you shall meet Him. Give glad tidings to the believers.
    Qur’an 2:223

    2. Husbands are a degree above their wives.

    The Qur’an in Surah 2:228 says:

    Divorced women shall wait by themselves for three periods. It is unlawful for them, if they believe in Allah and the Last Day, to hide what He has created in their wombs, in which case their husbands would have a better right to restore them should they desire reconciliation. And for them similar to what is due from them with kindness. But men have a degree above them. Allah is Mighty and Wise.
    Qur’an 2:228

    Gender inequality shows up in a theological context. The hadith below shows that the majority of the inhabitants of hell are women because they are ungrateful and harsh towards their husbands. There is no word about the husbands’ ingratitude and harshness.

    Narrated ‘Abdullah bin Abbas: The Prophet then said, “I saw Paradise (or Paradise was shown to me), and I stretched my hand to pluck a bunch (of grapes), and had I plucked it, you would have eaten of it as long as this world exists. Then I saw the (Hell) Fire, and I have never before, seen such a horrible sight as that, and I saw that the majority of its dwellers were women.” The people asked, “O Allah’s Apostle! What is the reason for that?”

    3. A male gets a double share of the inheritance over that of a female.

    The Qur’an in Surah 4:11 says:
    Allah charges you concerning your children, for a male like the share of two females. If they are women, above two, they shall have two thirds of what he left, but if she is one, then to her a half. While for his parents, to each one of the two a sixth of what he left, if he has a child. But if he has no child and his heirs are his parents, his mother shall have a third. If he has siblings, to his mother a sixth after any bequest he had bequeathed, or any debt.
    Qur’an 4:11

    4. A woman’s testimony counts as half of a man’s testimony

    The Qur’an in Surah 2:282 says:

    Believers, when you contract a debt for a fixed period, put it in writing. Let a scribe write it down between you with fairness; no scribe shall refuse to write as Allah has taught him. Therefore, let him write; and let the debtor dictate, fearing Allah his Lord, and do not decrease anything of it. If the debtor is a fool, or weak, or unable to dictate himself, let his guardian dictate for him in fairness. Call to witness two witnesses of your men, if the two are not men, then a man and two women from the witnesses whom you approve; so that if one of the two errs, one of them will remind the other. Whenever witnesses are called upon they must not refuse, and do not be weary to write it down, be it small or large, together with its term. This is more just with Allah; it ensures accuracy in testifying and is the least of doubt. This verse goes to the nature of womankind, and implies that a woman’s mind is weak.

    5. A wife may remarry her ex-husband if and only if she marries another man, they have sex, and then this second man divorces her

    The Qur’an in Surah 2:230 says:
    If he divorces her (for the third time), she shall not be lawful to him after that until she has wed (not for the purpose of remarrying her former husband) another spouse and then if he divorces her it shall be no offense for either of them to return to each other, if they think that they can keep within the Bounds of Allah. Those are the Bounds of Allah. He makes them plain to people who know.
    Qur’an 2:230

    The finally and absolutely divorced couple is not permitted to remarry each other unless she marries another man, they have sex, and he divorces her. Sura 2:230 engenders a divorce on the road to a possible reconciliation. Why have the intervening step of a second marriage and divorce before the first couple can work out their differences and get back together?

    6. Slave-girls are sexual property for their male owners.

    The Qur’an in Surah 4:24 says:. The hadith demonstrate that Muslims jihadists actually have sex with the captured women, whether or not they are married. In the following hadith passage, Khumus is one—fifth of the spoils of war. Ali, Muhammad’s cousin and son-in-law, had just finished a relaxing bath. Why? See the hadith:

    Sahih Bukhari 5:59:637

    The following hadith from the same source shows that Muhammad was intimate with his slave-girls.

    Narrated ‘Aisha: The Prophet used to take the Pledge of allegiance from the women by words only after reciting this Holy Verse:–(60.12) “..that they will not associate anything in worship with Allah.” (60.12) And the hand of Allah’s Apostle did not touch any woman’s hand except the hand of that woman his right hand possessed. (i.e. his captives or his lady slaves).
    Sahih Bukhari 9:89:321

    7. A man may be polygamous with up to four wives

    The Qur’an in Surah 4:3 says

    The clause ‘marry those who have fallen in your possession’ means slave-girls who were captured after a war. Men may ‘marry’ them because slaves do not incur very much expense, not as much as free women do. This means that the limit on four wives is artificial. Men could have sex with as many slave-girls as they wanted.

