mac is claiming that Muslims condition is horrible in India (citing Haji Ali’s case). This is certainly sad and people and government should address this.
Those who complain about condition of Muslims in India has to also look what Muslims have done to non-Mulsims in Muslim majority nations. For example, in Bangla Desh (former East Pakistan) there were 31% Hindus in 1947, today 8.2%. Why Akash Mallik’s family ran away from their home land? Where are some 20 million Hindus?
Contrary to that, in India, in 1947 there were 8% Muslims, today 14.2%.
Readers, tell us …
1) Is the condition of Muslims in India worst than the condition of Hindus in Bangla Desh?
2) Why Afghanistan, Pakistan, (Kashmir) and most other Muslim majority nations drive out non-Muslims?
3) Where will all Hindus migrate when Muslim population is majority in India?
Akash Mallik says: May 13, 2015 at 3:02 am
Dear admin….
My dad (a physician, driven out from B. Desh) says…for conditions comparison….well he agrees that Hindus have no status in either Bangladesh or Pak ….India is one of the few countries where minorities can kick majority without any trouble…he gave the example of UAE….If a Hindu there speaks anything against Islam or the Nation…..or the majority there…he would be dead by the next few days…But in India…well that never happens…
Ramesh R. Desai says:
Again let us take the example of Pakistan. In 1947 its population was about 50,000,000 of which minorities constituted about 25% or 12,500,000. If minorities grew at the current world growth rate of 1.3% per year, they should have now numbered 25,000,000. Instead the minority population in Pakistan at present is only 2% or 2,700,000!! In effect, Pakistan converted, drove out or killed 22,300,000 (25,000,000-2,700,000) of non-Muslims in last 55 years. And the world, amnesty international and similar organization does not seem to have any problem with that.
Similarly in Bangladesh non-Muslim population has plummeted from 30% to 10% in the same period and therefore there is elimination of 13,000,000 non-Muslims. Not only that, the same annihilation is going on right now and will not stop until non-Muslims are for all practical purposes wiped out. That means existing 13,000,000 non-Muslims and their progeny will not see the light of the day as non-Muslims.
View videos: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, All you want to know about the Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia: Hindu-Muslim Marriages,
Also read: Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus?, Love-Jihad, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Sikh-Muslim marriages, Malaysia in love, Marriage laws.
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Again let us take the example of Pakistan. In 1947 its population was about 50,000,000 of which minorities constituted about 25% or 12,500,000. If minorities grew at the current world growth rate of 1.3% per year, they should have now numbered 25,000,000. Instead the minority population in Pakistan at present is only 2% or 2,700,000!! In effect, Pakistan converted, drove out or killed 22,300,000 (25,000,000-2,700,000) of non-Muslims in last 55 years. And the world, amnesty international and similar organization does not seem to have any problem with that.
Similarly in Bangladesh non-Muslim population has plummeted from 30% to 10% in the same period and therefore there is elimination of 13,000,000 non-Muslims. Not only that, the same annihilation is going on right now and will not stop until non-Muslims are for all practical purposes wiped out. That means existing 13,000,000 non-Muslims and their progeny will not see the light of the day as non-Muslims.
Allah says in the Quran
In surah baqrah chapter 2 v 111
“Produce your proof if you are truthfull”
So produce your proof if you are truthful
The psychopathological condition exhibited by the individual is called Schizophrenia. Every cult‐enslaved individual has this mental illness and we need to remember that here, we are dealing with a cancerous cult.
Hence, he hallucinates‐ Islam orders all faiths are equal and Muslims are known for peaceful coexistence throughout the world!!!
Only a mentally insane individual can ask for proof of Islamic barbarity and this shows how grave his condition is!
Needs treatment and empathy!
This thinking is only belong like you creul peoples who dont know what is meant by religion and yet belive in some wrong faith
@Pakhi Begum :
You are citing one example of a Muslim officer being harassed by CBI.
But I am sure you don’t know certain facts about Hindu-Majority India.
