Chinese Malaysian with Muslim Iranian

Cindy says: June 27, 2017 at 8:57 pm


I am a Chinese Malaysian who planning to married with a muslim Iranian soon. We have been together aroud 7 years. My case is similiar as above senario, I wish there is no need convert to muslim but can get a international marriage cert with my fiance, I have no problem for convert to muslim, but I have the heritage tranfer name issue. I am the only child, my mother past away suddenly two years ago without will, If I convert to muslim now, will it effect my heritage transfer?

If I marriedge with my iranian fience, he can have PR in Malaysia? How about if I married in western country / Singapore without convert and if within 6 month I do not register in Malaysia, will it cause any trouble?
Please let me know.

Thanks a lot! -Cindy

More information: Malaysia Marriage laws, Malay-Hindu Relationships, Sharia, Singapore marriage laws, Koran on Hindus?
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1 Comment

  • June 28, 2017 6:34 pm

    Hi Cindy,

    We agree to “I wish there is no need convert to muslim.” Unfortunately most Muslim will not tolerate what you are. Now he wants you to be something you are not. Are you ready to play a new role as a Muslim wife? Are you ready to raise Muslim children and Muslim great grand children?

    It is unfortunate that takes 7 years to find out a fundamental fact that he will not tolerate you as a non-Muslim.

    On “will it effect my heritage transfer?” it could. It does in India in some situations. Check with an attorney.

    If you convert, Malay government will be easy on the PR. If you settle in Malaysia, you will have to register your marriage in Malaysia. They will not register your marriage of Muslim to non-Muslim.

    Let us know what else we can tell you.

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