Diya says: June 12, 2015 at 4:56 am
I’ve been with a Parsi guy for over eight years now. We will be having a destination wedding at Rio De Janeiro in 8 months, with an ordained minister instead of our individual religious practices, so as to maintain the harmony we have based this relationship on.
My question however, is with respect to whether the individual faiths are open to bi-religious children. We would like to instill the traditions both of us have been taught in our children. Would such young kids be allowed to perform both parsi and hindu rituals? -Diya
Admin says:
Hi Diya,
You have asked an interesting question. Can children perform both rituals? The answer is Yes and no. If you ask every one, the answer is NO, but you ask your heart and do in your own home, the answer is obviously YES.
Generally, Hinduism is not an exclusivist religion and thus you could mix and match of two faiths. Hindu side will not have problem if you go to a temple as well as to Agiari. On the other side, any one marry outside the Parsi faith is automatically out of that faith and probably will not be allowed in their Agiari Temple.
We believe in Interfaith Marriage with Equality (50-50%). Go and do as you are planning without having any guilty feelings. Those who comes in your way, is out, simple! Best wishes. -Admin
Also read: Hindu-Parsi Marriages, VIDEO: Interfaith Marriage with Equality.>Chritistian-Muslim Marriage, Love with Malay, Sharia, Koran, Bible, Marriage & Divorce laws in Malaysia.
Hi Diya
My name is Jamshed and I wanted you to know, my father is Hindu and my mother is Parsi. We grew up in the US, and my mother encourages us to celebrate both Hindu and Parsi festivals, as does my father. In fact, I even got both my Parsi navjote ceremony done as well as my Hindu thread ceremony (technically I’ve been initiated into BOTH religions
There will always be many people who oppose this, but at the same time, know that there will also be many people who support it.
I love both Parsi zoroastrian religion and the hindu religion and I love being able to have both in my lives.
If it is something that you and your husband desire, I see no reason why you should not go through with it
All the best!