Muslims have reached & served at some of the most higher echelons in India,if India is so Anti-Islam/Muslim then how come so many Muslims have/are occupied/occupying such high & influential positions in Hindu-Majority India which treats Muslims so badly! Just to name a few;
1. Ex-President of India – Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam
2. Vice-President of India – Hamid Ansari
3. Ex-Foreign Secretary (3rd Highest Rank in Ministry of External Affairs) – Salman Haider
4. Director General of Revenue Intelligence (DGRI) – Najib Shah
5. Director General of Intelligence Bureau (IB) – Syed Asif Ibrahim
6. Indian Air Force(IAF) Chief – Air Chief Marshal Idris Hasan Latif
7. Ex-President of India – Zakir Hussain
8. Ex-Chief Justice of India – Justice Mohammad Hidayatullah
9. Ex-Chief Justice of India – Justice Mirza Hameedullah Beg
10.Ex-Chief Justice of India – Justice Altamas Kabir.
And offcourse many more at State & Provincial level.I have quoted only 7 names of top-most people at national level.
Your source of knowledge is limited it seems.You can the authenticity of the data furnished by me,just Google it !
Secular Indian.
Btw : I am a Hindu(Kaffir) LOL !
Dear Admn.
You have blamed me for posting comments on the names of following, which is incorrect and false:-
Harjeet says: September 2, 2015 at 6:03 am
massey says: September 2, 2015 at 5:47 am
Rokhsana says: September 2, 2015 at 5:41 am
Churchil says: September 2, 2015 at 5:33 am
Angela says: September 2, 2015 at 5:28 am
Chand Osmani says: September 2, 2015 at 4:10 am
How do I know their valid mail id and if false mail id is used, how your blog has supported? The time gap is longer a valid reason to believe that texts on the name of the following was posted by me. Now a days there are various areas where wi fi is freely available covering vast areas and vast number of users who could post text almost same time expressing their reaction.
Many times you have deviated from the core mission concepts to allow undesirable issues and contents.
You may block me as per arbitratory decision.
E-mail us at and let us know your general location. Thanks.
Shocked to read your comments. Perhaps you do not want exposing evils of islamic teachings by different writers and you blame me for that.
I am not interested in your arbitrary style of working on this site. Go on
pleasing your blue eyed writers like Pakhi, Rina and Mohd.Zia ul Haque, who are openly posting texts on the same name.
I dont mind if you block me.
Dear Kartar, and these below,
Harjeet says: September 2, 2015 at 6:03 am
massey says: September 2, 2015 at 5:47 am
Rokhsana says: September 2, 2015 at 5:41 am
Churchil says: September 2, 2015 at 5:33 am
Angela says: September 2, 2015 at 5:28 am
Chand Osmani says: September 2, 2015 at 4:10 am
It is so obvious that you keep using different names, but post the same time, same style and all with web site as WHY any one should trust what you say? Instead, why not pick one name and keep blogging with one name? It is a matter of your credibility and effectiveness.
The danger on india will never come from islam ..the danger will come from new western life style open standards which will destroy the indian old decent and honor values with family values
these (w.l.o.s) will affect both muslim and hindu society in future but muslim society is resisting more than hindu society
The danger will not be from Islam‐ as long as Muslims are a minority.
Let’s examine Indian Muslims’ current approach on some issues: Kashmiri Pandits have been massacred, persecuted and chased away from their homeland‐ no Muslim organization has even condemned the atrocity; one mosque was demolished in India, it hit international headlines and the war still rages on while hundreds of temples have been razed in Pakistan and we cannot even hear a mumble; pork is haram for Muslims‐ hence not only in Saudi Arabia, most of the Islamic world never permits swine slaughter but if Hindus feel cow as holy and that should not be slaughtered, Muslims oppose the move even in India, where Hinduism originated.
Muslims have always taken sides along religious lines and never on moral grounds.
Regarding western lifestyle, advancements do bring in modernization of both‐ techniques and thought-process. Individual discretion should be appreciated as long as it does not affect another human’s safety and liberty.
A closed society will end up suffocating and in its frustration will ensure suffering for the outside world.
the danger will come only from islam and hindus will get extinct as muslims will start eating our kids
Hi readers,
According to J.Morgan, an emminent writer and publisher,that VERSES FROM THE QURAN.. prove THAT ISLAM IS Clearly and Concisely Evil, Violent, and Intolerant
Every time I write and article that sheds Islam in a negative light, my life gets threatened by muslims, I get hate messages from liberals, and I’m labeled a ‘racist’ by idiots who do not realize that Islam is not a race.
If Muslims are so proud of their quran, why would they threaten my life for simply sharing verses straight from their “holy book”?
Islam is also not a religion,
It is a theocracy and terrorist cult that hides behind the mask of religion in order to acheive its mission of world domination.
