Christian Marthomite in Love with a Hindu Caste

Sarah says: September 29, 2017 at 3:18 am

Hi Admin,

I need your help and guidence in this,

I m a christian marthomite, i love a guy from hindu caste. We want to get married.
His parents are okay, only if my parents are ready for it. Bt in my side, parents arent ok wid it, and hell lot of problems happened when they came to know about our relationship, i had to resign my job, they took me to a counsellor and things.

My guy was very strong till date, but now he started getting a negative feeling, this wont work and things we wont lead a good life if we go with this, after when we came to know that if i get married to a hindu or other caste guy, not me alone my whole family is out of the church.

My parents are realy very religious, he’s got a fear, what will happen to them, if they are out of the church coz him, since my parents see it as a sin getting married to a hindu so they will never allow.

I m ready to go with him, but if i do that even his parents wont support.
Neither me or him are interested in converting our religions. He thinks widout any1 support in the long run we will start regretting

Is it true that the whole family will be out of the church? there any way out for it …. Please advise as now we both are going into a depression stage. -Sarah

More information: Interfaith marriage with equality, Hindu-Christian Marriage, Bible on Hindus? Christian-Hindu relationships, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • September 29, 2017 6:39 pm

    Your religious institution has so much power to dictate your married life. They will want the Hindu to fake-convert to Christianity. One day, the same church will dictate who your children will marry to and how. They “took me to a counsellor and things” because they thinks there is some demon got into your head; is that true? Are you willing to submit to such irrational ideologies? Why you want your parents also to stick with such restrictive faith? If the guy believes in liberty, freedom and justice, he will not survive in your faith. Tell him all these honestly and help him make a decision for his life.

    If “my parents see it as a sin getting married to a hindu”, why did you dated a sinner? Are you a love-Jihadi going to ask that Hindu to convert?

    On “Is it true that the whole family will be out of the church?” Yes, that is true. On “ there any way out for it”, just walk out of this church, simple! One or the other day, you will have to.

    We don’t blame the guy for “now he started getting a negative feeling.” Believe us, after 6 months into your married life, it will get worst.

    On “me (not) … interested in converting our religions”, you do not have to convert to marry a Hindu. Go marry by the Special Marriage Act 1954.

    If EQUALITY is not possible for you, just dump this guy and marry a Marthomite from your church.

    • Sarah
      September 29, 2017 9:39 pm

      I m ready to walk out of the church…. But my guy needs to knw wthr there will be a problem for my parents..lyk they being kickd out of the church… If not …we are ready to register our marriage according to special marriage act. He wants my parents to be safe …. So that dey dnt blame us later in future ..bcoz of us they are out of the church.
      Thats the question … If i m out of the no problem. will my parents too will be out of the church???

      After these issues we came to knw parents see this as a sin.

      • Sarah
        September 29, 2017 10:00 pm

        Also they dont think there is some demon but to change my mind they took me to the counsellor. I dnt beleive in these irrational ideologies. Every one is equal be it hindu christian or muslim.

        I m ready to leave my community. Bt the question is, if i do that will my parents and my famiyy will be out of the church and community?????

        I feel i m getting tied up in these rules and regulations of marthomite

        Please help…if there is a way out of it ???… That not my parents n family …me alone be out of the church .

        • September 30, 2017 5:18 am

          For ” do that will my parents and my famiyy will be out of the church and community?????”, sometimes the church threaten people but they don’t mean it (like your parents did). What if your parents donate XX rupees/dollars, will the church not happy with their money?

          This is too sad that religious institutions are keeping you hostage and blackmailing your family. That institution thinks they have control over God or a key to heaven. This is just too sad and someone has to teach them, we hope that is you!

          Check in your community for this, ” That not my parents n family …me alone be out of the church .”

          • Sarah
            September 30, 2017 6:02 am

            I cant check with the community..because if they dnt do..still they will say …they would do dat thing so that no one does it.

            Is there a source to know .. Whether its true or not?? Or can you help me in knowing???

          • October 1, 2017 12:05 pm

            Marthoma is a very rigid religion. You are in love and cares for the Hindu, but for them Hindus are sinners. You have something to loose if you don’t marry, these guys don’t. We learned from many other bloggers here that they do not care for people in love…. read more here

            Tell us one thing. After marriage, where are you going to go and live? Will that be with your Hindu in-laws?

      • September 30, 2017 5:22 am

        The “sin” is a big deal for Christians. It is the way to scare people to follow the church. I hope you realize that this is nothing but some made up stories. Wake up and kick the church out of your parents’ life too! They are born divine, they will be happy living sin free.

        • Sarah
          October 1, 2017 12:53 pm

          No… We are not going to stay with them… My question is will my parents be out of the church…if i get married to him… I need clarity on that… As i m not sure about it and cant find any truthful source about it ..

          • October 1, 2017 12:56 pm

            Considering the church is very conservative, assume the answer is YES. Sorry, we can’t change the mind of the church, but we can change.

            We rather you follow Jesus and not the church (read), but it is your choice.

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