    Sahih Bukhari 7:62:157

    8. A husband may simply get rid of one of his undesirable wives

    The Qur’an in Surah 4:129 says:
    You will not be able to be just between your women, even though you are eager. Do not be altogether partial so that you leave her as if she were suspended. If you reform and are cautious, Allah is the Forgiver, the Merciful.
    Qur’an 4:129

    Maududi: Vol. 1, pp. 383—84, note 161

    9. Husbands may hit their wives if they merely fear highhandedness in their wives (regardless of whether they are actually highhanded or not)

    The Qur’an in Surah 4:34 says:
    Men are the maintainers of women for that Allah has preferred in bounty one of them over another, and for that they have spent of their wealth. Righteous women are obedient, guarding in secret that which Allah has guarded.

    10. Mature men are allowed to marry prepubescent girls

    • Mohammed
      December 25, 2014 9:56 am


      Now u didnt tell any thing for comment know?
      you didnt raise any question who are going against islam without any valid proof..
      I know admin you are a cheater ..
      you are first member who going against islam and tell 50-50 supports for both religion by saying..

      Really shame on you admin
      when we raise all these types of question then admin will escape and come with the new topic

  • December 25, 2014 6:08 am

    Dear readers,

    I converted to Hinduism after marriage on my own and found that Hinduism is a great religion for females, after experiencing in human treatment and discrimination against females in Islam.I am proud of my decision and leading a blissful life.

    Converting to a religion is not a decision that should be taken without thoroughly examining information from all points of view. People may convert to a religion or decide to be an agnostic or an atheist.

    Many converts to Islam claim to have seen the light and believe that Islam is the one and only true religion. Muslims welcome these new converts and encourage them to share their stories on the internet, magazines, and television. They are often featured on various Muslim media outlets to demonstrate that Islam’s appeal reaches further than simply those who are born into the faith. To Muslims these new converts are proof that Islam is the truth.
    Why People Convert to Islam

    First it is important to understand why some people convert to Islam. There can be many scenarios in which a person can decide to convert to Islam. In most cases, people convert to Islam after hearing or seeing something that impressed them, while knowing very little about the faith itself, as there is no tradition in Islam of being well-versed in its laws and beliefs before taking one’s “Shahadah” or Islamic oath. At times someone may meet a Muslim they like and fall in love with and if the person doesn’t convert to Islam and the Muslim insists on the conversion in order for the relationship to continue, usually the person takes the path of least resistance, gives in and converts to Islam without caring to investigate what they are getting into. Sometimes a person may feel lonely in society and may be seeking some kind of inner peace and they might be attracted to the attention given to converts from Islam. Or they might have met some Muslims and were impressed or inspired by their personality at a time they were questioning their current religion or the direction of their current life. The real reasons for conversion may be unknown even to the convert themselves and they’ll try to justify the conversion to themselves and others by giving some other reasons.

    Remember to think for yourself and not to depend on Muslims for answers to the following questions:

    How do you know Islam is a religion from God? How do you know Muhammad was telling the truth when he said he was a messenger of God? God may exist but it doesn’t mean Islam must be from God. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence from non-biased external sources. Are there any non-Muslim sources at all that confirm any truth in the claim of Muhammad’s prophethood? You need external non-biased sources of information to prove that Islam is really true.