Furthermore, people, including news anchors who call islaic terrorists “extremists and radicals”, are wrong… They are DEVOUT muslims simply following the dictates of their koran.
I have read the koran and studied it thoroughly. I have read the muslim brotherhood’s documented plan for the destruction of America from within.
I will not submit or convert and I will not allow the death threats, the name calling, and the pack threat mentality stop me from telling the truth about Islam.
Here it is folks… straight from their own Quran.. You read the verses below and you decide..
Peaceful religion…??? NO WAY…
Fact: in the 1400 year history of islam, muslims have murdered over 270 million people.
Fact: Since 911, muslims have committed over 23 thousand deadly terror attacks around the world.
Fact: Islam can not and will not peacefully co exist with any other religion on earth. Never.
Fact: Where are all those so called “peaceful” muslims when the terror attacks occur? Why do they not stand publicly against the attacks as a religious group? The reason….. is in the verses below… It goes against their koran.
Muslim (20:4645) – “…He (the Messenger of Allah) did that and said: There is another act which elevates the position of a man in Paradise to a grade one hundred (higher), and the elevation between one grade and the other is equal to the height of the heaven from the earth. He (Abu Sa’id) said: What is that act? He replied: Jihad in the way of Allah! Jihad in the way of Allah!”
Muslim (20:4696) – “the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: ‘One who died but did not fight in the way of Allah nor did he express any desire (or determination) for Jihid died the death of a hypocrite.’”
where is the problem if there is jihad in islam
where is is the problem if mujahids are rewarded for their sacrificing their lives and money for their religion
christians uses the military power to convert 4 continents to christianity killing millions and millions during the last 300 years
nobody talks about that
you are required to tell us from where you have got these numbers 270 millions..and 23 thousands terror attack
from where have you got these figers ??
i want to know the documaents
the time when any boday can claim any lie ..and run a ways with his lie
this time is no more
if you said i do not care about my islam i have married a hindu gay
i understand (same as the pakistani dancer above)
but telling rubbish lies ..i say hold on
“where is the problem if there is jihad in islam
where is is the problem if mujahids are rewarded for their sacrificing their lives and money for their religion”
He has been definitely living in Mars till yesterday!
i hope that you are really a muslim and not fake name ..i am really fed up of repeating the song of terrorism every time
you must take in cosideration that the majority of muslims do not believe that this is the right time of jihad against unfair treatment of west towards us we do not have enough power ..bombing here or there by islamic extremists ..makes nothing but giving bad picture of islam cz nonmuslims see the bombing but they keep eye closed about nonmuslims crimes ..
i repeated that many times in this forum but no reply
so these extremists activities must be stopped ..
around muslim world now a very big majority of islamists beleieve that we must concentrate on teaching and preaching the ignorant muslims before they fall in extremists activities ..
but as you see the way ,nonmuslims in this forum are talking about islam
this is not the right way of debate
islam is the only way to conserve the social peace
social peace demands conserving the 5 necessities for any society
coserve human religion
coserve human life
coserve human brain
coserve human honor
coserve human money
that is why for example rape in muslim societies is less than other countries
same as stealing or murdering crimes
also islam has a severe punishments against alcohol or drugs
but secular rules applied in muslim countries ..will put us on the same misrable way of west countries
Have a look at the conversation:
Dr. Shaikh says, “I am doing my own research in this matter and i came to know many muslim girls who are married with hindu husband and their husband become muslim, even in this forum i came to learn that akash become muslim”.
Mr. Mac says, “you can use his own book that he believes as holy to turn him against his own religion”
These are statements from two of the ‘educated’ Muslims.
The condition of minorities in any Muslim nation does not need any elaboration! The following news is one of such horrendous stories!! Men and women should be aware of the level of hate and discrimination!!!
Imagine what would happen if Muslims become a majority!
Not everyone can enroll in army and serve the nation; not converting to Islam by itself is a service to the nation!
The conversation was from the blog:
in islam (theortically) government has to find jobs to muslims and non muslims
when we lost spain before (andalus)
the jew followed us to north africa
..tribute must not be taken from poor nonmuslims (same as zakah for muslims ) islam never prevents any private jobs from nonmuslims farming teaching…..
but yes non muslim can not be a president or vice president or minister of defence or interiors or putting him in a position affecting muslims negatively…this is our right …
Hi every one,
I would like to depict Pakistan’s attempt to erase all signs of its non-Islamic past.
