Christian Converted to Hinduism for Wife

Friend says: September 13, 2016

Dear Deepti

Sorry to be not agreeing with you on this. Since I was a marthoma, I can clearly confirm that Marthoma church cannot refuse your marriage. The specific priest (or your boyfriends family) is mis guiding you. Just like Hindu Marriage wherein you have to covert to Hindu first, for Christian Marriage you have to convert to christianity. The church just cannot refuse marriage on any pretext. If both of you dont want to convert then go for court marriage. Even in this case Church cannot expel anybody, just because church is not owned by anybody. Only thing is that they will not accept you as a member till you will not convert. I found court marriage and christian marriage cumbersome so, I converted to Hindu and married my better half. We both follow our religions.

Anyhow just to warn you, inter faith marriage is not an easy thing. You both have to be ready to be submissive. Their may be too many issues but then your love should be above that. More issues will crop up later when you will have a child. Your religions will not allow you to live happily. -Friend

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  • May 14, 2019 10:37 pm

    Hi Mathew,

    I saw one of your responses to Deepti, saying that the Marthoma church cannot expel anyone, if they do a court marriage.
    I am Hindu and I am married to a Marthoma Christian guy, we married in court. The church expelled my husband as he married a Hindu. Now his family is want him to join the church again, but the church keeps a condition for me to convert. And I am not willing to.

    Can I get him a meme we of some other Marthoma Church which doesn’t expel him after knowing our case?
    Cause I don’t think so his church is going to accept him anymore.

    Reply at

  • September 13, 2016 11:09 pm

    Why you said the Special marriage act is cumbersome?

    What does it mean that you converted to Hinduism? Does it mean you are no more a Christian? Or, you are adding one more faith to already one you were born with?

    What do you mean by “We both follow our religions”? Are you still a Christian? Do you consider yourself a Hindu?

    Can you elaborate more on “inter faith marriage is not an easy thing,” that is something all lovers underestimate.

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