Christian: Is It Sin to Date A Hindu?

Hindu weddingAndrew says: June 17, 2015 at 10:46 pm

I just met a beautiful hindu woman. We met online and had been talking online for one month straight. We met face to face and had our first date today. I asked her about her faith and her beliefs, and she informed me that she was raised to be tolerant of all people and to respect all religions. Is it a sin to date someone who isnt a christian? Or is it okay, as long as i dont let our religious differences influence what i’ve been raised to believe? -Andrew

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1 Comment

  • June 18, 2015 9:38 pm


    Thanks for reaching us out, lets talk more every day. It must be exciting to find a new date!

    Answer to your question is YES and NO. If you believe in humanity, why any God will not want you to love her? If you are a religious fanatic, then you are certainly sinning. She is a devil sent by demon to take you away from what you learned from your church (watch out!!).

    Do not bother with her unless you believe in “to be tolerant of all people and to respect all religions”. She is a pluralist. As soon as you start saying there is only one God and that is mine, she will freak out. So make up your mind for who are you?

    Read these 10 points of dating a Hindu, let us know what do you think.

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