Prove that you are not kartar.
You have posted comments under names Harjeet, Massey, Rokhsana, Churchill, Angela and Chand Osmani. If you continue doing this, we will block you.
Every Sunday, thousands celebrate Mass at St. Peter’s, a three-floor, 21,000-square-foot Catholic church that’s the biggest in Pakistan. Dressed in their best tunics and loose cotton pants, worshippers sit barefoot in the pew-less building — a style adapted from nearby mosques — as they sing hymns to the sounds of drums and a piano. As the sun sets, a light shines in a 24-hour prayer room, something common in Western nations but a rarity here.
Prove that you are not kartar.
You have posted comments under names Harjeet, Massey, Rokhsana, Churchill, Angela and Chand Osmani. If you continue doing this, we will block you.
Before British colonial India was partitioned into India and Pakistan in 1947, more than one-fifth of the population of what would become Pakistan was non-Muslim. Most fled to India during the creation of the -deleted.
Prove that you are not kartar.
You have posted comments under names Harjeet, Massey, Rokhsana, Churchill, Angela and Chand Osmani. If you continue doing this, we will block you.
A new global study by London-based Institute for Economics and Peace has ranked Pakistan third on the Global Terrorism Index (GTI) list.-deleted.
Prove that you are not kartar.
You have posted comments under names Harjeet, Massey, Rokhsana, Churchill, Angela and Chand Osmani. If you continue doing this, we will block you.
The radical Islamists are open and clear about what they want and why they want it. Their goals are incompatible with the survival of our civilization. The more time it takes to develop a grand strategy, the worse trouble we will be in. With each passing year, there will be more radical Islamists, and they will be more sophisticated and have more resources. They have a strategy. -deleted
Prove that you are not kartar.
You have posted comments under names Harjeet, Massey, Rokhsana, Churchill, Angela and Chand Osmani. If you continue doing this, we will block you.
Dear readers,
Myself muslim by birth married with a hindu guy and now working professinal in IT field. Had I not married with a Hindu guy, I would not have reached this level of career. I am fully convinced that Hinduism is a submissive and tolerant religion, whereas islam a very cruel, criminal,hatred,violent, ..deleted
Prove that you are not kartar.
You have posted comments under names Harjeet, Massey, Rokhsana, Churchill, Angela and Chand Osmani. If you continue doing this, we will block you.
Muslims in India are not leaving for Pakistan or Bangladesh because they know
that they will not be treated well if settled there. Muslim are not safe even in muslim countries, where terrorism has taken strong footholds.
Being secular nature of the India, muslims claim to be minority. How they are minority in true perspective, their population has more than 20 crores. There are several muslim countries, where total population is less than 20 crores. In fact they are second largest community in India.
In True perspective, if there are monorities, they parsies,christians, budhdhists,Sikh. It is only a politically orientied concept of vote bank, to treat 20 crores as minorities.
Regarding Mac and Pakhi,s claim that thousands of lower caste people, converted to islam in India. But if he goes by you tube, he will found million of muslim have changed their religion because of terrorist oriented mind set.
Muslims never leave their country, they born in this country, they die in this country, even when majority community does mass murder of them like in Gujarat,Assam,Mumbai,Muzaffarnagar,Bihar still they didn`t leave this land, after mass murder of Muslims in Gujarat, Indian Muslims or even Gujarati Muslims didn`t leave india for Pakistan despite Pakistan being border of india, after so many anti-Muslim mass murder, massacre in india, still Indian Muslims don`t leave their country and continue to serve this country because we don`t hate our country, we hate certain political party or govt and that is a democratic right just like fanatic Hindus hate congress and congress govt.
In 1947, why many Pakistani left India?
Today, why millions of Muslims trying to enter Europe/Germany?
Millions of Bangladeshi Hindus have migrated to India, that is why Bangladeshi hindu % has decreased, while Indian Muslims love their motherland india and they choosed to live in india, Indian Muslims live here by choice, they had option to leave this country, but they didn`t, that speaks of Indian Muslims love for this country, while Hindus live here because they had no choice, it is evident from many comments of fi that they love india because india is hindu majority, moment india becomes muslim majority they will start hating india just like they hate muslim countries
Overflowing love of Motherland from the person who bawled, ” i don`t give a shit about what a communal bigot like Bankim chndra had written 100 or so years ago in his religious book `Aanadmatt`”.
