Can two Christians marry by the Special Marriage Act?

lakshmi says: October 17, 2014 at 10:27 am

Sir, I am a first marriage was an arranged one with a Christian boy..where I am Hindu..I converted my religion to Christian, but it was not published in gazette..our marriage was done by Christian marriage act only..we got divorced now.

But now I want to get married with another Christian boy…We are already applied for registration defining me as Hindu..and I want to know is it possible to do my second marriage in special marriage it valid..please help me out sir..give your valuable suggestion…only the divorce judgement copy show I am a create problem for my second marriage registration -Lakshmi

Admin says:

First, sorry that your first marriage did not work out, even you converted to Christianity. All youths should know that this fake-conversion is easy to do but that does not increase your chance of having happy and long lasting marriage. As a matter of fact, we highly recommend all youths NOT TO CONVERT just for marriage. It will create more problems later in life.

We are not legal expert for your country for this reason we highly recommend you talk to an attorney/lawyer for specifics. Let us analyse your situation to our understanding. If you first marriage was published in gazette or not, if you are a baptized Christian at one point and never reverted back to Hinduism, then today you are a legal Christian. If that is not your wish, simple go to any Arya Samaj center and formally converted back to Hinduism. Properly document your conversion/wishes and keep all paper work with you in a safe place. This way, you are legally covered.

Even today, you are a Christian (or Hindu) and wishes to marry another Christian, you could marry by the Special Marriage Act 1954. There is no issue with that. However, you cannot lie in your application that you are a Hindu today. Based on this lie, your marriage could be invalidated even 10 years down in your life. For this reason you retract (update) your application and do two things:
1) After withdrawing (or updating) your application, reapply as a Christian wishes to marry another Christian, or
2) Go to an Arya Samaj and convert to Hinduism. Next day, you apply again for the Special Marriage ACT for a Hindu-Christian marriage.

Let us know what else we could help.

Can you answer one question for us? Did you converted to Christianity just as a must requirement imposed by the Church, or you wishes to follow all Christian principles and felt Hinduism is a wrong faith? Today, do you wish to be a Hindu, a Christian or both? -Admin

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