After conversion, will I be able to follow my Hindu religion?

manvi says: November 6, 2014 at 9:27 pm

Marthoma churchI am a hindu girl from Kerala… Nd i have completed my graduation… i have been n relationship with a guy for 10 years….that’s from my high school..he’s a Christian and a Marthomite..i am a single girl child and belongs to a middle class family… his parents wanted me to get converted.. Even I am am ready..i want to know whether after conversion i will be able to follow my Hindu religion? -Manvi

Admin says:

Hi Manvi,

Apparently you wish to remain a Hindu but wish to honor your boy friend’s faith. This is a noble thought. However, the Marthomite church wishes you to be 100% Marthomite and 0% Hindu. Have no confusion about their intention. Are you ready to completely give up your Hinduism?

You could be a Hindu and Buddhist or Jain (50%-50%), however that is not possible when you are dealing with an Abrahamic (Christian, Jew and Muslim). There, one must decide 100% of one and 0% of the other. There is no tolerance for others in marriage.

Even amongst Abrahamic, they will not tolerate each other. For example, a Muslim must convert to marry a Christian and vice a versa. You cannot raise Muslim-Christian children 50%-50%. Christian believes Jesus is a begotten Son of God (Hebrews 5:5) while Koran says such talk is a monstrous falsehood (Koran 19:88). Jesus said that he did not come to unite but to divide (Matthew 10:34, Luke 12:51).

The Baptism is not as much about Jesus but for the church. The Morthomite will not even tolerate a Jesus believer Catholic or Protestant Christian in their married life and will ask for re-Baptism! We love Jesus but not these intolerant churches.

Baptism is not a hollow ritual devoid of meaning. We recommend not to “fake-convert”. Before baptism, you should read what Bible has to say for Hindus. After the Baptism dip and marriage in their church, you are legally a Christian. They will also make you sign a stamped document with your photo on it. With that, you are loosing all your rights to be Hindu or teach about Hinduism to your children. Christian in-laws will take serious objection of your children participating in Diwali and Holi, even when they are visiting your parent’s home. If you wish to maintain all your option to pray to Lord Rama and Krishna, you must honestly disclose it to the church in writing.

All churches are teaching that only those who gets baptized will go to heaven. Rest, including your parents, Mahatma Gandhi and all Muslims, will not be saved (read McKenna). Do you endorse such irrational belief?

Manvi, you have to understand that this conversion business is not about God but to increase their vote power (View Gurumaa).

You are the only child of your parents. Will you (a Christian) be allowed to perform Hindu parent’s last rites?

Discuss all these issues honestly with your parents. They have done every thing in their life to make you happy. If you press hard, they will (without understanding) even agree to your baptism because they love you. However, you have to think if you wish to reciprocate their love by this lie (fake-conversion) and later not be part of your parents as a Hindu?

We understand your love and we are not against it. This church was not a part of your love of last 10 years of dating time, was it? Was it not that life fun without the church? What this church has to do with your love? Kick the intolerant and irrational church out of your love and life. Go marry to your love by the Special Marriage Act 1954. After that, without baptizing, follow Christ and Krishna in your married life, how beautiful!

The boy friend will not accept this for 6 month or so, but ultimately he will honor your request because he truly loves you. In the end, it will be a win-win for all. Best wishes.

Also read: Interfaith marriage with equality (Video), Marthomite-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Christian Marriage, Will Gandhi go to Hell since he was not Baptized?, Bible on Hindus?, Idol-Worshippers, I am a Christian mother, I converted without knowledge of my family, I am Christian getting married to a Hindu, Do all Christians go to Heaven?, Ignorent Molly trying to convert a Krishna believer to Christianity ..a video, Namastey London movie…intolerant Christians ..a video, All religions are not same, A Hindu America?, Why I am a Hindu?, A fundamentalist Christian, Why I came back to Hinduism?, Dharma is not the same as religion, Text book on How to convert Hindu Students to Christianity.
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  • Rishita Sharma
    November 19, 2014 10:56 am

    Hi, I am RISHITA SHARMA ( EX-MUSLIM RIDHA SYED),a simple housewife..wid a sweet small family comprising of my husband,my 3 kids,nikhat & nibhtahil & zeeshan..
    I was born in sringar in a muslim family bt den shiftd to jammu as my dad got transferred.In jammu i met a boy wid whom i wnt fr a relationship & later on i married him goin against will of my family..
    bt still today i dont repent it coz my husband made me proud of him as husband in every condition…i Love him & everything relatd to him..!
    he is really d best decision of my life..!.And Yes, Now, I am Proud Hindu .

    Thznx & Regards,
    RISHITA SHARMA ( Formerly Known as RIDHA SYED).

    • November 19, 2014 8:33 pm

      You have provided a wrong e-mail address.
      Can you write us at
      Can you tell us where are you writing from in the e-mail?

  • November 8, 2014 5:45 am

    Again Haque appeared as Pakhi Begum.Lol

    • Pakhi Begum
      November 8, 2014 7:08 am

      Sorry, I am Pakhi Begum.
      Give me your phone number I will personally talk you.

    • Pakhi Begum
      November 8, 2014 8:49 am

      You witch and woman of the town Golnar if you have courage then give me your number I will call you. I advise you to give up your nasty profession and be a domestic servant.

      • Rishita Sharma
        November 19, 2014 11:03 am

        Pakhi Begum: @Pakhi Begum:—We must save the victims of Islam or save ourselves from them.

        Islam today is more dangerous that Nazism was 80 years ago.

        We have to stop it.

        If logic and good words don’t have any effect on them, then force must be employed.

        The more we tolerate Islam the more the possibility of an Armageddon becomes real.

        RISHITA SHARMA ( Formerly known as RIDHA SYED).

        • mac
          November 20, 2014 12:25 am

          and it is muslims who saved jews from nazism, otherwie jews would have been history today

  • Pakhi Begum
    November 7, 2014 9:28 pm

    That’s what thousands of non Muslims specially the hindu girls do only to grab brilliant Muslim boys.

  • Pakhi Begum
    November 7, 2014 8:57 pm

    What is fake conversion?

    • November 7, 2014 9:02 pm

      Should Manvi convert just to please the church? What would you recommend Manvi should do for her question “after conversion i will be able to follow my Hindu religion?”

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