    Islam views non-Muslims with a lot of hostility such as Qur’an 48:13 which says non-Muslims will burn in Hellfire (similar verses are spread all over the Quran). This applies to your family and friends. Are you okay with that?
    Are you okay with harsh Islamic punishments? Qur’an 5:38 orders Muslims to cut off the hands of a thief. This is an actual Islamic law and a Qur’anic verse. If you don’t believe in this kind of law, why are you converting to Islam?
    In Qur’an 4:34, a Muslim man is asked to beat his wife if she doesn’t obey him, or if he simply fears disobedience. Are you okay with that?
    Perhaps you’ve been eating pork and drinking wine in moderation. Islam strongly prohibits both of these. Can you think of any logical reasons why you should stop eating pork and drinking wine in moderation?
    Multiple sources exist to prove directly and explicitly that 51 year old Muhammad got himself married to 6 year old Aisha, and consummated the marriage with her when she was 9. Are you okay with that? Ask your family what they think of this. If there are any aspects of Islam that you want to keep secret from your family, that should raise a red flag for you in itself.
    The Qur’an itself permits pedophilia, making it a halal practice for all Muslim men and for all time. As the great Islamic scholar, Maududi, had once said regarding this truth “obviously no Muslim has the right to forbid a thing which the Quran has held as permissible.” Are you okay with that? If you had a young child, would you allow her to get married to someone who is older than yourself?
    Women and men don’t have the same rights in divorce, court hearings, or inheritance. A woman does not have a right to divorce her husband under the same terms as he does. Her testimony in court is worth 1/2 that of a man’s[1] and she gets a smaller portion than her brother does in terms of inheritance.[2] These laws are taken directly from the Qur’an. Are you comfortable with that?
    Islam does not allow for adoption as most understand it.[3] A Muslim child can only be a foster child and can not inherit, take on the family name, nor live with his foster parents past puberty. Is this a solution to the problem facing many Muslim countries with thousands of orphans that are abused regularly in orphanages?
    Muhammad and his army sexually enslaved women, a tradition that continued with all Muslim armies. Even if this would not happen to you, are you okay with a spiritual leader acting in this way?
    According to Muslim scholars, democracy is totally incompatible with Islam and is considered sinful. Do you believe in democracy?

    Look for answers to these questions and many others and after doing your own study, consult an Islamic scholar or the local imam. Ask them for information to see how they deal with the questions. Know that they are marketing Islam, so don’t rely on their answers. If they show any sign of anger or impatience, that’s a red flag.

    Read the links in the Further reading section at the end of this page and try to answer more questions that come up as you delve further into your research on Islam.
    How to Proceed Next

    Slow down: Converting to a religion is not a trivial affair. Be sure not to be in a hurry and prepare to slow down. You deserve giving yourself time to investigate everything carefully before taking such a decision.
    Shut down external marketing attempts: If you are in contact with Muslims who are marketing Islam to you, let them know that for now you would like to study Islam for yourself and will let them know if you have any questions. Be cautious about aggressive and persistent inquiries. Refrain from asking them any questions at this point or engaging in discussions about Islam as you may be misled with incomplete and biased information.
    Now you are ready to investigate Islam at your own pace without external pressures.
    Soul-searching and self-discovery: Start some soul-searching and perhaps a private daily journal in which you express whatever you are thinking about or whatever you feel bothered about. Journals are very helpful (see this study by scientists). Find out what’s going on in your life, the issues you’re facing and the steps you’re taking to resolve those issues. If you need, talk to friends and take up counseling or psychotherapy if you can afford it. Other options include group therapy or discussions and online forums where you can be anonymous and safely discuss private matters with others and get their feedback. Every little bit helps. Find out what you need to focus on for example career, relationship, family or health or other issues.
    Now you’re reading to start investigating various religions and schools of thought.
    Faith Systems in the World: Start from the Wikipedia article about different faith systems in the world. Look at this chart and examine the basics of every major faith system that has a percentage of at least 5%. You’ll find only about 6 faith systems to look at.
    Keep mental notes of all the important points/characteristics of the faith-systems you have examined (or use paper or a document writer such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs to keep your research more organized)
    Options available:
    Some people want to believe in a supernatural power (God) and they can convert to any religion that has a belief in God
    There are other options. Agnostics are ok with not being sure about the existence of God. Atheists decide not to believe in the existence of a God. Some people believe in multiple Gods. There are other paths that you can research (for example Unitarian Universalism). Almost all faith systems have support groups that you can join to meet like-minded people.
    Research thoroughly: If you find a faith system that you like, start researching it in more depth. Be sure that you get information from all perspectives so you do not miss out on any positive or negative information that you should be aware of before you decide to convert. If there are controversial issues, evaluate arguments from both sides and make up your own mind.
    Talk to people: Talk to people online anonymously so you can feel safe asking any questions or discussing any issues. For example if you talk to a Muslim face to face and bring up the issue of Aisha’s marriage to Muhammad or any other controversial issue they may become upset so it is better to first discuss issues online on a forum. On our Resources for Former Muslims page, we have collected links to various external forums that you can look into. For example you can use the Philosophy forums.
    Make your choice: Now you may be getting close to making your decision. Contact a support group in your area for assistance or INTERFAITH SHADDI.COM THROUGH WHICH EVERY ONE WILL GET COMPLETE EXPOSURE OF ISLAMIC RELGION.

