Children of Prophet Mohammad

mehar says: August 13, 2015 at 1:06 am

Dear admin,hi, i think you dont know that all the children of prophet mohammad dyed in early ages, when they died prophet was always busy in battles and beheading kafirs, now the question is this if prophet was almighty why all of his children died before his own death?

secondly mr azad says about girls age of marriage is 11 in several countries, it means there is no difference between age of six and eleven, what an answer, girls body changes in 3 years, may he have noticed or not i cant say. he is trying to overlap and glorify a sin, instead of shame he is putting unreal, and unpractical examples.

every one can see a girl aged six years so innocent, and cute, only a ugly minded person can think marrying a child girl, such persons should must be punished, the matter should be taken to international court of justice. if my writting hurt someone, i feel sorry, but this is truth said by youself.

one more thing are you or any other muslim is ready to marry his six year old (daughter) girl to a 54 year old man? its a very simple question. -mehar

Azad says: August 13, 2015 at 5:07 am

Dear mehar,

Lets do healthy debate, keeping aside hate far from discussion. And I also prefer educated, intellectual way of discussion, perhaps with with historical evidence in “context of the time” and evidence from doctrines. I think u know very well what does “in context of the history/time” means.

It means u have to go back to that history not mix with today’s facebook/internet/Aeroplanes/Missile time to that camel time 1400 years back. Do u know how many generations 1400 years means? That I explained very well in my original post but Alas!!! Any intellectual person will not raise further question after my clear explanation but Alas!!

Coming back to ur questions:

//i think you dont know that all the childrens of prophet mohammad dyed in early ages, when they died prophet was always busy in battles and beheading kafirs//

Life & Death is in hand of God, what’s ur point? 110 millions Indians died due to Bengal famine during British time, some millions died due to world war 1 & 2, Holocaust.. so?

CAN U PLS REPLY Why MUHAMMAD(saw) HAD TO LEAVE HIS OWN BIRTH PLACE MEKKA AND SHIFT TO Medinah? Who started first? He & his followers had to leave his own place/property/wealth/houses/birth place to avoid blood bath when he and his followers were massacred and tortured?

Its from Wiki, so that u may be convinced:

By 615 C.E, five years after Muhammad’s declaration of prophethood, persecution of followers of the new faith came to an active phase when the most steadfast members of the young community,[2] such as the African slave Bilal, were subjected to torture and the local leaders proclaimed a ban of trade with the Muslims, prohibiting citizens of Mecca from providing food and medicine to members of the new movement. These were followed by the murder of Sumayyah by a Meccan tribal chief Abu Jahl and others.[1][7]

“The Makhzum clan used to take out Ammar ibn Yasir with his father and mother, who were Muslims, in the heat of the day and expose them to the heat of Mecca, and the Apostle passed by them and said, so I have heard, ′Patience, O family of Yasir! Your meeting-place will be Paradise.’ They killed his mother, for she refused to abandon Islam.”[8] The date assigned to Sumayyah’s death is c. 615.

WHY U IGNORE IT? She was killed by “inserting spears in her vagina” but till last moment she denied to abondon Islam but preferred to die. U know why she was killed ? Just for following Islam.

Muhammad SAW was stonned by people of Taib, blood filled his shoes, mocked, insulted but still he fogave them when even Allah sent angel Jibril to crush them & punish within mountains. But u know what? Prophet denied punishment but not only FORGAVE but Prayed for them.

What will u do in this circumstances?

Leaving Mecca was not not enough, his enemy followed till Medinah and attacked time and again, a time came when Verses of Quran revealed to fight for dignity & right.. which I explained below..

//now the question is this if prophet was almighty why all of his children died before his own death?//

I never expected such ignorant question, not only ignorannce but hate supercedes knowledge.
Islam doesnt allow worshipping human or any “creation” but WORSHIP ONLY ONE “UNSEEN CREATOR”

So, Muhammad SAW was not Almighty but a noble human, an orphan, who was called Al-Amin (Trustworthy) even by his enemy. U can find his haters, killers at his time but will not find even a hater who said Muhammad was liar. He was made Prophet after 40 years of his age after living a normal life as normal human, after people around him was convinced that he was Al-Amin (A trustworthy person who never lies in life). U know what? Once Muhammad stood on the hill and called everyone and asked, “If I say there is enemy on the ther side of mountain, will u believe?”, All shouted, “why not? U never lie in ur life, we will trust u without an iota of doubt.”

