Does it considered a Hindu-Christian marriage?

Donnis says: October 27, 2014 at 9:50 am

Dear all ,
I met a Hindu Girl 11 years back in College and we both fell in love and I Convinced my parents to get me married with her and my parents went to the girls house and spoke to the Girls Parents who also agreed. After this meeting between both parties, within 1 month the girl called me up and said that her father has problems with the marriage and he wanted me to meet him. Her father said that since he had a younger daughter he wanted me to marry as per Hindu Rites or if not we could commit suicide and he said the stigma of giving his daughter to a Christian boy would be too much. He proposed that I marry his Daughter as per Hindu rights in his House and after which he said my parents could get it done in the Church as well. His version was that he wanted to do a Face Saving in Society.

I being too immature and having no understanding of Marriage laws then agreed to it ….since i loved the girl and i felt that anyhow after this face saving affair I could get the marriage done in Church as per my Church rights. On the day agreed for the marriage I reached their House and without any relatives or friends from my side the so called Marriage was done.
1.The marriage happened in their House and a hindu Priest did it
2.I did not even go to Court and i did not have anyone from my end.

After the function etc …i had the lady with me in Delhi, my Parents got to know about it after 2 months and were very sad …My relatives asked the Girls parents to allow the Girl to be married in Church now since it was done as per their wish in the first place but her father Bluntly Refused to get the Girl married in Church.

I was discarded by society and my relatives as a whole… none knew i was married …and it was then that i realised after the lady started living with me that she was very quarrelsome and soon we were fighting all the time.

After 2 years a child was born and she started staying at her fathers house and refused to stay with me in the state i was working and i was left paying her a monthly amount and soon it started as a blackmail and she asked me to build a house for her there where her parents lived…when i found that the mental and social torture was increasing then i left with no other option left her 2 years back …and i sought the help of lawyers to get me a Divorce but they advised that it was null and void so i cannot take a Divorce..Since the marriage did not take place technically.

I have been imploring her to go for mutual consent BUT she has outrightly refused it saying she wanted compensation and she could do nothing.

I am a Church going Christian with no records in Church as having Married..i did not convert then my question is if i did not convert then how can it be called a Marriage …please do guide me… -Donnis

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1 Comment

  • October 27, 2014 8:39 pm

    Dear Donnis,

    You have a child and thus you have moral and legal responsibility to take care of him/her.

    You have contacted a lawyer for consultation, however if the girl goes in front of a Judge with your baby in hands, with your marriage photos, a few witness that you were sharing a place as married couple, etc, the judge will not let you walk away free and clear. Even you did not converted for your Hindu marriage, that is still a marriage (with additional supporting proofs). If you remarry in your church by lying, your new marriage may even get invalidated. For all these reasons, we highly recommend you to consult a different attorney for honest legal advise.

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