    Good luck.

    • mac
      December 25, 2014 7:52 am

      MR. Sabana aka Sanghi, you did a good try but i have read all most all anti-islamic websites and their important topics, and you did a nice mix of copy paste from following websites

      You indian anti-islamist, wikiislam is like a god for you, but its agenda,hupocrisy,and everything is exposed to the world, now the world don`t follow wikiislam much, it was top in 2006-2008, but i have found that indian anti-islamist take it seriously, for you its like gold hehehe

      You got exposed again LOL!!! SHAME!!! 🙂

      If you sanghis can`t prove stupidity(hinduism) is better than islam then shut your mouth, becuase more you hindus talk about islam more it will expose hinduism…..and finally like admin you will cry

  • Mohammed
    December 24, 2014 10:34 am

    Admin you are going into a wrong path..

    In the name of interfaith/fake conversion
    you are blaming to the Islamic religion

    . . .
    shame on you that still you didnt understand islam
    shame on you !!
    we have given several times of about polygamy but still you are unaware of polygamy. . .

    what do you know about jihad?
    This terrorist people are killing to innocent people called jihad?
    no admin, no. . This is not called as jihad

    According to islamic sharia,
    Those who are killing innocent people should be killed in the front of other peoples…
    as now any indian law is giving in the name of hanged to death in the court

    actual, saif is not a muslim and not a true follower of islam
    with the light of actors and actress you are blaming to islam. .
    shame on you. . .
    You didnt understand a complete way of life
    Religion itself as a law. . .y we want to follow country law…
    Islam teach us , how to live our life completely

    Islam doesnt change nor be change to the end. . .

    what u r going to tell those who are converting from islam?
    you allow this..but you doesnt Allow those people who wants to come into reality…

    Shame on you admin

    • December 24, 2014 12:13 pm

      1) Mac said NO NO to talaak, what are your views on talaak practice?
      2) How polygamy is good for India?
      3) If a Hindu girl is in love with a Muslim boy, unless she is willing to give up Hinduism completely, should she fake-convert to Islam just to please Muslim-in-laws? In a Muslim marriage, is any thing less than 100% Muslim – 0% Hindu acceptable?

      • Mohammed
        December 24, 2014 9:56 pm

        Admin asked Questions :

        1) Mac said NO NO to
        talaak, what are your views
        on talaak practice?
        My Answer is also No No
        Allah(s.w.t) hates those people who are divorcing..
        Islam disapproves of divorce immensely, and in this connection it has cautioned its followers to be very careful, and has pointed out the steps that the spouses have to take for reconciliation in the event of disagreement between them. It has also laid down the correct procedure of giving divorce if it becomes inevitable to do so

        2) How polygamy is good
        for India?
        If One Muslim who marry one person is allowed in Islam and it is ok to all
        But if one muslim goes to marry on the polygamy He should follow the procedures for polygamy
        According to the islamic sharia(law)
        if one man marry more than one wife he should give all equal rights to his wives
        [Note : Every thing must be equal]
        then only he is allowed to marry on polygamy other wise it is not allowed

        3) If a Hindu girl is in love with a Muslim boy, unless she is willing to give up Hinduism completely, should she fake-convert to Islam just to please Muslim-in-laws?

        In Islam, it is prohibited to the see other Female/Male who he/she are able to marry according to islamic sharia
        [Note : Seeing one time is automatically gives forgiveness]

        if seeing to others is it self not allowed then how love is possible before marriage..
        – My answer is No –
        Fake conversion is not allowed in Islam

        3.1) In a Muslim marriage, is any
        thing less than 100% Muslim – 0% Hindu acceptable?

        No, Untill he/she doesnt become conversion completely he/she doesnt marry according to islam

  • December 24, 2014 8:54 am

    It is interesting that Saif is saying “They fear conversion, quick divorces, multiple marriages,” Khan wrote. “A lot of Islam needs to modernise and renew itself in order to be relevant.”, while our “mac” is defending and wish to preserve POLYGAMY (“polygamy in reality is helpful“). What a shame! Interfaith lover has to find out if your Muslim lover is like mac (read his ideologies here) and decide if you are okay proceeding with your love.

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