Your conscience knows that Hindus from Pak and Bngldsh flee the countries due to unimaginable discrimination and persecution. And you also know that Indian Muslims don’t leave India because they can never find a better home in Islamic countries.
You’ve buried your conscience in your desperation to enter heaven!
Pakhi Begum got converted from hindu Brahman religion to islam, Aaksh mallick converted to islam from hinduism, another akash left Hinduism and accepted islam, vickey is willing to convert to islam as he loves purity in islam, there are many other who has said here they converted to islam or willing to convert to islam, also take the case of achu, nusrat khan, my mother, many others hindu that i know personally in my real life, then so many dalits who are leaving Hinduism and converting to islam,Christianity or even Buddhism, hindu population is high in india because dalits are considered as Hindus, they constitute the huge pie of Hindus in india, if they are leaving Hinduism, obviously hindu population in india will decrease, also most of indian muslims are poorer than hindus on avg, so they have high birthrate, it means muslim population is also increasing within itself due to high birth, while same dalit group of hinduism has high birth which is maintaining the hindu population, so if dalits gets minus, hindu population will get minus, and dalit are now realizing and getting educated and coming to the religion where they are treated as humans(Muslims/Christians) not as dalit, conversion of hinduism to islam is not just limited from dailt to islam, but it is also seen among brahmins,OBC,etc….so Hinduism is getting shrinked in all directions, same case in bangladesh.
This is what i am talking about:
100 Dalit families of Hisar village convert to Islam at Jantar Mantar
More than 800 Valmikis convert to Islam in UP(RAMpur)
50 Dailts in Haryana convert to Islam
Bhagana Dalits convert to Islam for dignified life
Meenakshipuram, 33 years on: Muslims happy, Hindus not
A Ganesh Nadar/ visits the village in Tamil Nadu that shot into national prominence in 1981 when half the Dalits there converted to Islam. He spoke to the Hindus and Muslims and came back with two very different stories.
In 1981, Meenakshipuram, a small village near Tenkasi in Tamil Nadu’s Tirunelveli district, leapt into the national limelight when half the Dalits there converted from Hinduism to Islam.
Now 33 years later, those who converted to Islam say they are happy, but don’t want anyone to know and those who remained Hindus say they are not and want everyone to know.
In Meenakshipuram you will find neighbours, belonging to different religions, but from the same family.
The Muslim story: ‘We are happy to be equals’
A middle-aged man tells, “It is more than 30 years since we converted. How the hell does it matter today? Why can’t you leave us alone? By reporting this, what goals are you helping us achieve?”
A young man nearby says, “I am very happy that my parents converted. I studied up to the 10th standard and I am working in a shop. We cannot talk to you, our village elders have told us not to talk to the press, so please go and speak to them.”
The village elders agree to speak to as long as we did not ask for their names or take photographs.
The eldest, who seems around 70, says, “We converted to Islam because there is no social discrimination and we are all equals. We wanted to be treated as equals and now we are happy that we chose to convert. We are being treated as equals.”
This is what he told
Why the diktat that no one should talk to the press?
Journalists from an English newspaper and a Tamil magazine came here and we spoke to them. Another Tamil magazine published a story about our village without even coming here.
After the interviews, many of our friends called, asking us why we were drawing attention to ourselves.
When we go outside the village, we don’t want to be attacked. I agree that we have never been attacked for being Muslims. I don’t even know if you will write what I tell you or what you perceive.
Why are you so opposed to journalists?
I am not against the media. Don’t you read the newspapers? Conversion is a big issue today. They are converting people back to Hinduism. So we don’t want to talk about conversion even if ours happened over three decades ago.
How does reconversion help? It is a volatile issue. We don’t want to talk about it.
How many families live here?
There are 215 families with 860 members. We are farmers. There are a few who own land. We work in each other’s fields even if we own land.
What about education?
There is a primary panchayat school in the village, then till 12th we have to go to Panpoli village which is 3 kilometres away or Chengottai which is 5 km away. There is a matriculation school, English medium, near our village, those who can afford their high fees go there.
And higher education?
There is an arts college for girls at Kuttalam, 10 km away and another 28 km away and a private engineering college about 15 km away. The nearest government engineering college is in Tirunelveli.
How many of your children have gone for higher education?
We have 10 engineers, another 10 in engineering college and one girl in medical college.
I know we lost out on reservation, but that doesn’t bother us. We don’t want reservation. We are happy to be treated as equals.
