Children Half-Sikh and Half-Muslim

Rook says: May 1, 2017 at 2:42 pm

A member of my family (Sikh) is married to a non practicing Muslim. They have been together 16 years and married 4 years with 2 children (with mix of half Sikh and half Muslim names) neither kids are forced into either religion.

Neither of them converted, they just had a registery and not a Sikh marriage or Muslim marriage. People are very quick to judge but I though Sikhism was about equality.

This is an extract I’ve taken from realsikhism:
The more a married couple has in common, the more likely their marriage will be successful. Sikhism is a modern religion, and instructs that all humans are created equal. In no way Sikhism states that one should not marry another human because they are less of human or inferior. Neither does Sikhism state not to marry anyone from another religion. All humans are equal but people from different religions do have different beliefs. So, it is best to find someone who shares the same belief system as you or you both would like to learn and grow spiritually in the same path.

In order to live a peaceful spiritual lifestyle to accomplish the purpose of the human life, one should get married to someone who agrees with and would like to follow the teachings of Sikh Gurus so that the couple can together carry on their journey to be One with God. To clarify, the teachings of Sikh Gurus are not focused on belonging to a particular religion, the teachings value becoming a good person, helping others, and loving God.

Written very well. It’s a shame ‘Sikhs’ are making up their own beliefs within their own religion even though it’s meant to be about equality and being peaceful and spiritual. Actually I guess it’s the same for all religions. Just like someone mentioned that Muslims are forcing others to convert when this against Islam and they pretend it isn’t
Religions have lost their innocence and pureness that was meant to bring humanity together. Not to divide us.

God bless x

More information: Sikh-Muslim Relationships, Sharia, Koran, Interfaith Marriage & Divorce Laws.
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  • ayesha khan
    January 10, 2018 12:44 am

    i m sikh n got married to a muslim boy 3 yrs ago but never found him enforcing his religion on me. He is really a nice guy but somewhere deep down i feel he wants me to adopt his religion and yes sometimes, i go thro’ Quran Sharif’ and that time i find him extra nice towards me. It means he wants me to follow his religion but does’nt want to dominate me either. But girls u have to compromise at some point of time in life if u marry someone from outside your own religion.

    • January 14, 2018 6:22 am

      This is called a positive enforcement, carrots if you follow Islam and stick if you do any thing else. Do not be submissive, it is better to stand firm.

    • February 15, 2020 10:52 am


      I am in a situation where I’ve fallen in love with a muslim guy, who believes our relationship will not last as our parents will not accept it, we haven’t told them yet. However I don’t know anyone who’s been through this situation so i can’t ask questions. Can I ask how you parents have come to accept it? Will we be fighting a loosing battle?

      Reply at

  • June 28, 2017 9:43 pm

    Hi Rook!

    Did the couple have support from families when getting married or after marriage?

    I’m in a similar situation where I like a Muslim guy but our families are quite against a marriage, his as there cannot be a Nikah given that I am not converting, and mine as there will be no external support from in-laws and extended family to keep this marriage together. I’m being told that the courtship period is a myth and any understanding and trust that I have developed with this guy will go down the drain unless we have support and acceptance on each other’so families. That his parents will always hate me and their disapproval will eventually affect our relationship.

    Kindly advise.

    Reply at

  • May 8, 2017 3:47 pm

    Hi Rook,

    Thank you for sharing your views, we agree 100%. Our upcoming book is covering the same message of equality, from both sides. We hope Muslims and Sikhs are happy with this couple. Best wishes.

    We have modified your name for your privacy, we hope that is okay with you.

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