I am a Christian and My Boyfriend Hindu

Lia says: February 17, 2019 at 4:23 am

I am a christian and my boyfriend who is a hindu got baptized so that he can fulfill my dream of getting married in a church. But he still wants to continue to lead a hindu life and keep his reservations. So we have decided to register our marriage under special marriage act once we get married in church. Can someone tell me if this is possible. Are there any legal complications here? -Lia

More information: Interfaith marriage with equality, Hindu-Christian Marriage, Bible on Hindus? Christian-Hindu relationships, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • February 18, 2019 8:36 pm

    Dear Lia,

    There are many conflicting issue we see, so can you clarify little? You need to understand some fundamentals.

    A simple answer to your question, “we have decided to register our marriage under special marriage act”, yes, you both are adults and thus there is no issue registering your marriage under the Special Marriage Act 1954. Read laws here. https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=981

    Now explain us to help more on legal complications:
    1) “who is a hindu got baptized”- Is he a Hindu or Christian? Is he already baptised?
    2) “he still wants to continue to lead a hindu life”, does he mean he wishes to fake-convert? Why he does not want to be honest? Why he is counting on lies and deceptions?
    3) “keep his reservations”–do you mean he has special government perks because of his birth? If he convert, it will no more–is that his worry? Please clarify.
    4) “once we get married in church”- your church may want to register your marriage under the Christian Marriage Act. Check with the priest/pastor.
    5) Where will you live after marriage? With the Hindu parents?
    Get back and lets talk more. Best wishes.

    • liya
      February 18, 2019 9:15 pm

      To answer your questions.
      1. He is already baptized
      2. This was the only way by which our church would let us marry in church.
      3. He is from scheduled caste. So if he converts he will loose his reservation. Which is something to worry.
      4. We need to check
      5. He had his own place to live. So i will move with him.

      • February 18, 2019 10:24 pm

        On “So if he converts he will loose his reservation”, he is no longer a Hindu, he is legally a Christian and the church may have the document. If he gets any benefit from government as a Hindu, that he may have to pay back with penalty if any one reports.

        Your church will want to register your marriage under the Christian Marriage Act, as both being Christians. Ask the priest/pastor about it.

        If you want to file the Special Marriage Act 1954, you may have to write your religion (we are not sure if it is okay to say atheist). Which religion will he write?

        Note these are all legal documents and could have legal implication even after years. For example, a few Nazis become American citizen saying they never worked for Hitler. If American government find it out today, they can deport that person after 70 years being American citizen. For these reasons, lies and deceptions are not good idea for life.

        If Liya is your real name, write us by e-mail and we will change it to protect you. After that, there is no risk communicating here.

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