The Hindu story: ‘Nothing has changed for us’ ::::LOL
despite getting reservation facilities in school,colleges,banks,engineering,medical institutions::::
Like the Muslims, the Hindus also have their village leader and we are directed to speak to him.
He meets us in the village tea shop surrounded by people. Everyone interacts with us, but the leader does most of the speaking.
M Karuppiah, 67, is a farmer. He says most of the Dalits are farm labourers with a few having small land holdings. When we ask him about the conversions in 1981, he says, “We have our village temple here. We have our God. We did not want to change our God and therefore we did not convert. We have no regrets about not converting. We are happy as Hindus. But the problem we faced then, we still face today.”
Here is what he tells
Are any of you involved in business?
We have 500 families here and no one is doing business. You know why? Except our people, no one will come to our shop to buy anything.
Even if we open a shop in the nearby town of Tenkasi the minute they find out we are from Meenakshipuram(Dalit), they will not come to our shop.
Maybe if we go to Chennai and do business then people might interact with us, but who has the money for that.
If you sell everything cheap, people will come to your shop.
You want us to run a business at a loss just to make people come to us. The business won’t run very long.
Another villager interjects, “People hate us, we don’t know why.”
How many have regular jobs?
We have two doctors, six in the police, two working in the railways, two teachers and one of our villagers works in the Koodangulam Nuclear Power Project.
What about marriage?
We marry among our own people settled all over Tamil Nadu.
You said the problems you faced then, you still face today.
At that time, an upper-caste Hindu was murdered. Our entire village was targeted with violence. The police should have been impartial, but they supported the upper-castes. So many villagers left because of that.
In sheer desperation, half our villagers converted. After that, leaders came down from Delhi. Our village was in every newspaper in the country. We told them our problems and the government became impartial after that. We were safe from police action.
Today the government is impartial, but the caste clashes haven’t stopped.
You must have seen policemen sitting in the middle of the village. A month back some young boys from our village got involved in a brawl with upper-caste boys from another village. It could have stopped with that as both groups were drunk.
But it did not. Since then, their people have attacked our boys twice and our people have attacked their boys twice.
When the police called for a peace meeting, from our side we and our Muslim brothers went together. The upper-caste people brought their own people.
So you see we are peace with the Muslims here, but we are not at peace with people from our own religion.
That is why I said nothing has changed in over 30 years.
Though at the beginning i laughed, but after reading the whole story tears came to my eyes, that people don`t but from their shop just because they are dalit, the old man was wondering why people hate them, they also said they are happy being hindu dailt but with whom, with muslims, yes they confessed that they are at peace with muslims but not with their higher caste people.
and here we have admin who keeps wondering why people convert to islam, islam gives natural peace and happiness and thus after so many try against islam, it is still growing and eventually will conquer the whole world because of its simple teachings and way of life and its absolute truth.
//Those who complain about condition of Muslims in India has to also look what Muslims have done to non-Mulsims in Muslim majority nations.///
This is a stupid argument, it is like saying X killed Y and Z killed W so, X is also right as Z did it. We are indians, why should we be jumping to countries like Pakistan,Bangladesh when it comes to human rights issues, certainly Indian Muslims didn`t went there in bangladesh an committed those anti-Hindu crimes, blame Bangladeshi Muslims who did it, this argument will be valid if you put this argument in front of a Bangladeshi muslim talking about conditions of Indian muslim, but your argument in front of Indian muslim like me is not valid at all.
