I am a Christian Orthodox Girl Love a Hindu

Maria says: March 20, 2017 at 5:56 am

Hello sir, I am a Christian orthodox girl love a hindu boy from last 5 years .My parents and his family members know about our relationship .Their family is agree to do the marriage but my father and mother not at all agreeing to be our relationship to continue now what to do get agree from my parents.Give some advice sir I am so helpless I can’t ran and do marriage ,relationship is since 5 year. Help me sir. –Maria

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  • March 27, 2017 12:24 pm

    I am a Christian girl, jacobite(orthodox) I’m in love with a Hindu boy. We both don’t want to convert, he agreed our kids can grow up as Christians. I was wondering if it’s possible to get married in the church with a priest without him converting? Thinking of marrying at the temple and church. I would love some advice and opinions. Thank you

    Reply at https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=12254

  • Anonymous
    March 27, 2017 8:30 am

    I would really tell for this situation if you are okay and fine with boys side and your comfortable enough then go and get that guy. Because Loving a person and marrying them seems to be very negotiable enough when it comes to your future and life. Generations wont remain the same

  • March 20, 2017 9:59 pm

    Hi Maria,

    We have changed your name for your privacy. If you wish to use a different name, let us know.

    You have invested precious years of your life and emotionally involved, so it must be painful to face all these issues now. To be practical, you should be prepared to go this or that way, but without making decision based on emotions. On short run, parents seem like a big issue now but they will come around. Most critical for you is to decide what YOU want to do for your life? Lets start from that point of suggestion.

    Is this true, “I am a Christian orthodox” or are you saying your parents are orthodox Christians? Who are YOU? What does Jesus means to you? Do you believe Bible is God’s true message and every line into has to be followed? Do you believe Hindus are praying to idols, while Jesus’ cross is not an idol? Do you believe human being are born with original sin and that can be removed only by baptism (and following Jesus)? Just in a few years, your son/daughter will ask you all these questions. What will you teach your Hindu-Christian children about God? Let us know who are YOU, and we will work on your parents later. We are waiting!

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