But when he said I am prophet of Allah, what u worship idol, stone are not God, then his own uncle threw stone at him and bleeding from his head. This is the power blind faith, Trustworthy person became enemy within moments truth about God was spoken.

Moreover, its not Muhammad who recognised himself as a prophet for the first time, but a non-Muslim Khadija his own wife, she recognised and told him that “U are prophet of God”. She accepted Islam for the first time before anyone without even being asked her to convert.

//secondly mr azad says about girls age of marriage is 11 in several countries,it means there is no difference between age of six and eleven,what a answer,girls body changes in 3 years ,may he have noticed or not i cant say.//

Its the problem of pick and choose, read again in my original post about historical findings and analysis of her age. For sake of argument considering, he married at 6 but never lived together, but many variations of narrations says they consumated at 9, some says at 11 and some at 15. So, nowhere it says they lived together at 6.

//only a ugly minded person can think marrying a child girl,such persons should must be punished,the matter should be taken to international court of justice.//

I covered this also in my orginal post. But Alas!!

yes, in that case, 1) take all those arabs and non-Muslim man with who Ayesha (RA) was engaged “BEFORE” prophet Muhammad. 2) For that u have to bring them from 1400 years back to today in 21st centruy’s International Court of Justice.

Go ahead but first that non-Muslim men and all other Arabs which followed this norm & culture.. then dont forget to take all 1 billion Hindus who followed and still millions following Bal Vivah (child marriage).

KINDLY INCLUDE LORD RAM ALSO who married Sita at 5 years of her age and left to Ravan at 14 years of age. Will u question Lord Ram ji ?

“THERE IS NOTHING ILLOGICAL MORE THAN COMPARING TODAY & 1400 YEARS BACK” – I see Two reasons – Hatred (becoz they attack only Muhammad but not all Arab & non-Arab traditions) and ignorance.

I expect healthy post next time and after reading clearly my post, becoz I hate to repeat like parrot.

No hard feeling Mehar 🙂 -Azad

View videos: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, All you want to know about the Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia: Hindu-Muslim Marriages,
Also read: Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus?, Love-Jihad, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Sikh-Muslim marriages, Malaysia in love, Marriage laws.
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  • mac
    August 19, 2015 2:01 am

    Great Job Azad brother. May Allah reward you in abundance.

  • ahmad noor
    August 18, 2015 5:09 am

    i wish i could participate but i am very busy time net

    • August 18, 2015 7:18 pm

      We love to interact and know from you. We understand the net issue and if busy. Plan to join us when you can, thanks.

  • August 16, 2015 12:07 am

    You said, “RAM ALSO who married Sita at 5 years of her age”, what was the age of Ram when Sita was 5, was it 54? Are you saing Ram was paedophile?

    • Mohammed
      August 16, 2015 2:20 am

      krishna married 1600 wives. that how many childs marraige he does. .
      its look like pedophile. ..

      • August 16, 2015 4:39 pm

        Hinduism God is not somewhere up there and talk to human only through apostles. Hindus also believe in reincarnation. In such belief system, it is also believed that God (or Godly) could take birth on this world (like Jesus). Again, this is a belief or faith and we do not have any such proof (we wouldn’t say it is 100% truth because it is written somewhere).

        As we understood, there is God (one name krshna) and human form who took birth once as Krishna. That Krishna did not marry to 16000 (that is not physically possible!) but produce alike him 16000. Understood? 16000 Krishna-alike for 16000 girls. Each these 16000 couples had some 10-11 issues. This is not a case of polygamy.

    • Mohammed
      August 16, 2015 2:26 am

      did u mean to say prophet muhammed(p.b.u.h) is peodophile…then u should answer our questions
      check it here

  • Mohammed
    August 15, 2015 11:50 pm

    cheater admin wont add refuted answer

    mr.azad has given reply to this

    • August 16, 2015 12:05 am

      A good catch, we corrected!

  • August 15, 2015 11:32 pm

    Mehar, sorry we never heard of this. Is this truth? We do not know how many wives (including for sex reason) he had and how many kids he had.

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