Also Bangladesh had punished and is still punishing those anti-Hindu criminals , even the top most famous islamic leader dilwar hussein saidi has been given lifelong imprisonment and many other leaders were given death sentence, can we imagine same or even anywhere near to such kind of justice that bangladesh practice, criminals like togadia,balthakrey roam open, criminals like bal thakrey got state funeral who is responsible for anti-Muslim massacre in Mumbai, same way criminals like narendra modi gets elected as OM which forces foreign nation to lift ban as they don`t have option rather than giving him passport as he become PM of india, can we imagine such criminals anti-women people like narendra modi becoming PM in bangladesh, in bangladesh such people are given death penalty or life long imprisonment, here our supreme court rejects confession of on duty police officers like Sanjeev bhaat who confessed to court that narendra modi gave order for anti-muslim mass murder, while same courts accepts same criteria i.e confession to hang yakum memon who has been held guilty of death of 257 innocent people in Mumbai blast while a criminal responsible for 2000 innocent life becomes PM of india, comparing india with bangladesh in justice,rights is stupid thing india is no where near bangladesh in terms of justice, in india i can bet you have 99% chances that if your mother,sister,daughter,aunt gets rape even in open street, you will not get justice because this country is runned by criminals not sane people, sane people are shoot dead in this country by VHP(Vishwa Hindu Parishad) members, a supreme court lawyer AP Singh had said that in present Indian parliament, there are approx 250 members on whom the cases of rape,robbery,murder is pending, you expect these criminals to give you justice…
*****these are not my words, i have quoted words of a SC lawyer AP singh and an ex-IPS officer Sanjeev Bhatt who was on duty during anti-muslim massacre in gujrat
First of all i never said anything like this ///mac is claiming that Muslims condition is horrible in India (citing Haji Ali’s case).////
My concern was that in india especially after the coming of right wing anti-monitory,anti-women party bjp in power, attack on muslim and Christians have increased.
My comment was directed towards jainab who has been lecturing me all these days that muslims are better in india that other muslim countries etc etc and hindus are good people and muslims are bad bloody people, if so, then why we have people like Haji Ali
Haji ali is an exception in India, but persecution of minorities is the rule in Pakistan, Bangladesh and other Muslim majority nations. Any ordeal faced by the minority community in India becomes national and international news but in Muslim majority nations, such suppression have stopped even reaching the news table, since they have become the norm!
Admin you have hidden my other comments on this issue, why
I feel these comments are relevant here
Dont you feel that you are deviating while creating separate blogs for comments from the core mission , reproduced below:-
Mission: Interfaith Marriages with Equality
Promote equality in interfaith relationships
Promote tolerance for religious diversity
Increase understanding and tolerance between Dharmics (Hindus, Jains, Sikhs and Buddhists) and Abrahamics (Christians, Jews and Muslims)
Increase awareness of interfaith complexities to young adults and help them better prepare for a happy and long lasting married life, even if it is an interfaith marriage.
In India muslims are far safe,happy, prosperous than muslims of Pakistan,Bangladesh,Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Nigeria, Palestine etc.
Thank you for raising this valid question.
What happened in past history could again happen in the future.
What happened at national level could happen at a local level and also in interfaith couple’s home too.
The ethnic cleansing at national level as well as in married interfaith life has to be highlighted to interfaith couples.
In India, muslims have taken all advantages, govt. jobs,in various fields,
whether judiciary, politics, army, police, election commission medical, space research, railway, IT and so on?
Why it is not visible to Pakhi/ Rina like prostitutes?
Both seems to be kept of Mohd Zia Ul Haque, a notorious fellow.
Where is your comment on harassment of Muslim Officer(s)? When Officers are harassed then one can easily understand the pathetic conditions of ordinary Muslims in India. I hate to make any comment on those bastards who, using filthy languages, have proved that they are no doubt sons and daughters of women of the town. Strange no comment by the Christian group headed by massey.
Pakhi Begum
Mac will feel everything. So what r we suppose to do.
I heard ur Zakhir naiks speech ystday. He was barking that Indiais one of the best country for Muslims to live.
First a fall,u idiot must stop screwing ur wives sisters to reduce ur population.
The Chief Justice of “communal country” Bangladesh is a hundu as I understand from my mentor whose name irritates you and other communal and fake readers created by you to defame Islam and Muslims.
Pakhi Begum (Reverted Muslim)
India is a Hindu secular country where Muslims are living under the shadow of fear and terror.
I know a case where an upright Muslim officer was made to suffer for long 38 year by Hindu officers of CBI who had ultimately withdrawn the case apprehending that charges could not be established/proved. The said officer was twice suspended but the suspension orders were revoked unconditionally on both the occasions.
I call upon you and your communal readers to show one such example in an Islamic Country even in Bangadesh which is a secular country.
In India, Muslim officers are prosecuted and penalised on the basis of documents certified as tampered by Govt Examiner of Questioned.
Documents.What a shame. Still it claims to be a “secular” country.
I challenge you and your biased and anti Muslim readers to quote one such harassment of non Muslim officer in any other country in the world.
Admin, when a crime is committed by any Muslim then kindly consider the fact whether Islam “approves” such crime on denounces the same.
Admin, don’t try to twist the matter. Give straight cut reply. Of course if you have the courage and guts.
Pakhi Begum